Wait, what? Day Caste Priests?


Ten Thousand Club
So I'm looking though the RoGD, and I notice a sidebar about Priests. It talks about the benefit of being a priest. It also says that the Zenith, No Moon and Day Castes are considered to be priest of all gods.

Day Caste?

I though that the Day Caste Abyssals were the stealthy assassins, mirroring the Night Caste. Wouldn't Midnight Castes be better suited for a priest role? Was this a typo, or am I missing something here? I guess I could make the argument that, being Day Castes, they're the closest to the living world, but it still seems odd.
cyl said:
two words dude... bad editing.
Maybe it's just me in what I read up on RoDG, but it seems that book slipped through quite the large crack on editing.  There's a comment on Amazon (North American version) how there was a typo printed on the cover and it seemed that Amazon got and sold some of those copies; I think it's the closing bracket after "Divinity" but I'm not sure.  I'm guessing WW tried something/somebody new or whatever for the editing process or editing in general.  Again maybe it's just me.
It's not a closing bracket, they mispelled Divinity.. they put Divininty. I should know, I have a copy of one with the wrong spelling.
FluffySquirrel said:
It's not a closing bracket, they mispelled Divinity.. they put Divininty. I should know, I have a copy of one with the wrong spelling.
Oh OK.  Then my question is what's with the whole bracket thing?  I've seen it used in the 'Wonders of the Lost Age' for the first time they talk about Resplendent Architecture on page 17.  I thought it was a typo but then I saw a double bracket for the same title on page 20, I'm guessing this is WW's way of doing Roman Numerals.
So if the bracket for RoDG is on purpose, should we be expecting a RoDG II?

EDIT: I rarely pay attention to what's coming soon/next, it seems the next one will be on ghosts and demons.  However, my question is why they put it in the Books of Sorcery series and not in its own couple book series?  I don't know.  Maybe I haven't read all the BoS yet to answer that question.
Yes, RoGD 2 will indeed be with Ghosts and Demons. Why they have to be a sub serie within a serie I don't understand, but that is how it is - just like Scroll of Exotic Wisdoms doesn't have that part of the title on the book cover.
I think the subsets are so White Wolf can fit everything into their 5x5 sales plan. There are a lot of the misprint covers out and about because I have one as well.

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