Wanna Play with Me?


Magic Eight Ball
Alright, I'm new here, and not much seeing anything around that I have much interest in joining (if it's started it's already too far in to jump on board, if it hasn't it doesn't quite jive with what I'm into) so as they say, if they don't make what you want, make it yourself.

So I'm looking either for 1x1 or group rp, I have no preference either way.

I'm an experienced role player, I've done allot of table top role-playing, things like Dungeons and Dragons and its related games. Call of Cthulu, Mouse Guard/ Burning Wheel, and many more, both DMing and playing.

I'm not a fan of school life rp or fandom rp.

I'm not looking to get into anything too heady or complicated right now, just something to ease me into the community and get used to how you folks do things around here (like character sheets, I almost never saw those on the sites I used to go to).

Here are a few ideas I had for something simple, they work for both 1x1 and group. If you think you like the cut of my jib but have a different idea, go ahead and reply with your own ideas, I'm looking forward to hearing them.

1) There is a damsel, she is in great distress, we must save her. A very bland traditional arthurian/germanic fantasy adventure with a party of adventurers making it from day to day by doing the odds and ends that fantasy adventurers do. Something we'd make up as we went along.

2) There is a damsel, she is in great distress, we must save her IN SPACE! Bland sci-fi, you are a member of a small crew of space derelicts making ends meet by taking odd jobs and adventures. I have a neat idea for this where we are presented with a list of job offers, have to pick one and get paid for doing it and on top of Roleplaying our adventures we have to keep track of our funds and make sure we can pay for fuel, food and repair to our ship. The jobs can range from transporting spice to tracking down missing VIP's, attending fancy space-dinners to being soldiers in a war whose cause we don't care about.

3) An epistletory, this works for a group but is admittedly much better done with just two people. We both take on the role of someone writing to either a friend, a family member, a spouse/lover, from across a great distance, each of our posts being the responding letter. This could be fun depending on what we wanted to do with it.
I'm not one for space, but the other two sounds like fun ^^ and I agree they can go either way in hopes of group or 1x1.
So since the epistletory has shared interest between you two, is there any setting or time period or kinds of relationships you'd like to see between the people writing the letters, you'd really like to see?
For those who were interested in a medieval fantasy roleplay, I have posted the infornation and character sheets threads. They are titled Landsknights: Character Sheet and Landsknights: A Romance in Four Kingdoms.

I can't link until I have five posts, which is also why I am posting this message, so I can get to post 5. It's elegant spam, so sue me.

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