War of Gods [Inactive]

Mars could here a noise that he had heard before, it was his uncle Hades.well this keeps getting better. Now we have the god of the underworld and Gaia, the mother of earth. This going to be interesting. Hey hades, you coming to have fun or just sit there taking in the sun haha
Hades laughed at Mars idea. "Oh you really to go out and fight already? I just woke up from my slumber. And yes I was trying horrid sun before I kill these that you are fighting. So give me about ten minutes then I'll join in on slaughter." He laid in the bench and continued to enjoy his nephews fight.

You were always a lazy bastard. I think it was a good thing that I listened to uncle Zeus's stories about how lazy you were. Your showing that to me right now. Thank the gods that I became the god of war for my religion. If I became like you, I'd be a shame of what I would become. I bet all those souls you eat put on the pounds. Have you tried not eating people souls for one day or just cut down for a bit.
Hades slowly stands up from the bench. He started to crack his. Which made unnatural cracking sound then he started his knuckles. He didn't like being insulted. No matter who it was. He pulled his scythe out and got into his fighting position. "As I imagine your Roman counter part ain't that much more intelligent then the Greek. Well anyway. Bring it on! You cocky bastard!" He charged for Mars.

I knew that would get you out of that seat, now we are going to have some fun here. I wanted to see what you could do with that power of yours. Haven't seen you fight in over 500 years and you might have gotten rusty.
Lullaby watches from a distance, observing the many details of the fight, trying to figure out what caused them to make their decisions. Lullaby tries to go over their many movements and mapping them together. She doesn't think that fighting is worth the trouble but it seems the reasons might be more neutral than she had hoped.
Hades stopped when he was ten feet away from Mars. "Oh don't worry about me my dear nephew. But a fight with you might be a good warmup." He got into position for attack. "You wanna go first Mars?"


Holy fire erupted in a great pillar from the spot Michael had been shoved, and from within a searing light blinded all who would look upon it. Out stepped the Archangel, wreathed in divine flame, his golden armor reflecting the glow, his spear brandished in his hand. He walked towards the melee, though his feet did not seem to touch the ground, and his great silver wings wrapped about his body like a cloak. "Pagans! Thou would so interrupt a battle commisioned by the Lord? Now ye stand before Michael, son of God, Leader of the divine host of Heaven, and before Him shalt all blasphemy be burned in eternal fire. Step before me, each of you, and be stricken down one and all." He stated calmly, pointing his spear to each of them in turn.
Aphrodite was more than offended that Mars had just brushed her off.

"How dare he!" she growled. As the goddess was about to force him to come back, she heard it.

The sounds of Gods fighting. She grinned, for this was an excellent oppurtunity to have some fun.

Aphrodite started with a delacate run towards the noise, and then morphed into a snowy white dove before everyone's eyes. She flew to the scene of the fighting, but as the Goddess landed, the fighting had been interrupted by The Archangel. Aphrodite morphed back into her normal, gorgeous self and a Greek, toga-styled dress swirled down to her feet. White flowers were woven into her long blonde hair.

"Oh, pity. Did I miss it?" she sighed, examining her perfectly manicured nail.
Terra remained where she was as the Chaos unfolded, the presence of the fowl Lucifer irritated her as the aura of disease and taint radiated him Even the ground around him started to wither by him merely standing upon it. However the Arrival one the Archangel Michael put her at ease, slightly. The battle between the two angles was one that didn't concern her so long as they kept it between themselves. Unfortunately that would not be the case as her own son Mars, thirsty for battle decided to make himself known and entered the Fray. The goddess narrowed her eyes in anger as the Arch angles unleashed his destructive force with out consequence destroying a building and costing numerous innocent lives. She was about to rise and put a stop the the destruction, if only to isolate the battle until Hades sat beside her. She blinked not expecting to see him awaken as well but some part of her was not really surprised. Before she could greet him Mars spotted them and decided a new enemy was needed. She sighed in exasperation as Mars taunted Hades into fighting. Mars always knew the right buttons to push to get his way. Terra foresaw this battle only growing more and more intense and the destruction spreading which worried her greatly. She'd only wish this war would have taken place in a place much less populated.

Terra rose from the bench knowing something had to be done if only to spare the innocents from being draw in. An aura appeared around her as she kept her eyes closed. She reached into the surrounding earth before she raised her arms. Walls of stone and dirt rose from the ground which encircled the battle field giving the gods a room for their fighting. The walls raised high into the air creating a proper wall off coliseum to keep he humans away and the buildings safer from stray attacks. Terra sighed heavily from her spot on the thick wall and swayed sightly feeling a good bit weakened by her actions, it seemed not all of her strength had yet to return.
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What the hell is going on. Why is there these blasted walls of grass growing around us. I see who it was, I knew Gaia would do something to protect the civilians of this world. Well let's continue this battle hades, I want to see what the elders can teach the young blood. I want to see what you have learned after you slumber in the underworld.
Lucifer gritted his perfectly white teeth at the thought of someone with the caliber of Mars intercepting one of his attacks. "Fools," he growled, taking note of the Lord of the Underworld emerged, taking souls for himself.

"Having fun my old friend?" he asked, while dislodging himself from the war god's weapon. He skidded back, Wings wrapped around himself. He was about to head in for another attack when the burst of holy flame caught his attention.

"Little brother? Where did you get that power from? I'll have to rip it out of your--" he was cut off by the rising of walls. He knew exactly who was to fault for it. "Gaia..." he whispered, the only god he had an ounce of respect for...remembering she had already ensnared him once.
As the walls rose on all sides, a genuine smile crossed the lips of the Archangel. "Gaia hath risen these walls to safeguard the innocent. Now I posess nary a reason to stay mine hand." He said, unfurling his shining wings to their full extent and heaving himself into the air, his spear pointed down into the center of the gathering of gods. He hung for a long moment before plummeting to the earth, spearpoint aimed for the visage of his brother, Michael's body wreathed once again in holy fire, the battlecry issued from his lips in old, forgotten words with force enough behind them to burn the wicked and the blasphemous both.
"Prayers?" Lucifer smirked at the thought. He started speaking in a foreign tongue, the old angelic words thundering with power. The ground beneath him quaked, parts of it crumbling and falling away. Lucifer then lifted the sword to his mouth and started speaking to it. The dark fire encircling it grew in size. "Michael, it would do you well to remember who was first!" he cried out, before slashing the blade in his direction. A colossal wave of the darkened fire emitted from the sword, causing darkness to envelop the sky.
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Bastet who was still in Egypt suddenly paused from stroking the cat.The wind whispered of a great disturbance of a far. Within that area was a gathering of great power. I should see what is going on. She thought. She stood up from the ground and transformed herself into a cat. A cheetah to be exact. So she began her trek across the desert.
Aphrodite watched silently, leaning on one of the few trees that wasn't completely uprooted or destroyed. Her hands locked behind her back as she stood...of course, she could get involved...but why risk messing up her hair or breaking a nail? Of course, her hairdo would just pop back into place and her nail would just grow back and re-polish itself, but the Goddess couldn't risk being ugly, even for a moment.

Why were they fighting in such a heavily populated area, though? They were ruining her favorite spot!
Pretty soon the goddess was in New York. She was in the form of an ally cat because a cheetah would be out of place in a big place like this. She followed the signs of the gods and goddesses so a park with lots of trees. Once there she morphed out of her cat form and into her goddess form. Of course she would be noticed with her being from a desert. Her golden skin shown and her slitted eyes took in her surroundings.
Angra Mainyu was surprised by the appearance of several deities and the earth wall. "A wise person once said..." He said as he unfurled his wings. "Know when to cut your loses." He flew towards a wal and cut that portion down before going through it and landing on a tree.
Athena kneeled on the grassy hills that overlooked her beloved city, Athens. A book lay in her lap, one on weaving techniques. Athena smiled at her devoted citizens as she watched the chariots race through the streets, children clinging to their mothers' sides. And all just for her. She longed to be in the amazing city called New York, which most of the other gods had ventured. Small delicate fingers traced the little daisies that adorned the hills. That was far from her concerns however. Today was the day the people of Athens held a festival in her honor, and Athena intended to watch it perhaps one of the gods would visit her to keep her company.

Soon enough, the festival began. People paraded the streets and citizens cheered. Athena's baby blues lit up as she stood up and shook out her turquoise chiffon and adjusted the olive leaves that we're strung around her hips before rushing down the hills to the city, dark brown waves swishing about in the wind.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.09e3fe0dd9efef51574a4d3570cedc66.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18480" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.09e3fe0dd9efef51574a4d3570cedc66.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Lullaby suddenly noticed after hours of observing that they weren't there anymore and that they had somehow entered the colleseum.

"Thank god." Lullaby sighed as she grabbed her stuffed teddy bear and ran towards the city.
The holy fire about Michael acted as a cocoon, shielding him from his brother's attack. As he plunged through the blackened flames, the ferver shining behind his icy blue eyes grew all the more intense.

"Tis'nt first which is always best, Morningstar!" He screamed, projecting the tip of his spear forward as he neared the gathering, the point itself aimed only for Lucifer, but the flames which enveloped the Archangel spread at his thrust and forced themselves down upon the rest of the gathered beings.
"Pest." Lucifer seethed. His strength hadn't fully returned, but that wouldn't stop him. He flew toward his brother at top speed, Crown of Thorns connecting with his spear. A wave of raw energy emitted, setting forth an impending chain of destruction.
Bastet looked up and next to a tree that had not been destroyed was a gorgeous goddess. She wondered why the deity was here in the midst of the battle but then again the same thing could be asked of her. Bastet walked with a cat-like gate and asked, "If you don't mind me asking but who are you? I have never seen you before."
((Okay, things are getting a little confusing, so let me see if I can clarify. To everyone within the dome made by Gaia, Michael has attacked everyone with his little explosion of holy fire. He and Lucy are currently clashing blades in the air as the fire hurtles towards the rest of the players on the ground. He's just issued a challenge in both words and actual attacks to everyone here. I believe the only ones outside of the dome are Gaia, Athena, and Lullaby. The rest of you are under attack. Hope that helps.))

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