Ready to set the world on fire?
For as long as we can remember. Super natural begins have walked among us humans, for years. We had fought them, trying or best to wipe them off the face of the planet. However, the hate between us had stood stopped....
In the 1800's, one single human prevented a war, thanks to a even bigger war. A gang of demons and vampires had fromed an alliance with each other. Their intentions was to take the world to their selves. The human man, managed to talk three supernatural begins to side with him, to defend their home. A neko, a witch, and a werewolf. Together they defeated the evil forces, thus starting a group to defend all that is good...Vulcan crops
Now is the present day, the year of 2020. The world is still protected by the servers of good, Vulcan crops.,,,a group of humans and supernatural begins alike. It's up to them to clean the streets up from evil supernatural begins
Now here's a question for you. Are you with them...or against them?
For as long as we can remember. Super natural begins have walked among us humans, for years. We had fought them, trying or best to wipe them off the face of the planet. However, the hate between us had stood stopped....
In the 1800's, one single human prevented a war, thanks to a even bigger war. A gang of demons and vampires had fromed an alliance with each other. Their intentions was to take the world to their selves. The human man, managed to talk three supernatural begins to side with him, to defend their home. A neko, a witch, and a werewolf. Together they defeated the evil forces, thus starting a group to defend all that is good...Vulcan crops
Now is the present day, the year of 2020. The world is still protected by the servers of good, Vulcan crops.,,,a group of humans and supernatural begins alike. It's up to them to clean the streets up from evil supernatural begins
Now here's a question for you. Are you with them...or against them?