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Realistic or Modern Volleyball Rp if anyone's interested.

You're free to join!

If you have any questions, just ask me. The CS, and main thread are already in the chat so, you can get started at any time.
Interested if theres any space : )
Yep, there's still space! All that's left is an opposite for the main team. Oh, and if you want to be the backup to another position, you can.

But, tbh if you don't want the opposite for this team, you can play our rival team, Fuhai.( which means undefeated in Japanese)

There's already an opposite for Fuhai, but if you want to be a setter or something, that's completely available. Just say that you play for Fuhai in your character sheet.
Yep, there's still space! All that's left is an opposite for the main team. Oh, and if you want to be the backup to another position, you can.

But, tbh if you don't want the opposite for this team, you can play our rival team, Fuhai.( which means undefeated in Japanese)

There's already an opposite for Fuhai, but if you want to be a setter or something, that's completely available. Just say that you play for Fuhai in your character sheet.
Playing a opposite sounds fun, I'll try and get a character sheet up soon as I can!

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