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♡ Want to RP? ♡


One Time Luck

Ciao, I'm Meadow and pretty new to this site. (Although, like a lot of people you've probably seen express before, not new to roleplaying.) I love detailed, slice of life, slow-paced roleplays. I wouldn't consider myself an advanced writer but maybe semi-advanced.

In an RP I'd like to see the following:

  • Little to no grammar mistakes. It irritates the hell out of me when I'm struggling to read something nearly incomprehensible. I know we're human and all, but come on. We have spell check. If you're nice and literate, we'll get along fine. ^-^

  • Drama. Lots of drama. Situations that go into a lot of depth and get complicated keep me interested.

  • Two or more well written paragraphs. I usually write four or more. While I do prefer quality over quantity, a one liner would never cut it for me. (Nor would short paragraphs consisting of only three sentences.) The only exception is if you have a lot of short paragraphs. I understand if you get writers block, and if you do, just let me know. I'll try to give you more to work with.

  • Patience. I have school, work, and other life things to attend to. I'm assuming we all have life things to attend to. I won't be able to get on every day but I'll be able to reply fairly often. You don't have to worry about me abandoning an RP out of no where. If I get uninterested I'll let you know, and if the story still doesn't get any more exciting, I'll (probably) politely quit. c:

  • OOC conversations. Why not? I like knowing who I'm roleplaying with and having friendly talks. (Yay, friends!) Just one thing- I easily offend people. If you're sensitive... you might want to find someone else to RP with. I have a very dark sense of humor and mostly say everything I'm thinking.

  • Interesting characters. Don't use a Mary Sue/Gary Stu or someone one-dimensional and expect me not to throw a fit.

  • Paragraphs that make the story progress. I refuse to lead the whole RP.

My Preferences:

  • I'm comfortable playing male or female characters but I find playing a girl to be more fun- seeing as I am one.

  • GxG is okay, and so is hetero, but I'm completely awful at doing BxB. Hetero relationships are my favorite to RP.

  • I like to write in 1st person and it's the only point of view I'll RP in.

  • Any RP scenario is okay in my book as long as it doesn't involve: romancing illness or pregnancy. Yeah, depressed characters could fall in love but I will not tolerate someone drooling over slit wrists (unless it's a vampire).

  • As seen in my title, I'd like to do a SoL RP. I guess I'd also be interested in some sort of fantasy RP if anyone's up to it.

I know this was kind of long but I think I covered almost everything. If you're interested, please don't privately message me. I can't reply because I'm still new. Bye~


i'd love to do a role-play with you. slice-of-life is typically my favorite, or slice-of-life with some modern fantasy in the mix. my out-of-character chat isn't perfect grammar-wise (obviously), but i can promise you that i have very decent grammar in-character.

i'm pretty sure that new users can reply to conversations started by
other users, but just can't start any themselves. i can create a conversation and we can test it, if you'd be alright with that.
Hello there! Runner here.

I'd absolutely love to role-play with you--or at least give it a shot, and if it doesn't worked at as planned, no hard feelings, eh? Anyways, Slice of Life is my favorite genre. I prefer to play a male character (don't judge me, haha, I'm weird like that :3), and I freaking loooove, and I mean
love, slow-paced role-plays that develop the characters. And as for activeness, I have no problem with it--I'm busy myself with school and other fun things (not really fun, but whatever), but I'll do my best to reply at least once a day, or if not, every other day. I generally post a few paragraphs, depending on my muse and my interest in the whole plot and such. But I try my best to mirror my partner's length.

I would write more about myself, but I best be going to bed now. Long day ahead of me tomorrow. Good night! Hope you have a lovely night of rest. c:

Habit said:
i'd love to do a role-play with you. slice-of-life is typically my favorite, or slice-of-life with some modern fantasy in the mix. my out-of-character chat isn't perfect grammar-wise (obviously), but i can promise you that i have very decent grammar in-character.

i'm pretty sure that new users can reply to conversations started by
other users, but just can't start any themselves. i can create a conversation and we can test it, if you'd be alright with that.
Sadly, I just have to wait until I've posted 10 times. (And I don't want to spam so it's taking a little bit longer that I'd like.) I've already tried to reply to someone who messaged me and it wouldn't allow me. Anyway... wonderful~! Where would we discuss plots and RP? I know, I'm such a newbie. ;~; Oh, but nice to meet you. c:

UnknownRunner said:
Hello there! Runner here.
I'd absolutely love to role-play with you--or at least give it a shot, and if it doesn't worked at as planned, no hard feelings, eh? Anyways, Slice of Life is my favorite genre. I prefer to play a male character (don't judge me, haha, I'm weird like that :3), and I freaking loooove, and I mean
love, slow-paced role-plays that develop the characters. And as for activeness, I have no problem with it--I'm busy myself with school and other fun things (not really fun, but whatever), but I'll do my best to reply at least once a day, or if not, every other day. I generally post a few paragraphs, depending on my muse and my interest in the whole plot and such. But I try my best to mirror my partner's length.

I would write more about myself, but I best be going to bed now. Long day ahead of me tomorrow. Good night! Hope you have a lovely night of rest. c:

Yes, slice of life > life... if that makes sense. ^-^;; Again, I don't know where to discuss plots and stuff though... ;~; Nice to meet you also! ^-^~
Hello! ^^

I'm, actually, also new to this site. Trying to figure things out and such. But I would love to try an RP with you. And I'm fairly certain I can manage your rules. If you are interested, is there somewhere else you would like to continue this? E-mail, Skype or something or other? I'm afraid I am unable to PM as well.
SimplyNed said:
Hello! ^^
I'm, actually, also new to this site. Trying to figure things out and such. But I would love to try an RP with you. And I'm fairly certain I can manage your rules. If you are interested, is there somewhere else you would like to continue this? E-mail, Skype or something or other? I'm afraid I am unable to PM as well.
I don't have a skype but you could e-mail me at amilam743@gmail.com. Yay, we can be newbs together!
Meadow said:
Sadly, I just have to wait until I've posted 10 times. (And I don't want to spam so it's taking a little bit longer that I'd like.) I've already tried to reply to someone who messaged me and it wouldn't allow me. Anyway... wonderful~! Where would we discuss plots and RP? I know, I'm such a newbie. ;~; Oh, but nice to meet you. c:

ahh, it's nice to meet you too! sorry for being curt, i thought that it was just creating conversations that new users weren't allowed. ^^;

i wouldn't mind if we emailed to plan - mine is
zeldahuffington@gmail.com (weird name, i know, there's a story behind it).

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