• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern ♓️ W I N G I T ♓️


☯ Lil' Sarcastic Muffin ☯


{Realistic Picture ONLY}







{Realistic Picture ONLY}


(1+ Paragraph)


(2 + Paragraph)


{Interesting facts about them. This can be paragraph form or listed.}

Favourite Memories:

Keep them short and sweet. Include my character (Aurora) in one of them

Include ONE embarrassing moment.

You could include any NPC, parties, or events. Ex: The time you went cliff diving with “friends”.

{Realistic Picture}

Life Story:

: {2+ Paragraph will suffice}





Dream Holiday:

{Where would they want to go more than anything else?}


: {Will be determined after role play} TBA

Writing Sample:

{2 Paragraphs or more. Can you please write about the night you got that text}

Quote that Describes them:

{Use Blockquotes}

Their Favorite Song:

{Link a Youtube Video}

♓️ = Accepted!

Please add original coding to you C/S as well

If making two character must be a boy and girl.

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My lil' Cinnabun c:



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Aurora Myra Queen


Queenie | Rora | Rara






October 31st, 1987



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Aurora is known for her beautiful looks, although she quite modest about. Aurora stands at 5'7" with lanky legs. Aurora has a light olive skin and her brown eyes seem to pop. Aurora has beautiful long dark chocolate hair that cascades down to her hips with a soft shimmer in the right lighting. Her hair styles include; high ponytails, loose and a bun. These three hairstyles seem like the only things that she can do. Aurora has a body like and hourglass with curves in all the right places without any enhancements. She loves to wear things she finds on Tumblr and Pinterest. Aurora wears high waisted shorts and crop tops compared to dresses. She finds Converse and Doc Martins better than stupid heels. Aurora will try to dress for the occasion yet sometimes Aurora goes over the top when it comes to fancy clothing. The one that really stand out with Aurora is her pearly white smile, she is never seen without and considers it as her priceless accessory.

Closet: Aurora's Wardrobe


Aurora personality is the definition of extrovert. Aurora is a happy and care-free loving girl who can't sit still. Aurora is a quirky girl and thinks outside of the box when challenges faces her and will get the job done properly. She cares for those who deserve it and will always be there to be that shoulder you need to cry on when your crush rejects you. She's energetic and quite fidgety and has a passion to move around a lot. Ever since high school, her first impression on her grade was cute yet energetic. She was the girl you can always count on. Aurora lives to be free and she will take anyone along the ride. Aurora will put people in front of her first yet she isn't one to be pushed around. Aurora is her own person and she knows she has the ability to make decisions for herself. She does have her problems yet she keeps them to herself.

Aurora does have her bad traits. Her main one is being stubborn, getting this off her mother Aurora tends to convince people to go her way and not their way. Aurora is also absent minded. Her mind is always somewhere else dreaming about travelling to the next place she will go, it does take a while for her to reconnect with human society. Whilst being absent minded she also impatient, she hates wasting time which could be used more on creative and useful things. Aurora tends to be naive at times which gets the best of her. When she was younger, her ex boyfriend got the best of bed for a year until one of Aurora's friends pointed it out to her and got her to dump him. Another problem with Aurora is that she restless. There is always energy in her and after twelve hours of driving she can be a pain in the ass. Aurora doesn't mean to be any trouble yet she is still blind to her traits.


~ Sighs when stressed or annoyed

~ Taps her fingers when listening to music

~ Bites her lower lip when nervous




+ Ice Tea

+ Travelling

+ Living Life

+ Friends

+ Fun


+ Cats (allergy)

+ Rudeness

+ Lying

+ Staying Still

+ School

Favourite Memories:

~ When Aurora was five she went on her first aeroplane to Italy, it was the best experience of her life and she wants to do it all the time.

~ Aurora had her first party when she was fifteen and she T-Ped her 80 year old English teacher's house and car. The cops came but Aurora escaped.

~ Aurora got lost in an airport at age eleven and waited at the front desk for an hour whilst listening to music


Life Story:

Aurora doesn't remember much of her past, she only gets a few pieces every now and then from her past flooding to her mind. Her parents left her at a nearby orphanage when she was just six weeks old. Why? Because she was never meant to be born. Aurora's parents hooked up one night and her mother got pregnant at the age of eighteen, she couldn't handle the pressure of school and children so she left Aurora there on the orphanage doorstep. At age three, a extremely wealthy couple came to the orphanage and saw baby Aurora. They instantly adopted her. At age five Aurora experienced her first trip on an aeroplane to Italy. She was so excited she couldn't sit still. Aurora's adoptive parents travelled around the world and they would always take Aurora along for the trip. Aurora went to all of Europe and Australia as well. It was the most exhilarating thing for little Aurora.

Soon high-school hit and Aurora moved to a brand new school, Westbrooke High. Aurora was scared and confused, trying to see positive things in life yet she couldn't see over the tall head of twelve graders. She had her first homeroom and meet what became her new friends. Aurora's energy came back and she became her happy cheery self. She made heaps of friends and got onto the cheerleading squad and student council. With all these clubs and activities, she would earn enough credit to send her off to Princton like her parents her to do. Aurora never wanted to settle down in university, find love and have kids. She wanted to explore the ends of the Earth and see things she has never seen before. After her graduation she had a horrible argument with her adoptive parents thus leading to a fall out between daughter and parent.

Writing Sample:

"She's a tear in my heart, cut me father than I ever been!" Aurora sang loudly as she pranced around her apartment, shaping her hand as if she was using a microphone. It was 1 am in the morning and she couldn't sleep. Aurora pranced over to her pantry and opened the doors, her eyes scanning for something for her to eat. Aurora eyes stopped at a box of 2 minute Mac and Cheese. With a shrug, Aurora grabbed the box and pulled out a packet of the 2 minute pasta. She opened the packet and poured the pasta in, she boiled some water into her kettle and drenched the pasta in hot water following by some cheesy flavoring powder. Aurora placed the bowl into her microwave and set the timer to two minutes. Aurora smiled and went back to dancing. She got tired of singing and decide to watch some TV. Aurora grabbed the remote and switched her small TV on. Her parents found it shamefully of Aurora that she wouldn't borrow money from her parents. Thus, leading the family to a horrible downfall in their relationship.

Aurora snapped back into reality as her microwave started to beep repeatedly. She got off her butt and grabbed her midnight snack. She sat down back onto her couch. It was a cracking faux baby blue leather couch. You could instantly see the foam coming out in the arms and cushions of the couch, but it was amazing to sit on and it was for free. Aurora began to flick through the channels until she found a show about travelling, it was her dream to travel around the globe. Aurora watched intensely when the program began to talk about road tripping and how most people are doing it. This gave Aurora an excellent idea. Quickly, Aurora placed her bowl on the coffee table (Really, it was just a suitcase with a piece of duct tape with the word 'Coffee Table' on it, Aurora couldn't afford a coffee table.) And went to her phone. She unlocked it and began a group text with her old friends from high school.

'Anyone up for a road trip? Rora xx'






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no slide

| Name |

Aubrey Jeannine I'm unculturedale

| Age |


| Gender |

Cisgender Female

| Birthday |

July 12 ; Cancer

| Sexuality |


no slide

| Appearance |

Aubrey is usually considered sweet and adorable by most of the people that she meets. She stands at a fair height of 5'6" and weighs about 126lbs, with a slim frame. Aubrey has a pale complexion, which causes her to get sunburns instead of tans to her own dismay. She has naturally long, chocolate hair (though of course she enjoys cutting it short and dying it most of the time), that compliments both her metallic blue eyes and sugar plum colored lips.

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| Personality |

If everyone had to choose a single word to decribe themselves, Aubrey's would be sweet. She's a cute little daffodil who seems to care more about others than herself and enjoys being in a circle full of people. Everywhere she goes, she is seen with a bright smile on her face, that is somehow always gets the next person to smile back. Aubrey tends to be considerate towards other peoples ideas and sees different points of views other than her own. She tries her best to connect with others often gets a bit frustrated when she can't. She's full hearted, and has sympathy on nearly every living and non-living thing, from chairs to trees and insects to people. Aubrey is known to be creative, and has a lot of interest in the arts, seeing the beauty in things that most others might not. She's slow to anger, and tends to forgive people easily, no matter how much someone might have hurt her.

Although Aubrey had endless likeable traits, she, like everyone else, has her own mistakes. One of the most noticeable thing that one might easily spot in the teen is that she's light hearted. Sensitive is just a simple word to describe it and Aubrey is often overthinking on things that shouldn't matter, and tends to bring them up later on. Even though she rubs off as an extrovert, she also does have an introvert streak to her quirky side. She keeps her emotions in, and as mentioned before, forgives people a little too easily which can be bad on her case because she acts as if she happy with someone when internally she's still sad. She gets jealous easily, especially over her friends which can cause her to try and make them jealous in return. Though, above all, she's possessive, over literally everything, and hates sharing more than anything. When something's hers, she makes it known, and will most likely not share with other unless they're near death. Without a doubt, Aubrey has her flaws, but overrall, she's the bubbliesf sweetheart that you'd ever encounter.

| Likes |

• Rain

• Jolly Ranchers

• Mugs

• Makeup

• Tanks Tops

• Tea

| Dislikes |

• Horror movies

• Chocolate

• Talkative People

• Meat (vegan)

• Exercising

• Being Cold

| Quirks |

• Pouting - when shes bored

• Biting inside lip - When in thought

• Tapping her feet - When shes annoyed

• Sighing - When shes jealous or mad

| Dream Holiday |



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c7af61392_bannerfans_17200124(1).jpg.451599ba5861dc8310f570e1520575fe.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="104648" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c7af61392_bannerfans_17200124(1).jpg.451599ba5861dc8310f570e1520575fe.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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"I was never insane except for occations when my heart was touched"

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| Name |

Dakota Jeong

| Age |


| Gender |


| Birthday |

November 11th

| Sexuality |


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Skinny is the word that most people use when describing Dakota, which is true. His mere 128 lbs together with his solid six feet of height creates quite the slender body. But allthough he is skinny, his workouts has gotten him quite the toned body. Not athletic, but the body of a dancer or swimmer; tall and slimmed. His face is long and slimmed with the slightest tan from being outside. The most prominent features of his face are his cheekbones and his skin in general. Thanks to good genes and facial washes, it remains without blemishes. Dakota's eyebrows are fairly thin, yet have a good shape. His monolid eyes have a dark brown shade, and most often carries dark circles underneath them due to lack of sleep. When it comes to hair, Dakota's share it's color with the snow, as it is pearly white. This because of frequently dying it to hide his otherwise dark roots. His hair is messy, as if he had only just woken up. Shamelessly enough, he keeps his hair parted in the middle leaving his hair hanging down on each side of his face, framing it.

There is no shame whatsoever in the fact that he is concious about what he is wearing. Dakota wears just about anything from lightwash dungarees to a full tuxedo, whatever he's in the mood for. You could say that his style is edgy, as it consists of odd materials and fabrics, but even so the colors remain black, grey or white. To be quite honest, you can never really expect anything from him, as his wardrobe changes from day to day. But one thing you can except is hats of all sorts, except for fedoras. Beanies, black hats, snapbacks and so on are some of the more common ones.

Faceclaim: Lee Tae-min

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| Personality |

For a starter, Dakota is an introvert in every way. He likes to be left on his own, and he loathes social events that are too large, with too many people that he doesn't know. But don't ever mistake him for being shy, because he is not. A good way to describe him would be selective of his words. You see, he has no problem walking up to someone and starting a conversation; as long as he knows exactly what to say. Small talk is not for him, as he strongly dislikes having to act like he cares. Instead, opt for subjects that ou can use to get to know someone with. Though getting to know him might be harder than expected, mostly because he's a bit emotionless; which may give people the impression that he doesn't really care about anything. His face shows little to no expression, except for occations when he raises an eyebrow in question or the small smile on his lips when he enjoys something. But other than that, it lacks feeling. Also, Dakota is very suspicious of anyone who comes up to him. He lacks trust, and often believes that people are simply there to use him. This is why he rarely opens up to anyone, the fear of getting betrayed. He has since he was a child believed that opening up to people equals weakness, that speaking about feelings leave you vulnerable to anyone. But there are certain people with whom he can be very open with, he can even rant on for hours about complete nonsense. One of these people is his mother as she has been with him for so long, through the good times and the bad. However, he has not yet gotten to the point of being that close to anyone of his age. He strongly believes that they are the ones most likely to lie and hurt you.

As said, Dakota isn't one to trust easily, which is why love and friendship comes really hard to him. It takes quite some time for him to actually feel comfortable enough around someone to hang out with them outside of work or school. And love comes slower than anything. It might even take years for him to actually develop feelings for someone. Though let me tell you that when he falls, he falls hard; this includes platonic relationships as well. When he considers someone a friend, he stays by their side through everything, even if they are in the wrong.

He's loyal to the point of being willing to do anything for someone, and he'd sacrifice just about everyhting he has for someone he cares about. Most of the time, this care can lead to crazy possesivness, which can often lead to extreme jealousy. Upon earning his trust, he will want you to be with him and only him. Selfish? Yes. But it is simply because he's afraid of being left alone yet again; and as said before, he believes that the person is going to use and hurt him.

To add more, Dakota is ridiculously observant, and can snap up things that most people would miss. He might be a bit judgemental in this, but he can almost identify what sort of person someone is when he first meets them; all because of his observational skills.

| Quirks |

Taps his foot on the floor whenever he's annoyed, bored or impatient.

His left eye twitches when his annoyance goes overboard.

His face is almost always expressionless.

| Favourite Memories |

-Dakota's absolute favorite one is that time he and his father went on a fishing trip back when he was just ten years old. That was the last time he saw his father truly happy.

-During the first day of his first year in highschool, Dakota ended up pushing both himself and his crush into a trashcan, leaving them both covered in banana peels and papers. He has not spoken to her ever since.

-At one point in junior year he got so ridiculously drunk, possibly stoned, that he ended up in the bathtub with duct tape wrapped around his body and a lamp shade on his head.

-During most of his sophomore year, he and Aurora used to drive up the hill to look out over the city.

| Likes |

Trouble - Peaches - 80's movies - Solitude - Walks - Hersey's kisses - Honesty - Mysteries - Playing the piano

| Dislikes |

Coffee - Rules - Disloyalty - Dogs - Vanity - Rude people - Irrational anger - Liars - Being told what to do

| Dream Holiday |

Allthough one of he wants to go to Rome at some point in his life, his lifelong dream will always be to go back to his hometown in Korea simply because of his grandmother.

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| Life Story |

Dakota was born an only child, which he stayed for several years until his little sister was born. Her name was Hye, and was born when Dakota was eight years old. His mother was a sophisticated woman with the name Jin-Ju who owned the flower shop downtown. The father of the house was strong-willed and determined, quite much so that his surroundings were affected by it. He could lash out on just about anyone nearby if he had to get something out. A lot of times, that anyone was Dakota. He used to yell horrible things to his son, claiming that he ruined his life and that he was a disgrace to the family. At his age, Dakota had no other choice but to believe him; after all, it was his father. As time went by, the amounts of alcohol his father consumed increased drastically, and so did the words escalate into gruesome threats. At eleven years old, his father had stolen all of his worth, he was barely considered a family member. He had no voice in discussions, and he had little to no right to speak to his father unless spoken to. Sooner or later, pieces of violence snuck up behind his back; them, too, escalating as time went by. One night, when Dakota got home from his piano practice, his father was almost blacked out due to the amounts of liquor he had in his system. Just like many times before, he rambled on about how much of a poison Dakota was to the family. Before anyone could realise it, the father threw a punch straight to the stomach of the young boy, forcing him down on the floor. At that moment, Dakota's mother walked through the door, catching her husband red-handed. She grabbed Dakota and his sister Hye, and left the house for good.

The three traveled to their grandmother's house a few miles away, where they stayed for several days and weeks. Upon realising that they could not stay there for too long, the mother decided to leave again. She took her children, and they flew to America where they could find an old friend in Los Angeles. It took a year for them to be able to get their own house, but in the end they found their perfect home. Slowly and carefully, Dakota made a comeback, to school and the life he once had. He resumed his pianoplaying, and even made a bit of a carreer of it. Though his past stuck with him, he decided to ignore it completely; fleeing from it and avoiding the subject at all costs.

| Relationships |

Writing Sample
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/____.jpg.5f3ab9ff21e6576aa7ca13d67a4b02c4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="104854" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/____.jpg.5f3ab9ff21e6576aa7ca13d67a4b02c4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

It was dark outside, even though the night was still young, at least according to him. Dakota sat on a leather chair, with a grand piano placed in front of him; it's ivory keys letting out beautiful tones every time he pressed them down. He wore what he would usually be told to wear when working, dress pants and a white shirt which had it's sleeves rolled up to his elbows; that along with a plain black vest. The restaurant was almost completely empty, except for the bartender and the drunk guy who had passed out on the counter. Every here and there laid pieces of trash, napkins and cutlery that had fallen down from the hands of the guests. The place was gorgeus, with a high ceiling and pillars along the sides of the room. For the third night this week, he was sitting there in the middle of the night, playing gloomy music and snacking on a few peanuts. The music he played was Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata, which was suitable considering that the moon was shining through the giganting windows. The music was soft and pleasant to the ears, though it had a surprisingly depressing tune.

"Dakota" a familliar voice said, and the boy by the piano stopped abruptly to glance over to the bartender. "There's no one left, why don't you go home and sleep. You look like you could need it." And it was true, Dakota had been sleepless for the past few days, which had begun to appear. Dark circles had formed under his eyes, and he was almost falling asleep as he sat by the piano. Nodding once, Dakota got up from his chair and grabbed his jacket. But before leaving, he scraped up the money from the jar that stood by the end of the stage, which was the tips he had gotten that night. Not too much, but it was enough.
"Thank you." Dakota said and gave the bartender a grateful nod before he walked out of the restaurant.

The first thing that happened when he walked out of the building was the breeze that caught a grasp of the jacked that hung open over his shoulders. It caused him to shiver quite obviously, and he closed the jacked without a moment of hesitation. He picked up his cellphone from the pocket of his trousers, noticing one load of notifications. Four calls from his mother, two from his sister, and one text message from Aurora. It was a groupchat, with the people whom he had gone to highschool with. Perhaps Dakota was a little too quick to read it, but he did so anyway.
'Anyone up for a roadtrip? Rora xx' it said, and it caused the boy to raise one eyebrow. He thought for quite some time, wether or not this would be a good idea. Surely, he would enjoy himself in that specific company. He had no argument to why he would not go, but he still hesitated. However, after some time, he replied; dull and boring, just like he usually did: 'Sure.'




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Just because I'm looking at you it doesn't mean I'm listening to whatever you are saying...




Reagan Patricia Chekov






December 7th


Panromantic Demisexual

Just Want



Raegan was born with a sweetheart shaped face that is decorated with blueish grey eyes,currently short curly dark brown hair, a cute button nose and a lovely smile that she rarely uses but once shown it sparkles like the moonlight on a crystal clear blue lake. She is exactly 5'8" and weighs 135lbs. She has a slim hourglass figure which is home to her size C boobs along with her slightly visible six pack and six pointed scar on her chest from an accident. Due to eye sensitivity Reagan wears the old school glasses because she loves them so much. She has a total of 10 tattoos wrapping her body and a total of eight piercings on her ears. She has a birthmark on the back of her left shoulder as well. Her fashion sense is simple, she loves to wear the rebel/tomboy attire depending on what mood she is in. But don't be quick to judge, she loves wearing suspenders cause along with her tattoos it gives her that edgy rebel look. She does not have a problem with wearing dresses but skirts are a different subject.

Face Claim

Kat Graham


Reagan has the nonchalant type of attitude. She does love to have fun but she doesn't show it in her expressions all the time. She'll smile in your face but they're mainly fake smiles you will rarely see her crack a real smile unless you are someone she cares for and that list is real small. She has a hate for happiness unless its hers, her friends or people who deserve it. She's known to be a misanthrope and a dichotomy--blunt and unapologetic but cares and comes through for her friends. She's not the type for bullshit so don't even think about throwing it her way. I guess you could say she's immune to it. She doesn't have time to be crying over everything and dislikes drama movies. She is immune to feels, unless there are animals involved. If you're watching Marley and Me with her get ready to see some waterworks.

There are days where she justs wants to be extremely lazy and when she is real lazy she starts groaning from boredom and start lounging all over the place and everyone. She doesn't do volunteer work unless it's for little children or animals and rarely gives to the poor cause she knows what some of them do with the money they are given. Reagan can literally give no fucks if you don't like her or you become upset over something she's done. There was clearly a reason for doing it and even if there wasn't she still would not care.

Raegan had a real hard childhood growing up and that's what caused her to become so cold and distant. And only letting a few people inside her personal life. She does have feelings but she would rather keep them locked away then express how she truly feels. She regrets doing a lot of things in her life but her pride and stubborness won't let her admit what she's done was or is wrong.

Raegan does have a soft side for things that make her happy. She just struggles trying to make through the rest of the week. She has her own demons to battle. She is very optimistic and loves seeing her friends and family happy even if it means tossing her own feelings to the side. Her generosity is there you just have to find it.

If you can crack the shell that she has protected around herself then you got yourself an amazing friend. She also has that sarcastic side that slips out almost all the time. So be careful for that also.


Smokes weed every other day

Yawns with mouth open

Says bored when she is stuck in a boring conversation

Always has a nonchalant look on her face

Very Sarcastic

Rolls eyes when she senses bullshit

Skilled in MMA Fighting

Dabbles in Archery

Great dancer and cook



Reagan and Aurora got high behind the school and then vandalized the football field as a prank

She got to meet the cast of The Avengers at their red carpet premier

When she was 6 her and her mother spent the whole day to themselves doing whatever they wanted

She attended her first MMA match with her brothers and father at the age of 10

She won her first archery competition when she was 9

Include ONE embarrassing moment.

Her friends secretly recorded her sing and dance the intro song of PonPonPon

To See


Life Story:

Reagan Chekov was born in Luxemburg, Germany and was raised there till the age of 10. Born her parents were hard working people who made a good living style. Her mother is a doctor and her father is an ex-marine who later became a restaurant owner. Reagan is the second to last child in the family being born 5 years after her twin brothers and bring born before 6 years before her younger sister. The families life was wonderful until the move to America. Reagan's parents became more busy with their careers...well Reagans mother did. Her mother would always leave early, come home late or throw off plans her husband would make with her. It got real to the point where, she would forget to make the kids lunch, she would miss recitals or competitions and special events. She even would forget to even say the three words everyone deserved to hear "I Love You". This began to upset not only Reagan's father but herself as well.

Reagan was heading downstairs to get some water when she heard both her parents argue back and forth. She wanted to stop them but she knew that her mother needed to hear the problem that was harming the family. As she continued to listen her eyes widened when she heard the words she never wanted to hear come out of her father's voice "I'm sorry Rebekah but I can't share a home with someone who puts their job before their family...I want a divorce...". Reagan ran into the kitchen with tears in her eyes and begged her mom to quit her job and stay home. She told her how much she missed her and missed spending time with her. But it was no point, Reagan realized her mother was a selfish woman who only cared about herself. She stood with emotionless eyes as her mother left that night.

After the divorce, Reagan began letting out her frustration through engaging in delinquent activities, she started to blame not only her mom but America as well for the divorce. Her emotional, sense time personality she had when she was younger had disappeared along with the memory of her mother. She now only focuses on herself, the people she cares deeply about and that's all. The mothe she had in the past wouldn't have liked the way her daughter is now but that mother chose her job over family and disappeared.


Skateboarding | Smoking | Drinking | Rain | Tea | MMA Fighting | Archery | Overcast Days| Midnights | Animals | Horror Video Games


Cold Weather | Being Sick | Liars | Mornings | People | Peoples Happiness

Dream Holiday:

Tokyo, Japan because she wants to eat all the food they show on anime shows along with go site seeing and dress up in her favorite characters


: {Will be determined after role play} TBA

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Name: Gabriel Armel Harman

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Birthday: August 1st / Leo

Sexuality: Homosexual

~ ~


Gabriel usually appears to be a very well-groomed young man, and he often finds himself taking pride in this when it is noticed. He stands at 6'1" and has a muscular build, but is still quite slim. He has brown eyes, and thick brown hair. While he is known to be lazy, he enjoys making time in his schedule to get a good workout in (he does prefer exercising with friends, though!)

He is humble, to say the least, but yet his looks have gotten him into trouble, as well as aiding him out of interesting situations. If anything, he has learned what a person is like on the inside is much more important than how they look, or what they say. Like many people, he enjoys wearing what compliments him and is comfortable. Gabriel is all for kicking back, but he knows how to carry himself and show proper manners.

FC: Simone Nobili


Gabriel can be a bit reckless, and uses his youth as an excuse to be rebellious. Some might say his idea of fun is a little off, but he doesn't seem to think so. The young man enjoys the spotlight, but he also enjoys encouraging others and helping them shine their brightest. Gabriel has had his share of rough relationships, but he enjoys sparking creativity in others and forming meaningful friendships. He also kind of reminds others of their one friend with horrible jokes, but a contagious laugh.

Although Gabriel is very charismatic and expressive, he is normally cautious about who he welcomes into his life. He doesn't have time for games or liars, and doesn't let himself feed into peoples bull shit anymore. Honesty is important to Gabriel, and he would do anything for his close friends. He is passionate and kind, and doesn't feel the need to bring others down.

Controlling his emotions isn't hard for him, he is confident in himself. His friends would tell you he is animated and goofy, but somewhere inside Gabriel, he is very serious about taking control of his life. He was rather privileged growing up, and didn't get in trouble usually when he would come home messed up. Now that he lives in California, he can't help but notice all the opportunity around him. Gabriel knows he is special, and realizes he has much to offer the world and those around him.


Tunes a lot of people out.

He is known for sneaking up on his friends, or playing pranks on them.

Favourite Memories:

- When Gabriel was growing up, his mother and him went to Disneyland several different times. He will always cherish the first time he and his mother met Goofy at Goofy's Kitchen.

- Although he hasn't spoken to his old friends since he graduated, he will always remember his group of "gamer friends". They helped Gabriel stay off of hard drugs, and would smoke endless bowls of weed and get drunk together, all while playing League of Legends or Tekken.

- Aurora was his first friend since moving to San Fransico for a new life.

- His freshman year, his school hosted a talent show. He entered to sing, but was overcome with stage fright. Since then, he has improved his vocals and stage presence.


Life Story:

Gabriel was born in Phoenix, Arizona and raised by his mother his whole life. It has always just been the two of them. Her name was Gloria, and married a man named Wayne when Gabriel turned two. The newlyweds opened a dry cleaners together on the busy street of Indian School shortly after. Their business was successful, and Gloria put money away in her own bank account for her son, Gabriel, when he was to turn eighteen. Gabriel may not clearly remember his early years of life, but his mother will always remember her sons smiling face as a small child. She made sure her little man was more than comfortable in her office when she was working.

When Gabriel turned eight, Wayne and his mother split up after she walked in on him flirting with one of their employees. Gloria continued to run the dry cleaners by herself for another year, before business began to diminish. She had a friend named Ron, and his mother Phyllis, was very old and required home care. Gabriel and his mother lived with Phyllis, and although she wasn't getting paid for this, she took this time to go to nursing school for two years. She knew she needed to provide for her son, even if she was a single parent. After graduating nursing school, the mother and boy moved into their own condo, and Phyllis was moved into a nursing home.

Middle school was very enjoyable for Gabriel, and life was wonderful. His mother spoiled him, and had a good job with a family practice. It wasn't until Gabriel started high school that he began experimenting with drugs. He still remembers Dakota Winter, the girl in drama class who wanted to go raving with him. She was cool, and it wasn't long before they found themselves at a rave named Glamour, their first rave. They even had "fancy" rave names. He was Chic, she was Tipsy, and they definitely were rolling.

During this time, Gabriel grew more and more curious about who his real father was, or where he was his whole life. Gloria really didn't like speaking of him, but when Gabriel turned fifteen, she told her son she was raped. She told him she has no idea where he is, and to this day will not willingly expose his name. If he wanted to investigate further, Gabriel knows he can, but he shakes off how he feels about the whole situation, and is just grateful to have an amazing mother. Besides, his mother says he would just want to strangle the man, and to father himself.

Aside from numerous desert raves and an excessive party life, Gabriel enjoyed english and theatre in high school. He had lots of support from his mother, and with a little bit of hard work, the young man was joining his graduating class. The friends he made in school were very different than those in the drug world, and they also have helped him stay on track.

Quickly after graduating, Gabriel moved to Los Angeles, where he met Aurora and several other new people. He wishes to pursue his singing career, or major in English. In many ways, Gabriel has matured and made sure to surround himself with loving people. He's got a lot of life to live, and much of the world to explore!





Specific video games



Staying active

Dance music

Being with his friends





Manipulative people




Being told what to do

Rock and country music

Being treated without common respect

Dream Holiday:

While Gabriel is much older now, he would give anything to go back to Disneyland with his mom again. However, he has never been to Paris, and would love to experience the art life there, as well.



Writing Sample:

As Gabriel opened the front door to his one bedroom apartment, he stood aside and offered his new friend a smile. The night air was brisk, and he was excited to soon be inside his warm, cozy living space. He had just met this girl a few weeks ago, she is eighteen and was hoping he would help her sneak into this acid house party the two were invited to. There are several different individuals on the streets of Los Angeles, and walking the beaches. A lot of them were young, and many of them were trying out drugs and going to parties. It was normal for California. The two instantly clicked, however, and she was quick to inform Gabriel she needed "assistance" getting away with this, her parents were very strict.

Inside now, Gabriel removed his jacket and draped it over his recliner that his mom handed down to him. "Here we are. I will take you home in the morning. Make yourself at home." he laughed, at ease he finally stopped seeing crazy forms, and wide, dilated eyes all in an unfamiliar environment. It was a mostly safe and fun first trip, though. He was happy he could help a fellow Los Angeles girl, who was smart and young, and just wanted to have fun. His own mother was never good at disciplining him, but he understood where she was coming from. Walking over to his stereo system, Gabriel couldn't resist putting in a Saturdays CD. He made sure the volume was low. They had loads of songs that made you want to dance, and sing along to the "heartbreak" song, or the "we are so hott" song. The pair has mostly stopped hallucinating at this point, and were just a little wound up. It was time to come down, and make up for it the next coming days.

"You can have the couch."

"Thanks, Gabriel. You are amazing!" She spun around, focusing her gaze on Gabriel again. "Mind if I go and freshen up?"

"Not at all," he replied, opening the closet in his hallway that had his extra blankets and towels inside neatly on the shelves, "just don't look in the mirror too long! Ha!"

He threw a maroon colored blanket on his couch for her. She was with him now to come back to reality, and return to her parents tomorrow like nothing happened. She was so delusional earlier, it was kind of funny for everyone. Stretching his arms into the air, Gabriel entered his bedroom and undressed. He was ready to get out of these clothes. Throwing on a pair of black basketball shorts, he opened his bedroom window slightly. Taking in the sudden, fresh scent, the young man was ready to wind down. Hearing his phone vibrate in his jeans that were now sprawled on his bed, he checked to see what the alert was.

'Anyone up for a road trip? Roar xx'

Running his left hand through his hair, Gabriel nodded his head. Aurora had a brilliant idea. 'RAWR. You know I am! Where we going?' Throwing the phone on his bed, he emerged into the living room again. Haley was washing her face and brushing her teeth from the noises he heard. Entering his kitchen, he got out a tea for himself, and put one on the counter for Haley. He took a long drink, "Ahh. What a night. I wonder where Aurora wants to go."

Quote that Describes them:

"Sorry, what? I wasn't listening."

Their Favorite Song:

What About Us - The Saturdays


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Jay Alexander Thorn






May 8th






Jay would be the a-typical idea of handsome. He has a strong jaw, dreamy eyes, great body, and perfect smile. He isn't tall, but not short either, he stands at 5'9". His body is lean with well defined muscles. He has light brown hair and blue-green eyes. Most people would say, out of everything, his smile is is best quality; its infectious.




Jay seems like your typical cool popular guy. He's arrogant, flirtatious, he flashes his money around, and he's a jerk. But really, this is an act, at least most of it is. Jay didn't grow up with having the best self esteem, but right before high school he came into his looks and picked up an arrogance he never puts down.

To most people he is cool, serious and calm but to his real friends Jay's a big goofball. He didn't always have good looks growing up but he always had a lot of personality. Having held up a mask for so long in high school it's still hard for him to take down, but he hopes now that he's going off to college that could change it.

Through all the bullshit Jay's a really sweet guy, he always stands up to those that are being picked on and bullied. He's the defender of his circle of friends. He never tries to judge a book by its cover and always tries to see people for who there are. That's not to say he has been without superficial relationships, in fact most of them have been but never when it came to his friends.


-He wears his emotions on his face

-He's a texture eater

-When he feels awkward he makes a joke


-Black Coffee

-Working Out



-Making people laugh



Dream Holiday:
{Insert photo here}

Favourite Memory:

Life Story:

Jay was born to a wealthy family. A family amoung the elites in the city. He was raised in the shadow of his older brother Thomas and forgotten for his younger sister Sara. He is the middle child of the Thorn family.

Thomas was the typical first born over achiever and Jay has spent most of his life being compared to him. Sara the only girl and the baby is coddled while Jay is expected to be an example.

When Jay was growing up he wasn't an attractive child, he went through a long awkward phase and in that phase he learned to be funny. He was never popular.

In his eighth grade year Jay's father had an affair. His father was rarely home and his mother drank, a lot. Finally, his father had ended it and they moved as a family to Westbrook along side their close friends the Queen's. In Jay's eighth grade year he began coming into his looks and by the time they moved and he started a new school he became hot. Finally in high school out of his older brothers shadow(Thomas wanted to finish high school at his old school) he was popular.

Now four years have come and gone and he is off to college behind his older brother Thomas, upon his parents request. Though it is farthest thing from what Jay wishes to do with his life, it's that or cut off.




{Insert photo}

Writing Sample:

{2 Paragraphs or more. Can you please write about the night you got that text}

Quote that Describes them:

Place quote here

Their Favorite Song:

{Link a Youtube Video}


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Caliber Daniels







February 2nd, 1996




Caliber is dressed in ocean blue eyes and dark blonde hair. His body is chiseled like a marble statue. Standing a 6'3, Caliber can tower over most people, even if they're taller than them. He has a small stubble that works from his side burns all the way to his chin and over his cupid's arrow. Caliber is perfect healthy and his outside appearance proves that.


Caliber can be slightly difficult to to understand at sometimes. Most of the time, he's a positive and optimistic guy who loves life. He's a social butterfly who loves to talk to people and being social. He's not afraid to be spontaneous and act random around his friends or strangers. He never takes any moment for granted. Every second he lives is a second that's not wasted.

However, he does have his dark side. Caliber keeps a lot of secrets to himself and can act very mysterious at sometimes. He can snap at any time with nor particular reason. Caliber can get frustrated easily and when things don't go the way that is was originally planned. He tries not to let this side of him come out too much, but sometimes he has to just let it out.


-Bites bottom lip when he see's someone attractive

-Has a slight rasp in his voice

-Fills mouth with a beverage first and then gulps it down



Keep them short and sweet. Include my character (Aurora) in one of them

Include ONE embarrassing moment.

You could include any NPC, parties, or events. Ex: The time you went cliff diving with “friends”.

Life Story:

: {2+ Paragraph will suffice}



+Cold Weather



+French Macaroons


-Hot Weather

-Digital Cameras



-Sour Candy

Dream Holiday:



: {Will be determined after role play} TBA

Writing Sample


{2 Paragraphs or more. Can you please write about the night you got that text}

Quote that Describes them:

{Use Blockquotes}

Their Favorite Song:

New Bohemia - Transviolet



Like = Accepted!

Please add coding to you C/S as well

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Nana Park


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Who Am I?



Nana roughly stands around 5'8 and weighs nearly 110 pounds. She normally wears a winged eyeliner and basic eyeshadow, unless she has a performance. Her original hair color was a hazel shade, her most recent hair color is blonde. She has an infinity tattoo on her left wrist, that she usually covers up with a bandaid.



Playing with animals


Eating pastries

Dying her hair




Crying in public

Sound of thunder

Too much glitter/sparkles



Nana is known as 4D, meaning that she's usually emotionless.

She bits the insides of her mouth when she's nervous.



Song/Literature Writing

Manipulating people when singing

Playing the electric and acoustic guitar

Favorite Memories:

It was a chilly December night, and it was during Christmas break of sophomore year. Nana finished a concert and it was nearly midnight. Nana sat silently at the corner of a coffee shop and after a few hours of waiting, Aurora came over and sat across from her. They held a conversation for nearly three hours, until the manager kicked them out.

The first day of freshman year, Nana opened her locker to retrieve her textbooks for geometry, but she opened it to find racist pieces of papers falling out of her locker.


Nana may look like a rocker chick, but she has a kind heart and is a devoted friend. She can have a sarcastic attitude at times and have a cruel sense of humor. Abandoned by her parents and raised by her grandmother. Despite these hardships, Nana "polishes the shards of her dreams" and is determined to be successful as the lead vocalist of her band.

She is a very laid back girl, compared to the other typical females, who are uptight and strict. She doesn't really care for dating at this moment, but she does want to experience love for once in her life. Nana likes things her way and does almost anything to get what she wants. She's an amazing listener, especially when you have boy trouble or family issues or whatever, she's always there. She may not've experienced everything, but she gives out the best advice.

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