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Full NameChoei KayoNicknameKatGenderFemaleAge22Date Of BirthJune 3rdBirthplaceYokohama, JapanRaceSemi-Japanese, Semi-UkrainianEx-Partner in the ADAName - TBARankExecutiveSquadPort Mafia
ChoeiTyrant of The MafiaI< click for info >
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- Height5’2” | 157cmWeight122lbs | 55kgHair ColorGinger-OrangeEye ColorSlate GreenFaceclaimAshlyn Banner (SBG)Close To GrayChoei has a delicate and striking appearance, defined by her pale skin that carries a soft, porcelain-like quality. Her fair complexion is dusted with freckles, most prominent around her face, shoulders, neck, chest, and knees, adding a natural, almost sun-kissed charm. These freckles contrast gently with her otherwise smooth skin, giving her a youthful yet timeless beauty. Despite her fair coloring, her presence holds a quiet strength, as if she belongs both in the serenity of a shaded forest and under the warmth of sunlight.Appearance
Her hair is a captivating feature, cascading in waves down to her hips in a vibrant shade of ginger. The hue gleams with fiery undertones, creating a rich and warm contrast to her pale skin. Framing her face are wispy bangs and delicate sidepieces that soften her features, complementing her overall ethereal look. The long, flowing hair moves elegantly with her movements, whether left free or pulled back, drawing attention to her carefully defined profile and highlighting her natural poise.
Choei’s slate-green eyes are another focal point of her appearance. The muted, almost stormy shade gives her gaze a sense of depth and quiet wisdom, while her prominent, dark eyelashes make them stand out even more against her pale complexion. Her thin, black eyebrows are arched subtly, framing her eyes with precision and contributing to her calm and observant demeanor. There’s an understated elegance about her—soft, natural, and effortlessly striking, as though she were a figure from an old painting brought to life.Choei’s defiance and confidence are the cornerstones of her leadership style as a Port Mafia Executive. While her rank earns her respect, she carries herself as an equal among the other executives, not letting hierarchy intimidate her. Her opinions are often sharp and carry weight, as she has a talent for analyzing situations and spotting critical clues with impressive speed. However, Choei’s logical mind has its limits—when something becomes overly complex or cryptic, she’s quick to complain that it’s not in “understandable Japanese.” This blend of sharp intellect and blunt frustration makes her both an effective leader and someone whose personality stands out among the mafia’s inner ranks.Personality
Despite her position, Choei maintains a surprisingly high temperance. She often lashes out, saving her ire for underlings who slack off or fail in their assignments. To those beneath her, Choei can be intimidating in her scoldings, as she delivers sharp remarks with a tone that brooks no argument. Her commanding presence leaves little room for excuses, and she expects competence from everyone under her command. Yet, she does this not out of cruelty but from a desire to keep operations smooth and efficient—any weakness is unacceptable, and Choei makes it her job to eliminate it.
When it comes to killing, Choei walks a fine line between pragmatism and enjoyment. She has no reservations about taking a life when ordered by her boss, treating it as a necessary part of her work. However, there are moments where she takes satisfaction in eliminating enemies who have proven particularly irritating—“pains in the butt,” as she calls them. In these cases, her cold smile and calculated strikes reveal a more ruthless side to her personality, one that thrives in moments of control and retribution. For her, there is an art to cleaning up messes, and she performs her duties with a chilling sense of finality. There’s a streak of practicality and subtle humor that only reveals itself to those who know her well. - Choei, before making an appearance in the Port Mafia, had been a former spy in the Armed Detective Agency. It was quite devastating for the measly detectives to find a great asset to their team had fiddled with their minds. Once she had gotten enough information she needed, she returned to the Port Mafia. Only a few whiles later was she promoted to being an Executive, so now she was able to trot around with such strong title as if wanting to inflict fear in others.Backstory I
But we all know well only some people in the mafia, often lower ranked, escape the terror of the mafiosos. Some sort of trauma always stirred through the 'important member's, probably soon to be suffering of PTSD. Choei was no different. The meeting wasn't quite pleasant, but nor was she technically black mailed or tortured into her job. Just another deal, similarly to what happened to Kimiko. Choei had actually began her path up in the Armed Detective Agency for her own reasons, but as soon as an offer that brought much better use was given, she took it.(Insert PM Boss' Name) Had a few of their subordinates keep eyes on Choei, as if she was an artifact to achieve instead of one to deceive. When the ADA ended up having a few occurrences with the Port Mafia, subtle hints of the Port Mafia crew man gave the idea something was watching her to Choei. Soon enough she was settling in a hall that was all too familiar in her newest days, the hall expanding out to a window that viewed the tops of buildings in Yokohama. The hall was also a particular someone's office.Backstory II
Over a game of chess, Choei had always ended up being the one cornered instead of the cornerer. But the person before her with the silly old red draping over their coat shown her how to be better than what she already was. It may be quite broad for a backstory, but it is whatever is written down her; her records, kept within The Port Mafia's instalments room. Choei herself understood the manipulation behind this, but didn't choose to question it. After all, where she was now in positions was far better than what she would've asked for. - Likes: Getting the job done, quick and easy without hesitation. Hesitation would just show that Choei perhaps wasn't doing something right, and even she learned of that habit of hers. Another is a social attachment to Genets. They, to her, are probably the only animal that is plentiful soothing. Though it may not be a popular choice for 'favorite animal', that just encourages her to be different from the rest by both interests and peeves.Extra IDislikes: Mistakes. Not rather others, but more like her own mistakes that took a toll on others. It just makes Choei feel like a burden at sometimes, but even so, does she ever even get a full break from such stress? Another hateful thing are those who tease people often than not.The irritation those types of people bring are high-can't stand them. A full on rivalry to murder point? Maybe. A few jokes here and there are fine, but more than that is just a pain.Extra IIPet Peeves: Others copying one another just to fit in. Nervous Lumps-for-a-Person (People who are too soft and scareeed of EVERYTHING). Nail Biting. Specifically Dog Fur On Herself Everywhere. People Switching Their Mind When The Goal Was Already Done. No Warnings.Extra IIICecilia To Water Clovers (ウォータークローバー): Choei, never the disaster but rather the extinguisher, has several ways to control her ability through water. The first be that things can go through her so long she solidifies her body with water. This kind of liquid, despite being penetrated several times, will not hurt her unless she forgets to protect an area. However, that does mean Choei is one to be invincible. If her body can change it's form through solid and liquid, then the water is all the same-such as, settling poison with a punch through a body limb of hers will bring the poison right into her system. Mud can also travel through her hydrolic body, thriving all up her body once through her water-form, only to make her unable to see. That will force her back into a solid form.Ability ICecilia To Water Clovers (ウォータークローバー): Another use of Choei's ability is transferring it to others. When she chooses not to have her body turn liquid (yet still in human shape, and with her features) she'll force it upon an enemy. Such as, water bubbles. These bubbles can be set out and surround a person-either 1. Having it protect them, or 2. Drown them. Only other certain, or just a strong force of abilities can penetrate these-but protection is always her best ace rather than drowning people when practicing.Ability IICecilia To Water Clovers (ウォータークローバー): Going back to the first paragraph because I'm a sad little GM, Choei has two types of forms when liquidifying herself. 1 was the first section you first read, and the second one is explained here. Similarly to a character from Genshin Impact; Mona, Choei can squash herself into water ripples and travel like that-a slight speed incensement there. If you didn't understand that, just search up the character I listed and see how she runs, and then you'll get the gist of it.Ability III
- First LastnameRelationship TitleQuote of your character speaking about the other character. Can be as long or short as you need it to be.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque a dapibus magna, in scelerisque mi. Suspendisse ex lacus, aliquam sed gravida ac, suscipit elementum justo. Praesent dolor lacus, tincidunt convallis dapibus et, malesuada sit amet dolor. Cras odio justo, rhoncus eu euismod sit amet, tempor at metus. Pellentesque ligula nisi, aliquet elementum volutpat sed, aliquam at tellus. Duis urna ante, ullamcorper vel nisl a, consequat fermentum nibh. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Vestibulum tristique rutrum orci, a facilisis metus rhoncus suscipit. Cras dapibus ullamcorper ante, ut lobortis eros faucibus sit amet. Nullam in lacus ante. Aenean id commodo risus, et blandit leo. Curabitur luctus accumsan sem ac ullamcorper. Vivamus volutpat scelerisque pellentesque. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla id diam sed nibh feugiat tempor. Aliquam scelerisque sagittis lorem, eget gravida nisl venenatis sed.
Suspendisse potenti. Aenean eu ante massa. Vestibulum consequat ipsum sed nisi varius scelerisque. Aliquam dui neque, vulputate quis facilisis in, posuere at sapien. Maecenas elementum nisl non mollis sagittis. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque accumsan eros eget faucibus convallis. Vivamus a eros sagittis dolor consequat semper rutrum ac dolor. Curabitur varius, risus a vehicula molestie, leo quam rhoncus nisl, at ultrices elit orci eget augue. Etiam vitae odio a nisi dignissim vestibulum et eget ante.First SurnameRelationship TitleAliquam bibendum ante mauris, vel pulvinar ligula ornare vitae. Mauris et purus sodales, iaculis dolor et, pharetra tellus. Donec eget quam magna. In auctor risus metus, a venenatis mi finibus vel.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque a dapibus magna, in scelerisque mi. Suspendisse ex lacus, aliquam sed gravida ac, suscipit elementum justo. Praesent dolor lacus, tincidunt convallis dapibus et, malesuada sit amet dolor. Cras odio justo, rhoncus eu euismod sit amet, tempor at metus. Pellentesque ligula nisi, aliquet elementum volutpat sed, aliquam at tellus. Duis urna ante, ullamcorper vel nisl a, consequat fermentum nibh. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Vestibulum tristique rutrum orci, a facilisis metus rhoncus suscipit. Cras dapibus ullamcorper ante, ut lobortis eros faucibus sit amet. Nullam in lacus ante. Aenean id commodo risus, et blandit leo. Curabitur luctus accumsan sem ac ullamcorper. Vivamus volutpat scelerisque pellentesque. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla id diam sed nibh feugiat tempor. Aliquam scelerisque sagittis lorem, eget gravida nisl venenatis sed.First SurnameRelationship TitleLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque a dapibus magna, in scelerisque mi. Suspendisse ex lacus, aliquam sed gravida ac, suscipit elementum justo. Praesent dolor lacus, tincidunt convallis dapibus et, malesuada sit amet dolor. Cras odio justo, rhoncus eu euismod sit amet, tempor at metus. Pellentesque ligula nisi, aliquet elementum volutpat sed, aliquam at tellus. Duis urna ante, ullamcorper vel nisl a, consequat fermentum nibh. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Vestibulum tristique rutrum orci, a facilisis metus rhoncus suscipit. Cras dapibus ullamcorper ante, ut lobortis eros faucibus sit amet. Nullam in lacus ante. Aenean id commodo risus, et blandit leo. Curabitur luctus accumsan sem ac ullamcorper. Vivamus volutpat scelerisque pellentesque. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla id diam sed nibh feugiat tempor. Aliquam scelerisque sagittis lorem, eget gravida nisl venenatis sed.
Suspendisse potenti. Aenean eu ante massa. Vestibulum consequat ipsum sed nisi varius scelerisque. Aliquam dui neque, vulputate quis facilisis in, posuere at sapien. Maecenas elementum nisl non mollis sagittis. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque accumsan eros eget faucibus convallis. Vivamus a eros sagittis dolor consequat semper rutrum ac dolor. Curabitur varius, risus a vehicula molestie, leo quam rhoncus nisl, at ultrices elit orci eget augue. Etiam vitae odio a nisi dignissim vestibulum et eget ante.
Aliquam bibendum ante mauris, vel pulvinar ligula ornare vitae. Mauris et purus sodales, iaculis dolor et, pharetra tellus. Donec eget quam magna. In auctor risus metus, a venenatis mi finibus vel. Vivamus tincidunt magna eu leo condimentum, vel rhoncus eros tincidunt. Maecenas ut mauris tempor, interdum ligula et, vulputate neque. Quisque ornare nibh enim, efficitur blandit lacus porttitor non. Cras nunc nulla, feugiat ut nibh at, aliquam pellentesque purus. Integer eleifend in lorem pretium ornare. Sed tincidunt interdum hendrerit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed non scelerisque lorem, nec luctus enim. Nulla rutrum lectus a pretium faucibus. Sed vel enim non enim tempor pulvinar vel ut sem. Aenean eget risus ut orci congue dignissim id id odio. - [1] Any future or in-the-making-cs-plotting is free for this gal, and most likely all the others too. I am also looking for someone (an OC/CS) that is in the ADA that is willing to have Choei as a previous partner through the Detective Organization. Of course, she still was just a mere spy, but would be a big core in this subject.Notes
[2] For clarifications on Faceclaims and Choei's ability, search up whatever notes I left. I found the best pictures I could snag, but not everything could be fit in these teeny boxes so I hope you all are actually looking a bit deeper into this stuff than not.
[3] No, Choei does not control ALL forms of water, so it is not necessarily power-playing if I use the abilities listed correspondingly. In fact, I have a feeling some of your guys' character sheets might just be harboring abilities that aren't as 'weak' and 'limited' as you think it is.
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