Volanda Academy for Fairies


Elder Member
The academy was founded by Ellen Volanda centuries ago. It has been a place where young fairies have learned to control their powers and learn their element. However lately something strange has been happening within the walls of this private school. Students are suddenly losing their powers, or their powers are becoming weaker with no known reason. Will the cause of the power drain be discovered before the school risks being shut down?

The Elements -

Fire (can create fire, control infernos),

Earth (can bring plants back to life, move boulders with their mind, talk to land animals),

Air (can create windstorms, control wind direction),

Water (can breath underwater, control water),

Spirit (can see/talk to the dead, heal nearly anything, RARE) ,

Moon (can create stardust and moondust, more powerful the fuller the moon is, RARE) ,

Dark (can hide in shadows, see in the dark),

Light (can heal most injuries/illnesses, blessed with beauty) ,

Metal (can create metal objects such as weapons with their minds),

Blood (can use their own blood, or their opponments blood to attack with RARE)

.(these are some basics on the elements, feel free to add more if needed.)

Rules : do not post til accepted,

post your character info in the character thread,

be active,

no godmodding,

be friendly,

please censor swearing and

timeskip if things get too "romantic"


Caydehl & Sam

Rosa & Ilianna

Victoria & Lillia

Mako & Bo

Maria & Sayuri

Rosa & Lliana

Eva & Tessa


Drama club: Meetings on tuesdays and thursdays

Members: Maria, Lillia

Pottery Club: Meets on Mondays

Members: Victoria, Lillia

Cooking Club: Meets on Wednesdays

Members: Maria, Rosa

Fighting Club: Meets on Fridays

Members: Sam, Lillia, Rosa, Bo, Illiana, Cayde, Aiden

Book Club: Meets on Tuesdays

Members: Victoria, Mako

Horse Riding Club: Meets on Saturdays

Memebers: Maria, Rosa

Photography Club: Meets on Sundays

Members: Victoria, Sayuri, Mako

Music Club: Meets on Sundays

Members: Bo, Sayuri, Maria, Lillia, Eva, Aiden

Art,Craft&Design: Meets on Thursdays

Members: Cayde, Eva
I would love to join this! Is there a skelly or do we make our own?

--- Merged Double Post ---

(I hope it is okay, I am going to go ahead and post my form)

Name: Elizabeth Garner

Age: 17

Personality: With sarcasm on her tough and a strut in her walk, Elizabeth roams the school being herself therefore not caring what people think of her or how she acts. Being that she is very loud and outspoken, she tends to be in trouble quite a lot. She is not shy and if she thinks something she will not hold back on telling you the truth. Though she does not act it or look it she is sensitive and has a kind heart. She tends to be misunderstood and thought to be strange.

History: All her life she knew she was a fairy and embraced it as best she could. Her mother was a spririt fairy and she is the first in her family to ever be a Blood Fairy. Her father was never around much and was always at work, she told herself it was fine and she did not care but deep down it was killing her. She now makes up for all of that attention by trying hard to stick out.

Type of fairy: Blood

Looks: http://suicide-bee.deviantart.com/gallery/?offset=96#/d3cqof7 http://suicide-bee.deviantart.com/gallery/?offset=96#/d3cl8a1 http://suicide-bee.deviantart.com/gallery/?offset=96#/d3cidci

Other: none
[MENTION=1093]jabberwocky19[/MENTION] Sorry if this sounds rude but clearly you didn't read the rules as they say not to post in this rp til accepted and that there is a thread for your characters. please repost in the thread with the form i have posted.
((I changed the timeframe. its modern time now.)) Victoria walked into her dormroom with a backpack, suitcase, and a handbag. She tossed her bag onto the bed on the right and lifted her suitcase onto the bed and put her backpack on the floor besides her bed. She unzipped her suitcase and pulled out her school uniform. It was a maroon vest, white tshirt, maroon skirt that went just above her knees, and a pair of black shoes. She changed into her uniform as fast as she could without damaging her pale purple wings and braided her long burgendy hair. Classes started in an hour and she wanted to be ready in time. With an hour to kill, she started unpacking her clothes. -----------------------------------------------Sam got out of his aunt's car. His aunt helped him get his things out of the trunk. "Thanks." he said, lifting his backpack over his shoulder. "Are you sure you don't want me to help you carry your belongings up to your room?" His aunt asked him, slamming the trunk shut. Sam shook his head. "No, I can handle it." His aunt hugged him, "Be sure to call me!" She said before getting back in the car and driving off. After his aunt left, he picked up his suitcase and carried it into the male dorms and to his room. He tossed his backpack on the floor and shoved his suitcase under his bed before plooping down on his bed. He strenched out and tucked his arms under his head, looking up at the ceiling. He couldn't believe summer was already over and that he would be back in the classroom in an hour.
Mako had already made it to his dormroom having arrived as early as he could. He did not think that this was his last year here and instead focused on finishing unpacking everything. He was already in uniform and ready for classes. Mako smiled to himself wondering what this year might be like. Would be make any new friends? He didn't seem to make a lot before. He knew it was his personality but he was determined to make some friends. Maybe join a study group.


Lillia looked at the school, beaming with joy. She could not wait to start her year there. She said goodbye to her mother and turned again. She spotted a guy headed into the dorms and she nodded. She should head to her own now. So, skipping, she headed that way.
Caydehl sat in charged silence eyes closed, the sun's glare warm against the side of his face as it streamed through the window beside him, casting his feaures in gentle shadow even as it set it a glow. Before him his forearms rested against the table surface, hands held up slightly above, the fingers woven and linked, a glass pushed to one side.

With his head bowed in concentration, he almost looked to be in prayer.

A slight and unnatural breeze touched his cheek, stirring his hair in the warm classroom, and the corner of the fae's lips drew briefly upward at the gentle encouragement and faith. He could not do this at his home where he was under constant surveilance, nor the dorms, they were to crowded, however it had been easy enough to find an empty classroom. There would be no lessons for another hour, and the teacher of this particular room usally came in at the last possible min-.

A gentle thud caught Caydehl's sudden attention, and his brow furrowed, etheral eyes taking in the drop of water on the tables surface before moving up, palms parting slightly to reveal the clear, ping-pong sphere hovering between them. It's surface rippled unsteady and it's shape shifted under the scrutiny of his gaze, several more cold drops falling against the wooden surface.


The air about him suddenly pulsed. Drawing along along his arms and wrists, freezing the orb in a swirl of cold air, the now frozen falling against the table with a rock hard thud, and Caydehl stared at it. Fingers prodding softly with a curious, and somewhat confused expression.

"Since when did you become so rebellious?" he mused quietly, before releasing a sigh.

Eyes shifting to look out of the window he focuses on the now busy grounds below, pushing his chair back to stand before picking up his bag, and pulling over a shoulder. A new year. The air about him stirred gently, and he smiled closing his eyes in understanding, then turning to pick up the rock of ice he exited the room, pausing to deposit in the bin with a loud clang on his way out.
Lillia stood outside the dorms a wave of uncertainty overcame her. It was not that she doubted that she belonged here. It wasn't that she was afriad of all the strangers around her or worried she would not make any friends. Lillia was not sure of her power. Dark, yes she knew about that. How many times had she used that power? But Spirit? Lillia bit her lower lip in thought. Did she really possess that power? It was possible. Lillia shrugged off the worry for now. Whatever the truth was she didn't want it to drag down her day. A smile came back on her face and she headed into the dorms. She looked at her watch as she ran down the hallway. She needed to hurry or she might be late.

She looked at the doors and tried to remember which room was her's. She opened a door and peered inside. She spotted someone and smiled wider. The girl was already in uniform and was unpacking.

"Excuse me! Can you help me?"
"Huh?" Victoria turned around startled by the girl. "Yes? What do you need help with?" She put down the shirt she was folding on the bed and looked at the girl.
(Do we share dorms or do we have our own?)

Elizabeth rushed down the narrow halls, tugging her suit case behind her, desperate to find her room after half an hour of looking. Her eyes jumping from one dorm room to the next until she spotted a seventeen. Slowing down she took a breath of relief knowing she would not be any later than she already was. Touching the door nob she thought of how opening that door and stepping into that room would change her entire life, being able to learn and not be guessing all the time, finally. She turned the door know with a steady hand and walked into that farly large room. Walking further into the room she took her bag strap and swung it off onto her already made bed. She brushed the walls with her finger tips as she made her way carefully throughout the room. Realizing she had no time to waste, she snapped her head back looking at her things, she walked over and un-zipped her bag, taking out anything she could and putting them away in the little time she had to spare. When she placed the last thing on the side table, a picture of her and her father, she gabbed her uniform and raced to the bathroom. slipping off her skinny jeans and white lace top, she quickly put on her school cloths. She looked in the mirror and sighed and her reflection, she was unimpressed with what she saw. Looking away from the mirror, she pushed open her door and made her way to her first class.
Caydehl made his way directly to the stairs, following the well trekked route through the dorms to his room. Everywhere students greeted one another after a long holiday and the prospect of a new year while others, the smaller and more easily identified, practically buzzed with excitement and anticipation.

Dodging around a laughing, recently reunited trio, Caydehl opened the door to his room and slipped inside. Amost immediately his hands, his fingers, moved; catching the hem of his top. Pulling it over his head and discarding the material on the floor in a small heap before ridding himself of the trousers also. Replacing them with the school ones he had laid out on his bed earlier that morning, Caydehl had no sooner pulled his shirt from the cupboard door and begun pulling it about his shoulders when he finally noticed the other person present in the room.

He paused taking a moment to observe the individual, his hands caught beneath his collar, poised and ready to adjust, close and button the crisp material. Not in embarrassment or alarm, but more curious recollection as he pondered and then, after a significant momment had passed, remembered why the human was sitting there, 'here', in his room.

"Oh." He stated dumbly, resuming his previous actions as he turned away.

For all the students he had passed in the halls he had forgotten he would be roomed with one of them, and he barely spared the boy a second glance as he finished straightening out his shirt.
Sam heard the door of his dorm open. He looked up and say a boy walk in. His new roomate he assumed. He couldn't tell if the boy was ignoring him or just didn't see him but he shrugged it off. They had all year, he wasn't in any hurry to get to know his new roommate.
(Ahhhh...I was looking forward to the medievally time period...oh well :P )

Rosa stood awkwardly by the front desk holding Pip's leash and the suitcases while Bo argued about rooms. He had for some reason assumed that because they were brother and sister they could share a room and that is what he had told her. She didn't want to be here, crowds were too much for her, and now she was going to have to share a room with a complete stranger. That was another thing she didn't deal with, it had taken her long enough to open up to Bo but now she had live to with someone else. The administrator wasn't budging and he said the best he could do was put them in a room next door to each other. Luckily they didn't have a class for another couple of hours due to some meeting she had to have with a counselor. Something to do with her past and how she should just let it all out. It was Marcus's fault, he thought she needed to talk about it because she wouldn't talk to him but it was no one's business but her's. Her history was her history no one else's.

Sighing Marcus turned around, "Come lets go we are in room 18 and 19," he said grasping his suitcase. As they made their way through the hallways he looked out the windows and at the beautiful paintings hanging from the wall. He had begged Rosa to come and when she found it he was going no matter what she threaten to just leave and he knew she would. For some reason she didn't, she may not know it but she was more that capable of living by herself and surviving but she needed company.
(Does anyone want to be Ilianna's roomie? I'm fine with whoever, but I don't want to intrude on anyone, either. ^^; Also, there is a courtyard, right? If not, I can change it to something else. Preferably grassy, but whatever the school has.)

Ilianna sat in the courtyard of the school in a crouching position, before straightening her arms and legs. To yoga fanatics, this might be known as 'downward-facing dog', but to young Ilia, this was known as 'warm ups'. She shook her ponytail off her neck, and then raised one leg, and then the other. She stretched her shoulders again, before pushing herself onto her hands. She moved her leg into a variety of positions, testing her balance, and then adjusting in whatever way was needed. She hoped, and assumed, she would eventually return to the circus, with her mother. It was for that reason that she was out here at the moment; if she wanted to keep her place, once she returned, she would need to be in top condition. After arriving, she had just thrown her things on the bed and ran outside to stretch, having felt cramped on the train she took. Not that she had much, anyway. Possessions were limited when you lived out of a small trailer, especially for her, since she was one of the few who lived with a family member at all, much less a parent. Her little backpack, which she had actually bought at the souvenier stand at their most recent carnival, just contained some basic clothing items, some ointments and balms for various aches associated with acrobatics and performing, plus a small trinket box where she kept her collection of pretty hair bands and bracelets. She hoped whoever she was sharing the room with didn't move her bag, though. The clasp on the trinket box was getting worn out, and it would suck to have to dig thorugh her bag for all her pretty things.

Satisfied, Ilianna raised one of her arms so it was parallel to the ground, and shifted her weight onto her one hand. Once she was balance again, she opened her hand and produced a ball of fire. She twisted her hand, like she does when she's displaying it for an audience, before balancing it on her finger and bringing it close to her mouth, as if giving it a kiss. She then flicked it into the air with her wrist, before pushing off her other hand into a backflip, and catching it in her hand and theatrically shoving the flame into her mouth. "Ah..." she said for effect, even if nobody was around. A trail of grey smoke drifted from her lips for a moment, before she closed them, cutting it off. She stood there for a moment, as if she were actually performing, before breaking down into giggles. Even though she'd been performing for a couple years now, she still got a rush of joy when she completed a routine, reguardless of the difficulty, correctly.
(Lol. That might be entertaining, considering I kind of imagine Ilianna being the kind of girl that's kind of in-your-face peppy. As long as you're okay with that, I'm in! ;) )
((hey I am going to make a list of roommates on the front page and also some clubs. When your characters get their roomates, let me know so I can add them. Also if you have any club ideas, let me know!))
(There should be an equestrian club and I think Rosa and Iliana are gonna be roomies, Bo still needs a roommate though)
Tessa swept out of her room, swinging her hips slightly. She glanced at everyone's stares, hoping they would look away, but they continued to stare in awe at her eyes.

"Look away please." She snapped, loud enough for them to hear, then she grinned in satisfaction when they did. She did a fast walk down the hall as she realized she had forgotten to get something to eat.

"Crap.." She mumbled and than turned the corner, accidentally bumping into someone.

"Oh. Sorry.." She muttered to the person and than looked up with her bright blue eyes.
(Horseback riding)

Rosa stayed close to Bo's side peaking at those who passed by under cover of hair. Bo's attention was else where and he accidentally bumped into a girl who seemed a bit snappish. She said just told everyone to look away even though it was her fault they were staring, if you didn't want the guys to watch than don't put so much emphasis in your hips when you walk. It's much more effective that way, or just cover yourself which was near impossible with the uniforms provided. That was another thing, Rosa really didn't trust guys and liked clothes that hid the beauty given to her by her light power but it was never completely effective.

"It was my fault, I wasn't paying attention," Bo said to the girl. Her eyes were sharp and keen, a striking blue, very pretty. He was used to it by now though, every fairy he passed was beautiful in some fashion or another.
(Mako can be Bo's roommate and Lillia can room with Victoria if that's okay? And also Lillia would totally be in drama and pottery club. Mako would join a club to be more social. Probably book club.)

Mako didn't spot his roommate yet, but he was sure that he would meet him later. He looked in the mirror to make sure that he looked presentable and smiled to himself. He was feeling this year. He was sure that he was going to ace his classes and that good things would happen. And maybe he would inspire some of the new students to study hard too. That would be a nice bonus. Maybe he could form a study group club? Mako decided to think about it later. He decided to head to the library before classes could begin.


Lillia entered the room even though she technically wasn't invited in.

"I'm new here and I'm looking for my room, but I think I got a bit lost. I believe this might be my room, but I'm not sure. I hope it is. I would love to share a room with such a pretty girl like you," Lillia said.
She blinked her eyes and than raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah. I wasn't paying much attention either.." She said, than looked away and at the wall. She seemed sorta nervous, which was pretty rare for her.

"Sorry.." She mumbled again, than she swept past him and Rosa and disappeared down the hall with her hair flowing gently.
Ilianna stretched her shoulders again, in a more normal way this time, before remembering that class would be starting soon. "Crudmuffins!" she said to herself, making a childish-half serious pout. "I wanted to practice more..." She shrugged to nobody in particular, and took off running towards the school. She had to hurry back to her room and change into her uniform, so she wouldn't be late. She had a bit of a spring in her step, and she quickly began smiling again, excited to meet all the new people in the school. It was interesting to her to be going to a fairy school. Maybe she'd even get a nice fun roommate, too!

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