War For Wonderland

[QUOTE="Anne Channing]I know I can post, but I'm actually just really not feeling well (diabetes troubles) so posting hasn't been too priority.

Sweetheart, I'm not saying you have to post right away, or even that you were one oft he ones I thought might not know. Take you time, hon. If you aren't doing well, give me a heads up and I'll keep it in mind (and maybe throw together a "get better soon" card, but that comes second).
[QUOTE="Darth Corvus]Sweetheart, I'm not saying you have to post right away, or even that you were one oft he ones I thought might not know. Take you time, hon. If you aren't doing well, give me a heads up and I'll keep it in mind (and maybe throw together a "get better soon" card, but that comes second).

Alrighty. Yeah, I've really not been doing well.
[QUOTE="Anne Channing]Alrighty. Yeah, I've really not been doing well.

It's all good. You're fine, hon. I hold nothing against you.
(Hopes this is okay)

Rosella May Stone

Age: 23

Gender: Female



(Temporary Picture until I finish drawing her)

She has soft brown hair that fades into a light blond, light blue eyes and fair skin. A crown made of flowers sits on top of her head. Flowing from her gentle shoulders, hangs a white lace cardigan over a pink tank top and a pair of sky blue shorts. She wears a pair of brown boots that barely pass her ankles. Some days she wears a crop top instead of the pink tank and cardigan. She always wears her boots no matter what, but she also has a black pair if she feels like being a little edgy.

Height: 5'3" (161 cm)

Weight: 121 lbs (54 kilos)

Occupation: Private Gardener as a primary job that pays money and artist during breaks (usually draws the flowers)

Reason for being in London: At first she was a visitor, attending an art program the summer after graduating college. Once the program had been complete, she was robbed. They took everything she owned: money, wallet with I.D and passport, everything. Seeing how the authorities would not let her out of the country, Rosella needed to earn a living. Seeing the trouble she was going through, her professor of the art program offered her food and a room in his huge mansion if she helped to maintain the rose garden maze behind the mansion. Her room is inside the center of the maze next to a well and a gazebo with over grown vines. Now she is a resident of London.

Bio: Rosella was born in Newfoundland, Canada. Her father, Neal, works as a fishermen and her mother, Diane, switches between three jobs. Diane works as a substitute during school; a camp counselor in the summer; and volunteers at the neighborhood church, orphanage and hospital. Growing up, her parents were always busy, leaving their youngest of nine kids, alone. That led her to drawing how she felt and dreamed of finding something greater. At age 12, she heard of London and decided that she would work hard to earn enough money to travel.

  • In middle school and up through high school, she babysat anyone for even $5.
  • Once starting high school and her art abilities grew, many of her paintings and sketches were sold.
  • Fundraising occurred year round.

By the time her senior year ended, she made enough for a trip to London. All of her hard work wasn't even noticed by her parents. She was a straight A student, passing the ACT/SAT in the high percentile and earning multiple scholarships. Before her trip to London, Rosella had put her money aside and waited till after college. It was at her graduation that her little life suddenly stopped. Her father was lost at sea and her mother had gone on another fishing boat to look for him. She wrote her parents a note, letting them know she was off to college, then to Europe after and that they will not see her for a few years.

Special skills: She can draw, a little bit of singing, and very observant of her surroundings.

Has the Talent? Yes, but she has not figured out what her talent is.

Special Talent: Most likely, her talent will be to control plants. She cannot make a random vine to grow out of now where, only if a plant is nearby.

Like/Dislikes: Being alone and drawing; figuring out mysteries;Puzzles; flowers// Being in crowds, having nothing to do (she tends to get fidgety when she does not do anything for a long time),

Connection to Wonderland: No connection to Wonderland.

Other: She has a distinctive locket that was given to her from her great grandmother. It was the only item that was not stolen, so she hides it under her clothing.
@Ashbash looks good. While it doesn't hurt anything, it's kinda funny that you worded the "Talent" section in way that spoke about her knowledge of it. I kinda figured it was a given that they didn't know about their Talent yet. The maybe was funny, too, but hey! Welcome to Wonderland, Rosella.

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