War in Regar Sign up


Nice to unmeet you.

This is Regar.A land where peace was the only thing.But an ambush of orcs attacked and killed most that fought back or have them as slaves.There is only one safe place.The river of the angels it was a place of praying and now its your last hope.you start out either here or in the forest near by.Every one has there own spirit guid to help them along the way. (it can be anything from a baby dragon to a cat).Should you fall in love? Will you help reclaim Regar?Maybe both. so sign up and see what happens

For the species you can only pick from a site but come on they have a lot.(unless its for you guid)





Spirt Guid:




(picture is a must for me sorry if you have anything to ask let me know and please join i hate being bored)
Name: Flower full Moon

Age: 18

Species: Human

Spirt Guid:White lion!

Mate: none

Background: She was found alone by her 'Father' after her family was murdered. No one knows why or how the young girl survived or why her family was killed. She never speaks of it, even though many have tried she has a very stubborn side. She was trained to fight and has become a great fighter. She knows many styles but his best with the sword.


Name:Nadia Darklight


Species:High elf

Spirit guid:White Tiger

background:Nadia is one of the few people that made it to The river of Angels.Though she wasent happy at the fact her brother forced her to go then left.He helped her all that way and left without saying goodbye.Nadias brother was a Dark elf and was not allowed in the river of Angels.His place was with the Orcs and trolls not with flowers and sunlight.When she was 10 and her brother 13 there mother and father got killed by orcs to have him as a fighter for them but her brother refused and stayed with her for years until the attack.
Name:Shadow Darklight


Species:Dark elf

Spirit guid:Dragon of fire and death

Backgroung:pretty much the same as his sister

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Spirit guide:cheshire?

Picture: (Untill I draw it) http://media.otakuzone.com/store/use...60cf1bd0c9.jpg

History: Kage lived in a forien land untill one day his entire village was killed by hunters all except

kage who haz trained as an assasin since he was 7 , he can evaporate or turn invisible at will

But clothes do not turn incisible so ssituations can be odd.
Name: Lucretia (Lala)



Spirit Guide: hell hound (it looks like a doberman)

Mate: none yet

Picture:View attachment 2877 (flirt worthy enough? Also if he is alive, his guide is a swallow.)

History: Lala was adopted into a human family when she was little, despite her hellish origins. Her best friend was her human brother, Castiel. Soon after she turned 13, orcs attacked her village. With their parents dead, Cas and her fled to the forest. While resting one night, Lala felt unusually fatigued and hungry. As a maturing succubus, she needed life energy to feed, something she did not know at the time. When the full moon came out from behind the clouds, she caught sight of her brother. Instinct took over and she kissed him. But with the kiss, she was feeding on his energy. The next morning, she found out that she had killed him.

Crying all the while, she dug him a shallow grave and buried her big brother. Now she lives in the forest by the sacred river, trying her best to avoid people in fear of killing them as well. Each full moon, she plays the violin in memory of her brother. (Her brother may or may not be dead, I have no idea which path to go on this.)

Lala is skilled in throwing knives and magic, although she cannot use any strong spells without needing to take in energy from someone.

(My super long story is making me feel a bit awkward seeing as everyone else was able to sum theirs up so quickly.)
View attachment 2894 View attachment 2900(Toronco)

Name: Victoria Evans

Age: 125

Species: She's part Banshee. (Looks like just a normal human though.)

Spirit Guide: Her spirit guide is an Undead Hound named Toronco. (He is alive during the day though.) (Picture is dog above..)

Mate: She is not allowed to fall in love with mortals or anything alive.

Background: Victoria was born in 1676, and was turned into a Banshee after she had died from a disease. She never knew the reason why she was turned into his horrific creature, but she had to deal with it.

After years of sucking life out of humans, she had figured out she had the ability to return to Earth in human form if she followed the rules. No falling in love with mortals or anything living, and absolutely NO killing humans during the day. It was forbidden. The rules seemed simple. But there was a catch.

As soon as the sun disappears over that horizon, she will turn into her Banshee form and she will no longer be considered living. Her hound dog, Toronco was sent down to Earth with her, and also has an undead form at night. But during the day, he looks just like a normal dog.

She kills and kills at night, along with her dog to help her. She causes horror and bloodshed every night, but she had to. Or else she would no longer have a purpose to be on Earth.

Toronco's Undead form:

View attachment 2897

Victoria's Banshee form:

View attachment 2898

Name: Azania Mazaku

Age: 16

Species: Vampire

Spirit Guide: a bat

Mate: non yet

Background: Azaina was born into a family of vampires, it was in his blood he was never turned. He had no siblings in his family, just him. One day he returned to his home to find it completely empty apart from a bat which follows him everywhere, even if it's against Azania's will. Azania now hides amongst the trees besides a sacred forest, watching people go about their daily buisness. His bat can change it's shape into a weapon, unfortunately it's random so it could turn into a hammer one time then a feather next. Also if the bat turns into a good weapon it won't be able to be a good weapon for a while again. Despite all the stories Azania and his family don't implode in the sun, nor do they sparkle(NO TWILIGHT FARIES HERE!) however they do get sunburnt easier, if he has ANY skin showing me must cover it up or put loads of sun cream on it. If he is out in the sun unprotected for 10 minutes he will get sun burnt in the unprotected area. If it is for 20 minutes, unprotected, then he will get sun stroke. For an hour or longer, unprotected, then his skin will start to melt.


View attachment 2924 except sleeves cover all the arm.

View attachment 2933
Name:Niro Diamond


Species: Demon

Spirt Guide: Demon angels


Background:was born and raised in the human world after his mother and father was killed. along with his twin brother Yuri they all was been side by side not know what or what happen to there family. Niro was trained as an assassin since of the age of six only learning that he was an demon and a very strong dark user as well. he is all was seen walking around in different places while working for work that comes to him in any way. he barely speaks to people and is very shy around people he dose not know besides his own brother.

Picture:View attachment 2971
Name:Castiel (nickname- Cas)



Spirit guid:Swallow (name is Jirou)


Background: Same as his sister but the rest is a secret for now.

Looks: Look at my other post
Name: Aeradom

Age: Unknown

Species: Archangel

Spirit Guide: Pixie (Name: Lily)

Mate: None Yet

Commander of the 5
th Order of the 10th Legion, hero of the Battle of Mycenaean Bay, Aeradom is a legend to those who know him. His arrogance was so great, he believed that he could single-handedly defeat the Orc hordes. Thus it was that arrogance that led the remaining defenders of the Artok regions to Fort Gragnok. Aeradom believed that he would draw the Horde into one decisive and victorious conflict.

The battle was just as decisive as Aeradom had predicted… only it wasn’t a victory. Despite his best efforts, slaying over 500 orcs and a dozen trolls, there were simply to many. The Orcish plague washed over the walls, bypassing the archangel who stood vigil at the gate, and wiped out it’s inhabitants. Aeradom stood his ground as long as he could, but eventually he was forced to retreat with his companion, Lily.

Now, his energy reserves taxed and clothes tattered from prolongued combat, he seeks to fly for the refuge of the River of Angels’ Prayer. Once his pride had filled him with dreams of coming as a conquering hero. Now he is but another refugee, seeking shelter from the relentless hordes that hound him in incessantly.

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Credit: Keitaro333 & SilentGianni
Name: Sarah Moon

Age: 25

Species: Human/ high elf

Spirt Guid: White wolf

Mate: none

Background: After her parents were killed she got seperated with her younger sister Flower. She has been looking for her since then

Name: Benjamin

Age: 127

Species: Void Spyder/Void Destroyer

Spirt Guide: Void Dragon

Mate: none

Background: An Insane warlord of the Void, he's Masochistic, and Hostile.

Picture: None, but It looks like a Quadruped Insect-Like Humanoid, with horns running along the back and a tail. It has an Exoskeleton.
Name: Lite Rige

Age: 27

Species: High Elf

Spirit Guide: Bear

Background: Lite was born royalty and was raised as one. He was trained by masters of many arts and scholars of plenty skills. Lite was raised as the better. He knows he can beat you. "Adapt and overcome!" That is tactic and form it he has become a near unstoppable warrior. He has enrolled himself into the Academy of The Rising Sun. There he has further expanded his knowledge and skill becoming famous among the crowd. Lite was sent form a land far from the east to help retake Regar.


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