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Fantasy Walk

Name: Ivy cantlebry

Age: 15

Gender: female

Power: can control shoe laces

Appearance: slightly taller then average, olive skin, short brown hair green eyes, often covered in mud and cuts, dresses like a boy and is often mistaken for one (but doesn't bother to correct them.) when her hair was long and she wasn't forged in mud she was considered very pretty.


Hasn't told anyone about her power because it's only usefull with the element of surprise, people could wear Velcro.


Is scared of storms.

Is obsessed with owls.


To be revealed..

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SilverSkyWolf said:
Also what do you mean by a theme?
Like a song? Why would my character need one?

Like a theme song that matches your character. I can put it on the OST but it is optional
Name: Van Strife

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Power: Enhancer - Is able to enhance anything he touches with aura. I.E - Can enhance a plain steel pole to make it stronger. Or can enhance his fists with his own aura to make himself more durable and stronger.

Appearance: Van has short black hair, semi-pale skin, blue eyes, well-toned face, has special goggles that have anti-glare coating that he usually has around his neck, wears a white shirt, gray jacket, blue jeans, and a small scar on his left cheek.

Personality: Van always had a sense of adventure since he was a child, though sometimes being adventurous got him into compromising situations. He also has moments where he calms down and thinks due to always finding himself in bad situations. Usually he is a calm, yet happy fellow, but when challenge comes his way he becomes much more hyperactive.

Likes: Adventure, Fighting, Making weapons, Testing out weapons, Finding new ways to fight and use his power, Challenge

Dislikes: Insects

Height: 5'11

Weight: 145 lbs
YoungX said:
Name: Van Strife
Age: 19

Gender: Male

Power: Enhancer - Is able to enhance anything he touches with aura. I.E - Can enhance a plain steel pole to make it stronger. Or can enhance his fists with his own aura to make himself more durable and stronger.

Appearance: Van has short black hair, semi-pale skin, blue eyes, well-toned face, has special goggles that have anti-glare coating that he usually has around his neck, wears a white shirt, gray jacket, blue jeans, and a small scar on his left cheek.

Personality: Van always had a sense of adventure since he was a child, though sometimes being adventurous got him into compromising situations. He also has moments where he calms down and thinks due to always finding himself in bad situations. Usually he is a calm, yet happy fellow, but when challenge comes his way he becomes much more hyperactive.

Likes: Adventure, Fighting, Making weapons, Testing out weapons, Finding new ways to fight and use his power, Challenge

Dislikes: Insects

Height: 5'11

Weight: 145 lbs

Theme for Van: [media]

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Nathan is a quite pale boy his hair is an Ash Blonde color. His eyes are a bright almost luminescent green though they look quite well in his eyes so he doesn't see himself as looking weird in the slightest. His height is about average maybe a tiny bit shorter at most and he is quite fit. Though some people see him as handsome due to how his hair stays others want to knock the chair out from under him and say he's not.


Nathan Elifer








He is a generally kind guy and cautious guy. Though he does his best to look out for others he does his best attempt to aid them and such when he can as well. Though at the same time he also watches out for himself and prioritizes whenever he needs to. Though he being himself absolutely hates hurting others... unless it's necessary. If he fails to help someone he generally turns it to him and begins to blame himself more.


The rest is but a mystery.... AKA Will be revealed through the rp.



Name: Ka'Sai Kuru

Nickname/Alias: Ka, Sai

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Astrological/Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

Species/Race: Human
"How are you doing?"


Personality: Ka'Sai is a strong and quiet person who loves reading. He is a taciturn and reserved individual. His strength lies in his confidence in his decisions. Ka'Sai may initially seem like a calm and composed character, but he is in actuality quite comical in a sense that he sometimes lets his confidence get the better of him. He is mostly a hardworking and determined individual.

Biography: When he was younger, Ka'Sai was orphan living in a wealthy orphanage. Unfortunately, this orphanage is a laboratory and Ka'Sai and other children were taken and experimented on. While he was tested on, they put him in a augmented reality where he had Ultipotence . After he was experimented on, he escaped and lives in a apartment. He now works a barista in a coffee shop, and trying to hide his powers.

Powers/Abilities: Ka'Sai can bring any material, being or tool originating from his imagination into existence and literally bring their wildest ideas into reality. His power is extremely dangerous and he sometimes can't control it

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Weight: 160

Height: 6'1

Occupation: Barista
"I'm Fine."









-Sometimes can't control imagination







Least Favorites:


-Doing Nothing

-His past

Theme Song


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Name: Unknown.

Species: Fox Demon Spirit.

Age: Unknown.

Powers: He has the ability to copy other peoples powers by either experiencing one of their attacks, how they use they power, what they do/say to activate it and what types of moves they come up with to attack.

Personality: You can experience it yourself by communicating with him.

Where did he originate from: He used to be one of the guardians of the Devil King until he killed him and was exiled from Hell. He's on the run from any and all Demons but still makes himself noticed by causing mischief.

Theme: [media]

Name: Allie Donoval

Age: ???

Gender: He forgot.

Species: Human, probably.

Powers: Allie seems to have a wide arrange of rather uninteresting abilities. He can jump fairly high, heals a little faster then most, and doesn't really seem to age. He knows a fair amount of magic, though generally only uses it to manipulate his favorite rosary.


Graviton- Allie's favorite item, his rosary. A collection of over 300 beads strung together, it is used for banishing rituals, and suppressing enemies.

Satchel- The tan bag Allie keeps all his nick-knacks in. It is weathered and has a fair amount of pop culture buttons pinned into it.

Wing breaker- A cape like object used to protect oneself from the elements. Worn over clothes.

Glass jars- Allie keeps an assortment of glass jars on hand, which despite his unfortunate handling of his bag, don't ever seem to break. He will store a wide array of things in these, such as wisps, flowers, muddy water, honey and other random items that suit his fancy.

Appearance: Allie is around 5"7 with pale skin and blond hair, that is cut short. His nose is small and his eyes large, so he has been likened to a pixie in the past. His face is heart shaped and his cheek bones defined. He a scar ringing around his neck, and others splaying across his whole body. His build is rather stick like, with little traces of toned muscle. He tends to dress in layers, with baggy clothes, always looking modern. His shoes are classic red converse

Likes: Candy, coffee, relaxing, adventure, curiosity, short novels, protecting, cooking, biking, games etc.

Dislikes: Dragons, sour things, tight spaces, not being in control, football, being babied, showers etc.

Theme: [media]

[side Note]

Sorry I am new around here, I don't know how to do anything fancy yet with my text really.
Deadpixel101 said:
Name: Allie Donoval
Age: ???

Gender: He forgot.

Species: Human, probably.

Powers: Allie seems to have a wide arrange of rather uninteresting abilities. He can jump fairly high, heals a little faster then most, and doesn't really seem to age. He knows a fair amount of magic, though generally only uses it to manipulate his favorite rosary.


Graviton- Allie's favorite item, his rosary. A collection of over 300 beads strung together, it is used for banishing rituals, and suppressing enemies.

Satchel- The tan bag Allie keeps all his nick-knacks in. It is weathered and has a fair amount of pop culture buttons pinned into it.

Wing breaker- A cape like object used to protect oneself from the elements. Worn over clothes.

Glass jars- Allie keeps an assortment of glass jars on hand, which despite his unfortunate handling of his bag, don't ever seem to break. He will store a wide array of things in these, such as wisps, flowers, muddy water, honey and other random items that suit his fancy.

Appearance: Allie is around 5"7 with pale skin and blond hair, that is cut short. His nose is small and his eyes large, so he has been likened to a pixie in the past. His face is heart shaped and his cheek bones defined. He a scar ringing around his neck, and others splaying across his whole body. His build is rather stick like, with little traces of toned muscle. He tends to dress in layers, with baggy clothes, always looking modern. His shoes are classic red converse

Likes: Candy, coffee, relaxing, adventure, curiosity, short novels, protecting, cooking, biking, games etc.

Dislikes: Dragons, sour things, tight spaces, not being in control, football, being babied, showers etc.

Theme: [media]

[side Note]

Sorry I am new around here, I don't know how to do anything fancy yet with my text really.
[QUOTE="Dear Diary]

Name: Unknown.

Species: Fox Demon Spirit.

Age: Unknown.

Powers: He has the ability to copy other peoples powers by either experiencing one of their attacks, how they use they power, what they do/say to activate it and what types of moves they come up with to attack.

Personality: You can experience it yourself by communicating with him.

Where did he originate from: He used to be one of the guardians of the Devil King until he killed him and was exiled from Hell. He's on the run from any and all Demons but still makes himself noticed by causing mischief.

Theme: [media]

Both Accepted!

Everything is alright...


Name: "I am the one inside the heart of M????????i???????????t?????????????????s????????????????u?????????r????????u???????????????? ????????A??????????????y??????????????a??????????????s???????????a?????????????k???????????????i????????. My name is Omega."

Age: 16

Species: Human

Gender: Male

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral/Evil

Motto: "Destroy this worthless reality."

Occupation: World Ender

Weakness: "...Why would I tell you...?"

Relationship: "If you consider murdering townsfolk, burning down kingdoms and eliminating every threat in your way as a relationship. Then yes."

Favorite Color: "Your blood."

Um... Favorite Food...?: "Your flesh in a plate."

Hobbies???: "Chaos and murder."

Anything Else??????????: "Die."

H...E...L...P...?: "Never."

This is all just...



Blood Shadow - If Mitsuru bleeds even a little, the blood will turn black and begin to act accordingly. He can then generate more of these black blood as long as he is injured. Mitsuru can change his blood's shape into some kind of beast claws, which he uses during battles. The source of the blood is also covered up in some kind of black liquid substance that melts anything that tries to pass through them.

A fun thing he can do is create black-colored beasts that can attack the opponent, this allows him to create an army whilst injured.

Red String of Fate - Whenever someone powerful (Main characters/Important characters) are nearby. Red strings that are visible only to Mitsuru appear and point towards the direction that they are located. The thicker the strings, the stronger they are. Once he meets up with them, the string that is near Mitsuru will tie themselves with this person's "red string", marking them as the powerful person.

Abilities in a nutshell: Vitality (6/10) | Magic? (10/10) | Power (8/10) | Guard (8/10) | Agility (8/10) | Intelligence (5/10) | Luck (1/10)


In a castle far away, on the kingdom of Neverlouge. There lived a king and a queen, whom both led their people to many victories and treaties that made their kingdom successful and one of the best. One fateful day, the king and queen had a child. Filled with joy, they wanted to announce it to their kingdom. However, just before the news could spread, the child had vanished from his family's sight. The whole kingdom's guards had searched all over for him, but alas, nobody could him.

A letter took the child's place, in it was written "The chosen one has been selected. Your child will not be returned until the day of the 4th in the next ten years". And so, they waited, for the last ten years as they weep for their son to come back. What he had experienced was hell, the people who kidnapped him trained him in the arts of demon summoning for the past years and would give him the harshest punishments if he would fail.

When the time had come, and their son was returned back. They were filled with joy, again. This child wasn't a child no more, a powerful demon possessed his heart and gained half control of his body. With this power that he now had, he murdered his own parents and even his future kingdom. Bloodlust took over him as he went on a rampage, destroying nearby towns and all those who were in alliance with the fallen kingdom.

When everything was eliminated, only one thing stood in his way now... The entire world.

A bad dream...?



"Release Me... Now"



"My Theme"



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Everything is alright...


Name: "I am the one inside the heart of M????????i???????????t?????????????????s????????????????u?????????r????????u???????????????? ????????A??????????????y??????????????a??????????????s???????????a?????????????k???????????????i????????. My name is Omega."

Age: 16

Species: Human

Gender: Male

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral/Evil

Motto: "Destroy this worthless reality."

Occupation: World Ender

Weakness: "...Why would I tell you...?"

Relationship: "If you consider murdering townsfolk, burning down kingdoms and eliminating every threat in your way as a relationship. Then yes."

Favorite Color: "Your blood."

Um... Favorite Food...?: "Your flesh in a plate."

Hobbies???: "Chaos and murder."

Anything Else??????????: "Die."

H...E...L...P...?: "Never."

This is all just...



Blood Shadow - If Mitsuru bleeds even a little, the blood will turn black and begin to act accordingly. He can then generate more of these black blood as long as he is injured. Mitsuru can change his blood's shape into some kind of beast claws, which he uses during battles. The source of the blood is also covered up in some kind of black liquid substance that melts anything that tries to pass through them.

A fun thing he can do is create black-colored beasts that can attack the opponent, this allows him to create an army whilst injured.

Red String of Fate - Whenever someone powerful (Main characters/Important characters) are nearby. Red strings that are visible only to Mitsuru appear and point towards the direction that they are located. The thicker the strings, the stronger they are. Once he meets up with them, the string that is near Mitsuru will tie themselves with this person's "red string", marking them as the powerful person.

Abilities in a nutshell: Vitality (6/10) | Magic? (10/10) | Power (8/10) | Guard (8/10) | Agility (8/10) | Intelligence (5/10) | Luck (1/10)


In a castle far away, on the kingdom of Neverlouge. There lived a king and a queen, whom both led their people to many victories and treaties that made their kingdom successful and one of the best. One fateful day, the king and queen had a child. Filled with joy, they wanted to announce it to their kingdom. However, just before the news could spread, the child had vanished from his family's sight. The whole kingdom's guards had searched all over for him, but alas, nobody could him.

A letter took the child's place, in it was written "The chosen one has been selected. Your child will not be returned until the day of the 4th in the next ten years". And so, they waited, for the last ten years as they weep for their son to come back. What he had experienced was hell, the people who kidnapped him trained him in the arts of demon summoning for the past years and would give him the harshest punishments if he would fail.

When the time had come, and their son was returned back. They were filled with joy, again. This child wasn't a child no more, a powerful demon possessed his heart and gained half control of his body. With this power that he now had, he murdered his own parents and even his future kingdom. Bloodlust took over him as he went on a rampage, destroying nearby towns and all those who were in alliance with the fallen kingdom.

When everything was eliminated, only one thing stood in his way now... The entire world.

A bad dream...?



"Release Me... Now"



"My Theme"



Very spoopy character! Accepted!
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/OC.jpg.3080adc49471873aed94416f6f9b4a16.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="122240" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/OC.jpg.3080adc49471873aed94416f6f9b4a16.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Lucia Maddow

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Occupation: High School Student

Species: Shapeshifter

Abilities: Can shift into any creature and even imitate humans to a certain degree. The drawback to this, is that she needs a live specimen to shape herself after. Her favorite forms are:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Kitty.png.f2dd0e8a7afa210f33c400a3f7e9c0a9.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="122242" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Kitty.png.f2dd0e8a7afa210f33c400a3f7e9c0a9.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Nepeta.jpg.842e49119d39a1824f1a51a8164f89fe.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="122243" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Nepeta.jpg.842e49119d39a1824f1a51a8164f89fe.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio: Tbr (aka too lazy to write it in)

Personality: Calm and quiet, though she can have random outbursts of energy that's mostly affected by the moon cycles.

Other: Really likes cats and can speak bits of Japanese, German and French.

Theme Song: [media]




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  • Name: UNKNOWN

    Alias: Gears

    Age: UNKNOWN

    Gender: Male

    Species: Human...?

Alphaius said:
Name:Adam Bartholomew



Appearance:View attachment 273245


Powers:Adam has three separate forms each with their own set of abilities

Fathers form:View attachment 273244

Unnatural speed:
Very fast

Unending thirst:regeneration based on blood consumption

Hunter of prey:heightened senses

Bigger and badder:can summon lesser demons

Be afraid:if he he looks you in the eyes it may paralyze target

Chaos bolt:the most draining ability fires a bolt of energy infused demonic blood with a randomly generated elemental effect (fire,lightening,ice,etc)

Mothers form:

View attachment 273243 Divine aura:
gives off a powerful aura that weakens power of those who are evil

Searing spear:a spear as hot as the sun on strike

Holy blade:a divine sword deals massive damage to evil targets

Power of light:a powerful healing effect can restore allies to full potential,can restore self to half

Orb:transform into a small ball of light for quick travel

Divine verdict:final attack=highest damage output can insta-kill or revive the dead...at a severe cost

True SelfView attachment 273246

can walk through walls,and immunize self to physical damage

Unseen:can remove self from the visible spectrum of MOST lifeforms

Absorption:can absorb energy in all forms,cold cannot be absorbed

Redirection:can reform absorbed energy as he sees fit

FORMS ARE RANDOM(I'll roll before transforming)

Skills:plays violin,can read music,expirienced in Brazilian jiu jitsu,tae quon do,boxing,judo,fencing,fiction writing

Personality:overachieving,and doesn't take failure well,kind to others,hard on self

Bio:???(to be revealed)

Strengths:multi talented,intelligent,good emotional control

Weaknesses:can't take failure,poor social interaction,cold

Likes:music,learning,success,street taco stands


Other:All forms have a weakness to cold


NekoQueen49 said:
View attachment 273348 Name: Lucia Maddow

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Occupation: High School Student

Species: Shapeshifter

Abilities: Can shift into any creature and even imitate humans to a certain degree. The drawback to this, is that she needs a live specimen to shape herself after. Her favorite forms are:

View attachment 273350 View attachment 273351

Bio: Tbr (aka too lazy to write it in)

Personality: Calm and quiet, though she can have random outbursts of energy that's mostly affected by the moon cycles.

Other: Really likes cats and can speak bits of Japanese, German and French.

Theme Song: [media]

shadowstrikr25 said:

  • Name: UNKNOWN

    Alias: Gears

    Age: UNKNOWN

    Gender: Male

    Species: Human...?

All Accepted!

  • Name:
    Pyre Jackson

    Age: 17

    Gender: Female

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/anime-anime-girl-gas-mask-white-hair-Favim.com-2653269.jpg.f24a7455d2bb4b9f803f5c4db7a533b9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="122326" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/anime-anime-girl-gas-mask-white-hair-Favim.com-2653269.jpg.f24a7455d2bb4b9f803f5c4db7a533b9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c98d8a715_large(1).jpg.b0995e29bdc3eb3371a4782270612160.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="122328" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c98d8a715_large(1).jpg.b0995e29bdc3eb3371a4782270612160.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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