Voting Thread for "Beasts of Resplendent Liquid"

Which game do you want to play in more?

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  • Void Spreading Fools

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How does a Moonshadow who served as an envoy (of either the Neverborn directly or one particular deathlord) to the Conventicle Malfeasant and the Yozis sound?
Not the Conventicle Malfeasant, but you could be an envoy to Malfeas in general.

Of course, the game will start off in the Underworld, and you have to answer the question why would you give up such a prestigious position, but it can work.
Mei said:
Goooood. I had an idea for a Midnight. :twisted:
If you're idea is to sing, kill people, raise them as zombies and conquer cities through death metal concerts... forget about it I WUZ HERE FIRST :twisted:
Nope. Not Performance-based. Necromancy, yes. Resistance, yes. Also some Ride.

Once I get to Essence 5... I shall make it RAIN BLOOD.
Huuuh... you know you only need essence 3 and a rain elemental with control weather and elemental corruption ? :mrgreen:
I want the Blood Monsoon Necromancy Spell. That's what I meant. :twisted:
hi just registering my interest in the game. There's a lot of interest in the Midnight Caste, but not many concepts so i guess i'll put one up now.

Name: Walking Altar of Darkness

Caste: Midnight

Concept: Fanatical Priest of the First and Forsaken Lion.

Motivation: Become the Forsaken Lions Right Hand man by creating, leading and winning a victory to rival the Mask of Winters victory at Thorns.

there it is. Always thought about playing something as stupidly powerful as a solar, but i hate them so much i am going to love this.
Hrmmm... Maybe I should not play my Midnight... Maybe a Day or Dusk would be better?
Khantalas said:
Not the Conventicle Malfeasant, but you could be an envoy to Malfeas in general.
Of course, the game will start off in the Underworld, and you have to answer the question why would you give up such a prestigious position, but it can work.
Okay, the idea would then be to have a Moonshadow who is focused on some social skills and some melee - to represent the idea that Malfeans respect power and those who can use it. As a reason to give up such a prestigious position, there's an obvious one at hand: he didn't give it up, but lost it. I was thinking that this happened because he was slipping more and more into madness after having begun to learn Adorjani charms.
tacolicious said:
Name: Walking Altar of Darkness
Caste: Midnight

Concept: Fanatical Priest of the First and Forsaken Lion.

Motivation: Become the Forsaken Lions Right Hand man by creating, leading and winning a victory to rival the Mask of Winters victory at Thorns.
That's not going to work due to having loyalty to a Deathlord.
Actors always die of drug abuse, by accident (because they were using drugs) or they kill themselves (usually because of the drugs)... life is simple when you're a star :mrgreen:
Witch said:
How do you stand on Infernal charms among the starter pack of ten charms?
I don't stand well. You can, however, buy them with experience points (not bonus points) as long as you have ranks in Mentor for your teacher.
By the way, how soon should I expect you guys' character sheets?

EDIT: By the way, if anyone is aiming towards getting Void Circle, be aware that as renegades, you're going to have a very difficult time getting it, since the Deathlords are the only known practitioners of the circle.
I made mine on pdf, but it'll be tomorrow evening before I can convert it to your web format. I can give you a rough idea of the character, though:

Name: The Chains that Bind the Maimed to the Dead

Caste: Moonshadow

Mentor 2

Contacts 2

(Both of those among the Infernal Exalted.)

Resources 2

Artifact 3 for a Grand Daiklave

Valor 5.

2 Infernal Charms: Factual Determination Analysis, Cosmic Transcendence of Valor

Focused on Melee and Socialize.
My Day or Dusk (could go either way depending):

Name: Shadowed Bones of the Pyre

He'd be Archery-based with some melee. And Performance for obvious reasons.
Mei said:
Name: Shadowed Bones of the Pyre
Motivation: Become the favored lover of the Lover
Bad idea having a Motivation based on loyalty to a Deathlord.

...I'm beginning to think people are not getting the whole "renegade Abyssal" thing.
I do, my character is just going to rock people to death and he just wouldn't listen to his manager err... deathlord, when they had artistic disagreements :mrgreen:
Khantalas said:
Mei said:
Name: Shadowed Bones of the Pyre
Motivation: Become the favored lover of the Lover
Bad idea having a Motivation based on loyalty to a Deathlord.

...I'm beginning to think people are not getting the whole "renegade Abyssal" thing.
Oh? Renegade! Okay. ^__^ That I can do.
ok renegade here i come

Name: He who bathes in his own Cacophonous Night

Caste: Midnight

Concept: Narcisstic Deathknight who revels in causing treachery.

Motivation: Destroy the lives around those that killed him and raise a mighty shadowland over thier city to rule without direction or command from a Deathlord.

Basically, James we'll call him, was a member of a organised crime syndicate and was rising up the ranks quickly through loyalty to his peers and bosses. After organising a large intake of illicit goods, he was invited to a party with the head of

the organisation.

During the party, his own underlings turned on him and killed him under order from the Head of the organisation. The First and Forsaken Lion mistook his devotion to his leaders, and thought James would make a loyal and trustworthy deathknight. However, Cacophonous Night see's his chains and punishment as a failure by the Lion and despises him.

Now with his new found freedom, He who bathes in his own Cacophonous Night has set about rising up and becoming a name in both the underworld and Creation

Few plot hooks there, havn't worked out what city he was in and what organisation, but i'll work that out as i do the character sheet.

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