Wanted // one on one rp with jabberwocky


Junior Member
The money they're willing to pay for his head is over the top. He's killed a lot of important people: politicians, crime lords, businessmen. It's nothing personal; he's a merc, it's what he does. Except he's too good at it, and now they want his head. Fliers and words spread like diseases in the underworld, all with his name and a promise of a million dollar on it. But he's number one in his field, and always moving. He knew people who would help him and had some connections. He's not easy to catch, and it's going to be one wild chase.

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Appearance (either description or photo is fine)



Job description:

Specialized ability:

Relationship (family and romantic):




Name: Chastity Garber

Age: 28

Gender: Female

Appearance (either description or photo is fine)

Personality: In one word Chastity is viciouse and will not back down, even the biggest men fear her. Chastity is a very outgoing and outspoken person. She is a bit rebeliouse and headstroung, which can get her in a lot of trouble. She tends to leap before she thinks. When she sets a goul for herself nothing will stop her from forfilling it.

Background/History: Chastity did not have the perfect family. Her dad loved her and she loved him, but he was never home, since he had to work multible jobs to keep them going. Her mother left when she was 5 and has been apsent from her life ever since. Her dad made some money, so she could go to school, when she went to college she started to get interested in bounty work and she hadn't stopped ever since.

Job description: Head bounty hunter.

Specialized ability: She can kill some one with her bare hands

Relationship (family and romantic): She has no time for romance and dating. She is still very close with her father.

Strengths: almost everything

Weaknesses: Her dad


Name: Carter Laine

Age: 26

Gender: male

Appearance: he has light brown hair that reaches his mid-neck and a pair of steely grey eyes

Personality: Carter is laid-back; he doesn't look like someone who can take serious job and make so much money. But in reality, he is very determined and focus one he has set his eye on a goal. He believes in luck and thinks that recklessness is not a big deal as long as he can deal with the consequences later; it only makes his life all the more thrilling. Excitement is something Carter is always seeking, be it lethal or sinful; he feels as if he can't live without the rush of the adrenaline in his system. One would call him arrogant, and they may as well be correct. Carter believes in himself above anyone else. When problems arise, he doesn't take time to blame himself or anyone; he would just deal with it and end the trouble somehow, then rushes out for a new adventure.

Background/History: After graduating college, Carter was just another fresh, inexperienced cop. He hated his job and never did any real work; his life was just a blur then, spending his days at his mundane desk, doing useless things and drinking his years away. That was until he got so tired of his job and the fight with his superiors got him fired. He took a job as a mercenary then, and it turned out that he was exceptionally good at it. He relishes the thrill of the job and kept going until one could say that he was one of the best.

Job description: Mercenary. Tell him what to do, give him money, and the job gets done.

Specialized ability: extremely skilled at shooting.

Relationship (family and romantic): He and his parents have never been close. After graduating from college, Carter moved out and never saw them again. He enjoys one night stands, but is never committed to any real romantic relationship.

Strengths: shooting. He's also very fast and stealthy.

Weaknesses: reckless and overconfident. He's also not that good at hand-to-hand combat.

Other: none.

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Name: Kevin Kenelm

Age: 26

Gender: male

Appearance (either description or photo is fine): black, short cropped hair and dark brown eyes. Neatly trimmed beard that he believes makes him look more mature.

Personality: Kevin is brave and righteous, passionate about doing the right thing. He's a great cop material and is relentless in trying to send the underground crime lords and workers to jail. While Kevin is not the most intelligent, he is devoted to his work and is promoted many times. His peers admire him, but he refuses to see the good he's done. One could say that he's much too hard on himself, always working and never stopping to celebrate himself. One day, he will sure collapse because of his exhaustion.

Background/History: Kevin used to be friends with Carter. Back in college, they were best buddies, always at each other's side. He's the reason Carter became a cop. However, when Carter turned to illegal dealings and became an underground mercenary, they stopped talking altogether. Kevin despised Carter for abandoning the law and their friendship, and Carter valued the thrill of his job above his friend.

Job description: police officer.

Specialized ability: shooting.

Relationship (family and romantic): Carter lives with his parents (James and Emily), a wife (Lauren), and a six-year-old daughter (Mia). They're a happy family with a stable financial status. Both James and Emily are retired, and Lauren works as a teacher.

Strengths: very much like Carter, Kevin is an exceptional shooter. He is also stronger and better at close combat. However, he is not as nearly as fast or stealthy.

Weaknesses: Too passionate that he can blinded from the most obvious of things. His family is also a huge weakness of his.

Other: none.
Carter took a long drag of his cigarette, feeling the burn in his throat before exhaling and watching the smoke disappear into the night sky. It was silent, save for his steady breathing. The silver moon shone in what little light it had to offer, casting a thin shadow of his figure. He had his back against the wall, one hand in his pocket and the other twirling his cigarette carelessly. He should be celebrating, he thought. With the money he just received from completing a mission, he could be flying pretty much anywhere and partying the living out of himself. But what's the point? It's not like he had friends or anything, and his life was a party. With all the adrenaline rush he could experience in just one day, he was basically living a thrill.

Tossing his cigarette aside, he decided that he could at least treat himself to a nice drink. And let music blast his ears out. Maybe meet a pretty girl, too. With that in mind, he began to make his way to the closest subway station. His destination: the hottest dance club in town.
Chastity had just been given a new job...kill Carter Laine. She took the ovelop, containing all his imformation. She thanked her boss and left the building. She got into her car and took a deep breath. She turned on the engine as her phone rang. She rolled her eyes, annoyed and picked it up. "What" she spatt at her worker, who gives her all the information about her victims. He told that Carter Laine had just been spotted going into a dance club. He gave her the address and she hung up, putting her pone in to consle. When she arrived at the loud club, she walked in.
Carter took in his surrounding with a smile. Music, alcohol, women, everywhere. It has been a while since he was able to feel this relaxed; his employers made sure to keep him busy running around, and while he enjoyed his work, he was thankful for a little rest every once in a while. His hand felt the cash in his pocket with delight; there was more than enough for him to luxuriously drink himself into oblivion. It was going to be a fun, fun night.
She glared around the big room full of drunken people. Spotting Carter Lain by the bar, she walked over and saat near him, just so close he would notice her and she could watch him. "Would you like something, miss?" the young man working at the bar asked her. She jumped a bit at his voice, for it broke train of thought. "Just a glass of water, please?" she said, not taking focused brown eyes off Carter. She was aware that she could not jus go over there and kill him, she had to make him come outside with her, so there would be no witnesses.
A woman in her mid-twenties settled herself in two seats from his, Carter noticed through his blurry view. A little too intentionally, too. If there was enough alcohol in his system, he might be able to go positive and convince himself that she was interested. But he was barely tipsy, and she had this look about her, the look people had when they're about to shoot someone. Looks like his dance night just ended.

He stood up from the stool, a disarming smile on his face. "Hey," he said, eyeing her glass of water. "Do you want to join me for a drink? Or a dance."
Chastity looked up at Carter, a bit suprised that he aproched. She placed her glass, down gentally the frost on it glistened from the lights. She grinned slyly at Carter "Of course." she said, brushing some loose hair out of her face.
Carter took her hand and led her to the dance floor. In high school, when he wasn't playing sports or video games, he was dancing; it used to be his favorite past time. Now, even though he was a little rusty, he was still pretty confident in his dance moves. "I'm Carter," he said, swaying effortlessly to the music. "You?" He wondered if she will tell him her real name at all. What was she planning to do to him? Lure him out and shoot him? Carter grinned; he was always up for a good chase.
Chastity moved with the music slowly, but smoothly. She was not the best dancer but still pretty good. "Mary." she said simply. Of course she would never tell her real name.

(Sorry for short post.)
"Mary." Carter repeated, smiling. She was good; the words rolled off her tongue so easily. He wouldn't ever know if she lied. Still, she wasn't really talking much yet. Maybe if he kept pressing, she'd slip. Or something. Whatever. Let's just see where this goes, he thought, grinning at the excitement that was slowly setting in. "So, what do you do for a living?"
"I'm an artist." she said with out hesatation. She could not let him know she was not telling the truth. She new the best way to kill someone cleanly is to lead them on that you are there friend and become cloose to the person. It can take months and you must not lett yourself to cloose. "So, what do you do?" she asked softly.
"Me?" I kill people for money, he thought amusedlly. "I'm a cop." That's what he said, whenever someone asks him about his job. It was a long time ago, but he could still remember sitting at a desk, doing absolutely nothing but paperwork and listen to his boss complains. Real dandy work there. "So if a bad guy ever shows up, be sure to call me." He said, his eyebrows raising as he slipped his phone number into her hand. It's going to be a great, great game of chase. With him winning, of course.
"Will do," Chastity said still smiling. "Do you live close by?" she askd, trying to make more small talk. Also knowing where he lives could come in handy.
Address, huh. This one's impatient. "No," Carter shook his head. "I just came here to visit a friend."
"Are you?" Chastity exclamed. "So where are you visiting from?" she asked, getting a bit sick of small talk. She bundeled up her hair and pulled it over her right shoulder.

(I am so sorry for short post, still at a block.)
She's getting impatient, that much he could see. Oh, but he's going to make her head spin all night long-Carter paused when he felt his phone vibrate; he excused himself quickly. Three missed calls. He hadn't noticed it before, because of all the noises. Silently, he stalked outside into the cool, night air and answered the phone. "Carter Laine." He said slowly. At the other side of the line there were noises, and then someone spoke.
Chastity nodded as Carter excused himself. She walked over to the bar, her heels clanking aginst the wooden floors, and ordered a shot for her nerves. As she tapped her fingures on the bar, a man came and gave her her drink. She quickly grabbed it and drank it. Taking a deep breath to calm the strong tast. She wipped some sweat off her forehead and glarred around the room, unimpressed with the people among her.
Carter shut his phone with a sigh. More work. That's it for a night, then? He stuffed his hands in his pockets and walked off to his car, whistling a catchy tune under his breath.

A gunshot, then. Carter spun around, a bullet whizzing pass, missing him by an inch. He cursed, running and hiding behind his car. His gun, his gun! Where on earth is his gun when he needs it?

He remembers, then. In the car. Carter hisses, trying to get his car key when another shot rang out. The bullet slices the sleeve of his shirt, and red seeped through the fabric. His key dangles, slips, and falls to the ground.

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