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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Realistic or Modern Wanderlust Cruise (characters)



a nightmare to you specifically
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

character profiles

Make sure you join the discord to reserve your face claim before posting a placeholder!
You can do bullet points for the background/personality if you want.
I made a simple profile code if you'd like to use it and match with the theme.
You can use any profile code you want, just make sure you have this information:

1) Basic Information
- Full Name
- Nickname
- Age
- Birthday
- Gender
- Sexuality
- Face Claim

2) Personality
3) History

4) Cruise Life
- What is their occupation?
- Why are they on the cruise?
- What they want to experience during the cruise?
coded by sugarnaut
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Basic Information

Full Name:
Xavier Reed-Hightower
Jet. Everyone calls him Jet.
January 4th
Cis Male
Face Claim:
Luke Hemmings


Jet is all forms of serious and scary. No bark, all bite. He's seen shit and he doesn't want to see anymore of it. The air gets cold when he enters the room, totally not because of the breeze that follows behind him. He isn't one to show his emotions too quickly, or maybe at all. Jet is set in his ways but if you don't worry about his cold exterior you can find that he's a watchful caretaker. He is dependable and clever.

Inspirations: Mori from Ouran High School Host Club​

Favorite color is Orange.​
Like Cats more than Dogs, has only owned dogs.​



Jet doesn't go by his given name.
He'll punch anybody who tries to.

Life wasn't handed on a silver platter for Jet, hell, there was no platter to speak of. His mother denied her pregnancy until the crying child was placed into her arms and she'd deny him for most of his childhood. Her husband was a deadbeat who was let go of his multiple construction jobs for stealing and her first child seemed like a replica of him. Jet's first solid memory was his parents screaming before Easter sunday service, something about boys shouldn't dress like girls...

His mother was telling the town he was a pretty little girl. Maybe if he was one, she would have stayed after the men of the family came back from Sunday service. Instead, a little Jet held colorful eggs in a basket and walked into the trailer home to find open drawers and nothing of his mom. He remembered his brother, Trevor, crying for the first hour, being four years wiser than him... Their mom's departure hurt more to Trev than it would to Jet - ever.

Instead, the family of boys stayed in their trailer for some odd years. Trevor said dad waited for her to come back until he lost the place to some uppity land owners who turned the trailer park into expensive condos. The three moved on by force, moving from Missouri to Arkansas to Texas to Oklahoma... Moving was expensive and Roger wasn't good with money already. By 13, Jet was a regular at the local libraries, a trouble maker who stole books. He's technically banned from three library counties.

“Why don't you sign up for a library card?”
“The form requires an address, ma'am.”

He wouldn’t know it but Jet flickers into the minds of his past teachers often. They wonder if they could’ve done more to “save” him, a mistake they don’t make twice about if another “gifted” child would come their way again. Jet’s father never let his sons stay in the same school for long, seeing Child Protective Services always close behind, and he didn’t want to lose his sons. Not out of love but out of pride. Roger Hightower would never let Jet have “special” lessons let alone skip a grade or two… or three.

(( I'll go back and make these paragraphs later ))
- homeless for most of his childhood, scraping by
- older brother used him as “bait” since he couldn’t get as much in trouble.
- at 16, jet went to pick up his brother and ended up being the driver of a bank robbery. (california)
- put into prison as an adult (8 years)
- tested and diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder (might remove this)
- Jet gets a good job on the cruise ship through his parole officer and stays with his mother in Miami until port day. (two weeks)

Cruise Life

What is their occupation?:

Jet works as a waiter, coffee barista, and lifeguard on the cruise ship. He hates life guard duty the most.
"Why do we need a pool in the middle of the ocean? Just jump offboard. Make my job easier."

Why are they on the cruise?:

Their parole officer got Jet the job on the cruise ship. He doesn't really have a home to go back to so might as well take this "opportunity".

What they want to experience during the cruise?:

The moment he got the job, he was relieved. What he has planned for the next 9 months? Climb the job ladder, he guesses, and try to make more money. No stealing this time!


A small blurb here.
A small blurb here.
A small blurb here.
A small blurb here.
A small blurb here.
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Basic Information

Full Name:
Chloe McQueen
Chloe, Kachow, Kachowie
June 27th
Cis Female
Face Claim:
Liberty Mai


Blurb here.

Character Inspirations: bestdressed, dodie, Emma Chamberlain​




Blurb here.

Cruise Life

What is their occupation?:

Blurb here.

Why are they on the cruise?:

Blurb here.

What they want to experience during the cruise?:

Blurb here.


A small blurb here.
A small blurb here.
A small blurb here.
A small blurb here.
A small blurb here.
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Basic Information

Full Name:
Arizona Marie Vaughn
August 22
Face Claim:
Madison Beer


♡ OVERVIEW. Arizona is what can be easily described as a free spirit. Rarely in a foul mood, Arizona is enthusiastic about most things, and enjoys having a good laugh. She is the kind of girl that strikes humor to cheer people up in tough situations because she hates seeing anyone sad or upset. Arizona has a bad habit of bottling her own emotions, however, and will hide her pain behind a smile. she is very charismatic and outgoing, and would rather make friends than enemies. Arizona can come of as a bit... Dense at times, however, and is known to make poor choices and have poor impulse control.

♡ POSITIVES. Arizona has always been a people person, she naturally can light up a room and makes friends fairly easily. she's a social butterfly, loving to meet new people and talk with them about anything and everything. Arizona always has a method to what she does, it's just how she works. she never does something without planning it out. She's free spirited, loving the feeling of independence from the pressure of her family. Arizona has always been open-minded, willing to try anything at least once. Arizona is a kind soul, her kindness knows no bounds and she will go out of her way to make sure you're okay even if you're a complete stranger.

♡ NEGATIVES. Arizona has a nasty habit of being extremely reckless despite her habit of planning things out. She makes impulsive decisions and will act on those decisions unless supervised not to, much like a child would. Arizona tends to bottle up her negative emotions, always putting on a happy face so nobody truly sees what's going on beneath the surface. There are times Arizona can be a bit dense, not understanding something right away and then getting frustrated at the fact she didn't understand. Paired with her stubbornness, Arizona is a force to be reckoned with.


Some people are just perfectly suited for parenthood and Joselyn and Elliot Vaughn were exactly those type of people. Unfortunately they were only able to birth Arizona and her younger brother, Devin, before health complications prevented them from achieving the large family they were so hoping for. Or rather, that's what they were led to believe. Her mother really never quite recovered from that blow but she still threw herself into raising the small family she had been blessed with. A lot of love went into raising the two Vaughn offspring and there was never really an issue of not being encouraged to pursue whatever their hearts desired. Arizona inherited her father’s love of wisdom and competitive nature while her brother got her mother’s kindness and general ease with people. Arizona was too young to truly understand about depression back then, but looking back it’s clear her mother suffered from it. Not being capable of fulfilling her one dream of having a large family made it hard for her to accept her worth. So, once Arizona and Devin had gotten a bit older and more independent, her parents became serious about the idea of adopting maybe one or two more children in order to achieve the big happy family she had planned for so much. Arizona met the idea with some reluctance at first, she thought the family dynamic they had going on was perfect, why should it change? She couldn’t deny her mother’s unhappiness and her and her brother wouldn’t be around for forever so she eventually stopped dragging her feet. Her parents were placed on some waitlists and the issue soon was replaced in Arizona’s mind by the news she soon received.

Arizona was told she would be moving to live with her grandparents in another part of New York for a while, and being a mere six years old, Arizona was ecstatic to see her grandparents. However, Arizona quickly learned that living with them was a total nightmare. She wasn't sent to her laid back grandparents - aka her father's parents. No, she was sent to her strict religious grandparents - her mother's parents. As soon as she was able to be, she was enrolled in The Convent of the Sacred Heart - an all girls catholic school. She would be attending here until she hit the summer before high school.During this time, her mother and father began fighting more - him spending more time away from the family and her mother spending more time with her so called friends. When her mother - after a year of Arizona living with her grandparents - had up and decided to move into a small one bedroom apartment without her father, Arizona knew something was wrong. When her father moved another woman in three months later, that's when Arizona knew her little family was no longer perfect. It was shattered. The children that were with them - two older girls and a younger boy - looked nothing like her or Devin. They resembled the woman who was with her father. That's when it clicked. Her parents had gotten a divorce while she stayed at her grandparents, they just hid it well. Arizona didn't know how to feel, she had been through hell with her grandparents in the years she lived with them and suddenly was just introduced to the fact she had other siblings. When her mother decided to be tired of keeping quiet - hell broke loose. In the end, however, her parents decided to try to mend things for the sake of their children.

Things were looking up until one evening when tragedy struck. Devin had been walking home from a friend’s house one night when he was fifteen, when a car barreled through a stop walk and hit him. He survived the incident, but not without its own complications. He suffered from a traumatic brain injury which caused him to have to learn how to do a lot of things over again, like learning to walk and even read. Arizona was particularly shaken by the event, one of the greatest people she’d known changed so dramatically in an instant. Gone was her easy-going, charismatic brother and in his place was someone who was short-tempered and often sullen. She was to move to Los Angeles to live with her aunt and uncle during this time, and was enrolled in public school for the first time. Arizona wasn't sure what to do, it was all new to her. But she eventually found her footing and made a name for herself. Arizona graduated with honors at the age of eighteen and went on to college after a two year gap, currently in her final year of getting her bachelors in European History at UCLA. Along with that, she's also a fairly well known solo artist, having started in her sophomore year when she was discovered via covers she uploaded on YouTube. She has an international tour in the talks once she returns from the cruise.

Arizona still keeps in contact with her brothers and sisters, but tends to not talk to her parents or grandparents very often.

Cruise Life

What is their occupation?:

Arizona is a student as well as a solo artist. She's working on her bachelor's degree in European History.
Why are they on the cruise?:

Arizona was given the chance to go on the cruise as a birthday gift from some of her friends. After getting the okay from her professors, she gladly took the much needed vacation time, promising to keep up on her classes since most were online anyway.
What they want to experience during the cruise?:

Honestly? Arizona just wants to experience it for what it is - she never got a chance to do something like this before. It's a nice change.


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Basic Information

Full Name:
Silvana Penelope Heart
Feb. 14
Face Claim:
Nessa Barrett


Intelligent and pleasant, if a little bit undisciplined and obstreperous, Silvana is a force of nature. She’s sarcastic, to the point of cynicism. Her family might tell you she has an attitude problem. Silvana has little to no interest in being a responsible adult. She is irresponsible and careless, and she is enjoying being young as much as she possibly can, because the way she sees it, her brother never got a chance to and that meant she had to in his honor. People who don’t know her very well might describe her as endlessly stubborn, but she has a very open mind, and a good heart.

Beating around the bush isn’t something Silvana does; she likes to get to the point and is a very straightforward individual; if she thinks you’re the one in the wrong, she will tell you. It is, however, hard for her to admit when she herself is in the wrong, and that’s where her stubbornness takes charge. Silvana is very much fueled by her emotions, rather than by logic. For someone who was often last, since she was the youngest and the smallest sibling, Silvana is a pretty competitive individual, and she hates to lose. Her parents have always let Silvana get away with things her older siblings couldn’t have dreamed of, because she’s the youngest. Silvana has a very adventurous, some would say rebellious, personality, and will always do what she wants, rather than what she is told.


Born the youngest in her family, Silvana was probably the reason her parents never had any more children. She was difficult from the start. She screamed all through the night, almost always waking up the rest of the household. The last thing her parents needed was a fussy baby, but Silvana epitomized fussy. She’s always had a big personality, but that was necessary in their family. Including Silvana, there were seven children total with the eldest being fifteen at the time of her birth.

Silvana always resented being the youngest. Normally the youngest in the family was the one who got babied the most, but it wasn't that way for Silvana - Silvana always had to shout to be heard, and she simply never grew out of that. Silvana never felt particularly close to her older sisters. But at least she had Beckett. Her big brother, older by nine years. Beckett was the sibling to whom Silvana was the closest. He teased her and taunted her when she was little, the way any older brother does. His death hit her hard.

She was just eight years old when her brother died at the young age of seventeen. Her parents had divorced years before, and that was hard, but it was nothing compared to losing her big brother. She refused to get into any cars for months after his accident. She didn’t speak for weeks after the funeral. Silvana, who had once been quite studious, stopped caring about her studies and although she coasted through, she stopped aiming for her full potential and got through her exams by the skin of her teeth.

Two years after Beckett’s death, her mother remarried, and Silvana got another chance. Ramsey was very much like Beckett; kind and smart and much taller than she was, at least back then. In her ten year old mind, Silvana felt like the universe had given her back her big brother, but the relationship she had her heart set on at the wedding, when she forced him to dance with her, just like she would have with Beck, never happened. Ramsey moved away, and she only saw him infrequently through the years, on birthdays or holidays, or the few family vacations they took. The universe had cheated her out of another brother.

Beckett left a legacy behind; all of her mother’s expectations for him fell on her other children, including Silvana, who had no intentions of living up to them. She got into University by the skin of her teeth when she was nineteen, and dropped out not long afterwards. Dropped out is generous. She was kicked out for bad grades and fighting. That was two years ago, and she hasn’t gotten out from beneath her mother’s cloud of disappointment yet. Finally growing sick of it, she packed up the necessities and left in the middle of the night, not telling anyone where she was going since she didn't quite know herself. What she did know was that she didn't plan on returning. Eventually she made it to Florida somehow, and decided to find a place in Miami and start her own life for herself. After a few months of living with what turned out to be an insufferable roommate, Silvana found the opportunity to work for a cruise line and took it with no questions - anything to get away from her current predicament.

Cruise Life

What is their occupation?:

Employee. She's a triple threat: active lifeguard, bartender, and a waitress depending on if they need her. She hates her lifeguard job the most but money is money.
"If you didn't know how to swim, why the fuck did you even get in the pool?"

Why are they on the cruise?:

Silvana found the opportunity to work on the cruise when it popped up and she took it as fast as she could. It's reaching the two year mark of working for them and she couldn't be happier.

What they want to experience during the cruise?:

Silvana doesn't want much - she's got everything she could ask for right now. Friends, happiness, a chance to make her life her own. She just wants to have fun and live her life to the fullest.


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co-workers, jet is probably one of the few people silvana can tolerate on a daily basis. he makes the lifeguard job just a little bit more bareable.

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Basic Information

Full Name:
Wynter Noelle Hastings
Dec. 21
Face Claim:
Marina Laswick


Wynter can be bossy and stubborn and she is definitely a control freak - especially when it comes to planning weddings, or any party event in general. But she is also loyal, kind, creative and passionate about life. Wynter is a focused but bubbly young woman and can sometimes be self-centered, but she is sweet and tries her best to be a good person. Wynter is often described as dedicated and committed to her work, often putting in long hours, even working late into the night if it's a big wedding. This trait is likely a result brought on by the way she would throw herself into her work - be it a job or school related - to escape reality.

Despite her moments of being bossy and slightly selfish, she is known to be very caring and kind-heated. She usually means well and the people around her know that. However, she also has negative traits such as being stubborn, being impatient and being very outspoken. Sometimes she speaks before thinking which can sometimes lead to conflicts or arguments. It also doesn't help that she's a bit of a perfectionist - she makes schedules and everything to ensure everything is perfect for her clients. If you can manage to weasel your way past her trust issues, you'll see she's an extremely lively person. Her mom always made sure she knew how to value things in life no matter how big or small. The biggest advice that she lives by to this day is the simple ideology of "always tell your friends and family you love them, you don't know if they'll be around tomorrow."


TW: mentions of cancer, loss of parent
Growing up, the word father meant very little to Wynter. A name, a birthday card, an occasional phone call. He came and went from her life like a sun shower, barely leaving imprints. By the time she was five, that had all stopped. It was like he ceased to exist and she found it oddly comforting, not truly mourning the loss of connection since she hardly knew the man. The only thing she had of his was his last name. It had always been just her and her mom - a teen mother, having had Wynter just three months shy of her seventeenth birthday. While it was considered an accidental pregnancy, Ainsley Slater hardly considered Wynter to be an accident. If anything, her daughter was the best thing in her life. Ainsley did her best to raise her daughter into the person she is today, something Wynter would forever be greatful for.

Shortly after Wynter had turned 6, she and her mom had moved from the small, shitty apartment they shared in downtown Seattle to Upstate New York. The apartment they had there was far larger than the tiny one she had lived in prior, and New York was vastly different than Seattle in so many ways. It didn't take her long to adapt, thriving with the busy lifestyle her mom had picked up - Ainsley had become a wedding planner, and a damn good one at that. Wynter wanted nothing more than to follow in her mom's footsteps, tagging along when she could and seeing so many beautiful weddings. When she was 8, she met her best friend Arietta and the two became inseparable, basically attached at the hip. Arietta was nepo baby - her father was a well renowned businessman and, she would find out later in life, owned the apartment building she lived in. She had also met Jayce - a boy who constantly got under her skin for the fun of it, but who also became one of her closest friends.

When Wynter was 12, she received news that would turn her world upside down. Ainsley was diagnosed with stage 4 high-grade serous ovarian carcinoma. They started treatments immediately, hoping for the best. After 14 months of treatments, Ainsley was in remission and would stay that way until just before Wynter's 16th birthday. The cancer had come back aggressively, causing her mom to spend months in the hospital once again. She visited daily - even spent her birthday with her mom instead of with her friends. Jayce had been there when her mom had taken her last breath, an event that made Wynter numb. She didn't cry at the funeral - she waited until she got home to break down alone. Shortly after, she was sent to live with her Aunt. She was still residing within Upstate New York, so she didn't have to change schools. During those two years, Wynter was having a hard time coping - she got a job to keep herself busy, bussing tables at a nearby Italian place. As soon as she graduated, she took a year off to properly grieve, moving out of her aunt's house. By the time she was 20, she was working at the same wedding planning company her mom had - Whimsical Weddings. It didn't take long for her to raise to being one of the best planners in Upstate New York, putting everything she had into it to make her mom proud.

Cruise Life

What is their occupation?:

Wynter is a wedding planner, employed by Whimsical Weddings. She works in upstate New York and has been credited as one of the best wedding planners in upstate New York.
Why are they on the cruise?:

Her best friend decided she needed to take a break and enjoy something that was for herself for a change. She reluctantly agreed.
What they want to experience during the cruise?:

Relaxation. It's no secret how stressed Wynter gets, and she just wants to feel relaxed for the first time since her mom passed.


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Basic Information

Full Name:
Acacia Elaine Lafayette
April 17
Demisexual, Panromantic
Face Claim:
Anna Von Klinski


METHODICAL - ❝ done according to a systematic or established form of procedure.
acacia always has a method to what she does, it's just how she works. she never does something without planning it out.
METICULOUS - ❝ showing great attention to detail; very careful and precise. ❞
acacia has a bit of ocd, things have to be perfect. it's what makes her such a great mechanic, she pays extreme attention to her clients cars and bikes.
CHARISMATIC - ❝ exercising a compelling charm which inspires devotion in others. ❞
acacia has always been a people person, she naturally can light up a room and makes friends fairly easily.
STUBBORN - ❝ having or showing dogged determination not to change one's attitude or position on something, especially in spite of good arguments or reasons to do so.
acacia has a stubborn edge to her, she doesn't appreciate people who try to haggle her prices or her in general. she's not a fan of people trying to argue with her over something she knows.
IMPULSIVE- ❝ acting or done without forethought. ❞
regardless of thinking things out, it doesn't mean acacia makes the best desiscions. there are times she impulsively thinks.
IRACSCIBLE - ❝ having or showing a tendency to be easily angered. ❞
if you get her on a bad day, you might end up chewed out. acacia angers easily, and if angered enough, gets physical.


Acacia Elaine Lafayette was born to two loving parents and one older sister, and what she would later find out, an elder brother, in a small town in the midwest. Two years after she was born, Acacia became the middle child. Growing up, Acacia had a painfully average childhood. It wasn’t an issue, per se, but she didn’t do anything that stood out, either. She didn’t excel at sports, she wasn’t overly talented in the arts, and she was only slightly above average in academics.

For as long as she can remember, Acacia absolutely adored animals. She was the child who would pick up and take care of worms or bugs that she found outside. She even tried to bring home a dog or four. Her family didn’t understand her passions; they were more focused on concrete futures helping people, as opposed to animals. Her father was a nurse and her mother was a social worker. Her sisters wanted to follow in either parent’s footsteps, but Acacia wanted something else entirely.

She followed the path she was on throughout high school, but before she could go any further, she needed to get into vet school. Her grades were good, but not great, and her experience was lacking. She was denied not once, but three times. In those time frames, she continued to hang out with her high school friends, feeling as thought she was falling behind because they all had started college or knew what they were doing in life while she was kind of in limbo. Niklaus changed that. He was the other ‘outcast’ of their friend group, the only one who related to her struggles. They shared their problems with each other, hung out more and more, and soon enough, they got together.

The two were inseparable. They doted on each other constantly, and felt like they didn’t need any sort of career to be happy. After four years together, they were convinced they were The Ones for each other. Approaching their five-year anniversary, Acacia decided she wanted to surprise Niklaus after being away to visit home for a few days. He had given her a key to his house, so when she arrived, she entered and waited to scare him. What she found instead hurt her. She heard huffing and almost a panting sound coming from his room, and when she pushed open the door, she felt tears prick her eyes at the sight on the bed in the middle of Niklaus’ bedroom. Acacia turned to leave but Niklaus had noticed her, springing out of bed and grabbing her arm to stop her. He had pled with her to not leave him, that the girl in his bed meant nothing to him and it hadn't been what it looked like. Calm explanations turned to crying and screaming and soon enough, Acacia was out of his house and driving to even she didn't know where.

She traveled alot over the course of a few months, hitting small cities and staying no more than a few days, knowing Niklaus was following her. When she arrived in Vegas, she knew that was where she would stay. Months after being cheated on, Acacia built a life she didn’t think she could have. Having a proverbial wrench thrown into her plans, not getting accepted into veterinary school, and having started completely over, Acacia turned to the profession she knew the most about: mechanics.

Her father raised her around new and old cars, beautiful motorcycles and really anything automotive. Now, she was way stronger than her father ever was and she has a keen ear for listening and knowing what’s going on inside the engine. Acacia managed to turn one bad thing in her life around, found a stable job, a house, and even some friends. All that was left was facing the bad memories and finding someone to love. About eight years ago she had found out she had an elder brother who had been given up for adoption before her sister was born. They decided to meet and eventually, after she got to Vegas, her elder brother moved in with her. She opened up her own mechanic shop, putting what her father taught her to good use. Everything was going great, until her ex decided to show back up - after loosing her trail years ago, it seemed he had finally picked it back up.

Cruise Life

What is their occupation?:

Acacia is a mechanic, she has her own repair shop and everything.
Why are they on the cruise?:

Her older brother decided she needed a break and booked them both on the trip. She tried to protest, but he really wasn't having it. Not to mention it would be a good break from the fact she was overworking herself. It's also a way to get away from her stalker of an ex.
What they want to experience during the cruise?:

Relaxation for once in her life. Being on the cruise, she hopes, will provide her with a sense of ease being miles and miles away from her stalker.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, qui id harum consul animal. Ne est paulo ubique, cu stet viris invenire vel. Cu ludus dolor duo, his no sumo conceptam. Hinc inani menandri eos at. Mel id atqui omnesque, id pri noster nusquam. An est idque etiam nemore.

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