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Active [Wapelin Woods, Ryke-Oll's End] Oll’s End My Old Friend


Roleplay Artist
Rp Goal: Restore, and return to The Realm of Death, AKA Oll's End. Find a suitable base of operation for The Coven faction in Oll's End.

Location: Wapelin Woods, Ryke

Temperature: Cool

Time: Night

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Sisyphus Happy Sisyphus Happy RavenSong RavenSong

Wapelin Wood Ruins

The ambient sounds of the night could be heard, the occasional animal moving through the woods, insects buzzing, the wind blowing occasionally. The night sky was lit up with plenty of stars and constellations which were quite visible in the current conditions.

As lonely as the woods may have appeared from the outside, it was far from the truth.

WIthin the confines of what used to be a building of sorts, along the earthen ground, there were candle which had been lit up around the area, and Iberis was standing near what appeared to be strange symbols which she had drawn in the ground using [Arcana B]. What was different this time around from when Renee had drawn the symbols when she had first gone to this land was that she actually had to restore the realm, Oll’s End and access to it, which thankfully Auldlich was more than happy to inform Iberis how she had to go about it using the Codexius Choaxirs book, that damn book which had lost them their family it seemed..but according to those undead no matter what choices they would make there had been no way to save Renee.

Iberis Odhir

While it still stung Iberis had to take some solace in that they had tried their best and sometimes no matter what you did, tragic outcomes were inevitable. But now, she’d use the restored book for some good. For now the book was open in the middle of the symbols which she had drawn.

She’d look to Kalina, Scylla and Liu who had joined her and would have been directed to stand around the circle with her, while Iberis was at the center. When she finally completed the first set of additional symbols…there was a heavy feeling which would take hold of everyone before dissipating as the book flipped pages by itself before it stopped, Iberis’ eyes lit up when she saw this reaction, as suddenly purplish dark energy shot up in a pillar form from the center of the book.

Instead of being concerned however, Iberis was excited, “I think that means it worked! It should be back now!”

“Now, if we’re all ready to get a move on, I want you to sit down along the edge with me of the circle, and we’ll get ready to move onto the next place, Kalina I don’t know if you entered this way before, but when I went with Madmaw and Renee last time it felt really weird. sort of like what I imagine dying might feel like, but that’s besides the point I got the transportation symbol set up as well as the protection circles so we’ll have the added benefit of not having our..uh life essence stolen as easily just from being in realm, anyway just brace yourselves.”
She’d add the latter part a bit bashfully.

“To be honest Liu I don’t know if these things are as much of a concern for you given your state of being, but better to be safe than sorry, I think you’ll have the advantage that you shouldn’t give off the same sort of vibe that us..conventionally living folk have.” She’d give a bit of a smile.

For now it was up to the group if they would take a seat and prepare themselves as Iberis instructed, so that they could move onto the next part of the ritual.
Liu's response was delayed, peering at the ominous pillar, the book moving on its own. He found it difficult to remain impassive at the visuals, the symbols, all mesmerizing and ethereal. It was in his body language that he was intimidated and bewildered. Getting used to a stable and magical environment did little to quell his wonder at the variety and awe inspired by these things. Rituals, machines, creatures, books, and yet more worlds folded up inside. His foray into the whole art was delayed by its vertiginous expanse. It was a universal power and took as many forms as practitioners. It could be accessed so many ways and was already a world of its own. Here and now it was a book emanating power, yawning wide to gulp them all down, of their own accord. Once he had his fill of the sight of it, he replied to her observation in a somewhat hushed tone, as though he didn't want to upset the portal.

"Perhaps. I shall flash my winning smile and they will have no choice but to remain peaceful," he quipped, obediently taking a seat, a bag with supplies hanging off of his back. A simple cloak over his whole form, but relatively new and relatively clean. Another quip about what it felt like to die bucked against his tongue (so to speak) but he held it back.

As much as one without a face can be, he was glowing at having met these old acquaintences or, if he were feeling bold, friends. In fact, he still had those odd potions acquired from the rat man on the group's prior outing. Trepidation gripped now on this outing more than the other and there remains a significant chance that this one is less dangerous. Who can say? It was on this outing that he had far more to lose. That this group was the most competent bunch he knew of was not lost on him and it was ironic that out of all of them he would fit in the best. He witnessed Kalina and Scylla each wield their silver tongues. He found it difficult to mince words. Being polite and getting one's way are different fields of expertise. Liu found that the further he strays from pedestrian, good-faith actors, the less you get from being polite and earnest. Hopefully the denizens of this funereal place.

After being taken through the desert on a most stimulating adventure. Meeting old slave owner acquaintances, potential friends and lovers and truly being dazzled by the guides abilities. Scylla, had found herself once again in the presence of Kalina, Liu, and Iberis. It had seemed that Iberis, now with the codex had seemed to have figured out its secrets. Scylla was indeed amazed, and in her own way, in admiration of her growth. Part of her was nostalgic about it, and she couldn't help but wonder if Renee would be proud.

In presence of Iberis, Scylla did as she was told. As the one leading the ritual it was only proper for her to do so. She sat around the circle as the necrotic energies of the activated powers of the codex overcame those before it. "Oh this is absolutely marvelous Ibby!!" The delighted half demon witch said as she put her hands together. The powers of the codex overcoming the human half of her heart, and noticably so as Scylla seemed to breathe a bit heavier, yet for all the discomforts she was amazed, "I.. unfortunately couldn't make it the first time.. I uhmm.. heard about it when I saw Renee.." She bashfully look down as she started twiddling her fingers. "..she wasn't very happy with me."

Taking her hat off and placing it on her lap, Scylla sat ready for what came next. No matter what happened next. It was then she'd address Kalina. "Uhm, if you're scared feel free to hold my hand." She giggled softly looking at the damphir with her blood red eyes. She was certainly not the Scylla that set out to the swamps. She was changed, the living scar of the void Renee left within her pupil. How fitting that shortly after overcoming her grief and dealing with the aftermath of her mistakes that she'd sit there in presence with Iberis.

There were more questions than answers at the moment, but now wasn't the time for such detours. The ritual that the young witch had prepared was reaching its fulfilment. And she wouldn't dare interrupt such an ancient and powerful enchantment.
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Kalina Chivernu


Active titles: Evolved, Abomination, Dhampir, Fae, Lune Elf, Monster, Undead, Vampire, Widersia Adventurer D, Ally of Lykra, the Champion, Critical, Blood Celebrant, Roguish, Restrained, Sister's Shattering, Fate Severer, Another Me, Expert Rogue, Apprentice Smuggler, Expert Disguise Artist, Expert Deceiver, Expert Sophist, Expert Seductress, Apprentice Survivalist, Striker, Swashbuckler, Duellist
Languages: {Sylvan} | Common | #Abyssal#
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Scylla RavenSong RavenSong | Viokii Femboy Femboy | Fei Sisyphus Happy Sisyphus Happy

Kalina was rather happy to get a message from Iberis after the whole bandit capturing adventure she'd been in. Needlessly to say, she would try to drag Viokii along with her (and I'll assume she succeeds for now). After all, who'd be foolish to give up on a personal Construct assistant with so many fun settings she'd yet to try out? First of those being the new personality setting options they'd discussed. She also wanted Viokii to meet Iberis and hoped Scylla might be around as well, as she'd recalled the witch and construct got along pretty well last time around.

Upon spotting Iberis, she'd immediately run over to jump-hung the girl. “Ibbyyyyy~ It's been waaaay to long!” She'd say, as she'd give the girl a firm hug and rub her cheek against Iberis' whilst ruffling a hand through the girls sheep-coat-like hair, happy to have access to the cuddliest witch ever once more. “How's Shion doing? Oh, I see you met up with Hydrangea? Has that been going well? Oh, oh, this is Viokii!” She honestly had so much she wanted to catch up on with Iberis that it was tough to explain it all in one go. “You can ask her how you want her to treat you and she'll program it, it's really fun, you should try it out. Although she's really fun in general and I promise she can be trusted.”

“Ah, but still, there's so much to catch up on! Seriously, it's been waaaaay too long. Have you been hearing from Cayde or Hope lately? I wonder how those two are doing. I barely even see Sophia these days...” She mumbled on a bit, before finally letting go of Iberis. “Oh boy, if I cuddle for even a minute longer I might just bite...” She'd state, realising she was about to start drooling. That wasn't a great way to greet a friend, was it? Probably not.

When Scylla appeared, however, she definitely had some words to share. Trying to ignore the mention of Renee, as it'd bring up too many painful memories, she focussed on the next bit. “Holding hands?” She chuckled. “Girl, you owe me sooo much more. Having me fight demons for you in some sort of alternate hellish realm, nearly freezing my poor semi-undead fingers off, having me take some hits and grow thirstier than snail in the desert, only to vanish directly after, before I can even claim my reward and be treated to a meal?!?” She'd shake her head. “I am soooo going to have you make up for that, two, no, three times over.”

Leaning in, she'd bare a fanged smile at Scylla, grabbing the latter's hand in both her own hands and drawing her face close too Scylla's neck. “Perhaps I should try taste how all those adventures changed you, right here and now?” It was honestly tough to resist, though she was just about [Restrained] enough to do so. “I'm holding back now, as Iberis probably needs you clear-headed, but I'm warning you, you might start getting light-headed before long~” She'd give both a warning and a promise.

She'd look over at Liu. “Nice to meet you again, mister Hydrangea. Did I manage to sent you after the right person? I hope you're been treating dear Ibby here well?” She'd ask, as she'd feet his bones to the gnolls otherwise. Then again, she figured he would've considering how he'd treated her back in the Underbelly.

With all that said and done, it was time to get back to business. “Wait, that was it?” She'd ask, as Iberis told them it worked. “Huh, that was a lot easier and quicker than I thought it'd be~ Well done Ibby!” She'd state cheerfully.

The next bit was a surprise. “I sort-off just fell in last time, but please, don't say we're going to end up in a smelly slime pit again...” That'd been bloody awful. “Ah, the dying feeling? I'm already halfway-to-death, so that shouldn't be the worst.” She figured, or hoped, at the very least. She'd nod at the warnings. “Ready when you are!”


Point Booster: Attentive Student (E)
Equipped Titles: Construct, Otherworlder, Servile, All-Purpose Intelligence, VeeVee
Character Sheet

Not having much of elsewhere she needed to go in the meantime and that repair of corrupted files was simply a recovery process that would be naught but taking time to complete, Viokii just opted to continue following along Kalina to wherever the vampire had ended up inviting her to follow next. Not entirely sure what she had been brought along to this time, she could already recognise entirely familiar faces with the exception of Iberis.

The construct gave a brief glance when Kalina referred to her in introduction, giving a small nod and bow of her head.
"Greetings" she briefly added, for now letting whatever plans that the rest of them would seem to have in mind could be carried out without interruption as she just kept to herself and internally focused a larger use of her current RAM usage on repair and restoration software since there wasn't much to do or need speaking about for the moment. For the entire part, she was pretty much only showed up present for Kalina anyway.​

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