New Member
Ashlin Church
Struggle and tribulation were a familiar path to many, especially those who resided in the poverty of the Underground. There was the expectation of suffering for those less than, those not worthy of the comforts of the sun. While for some it bore no intrinsic malice in the notion of fighting to survive and focusing on nothing beyond, for the petite blonde-haired woman it had fostered something deeper. A resentment and determination to change the course of society had banished many from the surface and from the hope of surviving past middle age. Now, as she dealt with the throes of rebellion and the gift of death her memory could scarcely recall a time before when there had been more, when there had been friendship and comfort. When she had a family, her mother had perished during her childhood and her father had claimed his own life with the drink, but her brother, Furlan, had stood beside her in this darkness. Together the two had engaged in thievery, finding comradery in Levi and Isabel, the four of them a family of their own making, with the additions of other members within their ranks.
Admittedly, when it came to the figure of Levi, her feelings had been more complex. Caught between the sentiment of a youthful crush and something deeper and much more profound. But, they had all left her, taken to the surface to bring an end to the Commander of the Scouts, they had never accomplished their task. Word came by way of a killer, Kenny he had called himself, informing her of the death of her brother and Isabel. The silence of the third missing person burned deep into her heart as she chose another path. Blood was the only way to provide now that stealing held little merit as the Military Police were keen on the techniques they had once used with such success. However, when the debt of her instruction had been paid, there was a notion of hope which moved beyond that. Forming the rebellion against the corruption of government, royalty, and their Military Police oppressors had been an easy choice, albeit not the easiest path.
Now, Ashlin had formed her group of rebels, seeking absolution and for those who endured endless hardship for nothing but the sake of profit to be freed. For the people of the Underground to taste non-stagnant air. That was the dream she strove for and one that they deemed futile at times. In the passing weeks, she had managed to collaborate and bring down an MP stronghold within Sina, however, it had caused quite the amount of attention on herself, certain deaths being linked to her influence. It seemed the only way to silence them forever and it suited her just fine. There was little in the way of remorse when they had been responsible for the death of so many underneath their very streets. A small sigh left her lips as she considered her target from the shadows, a government official pressing for the abolishment of the Underground altogether. Genocide, in short, she would see it ended before the words left his lips.
Still, she knew that her actions had drawn the attention of a certain Scout, the man from her past who had abandoned not only her but where he had hailed from. Taking his chance at the sunlight and forgetting them all in the darkness. Never even bothering to send word on the death of her brother or to see if she still lived in the shadows he had cast her into. Perhaps she had been mocking as she left notes for him in the rubble of her destruction and the bodies of those whose lives she had taken. She’d left a broom and a note pressed against the side of a destroyed building from her cause stating ‘To help you clean. I know how you hate a mess.’ Needless to say, he would be livid and that satisfaction drew a smirk to her lips.
Stepping from the comforts of the alleyway, Ashlin Church strode, in ebony-clad form with a hood pulled up covering her blonde locks at the end of the evening and the start of the night. Stepping to the aforementioned man, she found herself stepping harshly into his shoulder.
“Watch where you are going!” he hissed.
The assassin pretended to stare with fearful teal eyes. “My apologies, sir,” her tone was meek as she scurried around the corner. Looking down at the dagger she concealed, crimson glinting in the darkness. Her target gurgled and then fell to his knees with the realization of the wound. It was too late, in moments he would bleed out. With success in her heart, she turned and ran with swiftness and silence into the shadows and her new reformation.
Jean Kirstein
Dreams had once consumed the mind of the lanky man, striving for a better future than the mere existence that he had felt in Trost. There had been hope and dare he say it arrogance when it came to joining the military. As a cadet, he had been certain that he would join the ranks of the Military Police and live a lavish life within the interior. With that being said, he would find a way to bring his family and give them all what they so deserved. However, things rarely went according to plan. Something he should have accounted for. Now, as he considered the depths of his mistakes there was little in the wake of a future that did not hold immense hardship. For the majority of his training he had been determined and confident, he had even strode to ensure that there was nothing standing between himself and his goal. Thinking that he was untouchable he had even dared to inquire about the availability of Mikasa in a romantic sense which the rejection had tampered his ego slightly.
Yet, it was what would come to be called the Battle of Trost that changed everything for him. Aside from the fact that Titans had burst into his hometown, Jean had experienced further loss and life-altering moments. Survival had been something that he knew was a chance, brunette locks plastered to his face and his skin pallid with apprehension, but when he had learned of the demise of Marco, his best friend everything had changed for him profoundly. What once had seemed so meaningful in joining the Military Police now felt shallow. Perhaps that was what led him to withdraw slightly, to curb his tongue and even refrain from hurling too many insults at Eren for a time. Further aided by the fact that the other male he held no kindness for had shown his truth as a Titan shifter and was now under the care of the Special Operations Squad. A part of him seemed to be turning to the idea of the Scouts, to such a team with the burden of vengeance hanging heavy in his heart.
There had been many who never took Jean seriously despite his obvious skill before the battle. Annie had never given him the time of day where Bertholt and Reinier had shown kindness that seemed to be more universal than anything. Albeit, his mind often drifted to Caroline, she had regarded him with hostility and in the passing weeks since the battle the two of them had come to some sort of understanding. They had begun to talk and his admiration of her skills, abilities, and beauty had formed into something deeper for her as a person. Noted in the mess he had presently gotten himself into, there had been a rather absurd accusation, that she had been aware of the movements of a rebel group, particularly one individual and even when the infamous Captain Levi had been present and watching closely, he had blinked in disbelief and stepped forth, proclaiming that she had nothing to do with it as her attentions were on graduating and he offered his own merit. Rubbing the back of his neck his gaze shifted to the blonde-haired woman now as they had been left for the time being. “They do realize that none of us have had any sort of leave for four years, right? How could you be part of a rebellion,” he shook his head with a laugh and then looked back to her with a sort of intensity in his gaze, defending the woman he had come to admire.
The cadet considered himself a good judge of character and there had always been something about her that claimed she was fighting for a reason. Besides, Caroline was intense but worked alongside them all for the future of humanity. There was a part of him that was afraid to ask what unit she wished to be accepted into, but now he found that he himself was leaning towards the Scouts and he swallowed pondering how his entire being had shifted so drastically. His mother would be disappointed but his heart proclaimed that it was what he required to be true to himself. “I’m sure they will see you have nothing to do with any of this and things will go back to normal, then we can focus on graduating,” he offered a small smile, letting the breeze press over them. Truthfully, he had never heard of this rebellion but it seemed that the resistance had done enough for the Military Police to be spooked and for some reason, Commander Erwin had seemed intent to focus on one of the leaders for reasons that he did not understand, nor was he sure that he wanted to.