War For Wonderland

Scottybird Corvus

Avenging Thread God
Note from Darth Corvus:

All of our characters will be starting out from Earth and will have no prior knowledge about Wonderland. You do have permission to have an ancestor have a connection to Wonderland, if you want, but your main should still have no clue. If you do use their ancestor as a possible connection then they could have even been playing around a Wonderland artifact their whole lives, but even with much contact with the place they will have no knowledge.

Heavy emphasis on
no knowledge.

Please wait for my example CS before you post your own characters.
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CS Template


(can be a child)

Gender: (binary gender system optional)

Appearance: (words and/or pics, although I advice using an image and then adding some words to describe a bit of extra)




Reason for being in London: (resident or visitor? If visitor, why?)


Special skills:

Has the Talent?
(is able to be a Traveler. Keep in mind that a strong enough Traveler can take non-Travelers with them, so you don't necessarily have to be a Traveler)

Special Talent: (only applies if you are a Traveler. This is whatever ability you are particularly strong with in Wonderland and take with you in a weaker form when you return to Earth. Each Traveler's power is different. *Includes things like: control over fire, flight, illusions, etc...)

Like/Dislikes: (optional)

Connection to Wonderland: (optional)

Other: (optional)

*All items listed are already used by NPC's and are non-available


Tristan Glas

Age: 26

Gender: Male



This particular picture of him was taken back when he was 15, but he has aged remarkably since then. However, many of the features are the same. His hair is still platinum blonde, and he still wears much the same style of clothes and glasses. However, his face has hardened and shaped itself into more defined points, giving him a well chiseled appearance that sits nicely with a muscular build that he has worked hard to from and keep. He is still unable to grow a beard, however.

Height: 182 centimeters

70 kilos

Occupation: Cobbler (Shoemaker)

Reason for being in London: Resident

Bio: Tristan has lived in London all his life, the 3rd of 4 children born to a cobbler and a nurse by names of Mark and Janet. His life has been simple and decent, although living in the heart of London makes sure that one has to being taught how to fight and defend himself.

Tristan grew up in a large flat with his family of six, his grandparents owning the other half of the building. His father and grandfather worked long and hard during the day at the shop, often allowing their three sons to come join them and learn the craft. The smallest of them, Tristan's sister, never really enjoyed the work or the smell of the leather and instead stayed with their mother on those days when able. If not that, then she joined their grandmother as she tailored coats and other articles of clothing. Besides their parent's occupations, however, Tristan's family was a prime example of the classic English family.

Throughout his youth, Tristan enjoyed and attempted many different sports for recreation.

At age of 10, Tristan joined a little league cricket team.

At 11, Tristan attempted rugby, but never got far as he had to remove his glasses and became blind as a bat.

At 12 he attempted soccer, but left due to an unpleasant coach.

At 13, Tristan attempted cricket again, but found himself sadly lacking skill compared to his team mates and left.

At 14, Tristan joined his school's fencing team and found himself rather in love with the sport, keeping with it all throughout his schooling career.

After school, Tristan never left home nor joined a college but instead joined his father and grandfather in the shop, continuing to make shoes with his family patriarchs. He has done that since, but has moved across London to a flat of his own. He still works at the shop, however, and makes a decent living off of it. Occasionally he finds a shoe completed very well that he seemed to remember leaving unfinished, but overlooks it for the most part as he simply assumes he had finished it and forgot.

Special skills: Shoe making, Leather working, Accounting, Fighting with improvised weapons (self defense), some medicinal knowledge (Earth), decent fencing, various sports knowledge and experience

Has the Talent? No

Likes: The smell of quality leather, good whiskey, hard work, using his hands, books, the comforts of home

Dislikes: Beer, not doing anything useful in a day, bar fights, mold, most drunks

Connection to Wonderland: Descended from Sir Tristam, son of Rivalen. Sir Tristam was one of the fortunate ones who, after dying, found new life in Wonderland as his name lived on there. Centuries later, one of Sir Tristam's descendants left Wonderland with a Scottish Traveler and continued the bloodline on Earth, accidentally bringing a few Brownies with them. It has been a full ten generations since Sir Tristan's bloodline returned to Earth, so Tristan is not the first to have not been aware of Wonderland. Instead, he was simply named what he was due to an obscure family tradition.

Other: Tristan has a scar that runs up his left palm to the end of his thumb from an accident when cutting a strip of leather. Due to this, he usually wears fingerless gloves with brass palms to mostly conceal the scar and allow him to be ready to work at any time.
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(Would it be bad to do this in character? Eh.)

Name:Uh... I-I'm Milly.

Age:I think i'm Seven i don't really remember...
(can be a child)

Gender:I'm a Girl... Why? (binary gender system optional)



Sorry T-The flash kind of scared me...
(words and/or pics, although I advice using an image and then adding some words to describe a bit of extra)


Weight:Sixty-Three Pounds

Occupation:Uh... Whats that?

Reason for being in London:I live here... (resident or visitor? If visitor, why?)

Bio:I-I live with my mum shes nice and my sister... i like her to i also used to live in Scotland... It was nice there...

Special skills:Like what...? I can fit into small things!

Has the Talent? No
(is able to be a Traveler. Keep in mind that a strong enough Traveler can take non-Travelers with them, so you don't necessarily have to be a Traveler)

Special Talent:S-Seriously what talent? (only applies if you are a Traveler. This is whatever ability you are particularly strong with in Wonderland and take with you in a weaker form when you return to Earth. Each Traveler's power is different. *Includes things like: control over fire, flight, illusions, etc...)

Like/Dislikes:I like marmalade yeah... Marmalade is good. I don't like vegetables though they're not very tasty... (optional)

Connection to Wonderland:Hmm? Oh i saw a butterfly... What was the question? (optional)

Other: (optional)
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Georgia Destelle







Georgia is usually in a rain jacket or leather coat, since she first arrived in London she was unprepared for the weather and has since given up on trying to beat the weather.


118 lbs




Student and part time cafe hostess

Reason for being in London:

She came to London from Canada to study Psychology


Georgia grew up in southern Newfoundland with a large family.

They were all very supportive of her, but since she was the eldest she was expected to create a figure for her four younger siblings to look up to. She first tried soccer, but never really found it as exhilarating as being on a rugby field or performing on the gym bar.

There weren't many memorable things in her life, she had a few girlfriends and a few boyfriends but never felt connected to her hometown, so when the opportunity to study abroad was offered Georgia jumped on it.

Special skills:

She is surprisingly good at parkour, having been a gymnast and rugby player most of her life.

Thanks to rugby and her rebellious phase she's rather the tank when it comes to hand to hand fighting

Has the Talent?


Special Talent:

Telekinesis (She can use it to boost herself when she jumps)

Like/Dislikes: (optional)

Parkour videos, obnoxiously loud music, exercising, rock climbing//Water(she has Hydrophbia), public transit, rain, and strict schedules

Connection to Wonderland: (optiona

She is a direct descendant of the Blindt siblings, Wonderland crusaders who returned to earth and passed the Talent through generations

Other: (optional)

((I just edited and added a part time job because it'd be silly to assume she could afford to live without a job))​
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Name: Raygou Samaysune (or Rayischo)

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Appearance: White long hair and white eyes. He always wear black jeans, Biker Gloves Like This:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/images-16.jpeg.47e3496e36f61261783283a436920027.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54870" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/images-16.jpeg.47e3496e36f61261783283a436920027.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

And a White Jacket without arms

Height: 179 centimeters

Weight: 72 kilos

Occupation: Nope (lives of the street)

Reason for being in London: He's a kind of visitor. He cames from Amerika to London (in this time he was poor too) and WANT to begin new in London. (Seems that it doesn't worked)

Bio: He had an accident. He only remember that he wakes up in a hospital without money. The doctors didn't knew about him and don't found anything about him. Since this he life's on the street. One day, he wanted to start a new life in London but that doesn't worked really. And now he lives of the street again.

Special skills: He's strong and fast. He can climb very well and he's a good dual swordfighter.

Has the Talent? Yep

Special Talent: Control over Scarlet Flames (he can make Scarlet Flame Claws or swords)

Likes: Girls(Do ya know xD ), Dogs and Alcohol.

Dislikes: Rain and ride people.

Connection to Wonderland: Nope

Other: He's really friendly and looks really clean even when he lives on the street.



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Adelina "Adde" Marie Rydell

Age: 19

Gender: Female



Usually is wearing a sundress of some type, sometimes skirts. Classic and modest.

Height: 5'4

Weight: 125 lbs

Occupation: Waitress

Reason for being in London: Resident, going to college


Born and raised in Sarlat, France Adelina has lived in Europe her whole life. She grew up with her widowed mother, her father dying in a car accident right after she was born. Adde is a single child but managed to grow up faster than other kids her age, wanting to help out her mother because of how tight money was. She had been working since she was in her early teen years and plans to keep working until her mother is in a comfortable retirement home. Sadly, Adelina's mother fell ill when Adde turned 18, soon passing away months after diagnosis. After losing her mother, Adelina decided to do something for herself. She moved to London after being accepted to a community college, getting a small scholarship from her good grades and imaginative mind. Adde moved into a one room flat near the center of the city, barely having enough money for bills and such.

Special skills:

Can write to the point where it seems real, able to talk herself out of almost any situation.

Has the Talent?

Yes, but cannot take people with her yet.

Special Talent:

Illusionist, can make almost anybody see what she wants. Just like with her writing on Earth.


Music, quietness, helping others // Being lost, darkness, small insects

Connection to Wonderland:



-plays violin (not very well though)

-refuses to go into small and/or dark spaces

-very emotional

-has a quiet mouth but a loud mind

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Alright, I'm going to start posting my suggestions in the main thread so that they are less easily ignored (you latest two haven't ignore me yet, but still).

@Arion you never explained in the CS whether or not she has the Talent. I could guess, but you know what they say about assuming: it makes an ass out of u and me.

@WantYourSoul the only issue is that descendants of Wonderland natives cannot have the Talent. One of the drawbacks of having ancestors that were born where anything is possible

@Rayischo mate! Grammar like that ain't gonna fly here! Sorry, man, but this game is gonna require serious effort on your part in terms of writing. Also, how would he even know how to fight with two swords? If you want that, you have better have a reason for it. This should be fairly realistic. Other than that, though, the concept looks good, so if you clean up the English then he is accepted.

@Miss Mack I'm sorry, Mack, but I'm going to have to strike down the Alice in Wonderland reference as I have plans for that story in the main plot.
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Fixed it.
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This is finally complete, text-wise! I apologise for my poor writing skills and an illogical combination of character traits and history to gaining them, so please excuse these flaws and holes in Andrew's (the character's) sheet! Please expect (although terrible) art of his outlook~

If there are any problems and/or misunderstandings about this particular post, please notify me immediately to either change, explain or both~

Name: Andrew Evans

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Appearance: Andrew is 174 cm (5'8") tall and 67 kg (148 lbs) in weight, at least according to his check-up at the doctor's office before exactly 56 days. He has a nice build with well-formed muscle tone, as he is a sportsman - by that, a volleyball player - and thus has more defined muscles in his arm area (don't imagine him as a buff weightlifter, please). His eyes are round in shape and hazel in colour, while his hair is short to medium length, with spiky curled up bangs, swept to the left, and a dark-brown colour.

His usual attire consists of his school's uniform - the usual white shirt, a blazer over it, a red, green or blue tie, depending on his age, straight formal dark-coloured pants and appropriate shoe wear (although he usually wears volleyball or running sneakers in his everyday life). His informal wear is known for his taste in scarves - all sorts of 'em! You could see him for a couple of months walking every day with a different model and/or colour. He has a thing for vests, as well, and let's not forget the volleyball sneakers. As for when he's training or in a game (as he is a regular player), Andrew's team uniform is a T-shirt with a combination of blue and green, his number is 2, by the way. As for his shorts (the volleyball ones), they are also with a combination of blue and green.

Height: 174 cm (5'8" for you Americans unlike me)

Weight: 67 kg (148 lbs Ah, the things I Google for you guys!)

Occupation: High School Student; Regular Volleyball Player; Part-Time Supermarket Clerk (3-in-1, eh?)

Reason for being in London: Resident since birth. He lives in the country, though, so he has to additionally travel to the city (by bike).

Bio: He doesn't have much of an interesting biography - the usual happy-go-lucky guy, living with the usual stereotypical parents, born in London, yada-yada-yada. What's interesting about him is that he used to be very self-concious as a child. The kids in Kindergarten would constantly judge the other youngsters, and since their comments were very hurtful in his opinion, he was afraid of facing such verbal abuse. He paid too much attention and ended up overthinking a lot, even from a young age. At one point he slowly developed an eating disorder, as he was ''afraid of becoming fat and being the laughing stock among the other kids''.

Ever since he was brought to hospital and taken to therapy for a couple of months after his illness being discovered, Andrew continued eating healthily and had been finally okay by the age of 8. Somewhere around then, he started trying out different sports to be in shape and relieve the stress. To his liking was volleyball and because he was a child, he couldn't really explain why that particular sport got his attention. Somewhere around the age of 9 he started training for a children's team and little by little was becoming better at the sport. At first he was a libero due to his brilliant reflexes (we do not know where he has them from).

At the age of 12 his father introduced him to Philosophy and Psychology. Andrew showed a huge interest in those two subjects, thus wanted to learn more and more. *details spared*

At the age of 14 he got into a prestigious high school in London. There he entered the volleyball team and got the Wing Spiker position, as he wanted a change in the role he had to play. To his own surprise, he did get accepted in the position as his jump was high, his swing - strong, and his aim - precise. It was only natural, as he had trained more beforehand for that particular position.

It was at the age of 15 that his team passed the preliminaries for nationals, but sadly lost at the second match in half-finals. The same period of time he received an award for "Best Wing Spiker in London" among the kids his age and that was probably his biggest milestone after overcoming his insecurities. (The picture in his appearance is from that moment.)

At the age of 16 he did well with balancing his studies and volleyball training, but felt the need to help out his parents financially as they were having problems with money since his father got fired the same year. Thus, after searching for a job, and barely convincing his parents into doing so, he decided to become a clerk at the local supermarket in his school's area - a convenient placement and opening an opportunity into examining people's behaviors as he was troubled about his future occupation - whether it be a volleyball player or a psychoanalytic. It wouldn't really help him with latter job, but he believed otherwise.

And at the age of 17, his current age, nothing new really happened. He is managing quite well with all three of his "obligations", although feeling tired at the end of each day, has plenty of good friends, caring parents and his grandma's cats.

Through his 17 years of life his personality kept changing gradually - starting from a bunch of insecurities and developing unhealthy disorders, to feeling confident about himself, developing a cheerful, care-free, wise personality and doing things that make him happy. Ah, how much can change in a span of just over 17 years!

P.S.: His father actually found a job, although with bad payment, but Andrew still wishes to continue being a clerk.

Special skills: He's pretty strong with his arms, as he plays as a Wing Spiker. For the same reason he can also jump pretty high. Andrew has good footwork and precise aim, as well. He also understands people on a mental level and just by looking at they way they look, the way they speak and so on he can understand what kind of a person they are. It's analysis, not a simple guess. Another thing is that he has a nicely-developed memory (good enough to remember names, stories and numbers from the forst time hearing them)

Has the Talent: Does not have the talent, nor is he aware of its existence.

Special Talent: *still is not a Traveler*

Like/Dislikes: His likes include single-wordily: Creative Writing, Examining and Researching Humans' Personalities (Gestures, Expressions, Interests and so on), Foreign Languages, Fun, Kittens, Laughter of Others, Mint (be it the alcohol drink or anything containing mint), Philosophy, Salty/Spicy Food (especially curry), Scarves, Skin-Revealing Clothes (He is a confident lad, who constantly feels hot (yes, that meaning as well)), Training, Volleyball, Well-Written Stories

His dislikes include: Bad Breath, Being Bluntly Offended by S.O., Bullies, Dark and Spooky Places, Dogs, Dull Colours, especially Grey, Mythology, Rainy Weather, Rocky Streets/Mountain Regions, Sweet Food, Tight Spaces (Has claustrophobia), Travelling too much, Vinegar (Has an Allergy)

Connection to Wonderland: He has absolutely no connection to Wonderland.

Other: Although having a bubbly personality, his favourite music genre is either Metal or Rock. He loves they way the singers express their emotions so passionately with the use of screams or rough voices, as well as a natural intonation.

His position in volleyball is Wing Spiker and he usually starts at position 1 (Back Right) or 2 (Front Right).

Although being a Wing Spiker (a position for the front), he stays in the back most of the time. Apparentlyhe still has a liking to the libero position.

He has a passion for singing and dancing, although is not particularly good at neither of them - his screamo is majestic, though!

The reason he dislikes dogs is due to a bad past experience with a German Shepherd. As for kittens - they are so small, adorable, cuddly and soft! His grandmother had 11 cats the last time he visited her - now they could be more! Or less...

He has a thing for textbooks - he adores education, but doesn't like school. He also likes his teachers, but not his classmates. As for his volleyball team - none of his classmates are a part of it, fortunately for him!

The reason he became a clerk in a Supermarket, particularly, is because of the people checking-out their groceries. He, as mentioned, loves analysing their actions, way of speech and so on.

Andrew's change in volleyball positions is somewhat symbolic to his character development throughout the years - the Libero, a player that stays in the back, keeping the ball from falling on the floor, protecting their teammates' backs, is a sign that he was constantly on edge, figuring out solutions after facing the consequences, and feeling the need to protect others after making mistakes. The Wing Spiker, a player who flies over the net, firing an attack and dealing damage to the enemy symbolises his wish to be let free and to manage to stand up for what he believes in - to not be dependent on mere people who won't affect his life in any way. Thus becoming later on care-free and optimistic.

Andrew has an elder sister, who currently lives somewhere in France. She is 26 years old and has a fiance. He doesn't really talk about his sibling, though, so not much else is known about her.

(<_<) *adds ''Other'' under a spoiler* (>_>) Well, it does give out extra goodies about a character no one's familiar with. Also... uh, I didn't think mine was that lengthy. I have this habit of writing unnecessary information that gives it the extra length. I actually do it for myself, to be honest, so that I could understand a bit more about the character I'm going to play as. Otherwise, if I leave it undefined, then in the actual RP I'd make him with a constantly changing personality by accident since I won't have anything in mind about the way he is. We don't want bipolar characters, played by inexperienced amateurs, now, do we? I really can't develop my skills quickly, so I can't just drastically change the way I write. As for why I even post what's intended for me, well, it's because I don't want to keep this extra information to myself. I personally love getting to know other people's characters by a mere CS, so why wouldn't anyone have the same interest and enjoy reading mine? (o'v'o)

(Yes, I know I'm a prick in the bottom... I try acting in a way I wouldn't mind others being. So... Who am I kidding? If I'm that terrible, you can just kick me out... God dang it!)
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WeabooTrash said:
This is finally complete, text-wise! I apologise for my poor writing skills and an illogical combination of character traits and history to gaining them, so please excuse these flaws and holes in Andrew's (the character's) sheet! Please expect (although terrible) art of his outlook~
If there are any problems and/or misunderstandings about this particular post, please notify me immediately to either change, explain or both~

Name: Andrew Evans

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Appearance: Andrew is 174 cm (5'8") tall and 67 kg (148 lbs) in weight, at least according to his check-up at the doctor's office before exactly 56 days. He has a nice build with well-formed muscle tone, as he is a sportsman - by that, a volleyball player - and thus has more defined muscles in his arm area (don't imagine him as a buff weightlifter, please). His eyes are round in shape and hazel in colour, while his hair is short to medium length, with spiky curled up bangs, swept to the left, and a dark-brown colour.

His usual attire consists of his school's uniform - the usual white shirt, a blazer over it, a red, green or blue tie, depending on his age, straight formal dark-coloured pants and appropriate shoe wear (although he usually wears volleyball or running sneakers in his everyday life). His informal wear is known for his taste in scarves - all sorts of 'em! You could see him for a couple of months walking every day with a different model and/or colour. He has a thing for vests, as well, and let's not forget the volleyball sneakers. As for when he's training or in a game (as he is a regular player), Andrew's team uniform is a T-shirt with a combination of blue and green, his number is 2, by the way. As for his shorts (the volleyball ones), they are also with a combination of blue and green.

Height: 174 cm (5'8" for you Americans unlike me)

Weight: 67 kg (148 lbs Ah, the things I Google for you guys!)

Occupation: High School Student; Regular Volleyball Player; Part-Time Supermarket Clerk (3-in-1, eh?)

Reason for being in London: Resident since birth. He lives in the country, though, so he has to additionally travel to the city (by bike).

Bio: He doesn't have much of an interesting biography - the usual happy-go-lucky guy, living with the usual stereotypical parents, born in London, yada-yada-yada. What's interesting about him is that he used to be very self-concious as a child. The kids in Kindergarten would constantly judge the other youngsters, and since their comments were very hurtful in his opinion, he was afraid of facing such verbal abuse. He paid too much attention and ended up overthinking a lot, even from a young age. At one point he slowly developed an eating disorder, as he was ''afraid of becoming fat and being the laughing stock among the other kids''.

Ever since he was brought to hospital and taken to therapy for a couple of months after his illness being discovered, Andrew continued eating healthily and had been finally okay by the age of 8. Somewhere around then, he started trying out different sports to be in shape and relieve the stress. To his liking was volleyball and because he was a child, he couldn't really explain why that particular sport got his attention. Somewhere around the age of 9 he started training for a children's team and little by little was becoming better at the sport. At first he was a libero due to his brilliant reflexes (we do not know where he has them from).

At the age of 12 his father introduced him to Philosophy and Psychology. Andrew showed a huge interest in those two subjects, thus wanted to learn more and more. *details spared*

At the age of 14 he got into a prestigious high school in London. There he entered the volleyball team and got the Wing Spiker position, as he wanted a change in the role he had to play. To his own surprise, he did get accepted in the position as his jump was high, his swing - strong, and his aim - precise. It was only natural, as he had trained more beforehand for that particular position.

It was at the age of 15 that his team passed the preliminaries for nationals, but sadly lost at the second match in half-finals. The same period of time he received an award for "Best Wing Spiker in London" among the kids his age and that was probably his biggest milestone after overcoming his insecurities. (The picture in his appearance is from that moment.)

At the age of 16 he did well with balancing his studies and volleyball training, but felt the need to help out his parents financially as they were having problems with money since his father got fired the same year. Thus, after searching for a job, and barely convincing his parents into doing so, he decided to become a clerk at the local supermarket in his school's area - a convenient placement and opening an opportunity into examining people's behaviors as he was troubled about his future occupation - whether it be a volleyball player or a psychoanalytic. It wouldn't really help him with latter job, but he believed otherwise.

And at the age of 17, his current age, nothing new really happened. He is managing quite well with all three of his "obligations", although feeling tired at the end of each day, has plenty of good friends, caring parents and his grandma's cats.

Through his 17 years of life his personality kept changing gradually - starting from a bunch of insecurities and developing unhealthy disorders, to feeling confident about himself, developing a cheerful, care-free, wise personality and doing things that make him happy. Ah, how much can change in a span of just over 17 years!

P.S.: His father actually found a job, although with bad payment, but Andrew still wishes to continue being a clerk.

Special skills: He's pretty strong with his arms, as he plays as a Wing Spiker. For the same reason he can also jump pretty high. Andrew has good footwork and precise aim, as well. He also understands people on a mental level and just by looking at they way they look, the way they speak and so on he can understand what kind of a person they are. It's analysis, not a simple guess. Another thing is that he has a nicely-developed memory (good enough to remember names, stories and numbers from the forst time hearing them)

Has the Talent: Does not have the talent, nor is he aware of its existence.

Special Talent: *still is not a Traveler*

Like/Dislikes: His likes include single-wordily: Creative Writing, Examining and Researching Humans' Personalities (Gestures, Expressions, Interests and so on), Foreign Languages, Fun, Kittens, Laughter of Others, Mint (be it the alcohol drink or anything containing mint), Philosophy, Salty/Spicy Food (especially curry), Scarves, Skin-Revealing Clothes (He is a confident lad, who constantly feels hot (yes, that meaning as well)), Training, Volleyball, Well-Written Stories

His dislikes include: Bad Breath, Being Bluntly Offended by S.O., Bullies, Dark and Spooky Places, Dogs, Dull Colours, especially Grey, Mythology, Rainy Weather, Rocky Streets/Mountain Regions, Sweet Food, Tight Spaces (Has claustrophobia), Travelling too much, Vinegar (Has an Allergy)

Connection to Wonderland: He is not directly connected to Wonderland. He has just heard rumours of its existence and tries to convince himself that it does indeed exist. (Will most probably find someone, who will take him there. Hopefully...)

Other: Although having a bubbly personality, his favourite music genre is either Metal or Rock. He loves they way the singers express their emotions so passionately with the use of screams or rough voices, as well as a natural intonation.

His position in volleyball is Wing Spiker and he usually starts at position 1 (Back Right) or 2 (Front Right).

Although being a Wing Spiker (a position for the front), he stays in the back most of the time. Apparentlyhe still has a liking to the libero position.

He has a passion for singing and dancing, although is not particularly good at neither of them - his screamo is majestic, though!

The reason he dislikes dogs is due to a bad past experience with a German Shepherd. As for kittens - they are so small, adorable, cuddly and soft! His grandmother had 11 cats the last time he visited her - now they could be more! Or less...

He has a thing for textbooks - he adores education, but doesn't like school. He also likes his teachers, but not his classmates. As for his volleyball team - none of his classmates are a part of it, fortunately for him!

The reason he became a clerk in a Supermarket, particularly, is because of the people checking-out their groceries. He, as mentioned, loves analysing their actions, way of speech and so on.

Andrew's change in volleyball positions is somewhat symbolic to his character development throughout the years - the Libero, a player that stays in the back, keeping the ball from falling on the floor, protecting their teammates' backs, is a sign that he was constantly on edge, figuring out solutions after facing the consequences, and feeling the need to protect others after making mistakes. The Wing Spiker, a player who flies over the net, firing an attack and dealing damage to the enemy symbolises his wish to be let free and to manage to stand up for what he believes in - to not be dependent on mere people who won't affect his life in any way. Thus becoming later on care-free and optimistic.

Andrew has an elder sister, who currently lives somewhere in France. She is 26 years old and has a fiance. He doesn't really talk about his sibling, though, so not much else is known about her.

Ah! Mate! Here I thought MY posts were obcenly long!

Here are the issues I see:

(1, the biggest)

"He has just heard rumors of it's existence..."


No. Just, no. There is no way he would have. It is kept so secret that you would have to have witnessed somebody entering it to know that it was even a thing. Basically, if you knew, you would know. There are no rumors about it because the only ones that know work within Sanctuary. Sorry, but no.


You did most definitely NOT need all that in the 'other' category. Quite simply, we do not care for all that specific information that (to be honest) you already pretty much gave us about the "why"s of his life. Trim it down, please. It actually was bothering to read because of that. Sorry, but it was. The other stuff (his passions, his experience with dogs, his sister, etc...) was fine. Could be done in a LOT less words, but alright. I can look past that.
Name: Sasha Lewis

Age: 17

Gender: Female



Usually is wearing an old dark 'Aerosmith' tee with the sleeves cut off, dark ripped jeans, black vans and her dad's old red flannel shirt she wears around her waist.

Height: 5'7

Weight: 117 lb.

Occupation: Student at Kingsbury High School

Reason for being in London: Too live with her dad after her parent's divorce.

Bio: Born in Carter's Grove, California, Sasha hated her miserable life in her old home. Ever since she was younger, she oculd always remember one thing: Fighting. Every day, every hour, every minute, her parents were fighting. In the day, in the morning, the afternoon, night, even at the dinner table there was some type of arguement: Rather it be over debt, neglect, their problems, her problems, ect. Every day was the same. Now, after 17 years of her parents unhappiness and hers, Sasha is now going to the UK to live with her father, Marcus Dodgson, to live a normal, happy life with her dad. They live in Kingsbury in a 1 story flat, and she now attends Kingsbury High School.

Special skills: Writing, Singing, Drawing, Playing Guitar.

Has the Talent? Yes

Special Talent: Medium-Leveled Mentifery (Can somewhat change the reality around her with her imagination- Such as bending the rules of physics, changing the seasons. Cannot take or give life to others or dead beings, and cannot affect mass structural environments without some type of power booster.)

Connection to Wonderland: None


-Plays guitar

-Hates hats

-Loves the book 'Through The Looking Glass'.
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Name: Mira Klein

Age: 17 (18 in October)

Gender: Female


Weight: 123.4lbs

Student (Musician)

Reason for being in London: Resident

Bio: Mira started the first day of her life in the arms of a social worker, her mother having given her up months before she was born, signing her name in pen, and letting the new life go. From there, she spent years in and out of foster homes and foster care, the only thing left from her real mother being a little silver ring she'd only ever worn on a chain around her neck. As of now, she's coming up on her last few months as a minor, and seems to have her mind set on gearing up to be out there on her own... the question is... where is 'there'?

Special skills: Singing! (Comes in handy when calming people down). Great with children.

Has the Talent: You betcha.

Special Talent: Able to use her singing to trick the mind into following her will, or trusting her.



  • Music
  • Dancing
  • Reading
  • Food... Just... food.


  • The dark
  • Thunder
  • Spiders
  • Kale

Connection to Wonderland: "Wonder-what?"
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MarenXDenominator12 said:
Name: Sasha Lewis
Age: 17

Gender: Female



Usually is wearing an old dark 'Aerosmith' tee with the sleeves cut off, dark ripped jeans, black vans and her dad's old red flannel shirt she wears around her waist.

Height: 5'7

Weight: 117 lb.

Occupation: Student at Kingsbury High School

Reason for being in London: Too live with her dad after her parent's divorce.

Bio: Born in Carter's Grove, California, Sasha hated her miserable life in her old home. Ever since she was younger, she oculd always remember one thing: Fighting. Every day, every hour, every minute, her parents were fighting. In the day, in the morning, the afternoon, night, even at the dinner table there was some type of arguement: Rather it be over debt, neglect, their problems, her problems, ect. Every day was the same. Now, after 17 years of her parents unhappiness and hers, Sasha is now going to the UK to live with her father, Marcus Dodgson, to live a normal, happy life with her dad. They live in Kingsbury in a 1 story flat, and she now attends Kingsbury High School.

Special skills: Writing, Singing, Drawing, Playing Guitar.

Has the Talent? Yes

Special Talent: Mentifery (Can somewhat control the small radius of reality around her with her imagination and or thoughts. Cannot kill people or take the lives of living things, but can bring others back to life as long as they are around her.Is primaerily activated with emotion, and is very weak. Can only slightly modify reality around her, like changing the color of hair,skin,and eyes, making plants come back to mlfie or die, and slightly bend the rules of physics.)

Connection to Wonderland: Is a descendant of Queen Merilda, The Old Queen of Spades before the turn of the Time of Hearts and Clovers.

Other: -Sings

-Plays guitar

-Hates hats

-Loves the book 'Through The Looking Glass'.
Two things, but other than that it looks good:

(1) I am amazed as to how much I have to say it. Dear goodness, people. *ehem* Wonderland natives and their descendants cannot have the talent. If you wish for them to be blood related to Wonderland, fine, but they cannot have the talent. Also, any direct Alice in Wonderland references within CS's will be shot down as I have major plans for that story to come in during the plot. Sorry, but for the sake of the story I cannot allow them.

(2) I like the idea of bending reality just enough to change the laws of physics and whatnot, but I am afraid that the giving/taking of life in any size is gonna be a no-no. Sorry. A little too OP in any case, as it will get stronger as the story goes. That is how I've planned it, anyway.

Besides those, she looks great!

[QUOTE="Anne Channing]


Name: Mira Klein

Age: 17 (18 in October)

Gender: Female


Weight: 123.4lbs

Student (Musician)

Reason for being in London: Resident

Bio: Mira started the first day of her life in the arms of a social worker, her mother having given her up months before she was born, signing her name in pen, and letting the new life go. From there, she spent years in and out of foster homes and foster care, the only thing left from her real mother being a little silver ring she'd only ever worn on a chain around her neck. As of now, she's coming up on her last few months as a minor, and seems to have her mind set on gearing up to be out there on her own... the question is... where is 'there'?

Special skills: Singing! (Comes in handy when calming people down). Great with children.

Has the Talent: You betcha.

Special Talent: Able to use her singing to heal and/or trick the mind into following her will.



  • Music
  • Dancing
  • Reading
  • Food... Just... food.


  • The dark
  • Thunder
  • Spiders
  • Kale

Connection to Wonderland: "Wonder-what?"

Looks good! Sparse, but good! The only thing I can see to fix is that I would prefer her Siren Song (as it will probably be later known) to have one of the two effects you described, not both. However, whichever you choose feel free to make it a bit more dramatic (ie: creates illusions as long as you hear her singing, so you can be lead to dangerous places just because you see what she wants you to see).

Thank you both for joining either way! It's good to have you.

- Darth Corvus, Avenging Thread God
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/imagesCARFFU0N.jpg.23122152f63e659bad966feba3dd1b87.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="55911" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/imagesCARFFU0N.jpg.23122152f63e659bad966feba3dd1b87.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>







Shan usually adorns leather jackets, etc. Usually along the lines of:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/Jean-Outfits-for-Women-by-Stylish-Eve_18.jpg.0471a1d775b2c777cbe5f8a70a02cbe2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="55915" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/Jean-Outfits-for-Women-by-Stylish-Eve_18.jpg.0471a1d775b2c777cbe5f8a70a02cbe2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/Jean-Outfits-for-Women-by-Stylish-Eve_82.jpg.d7c9d2e8d62967d1c3d0f8675bbf4b62.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="55916" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/Jean-Outfits-for-Women-by-Stylish-Eve_82.jpg.d7c9d2e8d62967d1c3d0f8675bbf4b62.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




112 ibs


Shan works at an odd clothing and collection store. It's an eccentric old place run by her retro gay boss Dean and is called
Punk It. It's made solely for the weird kid, holding clothes like trench coats, fadoras, tutus, and corsets. It also has old items like chests, rusty skeleton keys, jars full of strange liquids and animal fetuses, etc.

~Reason for being in London:~

Shan lived in london all her life.


Shan is an orphan. Her parents died in 9/11, when they were visiting America on vacation. Because of their death, Shan was moved in with her grandmother who later became extremely senile in her old age. Shan was forced to care for her and often caught the bad ends of Nana's episodes. She was often called horrid names, beat with things, and was hit with her grandmother's feces. That was only when Nana didn't know who either of them were and was not in her right mind. When she was not suffering from her illness, she was the perfect granny, sweet, gentle, and loving. This confused and horrified the very young Shan. One night, when she was playing, unknown to the little girl, a dark creature crawled out from the vanity mirror in her room. What followed it was, well, Wonderland. The magic reached out and caressed the child. From then on out, she would see strange refelctions in rippling mirrors or windows like faces, gaunt and disturbing, and scenery, barren or terrifying in nature. These "visions" frightened the little girl and she told no one, afraid she was turning into her mentally sick grandma. The images gave her horrifying nightmares and she often wrote and spun them into gothic ballads played on a keyboard and her voice. She graduated highschool and took a year off from college that turned into two years. It wasn't cheap to go to university.

She had been working for Dean since she was fifteen and both loved and hated the job due to the walls lined with mirrors, old, new, and warped. It made her strange, withdrawn, and beautiful in her mysterious way.

~Special Skills:~

Shan is good at taking care of old senile people. This allowed her to know old house remedies like plants, honey, bourbon, etc. Working at
Punk It taught her to make repairs to old clothes and objects so she's gifted with needles, sewing machines, and tools. She can sing and play the piano. She's told her voice has an extrememly haunting quality, not to her surprise. She can write as well, including but not limited to poetry, lyrics, music, and stories.

~Has The Talent:~


~Special Talent:~

Shan has a second sight, visions if you will, but she can only see them in refelctive surfaces and she doesn't know whether the visions are from the future, past, or Wonderland showing her what it wants her to see to alter the future in ways that will change the future to its liking.Unfortunately, each vision that she has breaks a little piece of her psyche each time so she's slowly and inevitably going completely insane. However, this process is so slow that it will be decades before it really drives her over the deep end.

~Connection to Wonderland:~

Any reflective surface is her only connection to Wonderland, but she is unaware.



  • imagesCARFFU0N.jpg
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  • Jean-Outfits-for-Women-by-Stylish-Eve_18.jpg
    74.4 KB · Views: 33
  • Jean-Outfits-for-Women-by-Stylish-Eve_82.jpg
    82.8 KB · Views: 34
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[QUOTE="Darth Corvus]Two things, but other than that it looks good:
(1) I am amazed as to how much I have to say it. Dear goodness, people. *ehem* Wonderland natives and their descendants cannot have the talent. If you wish for them to be blood related to Wonderland, fine, but they cannot have the talent. Also, any direct Alice in Wonderland references within CS's will be shot down as I have major plans for that story to come in during the plot. Sorry, but for the sake of the story I cannot allow them.

(2) I like the idea of bending reality just enough to change the laws of physics and whatnot, but I am afraid that the giving/taking of life in any size is gonna be a no-no. Sorry. A little too OP in any case, as it will get stronger as the story goes. That is how I've planned it, anyway.

Besides those, she looks great!

Looks good! Sparse, but good! The only thing I can see to fix is that I would prefer her Siren Song (as it will probably be later known) to have one of the two effects you described, not both. However, whichever you choose feel free to make it a bit more dramatic (ie: creates illusions as long as you hear her singing, so you can be lead to dangerous places just because you see what she wants you to see).

Thank you both for joining either way! It's good to have you.

- Darth Corvus, Avenging Thread God

Yeah- I'm sorry it looks a little skeletal- I was building it off my phone. I did choose to go with the "Siren song" as a sort of lure/trust mech.
RiahB said:

View attachment 128174







Shan usually adorns leather jackets, etc. Usually along the lines of:

View attachment 128182View attachment 128183




112 ibs


Shan works at an odd clothing and collection store. It's an eccentric old place run by her retro gay boss Dean and is called
Punk It. It's made solely for the weird kid, holding clothes like trench coats, fedoras, tutus, and corsets. It also has old items like chests, rusty skeleton keys, jars full of strange liquids and animal fetuses, etc.

~Reason for being in London:~

Shan lived in London all her life.


Shan is an orphan. Her parents died in 9/11, when they were visiting America on vacation. Because of their death, Shan was moved in with her grandmother who later became extremely senile in her old age. Shan was forced to care for her and often caught the bad ends of Nana's episodes. She was often called horrid names, beat with things, and was hit with her grandmother's feces. That was only when Nana didn't know who either of them were and was not in her right mind. When she was not suffering from her illness, she was the perfect granny, sweet, gentle, and loving. This confused and horrified the very young Shan. Shan, as a child, would go play in the park close to their house by the child in the sundial statue. One night, when she was playing, unknown to the little girl, a dark creature crawled out form under the statue and what followed it was a large amount of dark magic that soaked within the child. From then on out, she would see strange reflections in rippling mirrors or windows like faces, gaunt and disturbing, and scenery, barren or terrifying in nature. These "visions" frightened the little girl and she told no one, afraid she was turning into her mentally sick grandma. The images gave her horrifying nightmares and she often wrote and spun them into Gothic ballads played on a keyboard and her voice. She graduated high school and took a year off from college that turned to two years. It wasn't cheap to go to university.

She had been working for Dean since she was fifteen and both loved and hated the job due to the walls lined with mirrors, old, new, and warped. It made her strange, withdrawn, and beautiful in her mysterious way.

Special Skills: Shan is good at taking care of old senile people. This allowed her to know old house remedies like plants, honey, bourbon, etc. Working at Punk It taught her to make repairs to old clothes and objects so she's gifted with needles, sewing machines, and tools. She can sing and play the piano. She's told her voice has an extremely haunting quality, not to her surprise. She can write as well, including but not limited to poetry, lyrics, music, and stories.

~Has The Talent:~


~Special Talent:~

Telekinetic. She has the ability to move, warp or control objects with her mind. In Earth, it is so unknown to Shan and she thinks it is just her insanity. Or a coincidence.

~Connection to Wonderland:~

The sundial statue and the monster that crawled out. That is her only connection.

Alright, here's the thoughts:

(1) I've already mentioned that the connection points between Earth and Wonderland and already mentioned that the sundial is not one. Remember: some mirrors and bodies of water of any size. Not statues.

(2) The term you would use would not be "dark magic" as it - rather simply - isn't that. What one might say instead is that Wonderland reached out and touched her. Not any creatures from it, but Wonderland itself. Within Sanctuary, Wonderland is considered a living thing itself.

(3) Her special powers would not be active. Based on what we talked about in the OOC thread, Shan's only manifestation of her Talent as of now would be her Sight. Also, a thought into her special power: Her "sight" is special. Perhaps create a power related to that, ya? Could be interesting.

Other than that, it looks good.

[QUOTE="Anne Channing]Yeah- I'm sorry it looks a little skeletal- I was building it off my phone. I did choose to go with the "Siren song" as a sort of lure/trust mech.

Cool beans. I worry for your playing this character if you try to use it on other players, but if you coordinate it with them then it might work. Like I said: I would think along the lines of creating illusions, but as long as you play it out well then go ahead and use what you have.
[QUOTE="Darth Corvus]Alright, here's the thoughts:
(1) I've already mentioned that the connection points between Earth and Wonderland and already mentioned that the sundial is not one. Remember: some mirrors and bodies of water of any size. Not statues.

(2) The term you would use would not be "dark magic" as it - rather simply - isn't that. What one might say instead is that Wonderland reached out and touched her. Not any creatures from it, but Wonderland itself. Within Sanctuary, Wonderland is considered a living thing itself.

(3) Her special powers would not be active. Based on what we talked about in the OOC thread, Shan's only manifestation of her Talent as of now would be her Sight. Also, a thought into her special power: Her "sight" is special. Perhaps create a power related to that, ya? Could be interesting.

Other than that, it looks good.

Sorry, I misunderstood. I'll fix it.
Welcome to Wonderland, Mira. Go ahead and get going on your opening post if you'd like.

RiahB said:
Sorry, I misunderstood. I'll fix it.
Cool beans.

Alright, @RiahB your character looks good. Welcome to Wonderland, Shan. Go ahead and start your opening post whenever you are ready.
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[QUOTE="Darth Corvus]Two things, but other than that it looks good:
(1) I am amazed as to how much I have to say it. Dear goodness, people. *ehem* Wonderland natives and their descendants cannot have the talent. If you wish for them to be blood related to Wonderland, fine, but they cannot have the talent. Also, any direct Alice in Wonderland references within CS's will be shot down as I have major plans for that story to come in during the plot. Sorry, but for the sake of the story I cannot allow them.

(2) I like the idea of bending reality just enough to change the laws of physics and whatnot, but I am afraid that the giving/taking of life in any size is gonna be a no-no. Sorry. A little too OP in any case, as it will get stronger as the story goes. That is how I've planned it, anyway.

Besides those, she looks great!

Looks good! Sparse, but good! The only thing I can see to fix is that I would prefer her Siren Song (as it will probably be later known) to have one of the two effects you described, not both. However, whichever you choose feel free to make it a bit more dramatic (ie: creates illusions as long as you hear her singing, so you can be lead to dangerous places just because you see what she wants you to see).

Thank you both for joining either way! It's good to have you.

- Darth Corvus, Avenging Thread God

Oh no she CANT take away life! but ill change it to where she cant give or take awy life, is that okay?
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