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Walking Dead: Paths

((M&M world is 3 stories not one, a ladder won't take you up that far. Elevator access is the only way I was thinking. Or stairs in the building))
(Three story buildings can have fire escapes. Though if you want me to change my post, I can, though it'll have to be after work, as I'm going soon. Also, I have to change my post anyways, or you can assume Denis lowered the ladder, up to you. I've been to M&M world here in Vegas, and it has ladders, elevators, escalators, and stairs. Which is what I based it on. Though it's up to you.)
((Ohhh ok, the one in NY is literally just windows all the way up haha, but it's fine you can leave it. And you're right I remember seeing them on the Vegas one. Either way then I guess))
(Haha, also, you can just assume Denis dropped the ladder for the others. I meant to put that in, but I'm getting ready for work, so it was kinda rushed.)

Me: *I watch as Denis gives a slight grin and proceeds to run towards the front entrance.* "Hey! Wait!!"

~Denis then bolts from the front entrance and runs along the side of the building. I can hear the military shouting at me from behind and trying to get to my position. Screams and cries go all around, bouncing of the glass of the large complex in front of me.~

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/mnmworld.jpg.fe9543938e4d9a2ff6262ea1800814d6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26722" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/mnmworld.jpg.fe9543938e4d9a2ff6262ea1800814d6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Me: *beats on glass* "Heyy! Let me in I'm not infected!!! I'm a civilian please!!"

~The occupants inside look at me with distrust as they see the blood all over my clothes and looks at the revolver. They back away from the door and some even hold their weapons up as to threaten me.~

Me: "Shit!" *bolts off in Denis' direction.*

Pvt. Dottsen: *sees me running about 10 yards away* "Sir!! I see her over here!" *runs after me*

Larcena: "DAMMIT!" *runs* "E-Nest this is Sparrow Delta, the Captain's daughter is running from us we're at the corner of 48th and Broadway. How long until evac choppers head out?"

~The entire unit trails me with Dottsen in tow as I make my way through the tsunami of flesh and roars. I begin to see a few pale faces, causing me to speed up more. Once I round the large corner of M&M World, I see Denis run into a small alley. I cautiously but hastily rush after him as I prep my revolver for anything ready on an attempt of my life. I quickly turn the corner with the revolver out, similar in technique to SWAT teams. A lady struggles to get up as I walk around her to see that her dead white eyes are bloodied like someone mashed her face in, and she appeared to be pregnant. I look horrendously at her as I run from her to an fire escape ladder I see Denis and the boy climb.~


~The sound of rifles go off behind me as the Delta unit rounds the corner, eliminating a few of the infected with cold precision. I look at the sight as if they were still everyday people. All I keep seeing is Scarlet, my best friend, my roommate. Every one I see, every one that dies....I see her bloody face. I just stare at the bodies.~

Pvt.Dottsen: *snaps me out of it by taking my revolver and grabbing me by the arm* "Don't you EVER fucking do that again you fucking hear me!?"

Me: "Stop!!! Let me GO!" *jerks away* "Metroko gave it to ME give it here!" *reaching for revolver*

Larcena: "HEY!!!" *jerks me up, throws me against the wall* "You listen and you fucking listen good....if you pull any type of rebellion or insubordination again these rabid people will be the LAST of your problems....I have a job to do, whether you obey or not, you WILL fucking listen. Do you got that? I need you to stay focused....you have to be here okay?" *glares into my eyes*

Me: *holds back tears and anger,slowly nods*

~The Delta unit covers Larcena and I from all directions.~

Larcea: *releases me, sees blood on my cropped top* "....Alright Delta, she's right we need to get roof access, it'll give us a better view of what we're dealing with, and we'll regroup and advance from there." *looks at fire escape ladder* "You first Destiny."

Me: *says nothing, climbs ladder up. I continue climbing the stairs until I reach another ladder on the 3rd floor up onto the roof. I climb with trembling hands as I peek over the edge to see Denis tucked away with the boy with his eyes closed, and a cop with his hand on his gun, and three people behind him. I climb all the way up and I look at the cop with lost eyes.*

~The cop sees the blood on my face and cropped top and unsnaps his gun holster. The three people looks on at me with slight fear.~

Person1(M): "Is she bit!?"

Cop: "Are you bit!?"

Me: *shakes head*

Cop: "You stay right there!!!" *to me* "And you too!" *to Denis*

~I was tired. I didn't know what to do or what to say.....I was in shock, in grief...in pain. I just wanted to be safe, and see my family again.~​



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Denis hears the argument down below, listening as they fight, then end up doing what the girl was going to do anyways. As they make it up to the top everyone gets tense, the cop's group becomes even more wary of yet more guests, and the military group gains more tension than what they already had chasing the girl. Like a chain reaction, Denis watches for only a moment before interjecting, daring someone to defy him. He hopens his eyes, looking ahead and at no one in particular as he reminisces, "I made a vow of silence some time ago. I've broken that today, though I'll resume it when you're all safe." Denis unties the blanket for the first time since putting it on, laying the child down and tucking him in. As he stands he continues his rant, the cop changing his gun's target.

"You keep pointing that at me and I will kill you." The cop knew it was being directed at him, and he lowered his weapon slowly. Less out of fear and more because he wasn't going to kill anyone unless he had to. Denis then directs his attention to the military group, "I don't want to take charge, but you need to realize entire groups of people can easily be overwhelmed. I believe you also has my weapon."

Dottsen shows no sign of handing the weapon over, and as retaliation Denis simply moves his hand to rest on his rifle, which was slung over his right shoulder. A menacing grin creeps over his face, getting ready to play another twisted game. This is a tactic Denis has used before to get himself out of tricky situations. Confidence can throw off overwhelming odds, and Denis is willing to fall through with all his threats and promises. He doesn't believe he can take the whole military group and a cop, but he's ready to try and test his skill.

Larcena seems to be deep in thought as Dottsen looks for confirmation, though he gets none, so he instead raises the revolver, pointing at Denis, meeting his challenge. Surprisingly, the cop speaks up, shattering the previous image of just another panicking person. "Hey, do you see the chaos down there? Even if you kill one another to end your fight, what about the rest of us? You're willing to lower the group's chances for some pride?" Denis smiles even more, because he would. Larcena seems to snap back, continuing where the cop left off. "The less of us there are, the more of them there are. Dottsen, he's a trained killer, don't bet your life on a losing bet. We don't need him dead, he's an asset to the team." Larcena walks over and takes the revolver, handing it back to the girl. Aiming her deadly eyes at Denis, "If she shoots anyone, I'll make sure you pay." Larcena proceeds to gather information on the new group, ignoring Dottsen's protesting eyes
((Okay um, the military isn't going to pull on Denis, Dottsen is just following orders lol, and Azelea is the one with the revolver))
(Normally, no. But they are all mostly scared. People do things they don't normally do. I see Dottsen grabbed the revolver from Destiny, but I don't even see Azelea's name in there. Even a control F search doesn't find it, so I'm confused as to how Azelea has it and not Dottsen. But yeah, the whole point of pulling his weapon is to play on the chaos that the scene creates, and show how everyone is on edge.)
((Uhh I guess!...Delta Sparrow are really focused and composed marines though, and Laecena's a bad bitch lol but if she sees Denis as a legend why would she "make him pay?" just noticing the small details but it's cool I'll play off the scenario I think I know where I wanna take it.))
(I can change it if you want, I think we just see their personalities slightly different, which is bound to happen with NPCs D:)

((thought I had posted soz!))

~Larcena proceeds to walk over and hands me the revolver again. These guys were psycho, with all those infected down there, ready to burst up here at a moment's notice...and they wish to have stand offs like some cliche western movie. Once they got me to the safe zone, I was leaving them. I need to find Kanine, and my madre~

Me: "Can we focus on saftey please!! We are on the same SIDE!!" *more angry than expected*

Larcena: "Sparrow Delta, check all avenues...we need to know the easiest way to 51st."

~Sparrow Delta then fans out looking at all the chaos and rampage out on the NYC streets, completely shunning the prior situation. The cop and his people look in confusion as the unit operates as if they aren't there. The man with his daughter post near the rear roof door waiting for the next move. I stare at Denis for a bit, studying his demeanor. This guy was whacko, starting beef over a gun, willing to kill over a petty argument. As soon as he looks my way I dart my eyes elsewhere and walk over to the edge, trying to find Scarlet. Denis had popped one right through her...my best friend. Maybe we could have found a cure?~

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/timesquare1.jpg.46833cccbffdfe3d0179792b347bcc17.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="27169" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/timesquare1.jpg.46833cccbffdfe3d0179792b347bcc17.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Pvt. Azelea: "North has a horde of civvies and hostiles but it's not as dense as before!"

Pvt.Dottsen: "East seems to be running in our direction, meaning that whatever they're running from is a problem, but that will give us less resistance if we go that way."

Pvt. Mills: "West is the direction everyone's going. A few hostiles....oh God...a few hostiles but expect heavy traffic.

Soldier5(M): "Destiny you good?" *places hand on my shoulder*

Me: *nods*

Larcena: "50th looks pretty isolated, if we can make it there I think we're scott free. From what I can see, we stick to the alleys behind M&M World, cross the street to the building with the bus station in fron of it, go around the right flank where that Starbucks is....proceed northeast to these series of buildings there" *points* "and then mosey our way to 51st. Sound good?"

Delta Sparrow: "Hoorah!"

Me: *nods at Larcena*

~I then remember my phone's low and that I should call someone in order to let them know I'm safe. I see my battery's on 9%....the thought of who to call surges through me.~

((Event Selection:

<10: Call Kanine

11-20: Call Dad

>20 Call Mom ))​




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(No biggie :D I had thought you lost interest, though I wasn't going to push it, because it's no fun role playing something you aren't enjoying, and sometimes people aren't willing to speak up, instead choosing to just drift away. So sad. :'()

As the group discussed possible routes they could take, Denis walked back to his red headed companion, slumping down again next to him. He closed his eyes and began to doze off, planning on stay on the roof for a few days, still not sure what he wanted to do. For now, he planned on keeping an eye out for the group and an ear to the ground. It would be a good thing if the blockade holds, but he doesn't believe it will. One thing he was certain of was that he was ready to continue his vow. He broke it to try to keep people safe, but he still feels he has a long way to go before he makes up for killing innocents.

The sky was beginning to fill with smoke in certain areas, tinted red from the fires that created them. The sky looked like a patchwork blanket, a deep blue fixed up by those red tinted smoke clouds. The chaos can still be heard in the streets still audible, completely replacing the normal sounds of the city. Instead of car horns you can hear distant explosions and screams, and the usual chatter is replaced by moans and grunts, from the zombies. It made Denis smile to think of zombies, it was even funnier that people believe this is rabies. He's been around, and has seen rabid humans, and this wasn't that, that's for sure. Denis drifted off, keeping one ear open as he fell deeper into sleep, thinking of the things he's going to miss, like a nice greasy burger.

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