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Wanted: Tall, dark, and handsome...Nah, just kiddin'!


Hello people of RpNation,

New here! I've been floating in and out roleplay limbo for a while since the closing of the site that I was in. So, I am looking to get something started, and hopefully find a lasting friendship. I am wanting a laid back, one on one roleplay in PMs or in google docs (it is so much more organized). I am a little picky when it comes to who I roleplay with and what kind of roleplays I am in; I need something and someone to keep the wheels turning in my head.

With my partner, writing wise, I would like the usual detailed, literate, creative, multi-paragraph/novella, writes in third person past tense point of view, and have a strong grasp of the 'big no-nos' of roleplaying. They have to be willing to take on a number of characters of both genders, it can be some mains and some supporting (not all having to be mains), I like to write different sides of the story not just one point of view. What is very


to me is how we click in out of character, we must be on the same wave length (want the same thing out of our roleplays). I desperately want someone that is really chatty and willing to work out details, characters, motivations, and ect before we jump into the roleplay. Open communication is terribly important to me. If you have a problem with anything at all, in the roleplay or out of character, I would like to be told. Also, I tend to post lengthy replies so I need time to think them out. I would like for my partner to understand that, and not pressure me to post straight away. I prefer quality over quantity of posts. No drama queens or king's either, save that for the actual roleplay. Please to don't bring pre-made characters to our brain-storming sessions, I would like for them to be custom made to fit our story.

I guess I should write something about me, yes? Well, I have been roleplaying for years and consider myself to be literate. I write in third person past tense point of view. My grammar is not perfect, but I try my hardest and proof read at least three times. I can post a few paragraphs to a few pages depending on my muse and what is going on. I love coming up with custom verses and brainstorming a lot; I just love the whole world building and it all coming to life as we progress. I am a slow replier, like I said before, I need time to think it through. My most loved themes are; Medieval (historical or fantasy), romance ( the slow type as the story goes on), drama, tragedies, betrayal, love triangles or squares, some magical elements (like in Mists of Avalon or Camelot, not high fantasy), and much more that I can't think of right now. I usually start with one main character and then let the rest come to me as I write, a lot of times the characters take a life of their own. I am willing to play both genders. But that doesn't mean I will play all male, I would like to play both equally. With romance I am more comfortable with female and male, and I fade to black when the naughty bits happen to arise (haha). I love to out of character talk and brainstorm regularly through out the roleplay, it helps me with the writing process.

Scattered ideas (just ideas, open to other roleplay suggestions);

  • Medieval setting;

    I would love to do something similar to the book/show 'White Queen' . It doesn't have to be in that fandom or time period (War of the Roses), just using it as a reference to show what I want in the storyline. Basically it's two houses or more fighting for the crown, a lot of deceit and drama, with touches of magic or 'the old ways'. And of course, throw some romance in there as well. The storyline can be take place in an actual historical time period, or we can make up our own verse.

  • Outlander

    ; I have read the first two books, so I would love to find someone that has read them and willing to roleplay it with me. I would like to do original characters though to fit in with this fandom, and have Jaime and Claire probably as supporting characters. I really want to play the main female in this one when it starts off, but wiling to play male in other parts. But please have read at least the first book and have some knowledge of what's going on in the history part of it.

  • Fairytale

    ; I've been getting my Disney fix in a lot lately. It has me thinking on possible story ideas. I would love to do a darker form of a fairytale. It can be an existing fairytale or we can make on up, I am favoring the latter.

  • Your idea

    ; I am open to hear what you might have. I am just not into anime, high school, vampires, futuristic, post apocalyptic and celebrity. I am mostly like historicalish/fantasy like themes.

I think that is pretty much about what I am about and want. If you are interested in becoming my partner, want to know more, or want a writing sample just PM me.

Thank you for reading,

Saffy (SaffronMeadows)

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Edited; I have edited my post a bit, and added a few more things that I had forgotten before.



Any takers at all!?

You are under ten posts so I take it you can't send or read pms yet. I'm interested in plotting some ideas out. The medieval genre is one I'm not super versed in, but if we keep old English and the political jargon to an as necessary level, I can work with it. But I'd be more interested in working out an original idea with you.
Endgame said:
You are under ten posts so I take it you can't send or read pms yet. I'm interested in plotting some ideas out. The medieval genre is one I'm not super versed in, but if we keep old English and the political jargon to an as necessary level, I can work with it. But I'd be more interested in working out an original idea with you.
Yay! Someone responded! Haha, don't mind me...

Hallo, yeah I can't send them yet, but I can read them and respond to them. An original idea sounds good to me. Is there anything you wanted to do? I like to ask that first just in case.


To anyone that views this forum:

I would really, really, really love to do some sort of Highland/Historical Romance/Medievalish story.


I'm really interested in your dark fairytale idea if your interested in roleplaying with me? I am also new to this site and under the 10 posts, so I can't yet pm, although I'm sure this will change soon!
Laura said:
I'm really interested in your dark fairytale idea if your interested in roleplaying with me? I am also new to this site and under the 10 posts, so I can't yet pm, although I'm sure this will change soon!


I wouldn't mind bashing out ideas with you. Could you tell me a bit about your roleplay experience and how you work?

I just need two more posts after this one then I can PM.
Great :)

I've been roleplaying on and off on another site for the past couple of years, so I have a fair amount of experience. My preferred writing style is third person, and like yourself I am more of a quality over quantity writer. I can play both female and male characters, I really don't mind. In terms of type of rp, I am pretty flexible, I've played everything from an assassin to a noble woman, to one of the seven deadly sins. Although I have to say I do love a slow building romance!

I love dark fairytales, did you have any in mind or an idea for an original?
Laura said:
Great :)
I've been roleplaying on and off on another site for the past couple of years, so I have a fair amount of experience. My preferred writing style is third person, and like yourself I am more of a quality over quantity writer. I can play both female and male characters, I really don't mind. In terms of type of rp, I am pretty flexible, I've played everything from an assassin to a noble woman, to one of the seven deadly sins. Although I have to say I do love a slow building romance!

I love dark fairytales, did you have any in mind or an idea for an original?
Oh, wow! You sound awesome!

I have ten posts so I will PM you....Oh wait, I got to wait for 30 minutes first.

I have no idea at the moment, But I am leaning towards making a fairytale up.
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Good evening! I, like you, am coming from another roleplaying website. I happened to be browsing around this site trying to figure out if it would be a good match for me and your post just so happened to be the very first thing I read, and also exactly what I'm looking for. Imagine my surprise! So I created an account so I can respond to your message.

I'm a long-time roleplayer, and while I don't want to make any boastful claims, I feel fairly confident that I'm usually enjoyable to write with. For me post length varies a great deal depending on what I think is appropriate for the scene. I hate to get things out of order during scenes that are dialogue-heavy, so my posts in scenes where characters are talking tend to be shorter to allow for natural flow of conversation. On the other hand, introductions, transition scenes, and scenes where my character has a lot on his mind tend to be a lot longer.

I like to play balanced characters and build them around their flaws, rather than their achievements. I play all sexes, races and orientations with no real preferences, though I most often play men, at least as my first main character. I think I'm like you in that I may open with one character, but as the story progresses the cast widens.

If you're still searching for a partner let me know, and if you've found what you're looking for already then good luck!
Scriven said:
Good evening! I, like you, am coming from another roleplaying website. I happened to be browsing around this site trying to figure out if it would be a good match for me and your post just so happened to be the very first thing I read, and also exactly what I'm looking for. Imagine my surprise! So I created an account so I can respond to your message.
I'm a long-time roleplayer, and while I don't want to make any boastful claims, I feel fairly confident that I'm usually enjoyable to write with. For me post length varies a great deal depending on what I think is appropriate for the scene. I hate to get things out of order during scenes that are dialogue-heavy, so my posts in scenes where characters are talking tend to be shorter to allow for natural flow of conversation. On the other hand, introductions, transition scenes, and scenes where my character has a lot on his mind tend to be a lot longer.

I like to play balanced characters and build them around their flaws, rather than their achievements. I play all sexes, races and orientations with no real preferences, though I most often play men, at least as my first main character. I think I'm like you in that I may open with one character, but as the story progresses the cast widens.

If you're still searching for a partner let me know, and if you've found what you're looking for already then good luck!

Oh, wow! I am speechless and surprised, I never had this happen before. Feeling a bit honored here, aha.

Before I go rambling, would you like for me to send you a PM?
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I'm guessing from what I've read on this thread that there's a post minimum, so maybe give me a bit. I'll go post an introduction and see if there are any forum games to get that count up.
Scriven said:
I'm guessing from what I've read on this thread that there's a post minimum, so maybe give me a bit. I'll go post an introduction and see if there are any forum games to get that count up.

There is a minimum to send PMs (ten posts), but you can receive and reply to the PMs. If you still want me to wait, then I don't mind. I am not going anywhere
:) .
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Scriven said:
Ohhh, I see. Then please do!

Okie doke, give me a sec.


Search Closed:

As of right this moment, my search for partners is closed. If am looking for more I will open again.

Thanks to everyone that showed interest!

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