Location on the map:
Country name:
Country Flag
(leave a spoiler if the flag takes up the whole screen):
Goal with the Iron City:
Military Leader in Merric:
Military equipment
(uniforms, weapons, etc.):
4 Regiments deployed:
(each regiment can have their own specialized units like riflemen, skirmishers, shock troops, sappers, armored etc.)
(You can have up to 10 with 4 being the minimum. You can include a fc and a brief description if you choose to)
Country name:
Country Flag
(leave a spoiler if the flag takes up the whole screen):
Goal with the Iron City:
Military Leader in Merric:
Military equipment
(uniforms, weapons, etc.):
4 Regiments deployed:
(each regiment can have their own specialized units like riflemen, skirmishers, shock troops, sappers, armored etc.)
(You can have up to 10 with 4 being the minimum. You can include a fc and a brief description if you choose to)