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Active [Wapelin Woods, Ryke-Oll's End] Oll’s End My Old Friend


Roleplay Artist
Rp Goal: Restore, and return to The Realm of Death, AKA Oll's End. Find a suitable base of operation for The Coven faction in Oll's End.

Location: Wapelin Woods, Ryke

Temperature: Cool

Time: Night

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Sisyphus Happy Sisyphus Happy RavenSong RavenSong

Wapelin Wood Ruins

The ambient sounds of the night could be heard, the occasional animal moving through the woods, insects buzzing, the wind blowing occasionally. The night sky was lit up with plenty of stars and constellations which were quite visible in the current conditions.

As lonely as the woods may have appeared from the outside, it was far from the truth.

WIthin the confines of what used to be a building of sorts, along the earthen ground, there were candle which had been lit up around the area, and Iberis was standing near what appeared to be strange symbols which she had drawn in the ground using [Arcana B]. What was different this time around from when Renee had drawn the symbols when she had first gone to this land was that she actually had to restore the realm, Oll’s End and access to it, which thankfully Auldlich was more than happy to inform Iberis how she had to go about it using the Codexius Choaxirs book, that damn book which had lost them their family it seemed..but according to those undead no matter what choices they would make there had been no way to save Renee.

Iberis Odhir

While it still stung Iberis had to take some solace in that they had tried their best and sometimes no matter what you did, tragic outcomes were inevitable. But now, she’d use the restored book for some good. For now the book was open in the middle of the symbols which she had drawn.

She’d look to Kalina, Scylla and Liu who had joined her and would have been directed to stand around the circle with her, while Iberis was at the center. When she finally completed the first set of additional symbols…there was a heavy feeling which would take hold of everyone before dissipating as the book flipped pages by itself before it stopped, Iberis’ eyes lit up when she saw this reaction, as suddenly purplish dark energy shot up in a pillar form from the center of the book.

Instead of being concerned however, Iberis was excited, “I think that means it worked! It should be back now!”

“Now, if we’re all ready to get a move on, I want you to sit down along the edge with me of the circle, and we’ll get ready to move onto the next place, Kalina I don’t know if you entered this way before, but when I went with Madmaw and Renee last time it felt really weird. sort of like what I imagine dying might feel like, but that’s besides the point I got the transportation symbol set up as well as the protection circles so we’ll have the added benefit of not having our..uh life essence stolen as easily just from being in realm, anyway just brace yourselves.”
She’d add the latter part a bit bashfully.

“To be honest Liu I don’t know if these things are as much of a concern for you given your state of being, but better to be safe than sorry, I think you’ll have the advantage that you shouldn’t give off the same sort of vibe that us..conventionally living folk have.” She’d give a bit of a smile.

For now it was up to the group if they would take a seat and prepare themselves as Iberis instructed, so that they could move onto the next part of the ritual.
Liu's response was delayed, peering at the ominous pillar, the book moving on its own. He found it difficult to remain impassive at the visuals, the symbols, all mesmerizing and ethereal. It was in his body language that he was intimidated and bewildered. Getting used to a stable and magical environment did little to quell his wonder at the variety and awe inspired by these things. Rituals, machines, creatures, books, and yet more worlds folded up inside. His foray into the whole art was delayed by its vertiginous expanse. It was a universal power and took as many forms as practitioners. It could be accessed so many ways and was already a world of its own. Here and now it was a book emanating power, yawning wide to gulp them all down, of their own accord. Once he had his fill of the sight of it, he replied to her observation in a somewhat hushed tone, as though he didn't want to upset the portal.

"Perhaps. I shall flash my winning smile and they will have no choice but to remain peaceful," he quipped, obediently taking a seat, a bag with supplies hanging off of his back. A simple cloak over his whole form, but relatively new and relatively clean. Another quip about what it felt like to die bucked against his tongue (so to speak) but he held it back.

As much as one without a face can be, he was glowing at having met these old acquaintences or, if he were feeling bold, friends. In fact, he still had those odd potions acquired from the rat man on the group's prior outing. Trepidation gripped now on this outing more than the other and there remains a significant chance that this one is less dangerous. Who can say? It was on this outing that he had far more to lose. That this group was the most competent bunch he knew of was not lost on him and it was ironic that out of all of them he would fit in the best. He witnessed Kalina and Scylla each wield their silver tongues. He found it difficult to mince words. Being polite and getting one's way are different fields of expertise. Liu found that the further he strays from pedestrian, good-faith actors, the less you get from being polite and earnest. Hopefully the denizens of this funereal place.
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After being taken through the desert on a most stimulating adventure. Meeting old slave owner acquaintances, potential friends and lovers and truly being dazzled by the guides abilities. Scylla, had found herself once again in the presence of Kalina, Liu, and Iberis. It had seemed that Iberis, now with the codex had seemed to have figured out its secrets. Scylla was indeed amazed, and in her own way, in admiration of her growth. Part of her was nostalgic about it, and she couldn't help but wonder if Renee would be proud.

In presence of Iberis, Scylla did as she was told. As the one leading the ritual it was only proper for her to do so. She sat around the circle as the necrotic energies of the activated powers of the codex overcame those before it. "Oh this is absolutely marvelous Ibby!!" The delighted half demon witch said as she put her hands together. The powers of the codex overcoming the human half of her heart, and noticably so as Scylla seemed to breathe a bit heavier, yet for all the discomforts she was amazed, "I.. unfortunately couldn't make it the first time.. I uhmm.. heard about it when I saw Renee.." She bashfully look down as she started twiddling her fingers. "..she wasn't very happy with me."

Taking her hat off and placing it on her lap, Scylla sat ready for what came next. No matter what happened next. It was then she'd address Kalina. "Uhm, if you're scared feel free to hold my hand." She giggled softly looking at the damphir with her blood red eyes. She was certainly not the Scylla that set out to the swamps. She was changed, the living scar of the void Renee left within her pupil. How fitting that shortly after overcoming her grief and dealing with the aftermath of her mistakes that she'd sit there in presence with Iberis.

There were more questions than answers at the moment, but now wasn't the time for such detours. The ritual that the young witch had prepared was reaching its fulfilment. And she wouldn't dare interrupt such an ancient and powerful enchantment.
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Kalina Chivernu


Active titles: Evolved, Abomination, Dhampir, Fae, Lune Elf, Monster, Undead, Vampire, Widersia Adventurer D, Ally of Lykra, the Champion, Critical, Blood Celebrant, Roguish, Restrained, Sister's Shattering, Fate Severer, Another Me, Expert Rogue, Apprentice Smuggler, Expert Disguise Artist, Expert Deceiver, Expert Sophist, Expert Seductress, Apprentice Survivalist, Striker, Swashbuckler, Duellist
Languages: {Sylvan} | Common | #Abyssal#
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Scylla RavenSong RavenSong | Viokii Femboy Femboy | Fei Sisyphus Happy Sisyphus Happy

Kalina was rather happy to get a message from Iberis after the whole bandit capturing adventure she'd been in. Needlessly to say, she would try to drag Viokii along with her (and I'll assume she succeeds for now). After all, who'd be foolish to give up on a personal Construct assistant with so many fun settings she'd yet to try out? First of those being the new personality setting options they'd discussed. She also wanted Viokii to meet Iberis and hoped Scylla might be around as well, as she'd recalled the witch and construct got along pretty well last time around.

Upon spotting Iberis, she'd immediately run over to jump-hung the girl. “Ibbyyyyy~ It's been waaaay to long!” She'd say, as she'd give the girl a firm hug and rub her cheek against Iberis' whilst ruffling a hand through the girls sheep-coat-like hair, happy to have access to the cuddliest witch ever once more. “How's Shion doing? Oh, I see you met up with Hydrangea? Has that been going well? Oh, oh, this is Viokii!” She honestly had so much she wanted to catch up on with Iberis that it was tough to explain it all in one go. “You can ask her how you want her to treat you and she'll program it, it's really fun, you should try it out. Although she's really fun in general and I promise she can be trusted.”

“Ah, but still, there's so much to catch up on! Seriously, it's been waaaaay too long. Have you been hearing from Cayde or Hope lately? I wonder how those two are doing. I barely even see Sophia these days...” She mumbled on a bit, before finally letting go of Iberis. “Oh boy, if I cuddle for even a minute longer I might just bite...” She'd state, realising she was about to start drooling. That wasn't a great way to greet a friend, was it? Probably not.

When Scylla appeared, however, she definitely had some words to share. Trying to ignore the mention of Renee, as it'd bring up too many painful memories, she focussed on the next bit. “Holding hands?” She chuckled. “Girl, you owe me sooo much more. Having me fight demons for you in some sort of alternate hellish realm, nearly freezing my poor semi-undead fingers off, having me take some hits and grow thirstier than snail in the desert, only to vanish directly after, before I can even claim my reward and be treated to a meal?!?” She'd shake her head. “I am soooo going to have you make up for that, two, no, three times over.”

Leaning in, she'd bare a fanged smile at Scylla, grabbing the latter's hand in both her own hands and drawing her face close too Scylla's neck. “Perhaps I should try taste how all those adventures changed you, right here and now?” It was honestly tough to resist, though she was just about [Restrained] enough to do so. “I'm holding back now, as Iberis probably needs you clear-headed, but I'm warning you, you might start getting light-headed before long~” She'd give both a warning and a promise.

She'd look over at Liu. “Nice to meet you again, mister Hydrangea. Did I manage to sent you after the right person? I hope you're been treating dear Ibby here well?” She'd ask, as she'd feet his bones to the gnolls otherwise. Then again, she figured he would've considering how he'd treated her back in the Underbelly.

With all that said and done, it was time to get back to business. “Wait, that was it?” She'd ask, as Iberis told them it worked. “Huh, that was a lot easier and quicker than I thought it'd be~ Well done Ibby!” She'd state cheerfully.

The next bit was a surprise. “I sort-off just fell in last time, but please, don't say we're going to end up in a smelly slime pit again...” That'd been bloody awful. “Ah, the dying feeling? I'm already halfway-to-death, so that shouldn't be the worst.” She figured, or hoped, at the very least. She'd nod at the warnings. “Ready when you are!”


Point Booster: Attentive Student (E)
Equipped Titles: Construct, Otherworlder, Servile, All-Purpose Intelligence, VeeVee
Character Sheet

Not having much of elsewhere she needed to go in the meantime and that repair of corrupted files was simply a recovery process that would be naught but taking time to complete, Viokii just opted to continue following along Kalina to wherever the vampire had ended up inviting her to follow next. Not entirely sure what she had been brought along to this time, she could already recognise entirely familiar faces with the exception of Iberis.

The construct gave a brief glance when Kalina referred to her in introduction, giving a small nod and bow of her head.
"Greetings" she briefly added, for now letting whatever plans that the rest of them would seem to have in mind could be carried out without interruption as she just kept to herself and internally focused a larger use of her current RAM usage on repair and restoration software since there wasn't much to do or need speaking about for the moment. For the entire part, she was pretty much only showed up present for Kalina anyway.​
Location: Wapelin Woods, Ryke- Oll’s End

Temperature: Cool

Time: Night-???

Mentions: Sisyphus Happy Sisyphus Happy Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy RavenSong RavenSong

Iberis Odhir

Iberis couldn’t help but giggle a bit at what Liu had to say.

“Well you certainly have a charming one! Maybe we can find you some friends here.” She spoke part light heartedly at how he had expressed himself half serious as there was a chance that Liu might genuinely meet others like him sooner than they’d assume.

Iberis smiled warmly in Scylla’s direction as well. “Heh thanks! Auldlich definitely helped me a good deal figuring out how the book works, I mean we sorta share memories sometimes and in this case..well you know he has a lot of experience with this book, so between our two heads it wasn’t impossible, he also helped instruct me what the most successful practice would be in restoring the access point, cept this time it should be the dimension minus the big bads who left or died last time so that’ll help.”

Her smile would fade a bit as she gave Scylla a more serious nod at the mention of Renee not being happy with her.

With Kalina there hugging her and snugging her some she’d reciprocate, giggling a bit.

“Mhm, it’s been awhile…” Iberis commented softly.

“Yeah the last part’s been going pretty well! I like to think so anyway, you can correct me if I’m wrong.” She’d say looking to Liu.

She’d then look over to Viokii giving a wave, “Oh hey! You look pretty cool, nice to meet you Viokii glad you’re here to help.” She’d say with another warm smile.

“I can’t say I’ve heard much from Cayde or Hope for the time being, I was off with Shion for awhile but uh..she’s not..probably going to be around too much..unfortunately she’s..okay I think but not, easily around in a literal sense…” Iberis said looking considerably less pleased on the topic.

“Oh right heh, I mean if you wanna drink some at some point, you know I trust you Kali.”

By the time Iberis had been focusing and the pillar went off and Kalina asked if that was it, she looked back and nodded,

“Yeah, there was actually quite a bit of prep work behind the scenes to be fair, figuring out the symbols and materials we needed wasn’t exactly a walk in the park when you’re working with magic this old, what you got to see was the culmination of Auldlich, Liu, and me preparing so while it might have looked pretty straight forward, trust me there were mental mazes and stuff to navigate on my end to get the information we needed..but thanks regardless, I appreciate that!”

At being told Kalina was ready when she was, Iberis gave a nod, “Shouldn't’ be a pit, least that’s not what happened when I went the way I was shown.”

“Anyway, everyone brace yourself I’m moving us forward!”

When everyone was in position and ready, Iberis would begin speaking strange words in a language not quite identifiable as darkness emerged from the book’s pages and ran down the symbolic marks which she had made. Even without her touching the book it’s pages began to move and the book started floating. Suddenly everyone who was sitting was floating in mid air too briefly, until for everyone but Viokii and Liu it would sort of feel like they drew their last breath before blacking out permanently..until suddenly they were somewhere else entirely different.

The group then would feel like they were falling to the ground quickly until they arrived in a place which would have looked and felt familiar for some, not so much for others.

Oll’s End

The air felt cold, the sky had a certain darkness to it, the surrounding environment looked barren of vegetation, ruin like stones strewn about in the grayish wasteland like area, some bones also about from who knew what, as well as pretty tall grayish dune like structures in the distance across what was comparable to a no man’s land of bits of decay and earth.

Unlike last time however there was not a sense of loneliness when they arrived, instead they had a sense of unity in the strange environment.

Iberis was still holding onto the book when she landed, painlessly surprisingly like she had gently floated down on her feet, as did the others.

All of them except for Liu and Viokii appeared to have the faint symbol circles around their feet which generated some slight light in a radial, symbolizing the protection circles which they had been given.

“Alright, is everyone okay?” Iberis would call out.

“Unlike the protection circles which Renee made, Auldlich and I improved on them so that instead of having to leave the realm entirely their energy supply can simply be replenished through magical energy.” She’d gesture to the faint marks for reference around those who had them.

After getting used to their environment however the group saw in the distance there was a group of a few skeletons sitting around some sort of strange bluish bonfire, they didn’t look particularly hostile, perhaps a bit bored actually with their body language, one armored skeleton tended to the fire, while the top hat and cloak wearing ones looked like they were playing some sort of ivory dice game with a cup to pass the time. It wasn’t entirely clear what they were doing there.

"Oh uh, looks like we have company, I guess we could go and say hi to be polite..or just walk a different way." Iberis added looking over curiously.


When Kalina mentioned Viokii she immediately turned to behold the familiar persona. She wondered if her transformation might have made her a bit unsettled. Regardless it didn't seem like she recognized her. Scylla began by clearing her throat, "Hello Viokii." The witch greeted. "Do.. you remember me?" She titled her head a bit in wonder. It was always hard to tell the constructs feelings without a visible expression. Yet, it was what made her so charming and oddly mysterious; otherworldly.

When then the damphir Kalina brought Viokii to Iberis attention she decided to chime in on that bit, "She's also a wonderful conversationalist!" A toothy innocent smile as she glanced at Viokii.

She then noticed that Iberis bringing to the attention of those present the presence of Liu and one a long with Viokii who wouldn't be affected by the sudden discomfort due to the nature of how they experienced the world. It was rather curious, Scyllas desire to dissect things was rather absent now since fused with Velvet, she instead felt a degree of curiosity. It was indeed rather curious that two speaking beings would be capable of speaking and reasoning. She wondered if her living half could be killed and replaced with something of similar composition. But for now, it was all just a thought. She was just beginning to get used to being someone different within the same body.

Her trail of thought would then be interrupted as a pair of fangs came forward along with being tugged towards Kalina. "Oh!" She gasped with surprise as she turned to face the bloodlust that gazed into her soul before her. "I.. well.. dear first and foremost I am immensely grateful for your help. Truly if it wasn't for you I wouldn't be princess of a hellish realm. However, I am rather curious how my life force would be palatable to your tastes. In fact. Why don't we-" It was then that Kalina had mentioned she was restraining herself, which was prudent and rather fitting for the occasion. Leaning in Scylla would reassure the thirsting damphir. "Perhaps after our efforts here with Iberis are concluded I could be drained to near death." The with would then boop Kalina on the nose. "But let's spare our friends here my moaning and audible enjoyment." She giggled softly once again.

Without another move, the ritual was activated, suddenly time appeared to stop and for once in her new skin Scylla felt defeated. Helpless. Finished. And strangely, at peace. Surely this is what death would feel like for the witch. Always thirsting for power, or new spells, or new ways to further her agenda. Surely an ending would be.. peaceful.

Yet it was not the end, she soon found herself falling towards a different ground. She shrieked briefly as it would seem they would splatter amongst the ancient ruins of stone. "Eek!" But she was let down well enough to live.

Scylla would then get up, slowly, as she figured out where she was. Her eyes still adjusting to the light as Iberis mentioned the skeletons before them, then whispering to iberis. "I assume they spend their days here. Perhaps it would be best we did made aware our presence."
Kalina Chivernu

Active titles: Evolved, Abomination, Dhampir, Fae, Lune Elf, Monster, Undead, Vampire, Widersia Adventurer D, Ally of Lykra, the Champion, Critical, Blood Celebrant, Roguish, Restrained, Sister's Shattering, Fate Severer, Another Me, Expert Rogue, Apprentice Smuggler, Expert Disguise Artist, Expert Deceiver, Expert Sophist, Expert Seductress, Apprentice Survivalist, Striker, Swashbuckler, Duellist
Languages: {Sylvan} | Common | #Abyssal#
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Scylla RavenSong RavenSong | Viokii Femboy Femboy | Fei Sisyphus Happy Sisyphus Happy

Upon Viokii arriving, Kalina recalled something. “Oh, Vivi, did you get those new personality settings you wanted to try out installed?” She was still rather curious about those.

“Oh... the Guardian of the Sacred Fluff left? That is a shame.” She'd state, figuring she might not wish to pry more about that. Not when Iberis would need to focus. She could always ask later.

That said, when Iberis offered, it was almost too good not to immediately accept the deal. “Oh, gods, or demons might fit better, sometimes you're too adorable for your own good~” She'd state. “If we have some downtime later, I'd love a little gentle sip~” She'd would state, as it'd been a long while since she'd tasted Iberis. Or well, had any decent blood in general, come to think of it.

“So long as it's not a slime bit, I'll be great, I think~” She'd state, perhaps a tad overconfident.

When they landed, Kalina was a tad dizzy... “Okay, I take it back, that was a rough ride... bloody hell. Y'all okay?” She asked, as she looked around to the others, only to realise that Iberis was asking the exact same thing right then. “Good enough, by now, home sweet home, right? Gonna need to find a better way to get here though...” She mumbled.

“Oh wow, well done Ibby!” She was surprised at how big of an improvement Ibby had made to them. “That's a lot more convenient.”

As for the skeletons, she shrugged. “I don't mind either way.” Actually, perhaps she did. “Now that I think about it, I don't think I ever found a female skeleton yet? I mean, perhaps it'd just no longer be visible? I'm a tad curious. Maybe one of them is.” The weirdest reason to want to go say hi, perhaps, but it was one.

Most surprising, however, was the changes Scylla had gone through. “If you're curious, perhaps I shouldn't hold back after all?” She'd state, as Scylla was doing a great job at getting the vampire thirstier. “Wow that's...” What was that? Being interested in being drained to near-death? Kalina wasn't even sure. It kind-off sounded really... exciting? She worried, for a second, if she'd been corrupted that much. The next bit spoken by Scylla not helping. “Are you sure you wouldn't like that? Seeing Iberis turn red with badly hidden embarrassment? Watching Viokii wonder why her algorithms can't make sense of what's she's seeing? Having Hydrangea wish he had more than just bones left? All whilst you can't help yourself from making things worse by the minute?” Perhaps Kalina was still [monster] after all.

With great effort, she managed to fall back again. “Oh, perhaps a bit late, Ibby, but what exactly is the goal? I mean, you wish to restore, recover and conquer this realm right? Do you also want to make everything and everyone in it submit to you? If so, we'll definitely want to start with the skeletons over there.”
Liu immediately assented to Iberis' suggestion, adding "I have no complaints. We are bound by mutual understanding and transparency. I have not often had such an agreement, even in life. Furthermore, she has done all of the work until now."

He then employed the tactic he had on his last outing with Scylla and Kalina. Turning his head in the other direction and pretending he didn't hear the lurid flirting, resisting the urge to involve himself in any way with [Intelligence A].

In keeping with the aforementioned pattern, Iberis initiated the transition. As far as he could tell, it was bodily, not spiritual. For him it was it was smooth and disconcertingly comfortable. Darkness passed over his eyes, and his body was in a moribund position; he never felt the sensation of falling. It was like slipping into something comfortable, or like sneaking cognac with breakfast. Rising slowly and casting his hollow gaze around, he found a hollow land. Nothing stirred and he sensed no wind. There was light to see but it lacked the burdensome ardence of the star cradling the other world. The light here was like the sun's last sigh will be, the moment before it whispers the shadows away once and for all. It likened his own form as his glances wandered aimlessly through the bare land. For moments he could not pick out detail at all. Grass and trees like hair on the land helped marking range, but here all the rocks blended together, the ridges ruins and bones helped a little bit but were lost in the distance of it.

This place likes him. Before, when there was the comfort of a hidden observer, there was a weird, platonic voyeurism involved in people-watching, or life-watching. "The sea is the king of one hundred rivers because it places itself below them." Now, here, perhaps the roles have reversed. It was like stage-fright, the feeling that overtook him, the feeling that he could be preferred by his environment.

A few moments after Liu rose from his laying spot, he drew his arms up and folded them over his body, his shoulders hunched while he looked aimlessly around. He was in a visible stupor, and with the barest magical intuition one might spot it had nothing to do with the ritual. He stood stupefied, forced to involved his whole being in rebuking the waves of euphoria trying to flood his mind at the breaking of tension he never acknowledged, like the breaking of a dam let the walls down and the catharsis rise. But this is wrong, death, and silence, he could not let it in. Now for the first time in a while the mission has taken a back seat for just a moment.

Mentions: Iberis TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Scylla RavenSong RavenSong | Viokii Femboy Femboy | Kalina Elvario Elvario
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Point Booster: Attentive Student (E)
Equipped Titles: Construct, Otherworlder, Servile, All-Purpose Intelligence, VeeVee
Character Sheet

Viokii would look to Iberis for a moment on being acknowledged by her and giving her a light nod of her head as she had answered back.
"Thank you, I will be here on behalf of Kalina to help assist in needed situations, though this is not the first time that I have met the others here. All three of the other beings present were also present at my initial reboot, and assisted me out of a difference situation. I will assuredly believe that the task at hand should be inevitably completed in a reasonable amount of time" Viokii answered as her next attention was brought to Scylla asking if she still recalled the witch. Slowly moving over to her, the construct lightly placed a hand on the girl's head and gave a light rub, twitching her rabbit-like ears as she tilted her head a little.

"Of course I would remember, Cutie. Why would I have forgotten? The things that happened last time may have been a little strange, but I'm glad - as far as my algorithms can assume the understanding of this emotion subset to view and acknowledge the scenario - that you are safe and sound, and doing well" Viokii answered in what was a completely different tone of voice and kindness than she had been speaking before, managing to still have stored and recalled the ways she was encouraged to treat and refer to Scylla as from such a long while ago. Bringing her hands together and forming a heart-shape with them for the witch, before her attention was brought to Kalina asking about new personality settings.

"Yes, although I would be lead to believe that they most likely wouldn't serve any beneficial purpose to the current task at hand. The following experimental suggestions offered at the time were: Snarky-Forward-Playful-Organic Human Teenager, Dominant Caring Over-Forward Love-Partner, Laid-Back Playful-Suggestive Tease, 011948275-[Filtered] Merciless First Person Shooter [Filtered] [Filtered]. As per memory, I recall you having interest in Laid-Back Playful-Suggestive Tease, though it would likely prove more of a current distraction more than anything and you may have ended up changing your mind" Viokii answered about it.

It wouldn't take long for them to be transported to wherever else it was that they were exactly, Viokii calmly recuperating herself and trying to look around to understand the new surroundings as this weirdly enough wasn't the first time she had been so abruptly visiting some other sort of plane of existence. Having overheard Kalina and Scylla being rather flirtatious at such a time, Viokii looked over to the two.

"This is likely an impractical time for such activities. Although it is merely a supportive suggestion, my recommendation would be, to the best of your abilities, postpone or minimise degenerate organic being behaviour until a later time" the construct suggested, recalling how long the Underbelly trip could have been if the two were getting distracted with such flirtatious matters the entire time.

Coming across the skeleton strangers, Viokii only nodded in agreement to making their presence aware. Sneaking around would likely only make them seem all the more suspicious.​
Location: Oll’s End

Temperature: Cool

Time: ???

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Sisyphus Happy Sisyphus Happy RavenSong RavenSong Femboy Femboy

Iberis Odhir

Iberis gave a simple nod to confirm when Kalina asked that much about Shion. She was aware of how close Scylla and Kalina were interacting and wasn’t particularly bothered by it, actually somewhat happy to see them getting along so well, had Shion been with them she might have been snugging her, but nevertheless it did not seem that would in fact be in the cards in the foreseeable future do to what had happened.

She would have smiled a bit warmly at Kalina with a nod in response to her interest in drinking blood, that she hadn’t minded so much, even when she had pricked her finger for her.

She also gave Liu a smile for his words, glad to hear that he wasn’t displeased with their arrangement so far.
Iberis found herself intrigued by Viokii since she did not have much experience with her yet, but given she was on such positive terms with some of her closest allies and friends, she was favorable to Iberis, as she listened to her discuss the personality types and that she remembered Scylla.
Instead Iberis tried her best to focus on the task at hand. After they landed and were standing up, she couldn’t help but agree with the landing and seeing about making it better, “We’ll need to see about making the landing a bit smoother around here, I think with the right tools and knowledge it should be possible.”

She smiled a bit bashfully and her eyes lit up at Kalina’s comment, “Oh you think so? Thanks.”

She’d then look to Scylla and give a nod with her saying they should go say hi, she had really just asked because she really wasn’t sure.

Then there was another vote to engage from Kalina.

“Huh? I hadn’t really thought of that before to be honest, there’s bound to be some female ones around here somewhere, I mean we saw all sorts of strange beings last time some of which were female so why not any undead like that?”

Thankfully Iberis wasn’t paying too much attention when Kalina’s talk got more intimate with Scylla, as she took in the surrounding environment, and it wasn’t long before she looked over to Kalina who asked her what her goal was.

“Hm..subjugate? I may have to in order to ensure the safety of the coven which I wish to found here, however that is not the primary objective.”

“What I want to do initially is establish a safe enough base of operation in this realm and secure part of it so that like minded individuals who partake in darker sorts of magic can congregate and work together, ones who know that magic is not inherently evil, but is what the caster chooses to do with it which makes it so one way or another, of course this…group will not be exclusive to magic users, but anyone who understands that the world is not simply black and white and either or, and has a desire to work with us toward common interests.”

She’d reassure Kalina so as not to make her feel alienated, plus she was telling the truth Iberis had no issue working with those who did not cast too, but she definitely wanted it to be a safe haven for those who did.

“Assuming this goal is achievable we would work toward expanding our holdings, resources, and perhaps getting allies from this realm, which I Suppose could be seen as a form of conquest…moreso I’d like to avoid fighting here where possible, not all of the denizens are inherently evil from what I could tell, many could be reasoned with even. I think that Liu ultimately will be essential in creating a dialogue with those who can be reasoned with, he can relate to them in a way which..uh really only my leg can I guess.” She’d say a bit bashfully toward the latter part once more.

She’d then look over toward Liu questioningly, “Hey, you alright there?” She’d ask unaware that his transfer to a realm which was actually much more inviting and accepting of him than probably any other he had felt so far would be so profound.

Unlike what those living in a traditional sense in the party were trying to avoid, this realm’s innate desire to drain the life energy of those who were not protected, Liu might actually feel himself be invigorated by this same area hazard, feeling more energized than usual.

She could understand where Viokii was coming from as far as safety went it might be a good idea to focus on task till they had some down time somewhere.secure.

Then Iberis got a confirmation from Viokii as well, it looked like they were going to make their presence known.

When everyone seemed ready she’d make her way over to the skeletons and give them a wave.

“Uh, hello there! I don’t mean any harm, We’re just passing through you see and I was hoping to find an abandoned building, structure or something around here or something if you three had any idea where I could find one, if not that’s..okay too! How are you doing?”

Iberis explained and tried her best to be friendly and nonthreatening.


The tophat wearing skeleton stood up and looked over at Iberis, before giving a spin of their cane.

“Oh hello there girl! So that’s What someone like you is doing here! Exploring! Whose there with you?”

The skeleton used their staff to point at Scylla and Kalina specifically. This top hat skeleton spoke in a more posh gentlemanly voice.

“You know they look a lot like the people who described who some cloaked figures came by here recently asking if we had seen them earlier.”

Iberis looked a bit apprehensive at hearing this, “What do you mean?”

The hooded skeleton then spoke up in a more raspy voice perhaps almost feminine voice,
“They said that Lord Hasufer needed to be avenged for those who dared to transgress and upset the order and that if we saw people who looked like those two we should tell them immediately."


Then the armored one, instead of saying a word, began to rub the wood over the bluish fire and a smoke signal of sorts began to start up.

The top hatted one spoke up again,

“Oh it looks like my friend here Bjorn really wants that reward they offered! I can’t blame him to be honest. You should be fine girl! So should the purple one and the other one like us with you! Why don’t I direct you toward that building you were seeking, you should head over the ruins over there and if you keep traveling that way you’ll find something you’re looking for, but I’d really suggest you get out of here before things get ugly.”

“Lord Hasufer what are they talking about?! There’s someone else here? How is that even possible I didn’t think this place was even..unless what if they..” Iberis looked considerably more concerned as she looked over to Kalina and Scylla expectantly wondering exactly what the heck was going on.
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Kalina Chivernu

Active titles: [Wanted (Demon Cultists)], Evolved, Abomination, Dhampir, Fae, Lune Elf, Monster, Undead, Vampire, Widersia Adventurer D, Ally of Lykra, the Champion, Critical, Blood Celebrant, Roguish, Restrained, Sister's Shattering, Fate Severer, Another Me, Expert Rogue, Apprentice Smuggler, Expert Disguise Artist, Expert Deceiver, Expert Sophist, Expert Seductress, Apprentice Survivalist, Striker, Swashbuckler, Duellist
Languages: {Sylvan} | Common | #Abyssal#
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Scylla RavenSong RavenSong | Viokii Femboy Femboy | Fei Sisyphus Happy Sisyphus Happy

“That's good to hear~” She'd reply to Fei, upon the latter stating he had no complaints. “Oh, letting poor Ibby do all the work?” She stated, raising an eyebrow and wondering if she needed to feed his bones to the gnolls after all.

Sadly enough, it seemed like Vivi was playing police again. “It's not always about beneficial purposes, Vivi, sometimes it's also just about having a bit of fun~” She'd reply, although she sighed. “It might indeed be a distraction, hmm... Shame. Just, I don't know, try it out during the next bit of downtime or rest? You know, to have something other than the death realms?” She offered.

She scoffed at Viokii, when she was called out for flirting. “You're not wrong, but also, I would like to be able to actually have proper meals for a mission. That bandit quest had me thirsting for so long I was worried I'd have to go drink cow's blood or something. Also, dear Scylla here tends to just vanish before she can live up to her promises if I don't take what I'm due when I get the chance!” She'd state, eyeing the witch, still not happy about when the latter had vanished previously.

“Smoother landings seem neat indeed.” She'd not, no clue how they'd do that, but wanting it as a priority already. “Of course I do! You're making progress surprisingly quickly~”

As for female skeletons, she'd nod. “True, true. I think some of those gross slime things was?” She'd rather forget about those, however, as those were yucky.

Hearing more details about Iberis' full plans was neat, as she'd listen and nod along. “That sounds really neat!” She'd smile encouragingly. “Although it does sound like you'd indeed need to subjugate the current folk in this realm first, otherwise they might try to kick out anyone you invite.”

Upon hearing about negotiating, she'd ponder. “Do you think using an [monster] alternate identity of mine might help folk connect?” She wondered if she should turn into her succubus-monster-like identity again.

For now, she followed up on Iberis as she was. “Lord Hasufer... hasufer...” She tried to recall the name, as it was mentioned. “Wasn't the icy bastard we finished off?” She asked Scylla.

However, something else stood out. “Wait, are you perhaps female?” She'd ask, not really caring if she was insensitive or not. “It's tough to meet female skeletons, it seems, especially cause you can't really tell well~” She would 'explain' the odd question. “”

Watching the one making smoke signals, she tilted her head. “Hey, if you're signalling to someone to come get us or something, that's fine by me, but if we end up fighting them, are you gonna join them? I've got no desire to start fighting you guys here, but anyone worshipping that ice wimp and trying to take vengeance can just follow their demon lord to the afterlife.”

That's when she had a great idea. “If we we kill those bastards with overwhelming power, right before your eyes, will you join us?” She'd ask with some Roguish Charm (B).

Roguish Charm: – Deception B, Persuasion B, Seduction B, Disguise B – Character uses their words, disguises and charms to get things done. - Grade B – 4 Post Cooldown

As for Iberis' question, she'd look at Scylla. “I think Scylla is the one to explain more, I'll just go look around to see how we can best fight them in case they come over to try get rid of us.” She'd state, as she'd look around the area a bit.
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"Well, if you would like me to conduct the transportation ritual next time we shall run it by her and let us see what she thinks," he responded to Kalina's prodding.


Liu snapped out of it once Iberis called and he turned to follow, looking back at the samey vista once more time before 'locking in.' He began casting his gaze around instead for landmarks, points of triangulation, stars -- fat chance -- though there were weakly glowing orbs above, who could say how far? For now, they would have to be the point of reference. Who knew if they were stationary, or even real? They very well could have been illusory. Consideration of this issue was forestalled by the presence of three figures before them down the path. Liu arrived in time to see a smoke signal begin. Lowering his head into his hands, a headache found its way into his empty head and he considered his options. Were these creatures so greedy that they would immediately call for those guards? Were the cloaked figures they referenced earlier in some position of power? There were too many unknowns and Liu would have preferred to stay unknown for just a little bit longer.

"Do you have anything to disperse that smoke signal?" he asked Scylla quietly before stepping forward. As he did, he searched toward the horizons around them for more smoke pillars, wondering how plausible it would be that an interruption in an existing fire would go unnoticed. Directing his attention to the individuals before him, he maintained cordiality in himself for the time being.

"Very well, you have called those individuals over, and perhaps we would have... words with them. Do any of you swear allegience to this Hasafur figure, or know this individual well?" he asked the skeletal trio, craning his neck toward the hills, valleys, and ridges surrounding them, trying to keep an eye out for the purported cloaked figures searching for their ilk.

Mentions: Iberis TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Scylla RavenSong RavenSong | Viokii Femboy Femboy | Kalina Elvario Elvario
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"Goodness, that landing sure gave me a fright." She said breathing a bit heavily. But it would soon dissipate, part of her was just a bit on edge.

Having explained what Iberis was intended to do, Scylla nodded happily. "Why isn't that a wonderful thing!" The witch crossed her arms and shifted her weight to the side. Then looked around a bit. "It's not much now I suppose, but if this is your desire little Ibby, then count on me to help in anyway." Scylla couldn't help but feel a heartful connection to Iberis. In some way, she held onto her old self through her when she was more flippant, empty headed and aloof. Before all the trauma. And how fitting that now of all placed they'd be where it all began.
Scylla would giggle, a coy hand coming over her mouth as Kalina referred to Viokiis comments. "Don't be mean Kay.." she said holding the damphirs pinky finger. "..I think Viokiis 'prudeness is kinda cute." She'd then wink at the construct and return the heart shaped gesture.
It wouldn't all be old friends and new friends meeting again however. As Scylla looked on expectantly at Iberis speak to the local denizens, something was almost immediately off. Particularly with the two that didn't seem to share the same mood as the top hatted figure.
She blinked some, at the tension before referring to Kalinas question, her expression turning gleeful with a grin, "Hasufer. Lord of Sorrow. Yes. The very one and only Kay. Perhaps, the time has come to subjugate sooner than later after all." She began to giggle, as if she knew that fighting here was imminent. Yet Liu mentioned something peculiar and quite frankly much more tactful that mindless destruction. Regaining her composure, she'd clear her throat. "A very good observation and suggestion mister. How about.. something refreshing?"
The witch widened her stance, yet now that it seemed the news had traveled far and wide beyond dimensions using her eye would likely serve as even more of a beacon to signal potential bounty hunters. She'd instead pull out her old wand. Purple, girly and magicky as ever.

She would use the wand to pull moisture out of thing air, glyphs and symbols would appear in a ring around her as water made itself manifest before her. Her clawed like hand would then gesture towards the billowing smoke signal in an effort to put out the beacon.

  • Spell of Drowning Magic Affinity D - Water Affinity E - Magic Range E - Duration Magic F - Incapacitating Affinity F - Focus E - Uses her ability to pull moisture out of thin air to create an aqua sphere around a target depriving the target of oxygen - Grade D - 2 Cooldowns

Once finished she'd pull at Iberis hand, "Oh pay them no mind dear, right this way!" As she appeared to walk quicker and quicker away, she'd look at Iberis. "I uhm.. well, I suppose I do have quite a bit of explaining to do don't i?" She looked at Kalina biting her bottom lip in embarrassment and guilt. "You see, I might have actually really messed everything up. And uhm.. by everything.. I mean I went into the hellish realms and.. well.. killed this Hasufer. Whom.. well.. you know who he is. He's a big deal.. uhm.. was.. WAS a big deal. Now, they're all sorta.. kinda.. after me. But but I took his eye see?" She pointed at her right eye which was obviously much more corrupted looking around her otherwise impeccable face and features. "You see, it all began when i made a deal with another demon lord. I wanted to prove my capabilities beyond the clutzy and bimbo exterior I expressed. I didn't want my spells to continue being 'hally accidents' so I was.. assigned an alternate personality that made itself manifest as Velvet, Agent of Disease. And well, we got a long.. until we didn't. And so she instructed me to reverse our so called relationship and I obeyed as she was becoming much more unstable than usual. With the help of Kalina, and Viokii and Zolgen.. erm.. you don't know him.. we slayed Hasufer. But the curse wasn't reversed. Instead of separating us, it fused us together permanently."

Scylla would twirl her fingers through her hair with a bit of anxiety. Part of her was anxious, the other part was thrilled. But most of her was regretful that she'd brought this upon those she loved most. "I'm.. sorry everyone. I seem to have made a big mistake bringing you along this path. I suppose I'll never be the assertive witch Renee wanted me to be." She couldn't help but look down and away. She paused in thought for a moment, "I will make this right. Im not sure how, but I will."


Point Booster: Attentive Student (E)
Equipped Titles: Construct, Otherworlder, Servile, All-Purpose Intelligence, VeeVee, Demon Slayer, Wanted (Demon Cultists)
Character Sheet

Viokii gave a small nod of her head to Scylla defending her personality, though lightly raised her hand.
"It is okay Cutie, people may be allowed to hold their opinions and criticisms. Though I thank you for your compliments" she briefly added, listening to what Kalina had to mention about just keeping entertained for the moment.
"I understand that you may be of hunger, which is obviously something that should be assisted, though I don't wish to hinder or take away from the task at hand by entertaining your abrupt whims. I am not denying your option to test alternate personality traits and the offer is still open, but if you wish for it to remain until we find a break then I can withhold it until then. It is open to your option after all as stated, as would go for the other members present... " she mentioned as she followed along.

As they had come across the skeleton group, Viokii held silent but continued to intently listen to what was going on. Getting an idea that the previous trip she had taken with Scylla and Kalina as well as demon friend Zolgen who wasn't present. For the moment, she let the others do the talking as to let them direct herself but she kept the positioning of her weapon holstered on her back just in case it was necessary. If her companions chose to take combat, then assisting them would prove the best idea to help keep them as safe as possible. Although, she knew they could all probably well take care of themselves.​
Location: Oll’s End

Temperature: Cool

Time: ???

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy RavenSong RavenSong

Iberis Odhir

By the time Liu responded to Kalina’s comment Iberis sort of looked like she had an ah ha moment

“Huh, I Didn’t think about that, maybe you could learn magic like that Liu, wouldn’t be hurting anyone either.” She’d say with a smile.

She also couldn’t help but giggle some at the back and forth between Viokii and Kalina.

Further more she was still pleased by the positive feedback on what she had done.

“Yeah they were, I wonder if restoring this realm brought any of them back.” She’d comment on the slime comment.

“If it means that they won’t hurt my friends then I guess it will be a necessary step after all.” She’d add on the subjugation comment.

She then looked to Scylla, giving a warm smile “And thanks Scylla, that means a lot, I think your presence and everyone else who's here will greatly improve the chances of our success.”

She looked at Kalina thoughtfully, “Maybe, might make some of the less friendly ones respect us more if they think we already have a powerful monster on our side.”

Back to the skeletons:

Iberis was somewhat concerned what she heard Kalina mentioning that Lord Hasufer was someone who she and Kalina had finished off apparently, unaware of Viokii’s involvement at the moment.

With Liu’s suggestion Scylla was able to cast her water magic to put out the smoke stack, causing an annoyed groaning like sound from Bjorn when she did it.

Liu then had the attention from the skeletons.


The one with the top hat looked over at Liu and let out a chuckle, “Gods no! I barely understood their explanation of who this Lord Hasufer fellow is! But by the same token, I’m not about to deprive Bjorn of getting that new warhammer he wanted!”


Bjorn looked to Kalina first and spoke with a gruffer voice, speaking in Terran “[Yes, Bjorn just wants hammer, but Bjorn not care about fighting you, Bjorn just want what told would get.]”

He also shook his head no when Liu asked, “[Bjorn does not know who Lord Hasufer is, hooded people told Bjorn, Bjorn would get nice new weapon if reported, after Bjorn said what wanted.]”


Then the other one looked to Liu, “As the others I do not know who this Lord Hasufer is, other than he sounded like he was a demon lord who they held in high regard, anyway we do not hold any allegiance to them or this figure, but when the opportunity to profit arrises when you’re living in a plain like this, why wouldn’t you?”

The cloaked skeleton tilted their head looking to Kalina before replying, “Yes actually, I am, I used to be quite an adventurer many years ago, a Rogue of sorts from the East Empire, never thought I’d end up here honestly..” She continued in a somewhat raspy voice.

“Interesting question even so I must say.” She’d let out a bit of a chuckle.

Zeo then looked to Kalina and stood contrapposto leaning on her left leg a bit, then looking back to Liu.

“Depends, is the vigilant handsome one over there single?” She’d ask, looking Liu up and down.

Less Fortunately while she was making this comment and Liu was craning his neck, he’d see on the hills, some.. Spots of dark smog on the gray hills begin to appear, and when the bits of smog cleared a few figures wearing icy blue hooded robes with white ornamentation on the edges of their hoods and where the robes separated appeared. Some of them were wearing white masks which expressed sorrowful looking faces, while others had faces which were obscured entirely by darkness.

There were at least eight or so of them in the distance now.

The top hatted one looked to Kalina and nodded, “Well I certainly have no problem assisting you all sooner, because I’m pretty sure if you can decimate that lot that I saw earlier you’d have no problem turning me to dust and frankly, I much prefer being how I am now!”

Bjorn spoke up once more, “[Bjorn likes people who are strong, strong people make good leader, if you show you are strong and can help get what want, Bjorn will follow.]”

Iberis looked to Kalina, still looking sort of nervous and still nodded.

When Kalina took a look she’d also see the same figures that Liu spotted, While Iberis was being guided by Scylla.

She accepted taking Scylla’s hand, still rather confused nodding when she said she had explaining to do.

When it came to magic Iberis knew things could get complex so she almost wasn’t surprised when Scylla detailed what happened

“You three killed a demon lord?!” Iberis said demon lord more softly,

That was risky business making a deal too, but Iberis wasn’t really one to judge there, she had done risky things herself in the pursuit of power.

Zolgen? Indeed that name wasn’t familiar to her, but whoever he was he had helped them kill one too.

“And then you got fused..so you’re Scylla but with this demon a part of you.”

“It’s..okay Scylla, a set back..doesn’t mean that all is lost, I could see myself going down a similar path that you did quite easily..and thanks for telling me, but I do fear that means my suspicions could be true, that..whoever these people are somehow found out what we were doing and tracked us down here..I think they might have actually conducted the ritual here first and that’s why it felt..a lot easier than I was expecting, as in other word .they might have been waiting for us to come here all along so they restored it ahead of time..”

When she heard Scylla mention Renee Iberis looked to Scylla seriously and continued, “I think that the Renee we knew..before you know what happened, would have been very proud of you for being so ambitious, how much more assertive can you get than going and literally killing a demon lord and then working with demons to pursue what you want too? Most people wouldn’t be willing to put themselves in that kind of danger for their gain, but you were, so no need to speak like that, for me at least, all I need is your support Scylla, what’s been done has been done, let's move forward together, and get these cultists off your back then.”

Brandishing her catalyst now, probably noticing what Liu and Kalina had, “Just like I told Liu, If anyone wants to hurt my friends they’re gonna have to get through me.” She spoke with conviction, looking in the distance now.
Kalina Chivernu

Active titles: [Wanted (Demon Cultists)], Evolved, Abomination, Dhampir, Fae, Lune Elf, Monster, Undead, Vampire, Widersia Adventurer D, Ally of Lykra, the Champion, Critical, Blood Celebrant, Roguish, Restrained, Sister's Shattering, Fate Severer, Another Me, Expert Rogue, Apprentice Smuggler, Expert Disguise Artist, Expert Deceiver, Expert Sophist, Expert Seductress, Apprentice Survivalist, Striker, Swashbuckler, Duellist
Languages: {Sylvan} | Common | #Abyssal#
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Scylla RavenSong RavenSong | Viokii Femboy Femboy | Fei Sisyphus Happy Sisyphus Happy

Viokii's prudishness? Was that what they were going to go with. She giggled, fangs bared. “We should figure out just how prudish she is when we've got this all wrapped up. I got a feeling there's very little she would be prude about when it comes down to it.” She eyed the construct. “Though, all in good time, yes.” She'd cave in, as always, knowing to put the mission first.

She shrugged at Scylla apologising. “If you're sorry, you know more than well how to make up for it when we got some time to ourselves~” She'd flash a fanged smile. “Though for real, I don't get why some of these cultists are after us. If those Demons can die by our hands, surely they're not worth worshipping or serving to begin with? Let them worship us instead. Or nobody... Either way, I say we kill some of those coming after us, then we let one or two escape to spread the word that we're not to be messed with or that Hasufer was just a weakling that never earned any respect to begin with. Either way, it should help solve this.”

Next, she'd nod at Viokii. “As always, you're right. Let's wait until we got a break. Although, by all means, do go wild the moment these 'distractions' wouldn't run afoul the mission~” She invited the construct, almost challengingly so.

She chuckled, Iberis was surprisingly innocent sometimes. “Just to ensure they don't hurt your friends? Wouldn't it be fun to have some of them serve you? Bring you drinks, serve you meals, do the cleaning...” She mentioned a few things. Having some servants in this realm sounded like it'd be rather rad.

One of the skeletons spoke up, though she only caught a few words of his. “I've got no clue what you're saying mate.” She replied. “#Either way, just sit back and enjoy the show soon.#” She'd add in abyssal, figuring this skeleton might speak it.

The third skeleton confessing to be female made her chuckle, as she'd give a deep and theatrical bow. “It's an honour to meet you, milady Skeleton. Kalina Chivernu, at your services~ Or well, until I've convinced you to be at our services instead~” She'd state, smiling as this was an intriguing development overall. “Oh, a fellow rogue? Nice. It's gonna be even more fun to show off some tricks now~” Honestly, the idea of getting those skeletons on board with them by defeating some washed up cultists? Pretty neat. She wasn't sure if it was the [monster] in her or not, but she was eager.

As for whether or not Fei was single, she shrugged, then showed a mischievous smile. “Would you really care, even if he wasn't?” For someone to care about someone's relationship status in a realm like this? How quaint.

“Oh my, a gentleman and a man of intellect, we're going to along well sir~” She'd reply to the hatted skeleton.

She shrugged at Bjorn, still having no clue what he was saying.

“Well, time for a little vanishing act~ I'll be back to stab some cultists once the talking ends. Either one of you attacks or they move to attack, that'll be my signal~” She'd reply to the others, before she'd use [Stealth B] to vanish into the shadows so that she could catch the incoming enemies by surprise.
Kalina's threat went over incredibly well. Liu sighed, relieved, a solely audible phenomenon but he felt it was earned. Watching the rest of the group surrounding him stir to attention at the arrival of bad guys. Postponing thought about Iberis' suggestions and the skeleton lady's advances both in his mind and out loud by replying, "we shall discuss our respective dates later. If my compatriots are known to this demon, we are to be busy," he confirmed, watching Scylla go and pull Iberis in the direction prescribed by the fancy skeleton, and stirred his foot to follow. If they had no idea who this demon even was and the big man was merely acting on impulse, Liu had little cause for concern in general. That this creature pulled only so much weight in this realm bodes well for them all. For now it is just a matter of gathering information before acting. Well, that was his plan. He could smell an itchy trigger finger on Kalina, on Scylla, and Viokii possessed an actual gun, if he recalled correctly. He only took two paces before Kalina said something garbled and gritty. Turning to give her an odd look -- to the extent that he can -- he saw her fade into the shadows like a ghost. He remembered this move.

Stopping in his tracks, he gestured for Scylla and Iberis to continue by gesturing toward the direction Scylla pulled her with his open palm, saying quietly, "I believe distance would be good for you both, here."

"Well, I suppose we are choosing violence. I understand, but I always feel we might parley with this creature, even if revenge is its desire -- please note we are setting a long term expectation with every move we make before the locals!"
he voiced at Kalina's retreating ghostly form. Rubbing the back of his hood and looking at the trio nearby.

"Also, please do leave one alive! We should have questions!" he turned and added, a little louder to a dull smear of a landscape and a little rolling front of dust carried by something. Absolutely nothing of her was visible to him. She was likely long gone. It was clear that these immediately encountered denizens were desirous of something of the old life. Items, debauchery, the ostensible nobleman hid his cards, at least for now. After a moment he began to feel self-conscious, as so far Kalina was right, he was just doing a bunch of nagging. It has simply been too long -- perhaps in time, that was uncertain -- but too far away in the cognitive distance he has covered since the stone cold him who commanded naval troops, issued orders and barked directives.
Mentions: Iberis TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Scylla RavenSong RavenSong | Viokii Femboy Femboy | Kalina Elvario Elvario
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(sry, limited time and cant really think of anything at all to write for this round)


Point Booster: Attentive Student (E)
Equipped Titles: Construct, Otherworlder, Servile, All-Purpose Intelligence, VeeVee, Demon Slayer, Wanted (Demon Cultists)
Character Sheet

Viokii for the moment chose to remain a light touch on her sheathed weapon as she just held silently vigilant for the moment in awaits of anything that might further happen.​

Scylla nodded at Iberis confirmation. "Mhm." Biting her bottom lip in anxiety. "Perhaps, it's not too terrible of a mistake. You see, I'm demon nobility now. I'm.. uhm.. sure it must count for something useful right?" Scylla nodded again after Iberis repeated her situation. "Yes, I mean.. I uh.. look different don't I? I'm not.. well.. my old self." Scylla scratched the back of her head. "I suppose it's a lot to take in at once. Perhaps when we get a break?" She glanced over at Kalina then looked back at Iberis. "These cultists are scheming something far more nafarious than I could imagine. They sort of took advantage of my desire for power by opening a portal for me and the little group I got together."

The witch shifted her weight while holding her chin, "I wouldn't be surprised if they're simply trying to disturb the balance of the demonic realms to get the attention of the heavenly planes. But.. for what?" She suddenly snapped out of her out loud trail of thought. "They DID tell me they were after some sort of relic or pieces of a relic and that my plans fit perfectly. I uhm.. just wanted this eye." She shrugged with a giggle. Unfortunately, Scylla had yet to activate her eye catalyst [Points] for her to use it properly. For now it was more of a [Narrative] feature, perhaps a symbol of her royalty.

"Oh darling!" She called out to Kalina after Liu made a wise suggestion. "I must say we should move forward and not bother ourselves with those cultists. But uhm.. if you do choose to ignore my suggestion, as you usually do, then see about capturing one alive if you please?" She'd look back at Iberis. "A prisoner might tell us more, but.. they're ghostly and sly little hooded things. Sometimes.. they just.. disappear when you think you have one!" She shrugged. "In fact.. I don't even know where they're from.. or.. how they came to be." Scylla would then stop where Iberis would make a stand as she looked back. Hearing Iberis insight on the whole situation really set her straight. Even if she had to give Kalina a transfusion she felt like there could always be a solution. And she was right, she was there, with her friends. It's all that mattered. She'd nod assertively, "I agree wholeheartedly Iberis. I shall aid you in any way that I can."
Location: Oll’s End

Temperature: Cool

Time: ???

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Sisyphus Happy Sisyphus Happy RavenSong RavenSong

Language Key: "Common" [Terran], #Abyssal#, %Analog%, {Sylvan}

Iberis Odhir

Iberis looked back at Kalina thoughtfully when she mentioned having some of them to do some more mundane tasks.

“Well if any of them were skilled in those capacities and they wouldn’t mind doing those tasks..that could be fine too.The best case scenario is that we can get some if not most of them on our side because it’s mutually beneficial so maybe some like the types we just met would be willing to help if it ensured their safety and their existence was better off with us here..” She said pondering to herself.

“But as a baseline I don’t want any of them trying to hurt anyone who joins me here.”


At hearing Abyssal Bjorn would speak up, “#Very well prove that you are strong! I will watch.#” He’d give a nod to Kalina.


Zeo spoke in the same feminine somewhat raspy voice as before, “Oh you an honor you say? It’s a nice change of pace to see someone so lively who still knows how to have fun from the sounds of things..A rogue at that. Maybe you will show us that there is something good to it in assisting you.”

“I’ll be watching you then, I must say I haven’t been alive since..emperor..who was it again? Now that I think of it I don’t even know who the current one is..anyway the point stands that I’d rather enjoy seeing your style.”

“Reginaldus sounds like he might be particularly keen with how quickly he assisted your witchy looking friend there.”

“No I don’t suppose I would care very much, but it is good to know if your actions are going to cause any unfortunate drama.”
She’d snicker.

“Very good! I am most curious what your plans are here, maybe you can fill me in after you take care of those zealots! Worst case Bjorn’ll get that new hammer he wanted in a different way.”

Iberis watched Kalina vanish and nodded, “Alright..becareful!” She’d call out. She knew Kalina was strong but still who knew what those enemies in the distance were capable of.

Iberis also heard Liu and nodded, “Right..time to deal with..this.”

Zeo however lit up, “Oh don’t you have trust in your rogue friend? She seems powerful, I don’t see why we can’t discuss having a date sooner rather than later.” She’d say with a chuckle looking over at Liu before looking back in the general direction of Kalina.

Zeo then looked to Viokii, “And you there, you’ve been pretty quiet, but I see you have weapons sort of like what Reginaldus was describing, but perhaps more advanced than that. Why are you with this lot?”

Reginaldus looked over Viokii as well, giving a spin of his cane briefly while he reorientated himself.

“Zeo is correct you know! I’ve had my fair share of experience with firearms but nothing as fancy as those, and Well you are most interesting construct aren’t you?! I remember the good old days, harnessing the power of steam, but you’re something else entirely aren’t you? Who made you? You don’t just have function but form as well.”

Bjorn turned his head to Liu and spoke in Abyssal.

"#You, why you not want to fight? Warrior path to crush enemies is honorable, why not help friend of your master beat enemy?#"

"Because he's a lover not a fighter." Zeo would cackle, "Not that I mind, I can do enough fighting for the both of us."

"#HAHA! That is good joke! Lover cannot survive out in this realm for very long!#" Bjorn exclaimed, seeming humored.

She hoped that Kalina did what Liu suggested and kept at least one or a couple alive if this was the way it had to be. The Parley bit she wasn’t sure about, who was Lord Hasufers next of kin? Was it even someone who could be reasoned with given they were demons? Or maybe make peace with the cult? Iberis really had a lot of questions and uncertainties.

She’d nod again when he said to get some distance. She still couldn’t help but want to see what was going on with Kalina and the cultists, even as she was guided away by Scylla, somewhat concerned by the whole ordeal.

“I hope we..can try that parley you’re talking about more frequently..this wasn’t part of the plan, sorry Liu.” She replied sounding a bit saddened, knowing full well he wasn’t a big fan on violence.

Then it came back to her conversation with Scylla.

She’d nod. “I mean, there’s probably some beings here who might respond well to that, if there’s plenty of undead, there might be some demons? I mean those shadow wolves were pretty underworldy all things considered.”

“I can’t disagree with you there, looks like they’re pretty serious on getting revenge for that guy you three killed, I mean they went through all the effort to open up Oll’s end ahead of time knowing that you would be coming here with me.Means they must be gathering intelligence some how.”

“You think there could be an ulterior motive beyond getting revenge that they’re trying to take advantage of? Based on what you said maybe they’re trying to cause a conflict that’ll empower whatever demons they’re favorable with now, but to be honest you know a lot more about this than I do, this realm, undead are more my…expertise, but demons? Maybe Auldlich knows a thing or two but I don’t have a ton of experience with them, I could probably try looking through his memories or consulting him to see though.”

Yeah it didn’t look like Scylla’s hopes were going to come to fruition with Kalina approaching. In stealth, she was heading right toward them for a preemptive strike.

Iberis smiled after the fact, “Oh right, then, I’d say we should move on toward the direction that Reginaldus said to go but it looks like they wanna see Kali fight..and I probably wouldn’t want to go TOO far away encase she needs help..I mean Viokii is here too..hm…if we find a suitable building the way Reginaldus was suggesting, you have any ideas about how we should go about securing it?”

“I think..a building is probably our best bet out here to make a homebase out of., might mean needing to clear out whatever else is there if there’s anything..and then setting up an area of magic defenses…but if you had any other thoughts of course I’m open to hearing them.”

Meanwhile Kalina approached undetected, as she got closer it became more obvious that these cultists were attempting to bring more enemies that the wanted trio would need to deal with.

Icy Crystalline pillars began to appear from under bluish magical energy lines which turned the wasteland where they formed icy ontop , as the [medium] pillars had bits of ice which started to spin around them and a sphere of icy wind blowing around them.

Kalina could deduce that about four or so Ice elementals were in the process of being summoned to assist the cultists.

The Four other cultists who weren't summoning looked like they were in the process of buffing themselves with enchantments to prepare for combat, chanting and moving their catalysts around sometimes saying words in Abyssal which Kalina could hear faintly like




All the voices however sounded very similar from what she could make out.

Due to Kalina’s high stealth capabilities it did not appear she was detected, as they were preoccupied.

[Narrative boon Granted Sneak Attack: Kalina’s next attack will have advantage on landing and dealing critical damage to unaware enemies]
Kalina Chivernu

Active titles: [Wanted (Demon Cultists)], Evolved, Abomination, Dhampir, Fae, Lune Elf, Monster, Undead, Vampire, Widersia Adventurer D, Ally of Lykra, the Champion, Critical, Blood Celebrant, Roguish, Restrained, Sister's Shattering, Fate Severer, Another Me, Expert Rogue, Apprentice Smuggler, Expert Disguise Artist, Expert Deceiver, Expert Sophist, Expert Seductress, Apprentice Survivalist, Striker, Swashbuckler, Duellist
Languages: {Sylvan} | Common | #Abyssal#
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Scylla RavenSong RavenSong | Viokii Femboy Femboy | Fei Sisyphus Happy Sisyphus Happy

She silently grumbled. Fei didn't have to tell her to keep one alive. She just told them that was her plan. Let one or two escape (after interrogating them) to show that they weren't to be messed with and that they were not worth pursuing further. Scylla was even more annoying. If those cultist were after them, it'd be easier to be ready. Or hit them first. Either way, they couldn't just about ignore them if they were coming for their lives soon. To make Kalina more annoyed, she also repeated Fei. Like... bloody hell. She wasn't that dense. At least Ibby just warned her to be careful. How adorable... that just made her want to hug the witch again.

Alas, though, there was sneaking and killing to be done. Truth be told, her original plan was to sneak a bit out, then wait for the cultists to approach the group and strike them from behind. Not to sneak all the way towards them. Yet, well, the cultists seemed to be in no hurry to arrive, so she figured she might as well go ahead and take a look herself. It was pretty clear whom they were dealing with the moment she spotted these cultists were summoning ice-pillars or whatever. It was likely best to kill them off before these things were summoned, wasn't it?

Seeing how she was able to sneak up on them, she was confident she could take all of them. She started with stabbing the summoning one in the back from up close. It'd be annoying if these summons ended up spawning.

Precision Strike F: – Fighting Style [Specialized] [Precision Strikes] F, Accurate F, Penetrating F, Range F, Continuing [Vampiric Infection] F, Contagion F. Character attacks with their fighting style, ignoring 1 grade of speed, 1 grade of armour, reaching 10ft (2m), continuing to deal 1 hp damage for 1 posts and spreading to up to 1 other. - Grade F – 0 Post Cooldown

Seeing how she'd been able to surprise the summoning and seeing how casting normally left opponents weak, she had used only a fraction of her strength. It mean she'd have some stamina left for the next few. She'd aim for two of the other summoners. Hopefully she could catch the first, or perhaps even both, of them off guard as well.

Precision Strike E: – Fighting Style [Specialized] [Precision Strikes] E, Accurate E, Penetrating E, Range E, Continuing [Vampiric Infection] E, Contagion E. Character attacks with their fighting style, ignoring 2 grades of speed, 2 grades of armour, reaching 30ft (9m), continuing to deal 1 hp damage for 2 posts and spreading to up to 2 others. - Grade E – 1 Post Cooldown

Precision Strike D: – Fighting Style [Specialized] [Precision Strikes] D, Accurate D, Penetrating D, Range D, Continuing [Vampiric Infection] D, Contagion D. Character attacks with their fighting style, ignoring 3 grades of speed, 3 grades of armour, reaching 100ft (30m), continuing to deal 1 hp damage for 3 posts and spreading to up to 3 others. - Grade D – 2 Post Cooldown

That said, the remaining summoner and those trying to buff themselves would likely have noticed by now, so it was time to speak up. “#Seriously, pathetic. You'd worship a worthless rat like Hasufer and try to avenge him? If he's weak enough to fall to a mortal, I gotta tell you, you should really find something better to worship.#” She chuckled. “#Perhaps the one who killed him? If you worship Demons, surely you know the rule. Might makes right, no? Do I have to show the rest of you the same, or what? I've been holding back thus far, but you could all be next.#”
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"I have done quite enough fighting in my life. She likely doesn't need my help. If she did, I can still intervene directly at this range," he explained simply to Bjorn, but in common. Rather than respond to the rogue woman's continued advances, he posed a question to the trio nearby. With his eyes trained on the distant fight constantly, and one hand in a smaller satchel to his side was fixed, from which a soft glow was emitted of nondescript color, he asked them in a fairly straightforward manner, "so how did you all come to be here? Do you remember?"

Pacing a few steps toward Iberis, he replied gently, "oh, no, I am 'on board.' The fact of the matter is: if we do not overcome them they will destroy us. I would never request that you reason with someone as they cut into you," he assured her. He watched the fight carefully, adding a little more quietly, "perhaps we can find a deeper motivation for them to abandon their wish for revenge. If they can be brought in line, that is well. If they are nourished by strife and destruction, perhaps an eviction is in order... for the sake of everyone else in this place."

Peace, he suspects, is going to be a long and arduous process in this new place. Not an hour in they have encountered an old grudge. He could only imagine how many of those lingered here. They seem to be among the few forms of entertainment.
Mentions: Iberis TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Scylla RavenSong RavenSong | Viokii Femboy Femboy | Kalina Elvario Elvario


Point Booster: Attentive Student (E)
Equipped Titles: Construct, Otherworlder, Servile, All-Purpose Intelligence, VeeVee, Demon Slayer, Wanted (Demon Cultists)
Character Sheet

Keeping in mind that Kalina might need assistance dealing with the combat encounter she had went off to handle on her own, she only supposed that having the skeletal strangers at the very least distracted in conversation would be better than them potentially trying to stab the group in the back. Viokii wasn't entirely well-versed on the languages of this world, of which was something she would still have to keep listening to continued dialogue from other language as well as teachings and translations to locate and understand all of the patterns and information she would need to construct an additional translation pack to adjust. She cautiously eyed Zeo and Reginaldus as they questioned her design and origin supposing she should give them an answer even if they didn't feel entirely trustworthy.

"My Unit Construct Type information is highly private and classified, though you may refer to me as my Designated Unit Name 'Viokii', or my Designated Unit Number '000001'. My design and hardware are not regionally-locally manufactured or distributed. I am here for supporting assistance as well as private research and local geographical area investigations and study. If I may ask, what information are you willingly able to distribute about the local region, inhabitants and ecology of the ecosystem, as well as current societal structure?" Viokii asked, supposing said information would be better than nothing or or at least if she would find out anything. Doing such would be much better than other strangers who pointed out her design, as a lot of previous experience resulted in different attempts of trying to steal, datamine or dismantle her which was something she would very much rather avoid happening again.

1. Investigation [F] + Persuasion [F] + Energized [F]
"Well, they probably want my eye back!" She giggled softly at the thought of anything trying to take anything from her. As far as she was concerned she took it fair and square. But obviously at the cost of putting her friends in peril. Perhaps it was time to demonstrate her abilities a bit.

"Absolutely!" She agreed to Iberis suggestions as to the why's and how's that seemed all more like speculation. "I will say, I did find out that these cultists are all connected to one in particular
. I doubt he'd be coming after us himself, I believe these here are simply after us to keep tabs on our whereabouts. But uhm.." it was then Scylla would stop pulling at Iberis. "S-sorry I uhm.. keep treating you like the newbie witch you once were. It appears I have developed an overprotective instinct towards you.. please do as you wish, Ibby." She scratched the back of her head embarrassingly, before walking back towards Kalina slowly. "I believe Iberis is right Sir Fei, seeing as it's Veevee, Kalina and Me they're after perhaps you two would like to search out our new playhouse!" She giggled and kicked her leg back with a wink and a peace sign. "I think we'll be okay."

Seeing as she was now clad in light leather and silk she lacked the ability to skip about without looking like an overgrown child. Scylla was different now, a stitch in her personality that would never heal. Instead of her childish ways, she simply walked, her gait upright and stern.

As Kalina approached the cultists, Scylla decided that this would be her fight too. Seeing Kalina strike made the witch bite her lips in desire to bring destruction upon these enemies. She felt a deep fascination as the wand in her hand began to glow along with her other hand generating raw elemental magic. Fire drippled like magma from her fingertips as icy particles dropped from the other, and electricity zapped and buzzed from both.

Almost in an instant, her hands rose, her eyes glowed and familiar seals of magic appeared to float by her feet when she suddenly released an untamable spell.

[Experimental Elemental D]

(Sorry! My signal is so bad! Please refer to my previous image of Scylla and her CS page for this Spell T.T]

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