Wake Me Up


Farseer to the Warsong Clan
Vudukudu submitted a new role play. @Vudukudu, please edit this post to include the sign-up information.

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Character Sheet:




Appearance: (Image preferred.)



The Trauma: (What does your character need to resolve to move on?)

The Accident: (Whatever knocked them out.) 
Name: Elijah "Eli" Morrison

Age: 18

Sexuality: Heterosexual


Personality: Eli is soft spoken and takes his time to choose the right words. He's a loyal friend, who will always be there for people who need him, but often feels neglected himself. He's a dedicated worker who won't stop until the job is done, but knows how to pace himself if it means getting the job done better. He's a walking ball of stress and feelings of inadequacy, and is slow to forgive himself for anything. He is overly kind to others, as he is deeply afraid of hurting anyone. He wants to solve the world's problems, but sometimes finds himself overextended and unable to help anyone at all.

Biography: Elijah grew up in a house of nine people. Being the littlest of them all, he always felt small and unwanted. Compared to his elder brothers and sisters, he was nothing special. He had no real talents, he wasn't athletic, and he wasn't the best in school. His parents had little time for him, and his siblings picked on him for being the baby.

Finding no love in his own home, he sought after new people to be friends with more and more. Eventually, he had himself wrapped up in the lives of almost his entire school, as he was well-liked by his peers for his honesty, trustworthiness, and compassion. If anyone had a problem, he was the go-to-guy for help. He gladly accepted the burden, because it made him feel wanted more than anything else had before.

Halfway through his junior year of high school, he grew close to a friend of his, Kaitlyn. After some awkward conversation, the two finally got together and started dating. About a year into their relationship, which had otherwise been happy, Kaitlyn admitted that she had been wrestling with severe depression for a few months. Elijah was surprised, and, for a short time, offended because she hadn't came to him sooner. He did his best to help her through the pain, but..

The Trauma: A few months later, after her medications failed to help her, and after cycling through three therapists, Kaitlyn gave up the fight and commit suicide.

The Accident:While driving to Kaitlyn's house upon hearing of her death, he got involved in a car crash that killed the other driver and left him unconscious in his vehicle.
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Macy Lee





Appearance: (Image preferred.)

Macy has naturally dark brown hair, that has been died a red velvet shade. It is often worn either in a half up style (Show below) or in a high ponytaill. She has big brown eyes and dimples. Usually, you'll find her in something girly like a floral dress or with bows in her hair. She has somewhat of an obsession with bows. She is 5'1.




It is most likely Macy is the most bubbly, outgoing girl you will ever meet. She gets excited very easily, and is never afraid to show it. She smiles all the time, and is rarely seen with a frown on her face. She's very gullible and vulnerable, but easy to get along with. She enjoys singing, dancing, laughing, and playing tennis. Macy is sensitive and can be hurt easily. She loves to make others smile.


When Macy was very small, maybe five years old, her father left her and her mother in the middle class home without any way to earn money, as he had been their only way to pay rent. This made Macy very angry, a feeling she rarely experiences. She promised her mother she would earn enough money someday to buy a huge house, and they'd never need food stamps again. At the early age of sixteen, Macy began her singing career and already has grown quite popular. Her albums aren't known all over the US, but her neighborhood is very familiar with her work. Her style of music is mainly pop with an R&B sound.


The Trauma: (What does your character need to resolve to move on?)

Macy needs to cope with the loss of her father, who also took her younger sister Abby.

The Accident: (Whatever knocked them out.)

Her father leaving was a big bump in Macy's life. She even has random feelings of sadness out of the blue.



Juliette Bello


16 years




She is a girl who likes to smile and be happy, but has a hard time to find friends.

She would like to be an actress, but don't have the courage to be on stage.


She was a happy girl with lots of friends, until she was 10 years old and her mom left her.

She changed and stared to push her friends away and keep to herself.

then she tried to become an actresses. She had acted all the time she went to school.

After she was left alone, her dad had to work a lot.

When he was home he was drunk and sometimes she would just lock the door and wait for him to go.

She lived in 6 year like this, until on her 16. birthday she got a card from her mom.

She took a airplane too see her mom,

to know why she left and to get away from that house.

The Trauma:

her trauma is that she can never forget all the times her dad hit her.

She do not like to be touched because it reminds her of it.

The Accident:

She was in an airplane on the way to see her mom, when the plane lost control. They had no chance to continue the flight,

so the pilot had to make an emergency landing in the water. she was in the water for 30 min. before she passed out. She was one of the few survivors, although she ended up in a coma.


Hannah Caro








Your typical high school drop out. Loud, adventurous, and the most head strong person you'll ever meet. She is very persistent and doesn't like being alone. She struggles with severe anxiety, though she has not had an attack in 2+ years. Because of her abusive boyfriend Hannah doesn't like physical contact. She smokes and swears a lot. She's generally rude to anyone she doesn't know or feel comfortable around. Doesn't like pop music but really enjoys classic rock.


Hannah Livie Caro was born to Mark and Sydney Caro on April 3rd 1996. She lived in an apartment with her mom, dad, and dog Runnie until she was 8 years old, when her parents divorced. At the age of 12 Hannah, who now went by Livie, developed a taste for dark clothing and rock music. When she was in middle school she was picked on by her classmates, putting her in a depression from age 13 to 15. When Hannah was 16 she decided to run away to Vegas with her boyfriend, Lucas, and drop out of school. Things went well until Lucas became abusive and an alcoholic. Hannah tried running away several times but it always lead to Lucas finding her and beating her until she promised to not run away again.

The Trauma: (What does your character need to resolve to move on?)

Hannah is constantly subjected to physical and verbal abuse by her alcoholic boyfriend.

The Accident: (Whatever knocked them out.) During a fierce beating one night from Lucas, Hannah is knocked unconscious and left alone in the motel room they were sharing.
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Name: Jessica May Wikhom (or just Jess)

Age: 17

Sexuality: Homosexual




She is very sensitive and has low self esteem, but has always tried to hide this behind the makeup and bright hair.

Due to bullying she often finds herself feeling depressed but never could bring herself to talk to anyone due to both her shyness and a fear of seeming like she was having a drama over nothing.

When people are nice to her, she can often be doubtful of them and will find it difficult to trust them, but once she does she can be quite clingy.

She is a diligent student though, her favourite subject being music as she loves to play piano and is very creative.


She was always an easy target for bullies at school due to her low self esteem. The kids often enjoyed calling her a “homo” and derogatory terms associated with this, which particularly hit home when she realised she had feelings for her friend Honna. She had hoped to confess this to her friend, but after being taunted by some kids and Honna comforting her “It’s okay, it’s not like you’re actually a lesbian, right?” she completely broke down.

Being from a picture perfect Christian family, she worried her parents wouldn’t be accepting of who she was, so she began to hate herself and got a boyfriend to stop the bullying at school. Although the bullying stopped, she now found herself in an abusive relationship where he would abuse her and force himself on her through blackmail.

The Trauma:

She hates herself as a result of the bullying and abuse she’s been subject to and she hates herself for her sexuality. She needs to accept it and deep down wishes she could come out to her parents.

The Accident:

Eventually it all became too much and she tried to take her own life through an overdose, skipping lessons and sneaking home whilst her parents were at work and her brother was at school. Her mum came home early though with her younger brother, who had been ill at school, and they found her unconscious. They called out an ambulance and the doctors were able to save her, but she hasn’t woken up since.
you full or is there room for one more? 


Sexuality:heterosexual :Appearance(wont let me post picrure but anyway i have medium length black hair and a lip time on the left side)

Personality:ive always been shy and had problems making freinds but once you get to know me you find that im quite a caring person if your nice to me, I dont talk much and usually stick to myself, im always nervous and will flinch at the slightest provocation.

BiographyWhen my parents split up my mother started going out with a cruel man who beat me and my youger sister, that was pretty traumatic and sent me into self harming and suicidal thoughts, of course nobody cared and I was left to my business for five years attempting suicide twice

:The Trauma:(my character needs to find the courage to get help for himself and tk stop the horror his stepdad inflicts on him. )

The Accident: too much blood loss on a suicide attempt knocked me out and sent me into the coma

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