~Vixen's School for Those Struggling With Magic Abilities~


The Idiotic Prince Of Nekos
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"Hi, I'm Sorrene, but you can call me Ren if you like."

Sorrene Lucem


"Why do you ask? I'm a girl."



"I'm 16 years old."


Likes: "I like to read, draw, practice magic, meet new people, make new friends- all sorts of things!"

^Look up^

Dislikes: "I don't really like humans all that much...or black magic, or violent people."

^once again, look up^


Race: Tori

Know any magic?: "Just a few Restoration and Destruction spells…"

^look up^

Okay, can you control that magic?: "Yes, of course I can."


Do you have any other skills?: "Well…I guess I'm alright at flying, and I'm pretty fast, too. I can outrun almost everyone I know. I'm not too bad with a bow in my hands, either, but I prefer to stick to destruction magic if someone's assaulting me."

Sorrene is a skilled archer, able to hit a target directly in the heart at 35-40 meters away. She can run and fly like the wind, but her overall strength isn't that high.

You are?: "I'm a student."

Crush: "Um…" *blushes*

She's single ;)

Other: Sorrene is quiet when speaking, but everything else about her is incredibly loud. She walks loudly, flies loudly: she's probably the least stealthy person anyone has ever met, and more often than not ends up burning something on accident, even if it's nearly impossible.

P.S. Fox

"My name? Damn here I am thinking I'm popular."

Ozoiya Luzuras


"It's the braid isn't it?"



"Call me your Senpai!"

343 Looks 33


"As a Pisces I'll always enjoy movies and snuggling and....."


-The school

-His job


-Learning new things





"Dislikes......Um....I've always not liked Spiders....They're scary."


-Pain, though he takes it well


-Arrogant people


-Being looked down upon


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.29ed7b2b127f0fe6edb4fdd73f99386e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18829" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.29ed7b2b127f0fe6edb4fdd73f99386e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


"I'm like a guy version of the with from Hansel and Gretel."


Know any magic?:

"I'm like....Dumbledore."


Ability to let long almost invisible strands of string come from the tips of his fingers tips. Able to wrap people in it, can transform it into a sharp wire on command it cuts through flesh quite nicely.

Okay, can you control that magic?:

"Once again....I'm Dumbledore."


Do you have any other skills?:

"I've always been gifted in cooking..."


-First Aid

-Reading people

-Very Persuasive

-Good with any weapon

-As sly as a fox

You are?:

"I am your Lord of witchcraft!"

Magic Teacher


"No one....."





Bonny Pho




132 Looks 16





-Blue eyes

-Anything small and fluffy



-Her own shyness


-The moon

-Tight compact places



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.62869fd877fae01cafc9bf576cad90cb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18832" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.62869fd877fae01cafc9bf576cad90cb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Shape shifter

Know any magic?:

Yes, capable of shape shifting into animals and imitating others voices once heard.

Okay, can you control that magic?:

The imitation is fine but has a bit of a hard time with the shape shifting.

Do you have any other skills?:


-High agility


-Lightening a mood

-Hiding emotions

-Keeping secrets

You are?:



No one at the moment


Likes Foxes<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.29c37b36f05a9f7dfef2344e4c14931b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18833" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.29c37b36f05a9f7dfef2344e4c14931b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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"Trucy Raine, Ace Magician!"

Trucy Raine


"I'm a girl, of course."



"I'm 16 years old."



"I like having fun, doing street magic, and being really carefree."

She's a very bright, energetic, and Naive.


"I...I can't stand boredom, panty-snatchers, and bitter people."

She always has to be doing something interesting to her.

Appearance(picture or description is fine):


"I'm a human, of course!"


Know any magic?:

"Er...I know street magic..."

It's all slight of hand, not true magic.

Okay, can you control that magic?:

"Of course, It's slight of hand."

Do you have any other skills?:

"I... I know how to make really good cake."

She's an excellent baker and singer.

You are? (Teacher or student, if teacher put what teacher): Student


"Crush? I don't have one."

Open, but who would date a human?


I wonder...What does the fox say?



Adachi Itsuki "please use Itsuki.. i dont know you well enough for a nickname thank you.."


Female. "Im some cultures.. they might fail to believe this."


As old as time.. just a 15 year old body and experience.


Flowers, gardening, people, love, reading about things that dont exist. Hugs


Blood, pain, others pain, hate, lies, not knowing something


Light pink eyes


Nature goddess.. in training. Haha

know any magic:

Yes. She can control plant life and put her soul in the body of plants, leaving her own body.

Can you control it?

"Unfortunately... i am the first generation of this entity that lacks control."

Any other skills:

Painting, dancing, running distance for fun.

You are?

"Student, thank you~"


"I love love but have my heart free from anyone in particular.. perhaps eventuality."


"Hm... i love foxes!! I want a fox one day."
Name: I am Midorikawa Chiaki. But most students call me either Master Midori, or Professor Chi.

Gender: Don't let the long hair fool you, it can be a weapon. I am a male.

Age: I'm 19 of course. Why do you think I'm still training my magic?

Likes: Art is the expression of the universe. It is essential. But they are nothing without a properly formed mind and body. Speed before strength, but smarts above anything else. And when I say smarts, I mean someone who knows what they're doing, not someone who's studied everything there is to know.

Dislikes: Bullies are a plague. Also, if there is any student who doesn't take humans seriously, or a human that doesn't take my students seriously, they're in for one of my infamous lessons. (More will be revealed in RP.)

Appearance(picture or discription is fine): <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf4a32f18_AnimeSamurai.jpg.0a515cf2c900af29e5dd480893ef6b2d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18838" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf4a32f18_AnimeSamurai.jpg.0a515cf2c900af29e5dd480893ef6b2d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> He also has wings that he tries to hide from people.

Race: I am a Wyvern. We are very close to humans, except for the fact that we have wings. Abilities in all forms of magic can be obtained. Yet some are born with acuteness towards certain types. Call it a talent. I am a Telekinetic.

Know any magic?: Yes, I know some telekinetic, healing, and multiple combative magics. However, I am currently a student as well as a teacher, there is much I have to learn.

Okay, can you control that magic?: The magics I have learned, I have taken the time to have control over. Yes, I can adequately control them.

Do you have any other skills?: I am likely the most advanced martial artist there is. I am also quite adept at the Shakuhachi. I generally have a talent for music. I am also good at dealing with disputes. I tend to stay calm in heated situations.

You are? (Teacher or student, if teacher put what teacher): I am the combative instructor, yet I am also currently enrolled on the side. Let's just say the school needed me, so I stepped up to the plate.

Crush: None, as of yet. But open for one.

Other: He has a pet Swiss Mountain Dog and a pet 'FOX'. He's very down to earth, but sees the importance and benefits of technology.

((OOC: Does this work?))



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Name: "You can call me Mr.A!"

Airin Gabfjiuevsalb

Gender: "Male."

You heard im

Age: "6."

200 looks 28


Colorful things




Talking fast

Ambiguous answers

Over the top things(including being over the top)



Boring things


Being told how to do his job

Appearance(picture or discription is fine):

Race: "I'm a catoblepas."

. . .and proud of it?

Know any magic?: "Define the words know and magic."

If you come into direct eye contact with him you turn to stone, he can also breathe a poisonus gas.

Okay, can you control that magic?: "Perhaps."

The first one, no and the second one yes.

Do you have any other skills?: "Oooo, you wanna see me blow something up?"

He's quite the explosives expert, a master in alchemical processes, and has an extensive knowledge of plants both magical and not.

You are? (Teacher or student, if teacher put what teacher): "I'm an alchemist!"

Science and potions master.


No one

Other: "Other is a very general catagory."

. . .crazy . . .


Name: "My name is Zenton Howl."

Zenton Howl

Gender: "Humph, male."


Age: "Hundred and two."

102 looks 16.


The color black





The moon


Overly happy people


Bright lights


Appearance(picture or discription is fine):

Race: "Promise you won't run after I tell you?"

Vampiric angel

Know any magic?: "I know some shadow magic and a little other stuff."

Shadow manipulation, hypnosis, and the ability to walk silently.

Okay, can you control that magic?: "Yes . . .mostly."

Sometimes when he's tired or very hungry his magic won't work right.

Do you have any other skills?: "I can fly and have night vision."

That should cover it.

You are? (Teacher or student, if teacher put what teacher): "Student."

Crush: " . . ."

No but he wouldn't mind one.

Other: "Oh, yeah like I don't have better things to do."

Can be a jerk.


Name: "Zack Raze."

Zackery Raze.

Gender: "I'm a guy."

Age: "Sixteen."

131 looks 16.








Spicy foods



Bland foods

Appearance(picture or discription is fine):

Race: "Fire elemental."

Know any magic?: "Duh."

Can create and control fire.(Though technically it's that he is magic rather then knowing it.)

Okay, can you control that magic?: "I wouldn't be much of an elemental if I couldn't."

Yes, unless he gets really worked up.

Do you have any other skills?: "I'm good at sports."

You are? (Teacher or student, if teacher put what teacher): "Regrettably a student."

Crush: "What business of yours is it?"

No but looking

Other: He's a hot head. Faira is his foster mother, he's also an unwilling student.


Name: "The name's Faira Koal."

Faira Koal.

Gender: "Female. It's not hard to tell."

It's really not.

Age: "340."

340 looks 30



The color yellow


Being in charge

Others pain



Being told what to do

Being questioned



Appearance(picture or discription is fine):

Race: "I'm a Bolrog."

Know any magic?: "Yes. I know fire magic, and some of the . . .darker arts."

Can create and control fire, can summon fire elementals and bind them to her will(how do you think she got Zack to come to the school, and stay there) and other magic stuffs.

Okay, can you control that magic?: "Yes."

You heard the woman!

Do you have any other skills?: "Some." *gives superior smirk*

You are? (Teacher or student, if teacher put what teacher): "Vice principal"

Crush: "Not really, I'm single."

Other: She's fox-y.
Name: Yukihime Miniwa

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Likes: Scones, sakura trees, making her own coffee and long naps

Dislikes: Fake people, her family, and people in general. (The reason for this is her inability to communicate well, therefore she becomes flustered and verbally abuses for no reason.)

Appearance(picture or discription is fine):

Race: Atavist, or yokai (descended from unknown origins)

Know any magic?: Somewhat. She can use binding magic but her main defense is her spear and speed after transforming

Okay, can you control that magic?: Of course.

Do you have any other skills?: Academics

You are? (Teacher or student, if teacher put what teacher):Student

Crush: No one

Other: She used to have a body guard that was a fox yokai.
Name: Raziel

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown, but believes he is 16

Likes: to not get hurt, Sweet things, Sleep, Kindness, and warning labels.

Dislikes: sharp things, crewel people, basically anything that causes pain.

Appearance(picture or discription is fine):


Race: Part Dragon

Know any magic?: Very fast healing, flying... and probably more.

Okay, can you control that magic?: healing is automatic. and he isn't a great flyer.

Do you have any other skills?: if getting beaten up is one then yes.

You are? (Teacher or student, if teacher put what teacher): Student

Crush: None (YET)

Other: He has never met a FOX in real life before. oh and he is a big dweeb.

"Uh, Mei Miyamoto."

*drops shoulders swiftly and tucks her chin to her chest to bow.*


"well... Female?"

*looks down innocently.*


"Welll *looks like she is thinking hard* Je suis âg- err..."

She is 298, but the way she ages she looks 282 years younger.


"I like being at home."

Her "home" is what is in the picture. So, she pretty much likes being in solitude and around nature. This will be a difficult adjustment for her, she hasn't been in civilization since the fall of her family's territory.


*looks around the room*

"Not having sun light."




"Well... a witch?"

We aren't quite sure what to call her. She kinda was created to destroy, but... yeah...

Know any magic?:

"Well, of course. Why else would I be here?"

*Smiles sarcastically and tilts head"

She can control earthly things, like flowers and trees. Not make them grow, just control the living ones.... she thinks?

Okay, can you control that magic?:

"Eh, not so well... I don't even know all of my skills..."

She can do well in the areas she knows of.

Do you have any other skills?:

*rubs forehead*

"Didn't I just say I don't know all of my skills?"

You are?:

"A student."

*Smiles confidently*


*tilts head and raises shoulders*

"Whats a "crush?"


"Umm... I know another language? Umm... Bonjour... *mumbles* c'est gênant..."

*intertwines her fingers together on her stomach and swings her arms, turns as red as a fox*

She is becoming more fluent in English as time goes on, but shes been learning for 45 years... shes a little behind.


"Yes...that. You may call me Amaris. Last names are rather petty."

Amaris Mason


"Gender is another petty conception. But I guess if that's too difficult to understand, than yes- I am female."



"Time passes irrelevantly. A reason why I love art is because it stands still time and can even be timeless. Your questions are rather ignorant."



Art- in all its forms. Rather it be painting, sculpture, drawings...anything. However when creating art- she's the most fond of painting. However she plays around with all types of art.

Keeping to herself




Warm Colors



Those who do not like and appreciate art.

People who waste any sense of promise

The cold

Ignorant People





"Races, gender, ages...all these questions you are asking of me. The end result will be your judgement on me based on my answers. You're already judging me because you find my responses to be rude or odd, correct?"


~*~Know Any Magic?~*~

"My art is my magic. Imagination- it's the greatest kind of magic one could ever be gifted."

Being an illusionist, she's able to created many illusions based off her imaginations desires.

~*~Okay, Can You Control That Magic?~*~

"How would I be able to be a teacher if I could not?"

Yes, quite well...as long as her emotions are in control.

~*~Do You Have Any Other Skills?~*~

Great at reading people

Quite the skillful artist

~*~You are?~*~

"I am the problem solving teacher...and when I say this you do not believe me...*sighs* I'm quite ill with this interview."

Teacher - Problem solving


"Crush is such a light word that can easily be tossed aside. Love is a much appropriate thought. I'm in love with art."

Not currently


She can have a nice personality every once in a blue moon

Prefers warm colors.




"Well...birds don't really have last names...or first....come to think of it momma bird doesn't really have a name. They called her "owner of the southern large oak! But umm...this name should do right?"



"I'm a male! ...well...I know it's hard to tell because I don't have awesome feathers but I can do the mating dance! Want to watch me? No...pfft, whatever, didn't want to seduce you anyways."


"I'm uhmm...well....man was I supposed to keep up with that kind of junk?"



"Ah! Man! I love flying and worms and feathers and fountains and flying and nests and flying and-!!!!"

Anything that entertains him....and flying


"Tch! chicken and turkey and stuff....I mean come on! That's evil! Trying to serve that stuff! And eggs! YOU EAT THAT STUFF!!!! WHY YOU-!!!"



"Ha that's me with momma bird....AUGH don't look at me like that! My moms a guardian bird! You know...she lives hiiigghhhh up in the mountains in a GIGANTIC nest and she's as big as a dragon!!! ...ok maybe not a dragon but she's so much cooler!"



"Well my momma was a guardian bird deity...I'm not really sure about papa..."

Bird deity/human hybrid

!Know Any Magic?!

"Um....well....I can fly!!!"


!Can you control that magic?!

"Um...well...obviously...I'm the best flyer around!"

!Any other skills?!

"Um...well....I CAN FLY!!!!!!! And do bird calls! Oh, and don't mean to brag but...I can do the mating bird dance REALLY well! ...all the birdettes want me."

!You are..?!

"Prepare to be amazed...I'm a Teacher!"

Teacher - Flight instructor


"Heh...back at home there was this Hummingbird named 'lil blue.' AH! IT'S NOT LIKE I LIKE HER OR ANYTHING!!!!!"

...Let's go with...no?


"I hate foxes!"

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Name: Hannibal

Gender: male

Age: 1600(16 in human years)

Likes: meat, friends (mostly females), art in all forms, other creatures, killing those who challenge him

Dislikes: getting angry, bullies, raw meat, other males who are popular, hurting friends, being alone.

Appearance(picture or discription is fine):

(pic of appearance, add human structure)

Race: zin-hu (human zinogre)

Know any magic?: other than calling thunderbugs or dragonbugs and going into an unstoppable rage, no.

Okay, can you control that magic?: only when enraged, he can call dragonbugs to give him dracophage energy. And in his normal state, thunderbugs charge him up. The bigger the charge, the more lethal and agile he becomes.

Do you have any other skills?: blacksmith, rockcandy grower, chef.

You are? (Teacher or student, if teacher put what teacher): student

Crush: have not found one.

Other: when enraged he goes into his stygian form, where he can call dragonbugs to charge him up.
(stygian form)


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“It’s kinda unique, in my opinion.”

-North Inuko


“I’m a dude…I hope.”




-Pretty darn old, but looks young for his age (15-16)


“What’s not to like?”


-Being outdoors

-Sports that involve activity



-Meeting new people

-Hanging out with friends

-Caffeinated drinks

-Cold weather



“Okay, well maybe there’s a few things…”

-Being bored

-Rude people

-Small spaces (he’s a little claustrophobic sometimes)

-Seeing other people sad

-Being sad himself




“I mean, supposedly I've been Nanook since the beginning of time, but I don't remember most of my past...”

-Bear spirit, reincarnate of the Inuit Polar Bear spirit called Nanook

Know any magic?

“Yeah, I know a few tricks!”

-He knows a couple tracking spells and can talk to most animals. He can also shift into a polar bear, but that is normally only when he's at full energy or emotionally driven.

Okay, can you control that magic?

“Psh, yeah! Most of the time…”

-He has a pretty good grasp on his skills, but sometimes he’ll mess something up. He’s gotten lost a couple times because he didn’t track the right thing, and he’s miscommunicated with animals a couple times and made them angry. His transformation can be a little less predictable- sometimes he transforms randomly and breaks things >.>' The consequences have never been serious, though.

Do you have any other skills?

“I’m an outdoorsman at heart.” *poses like a hunter but looks like a dork*

-North knows his way around in the wilderness. He’s athletic and energetic, as well as a good hunter. He’s actually quite intelligent and learns quickly.

You are?

“Just a student.”



“I mean, if it happens, it happens. But it’s not that big of a deal.”



“Lions, and foxes, and bears, oh my! Or would it be foxen…like, oxen? Hm…”



“Why did you have to ask? It’s kind of, well…ugly…”

-Orca Ursillus


“I’m a girl, if you couldn’t tell.”



“Does it matter? I’m just like everyone else…”

-She lost count, but she’s been around since the 19th Century. Looks 16.


“Despite my apathy, there are some things I enjoy. My bark is worse than my bite. Get it? ‘Cause I’m a seal…no…okay, this is awkward…”

-The beach




-Listening to other people

-Food, especially ice cream and chocolate

-Iced tea

-Making friends


“I’m actually pretty easy-going, but I guess there are a few things…”

-Bugs (especially mosquitoes and cockroaches)

-Loud noises when she’s trying to sleep

-Excessive interruption

-Most sports

-Extreme temperatures/weather conditions

-People who are too hyper or too aggressive




“Oh you know…I just come from fish-eating blubber balls. It’s all good, though. I mean, we used to be quite common in Orkney. I probably ought to respect my ancestors more…”


Know any magic?

“Yeah, I can turn into a seal. Isn’t that just charming? I wish I could do something cool…like flying, now that would be cool.”

-She can use her sealskin to transform into a seal

Okay, can you control that magic?

“Yup, as long as I have my trusty seal-skin. I’m always lugging that thing around…it’s kinda heavy, actually.”

-She can control her transformation as long as she has her sealskin. If she loses it, she must remain a human forever.

Do you have any other skills?

“Sure, and they all start with “S”. Swimming, but I guess that’s kinda obvious. Sketching, snacking, and sarcasm.”

-Orca excels at swimming and fishing. She can be rather witty, and she is good at drawing.

You are?

“Kinda obvious, right?”



“Pft, why is this even relevant? Who needs one?” *slight blush of embarrassment*

-None at the moment


“You’re gonna hate me for this, but what does the FOX say? And don’t sing that song at me…”
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Name: Velt Blackheart

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Likes: Science, Space, Astronomy, Stars, Friendly people that do not intrude, sweet food.

Dislikes: Practically none, although stupidity does irk Velt.



Race: Fairy

Know any magic?:

Cosmic Magic - The ability to understand and attune oneself into the cosmos as well as the ability to replicate cosmic occurences.

Explanation: Velt can quickly understand and learn what happens in the cosmos. He can understand the intricacies behind a star by observing it, he can learn what is behind a black hole by watching, etc...

This magic also allows Velt to astrally project himself out into space, where he cannot be harmed by any sort of physical harm. Additionally, he can teleport many lightyears away. This astral projection only works in space and Velt is bound by cosmic rule to not change anything that happens in space; he can only observe. Astral projection leaves Velt's body in a suspended animation state. Velt can only be like this in space and will return to his body when he wills so.

Cosmic magic allows Velt to recreate what he has observed and learned. For example, he can create a miniature planet the size of a tennis ball(as of now), complete with biosphere, mini organisms, atmosphere and gravitational field.

However, everything Velt creates is placed within a "containment field". A field around his creations which prevents them from affecting the environment around them. This is mainly due to Velt's safety, as if he attempted to create a miniature star he would die(obviously). This containment field is unconsciously created and cannot be removed by Velt himself. Additionally, the containment field will repel any sort of attack against it with almost no failure. The field will also cause the creations themselves to move away from any sort of attack if possible. This movement is not controlled by Velt. Essentially, Velt can recreate things in space for him to more closely study and learn. The containment field prevents the creations from actually affecting anything though.

Okay, can you control that magic?:

Velt cannot control this magic at all because of how unique it is. No one has ever been able to teach him how his magic even works and Velt himself does not understand. In fact, his mastery of this magic is so low that the only thing he can do is astrally project himself and look at things. His understanding of what he sees is also incredibly low as he has not begun to understand the nature of cosmic magic which prevents him from accessing most of its intelligence boosting power. Because of his low understanding of things, Velt also cannot create many things either. So far, he has not been able to master his teleportation( Velt can teleport from right outside Earth to a third of the way to the moon) in his astral form and as such only observes the earth every night as well as the things around earth such as asteroids and stray objects.

Do you have any other skills?:

Velt is incredibly smart and sharp. Velt is also incredibly knowledgeable compared to others on the topic of anything related to space. Velt can also cook incredibly well and loves to paint and draw.

You are? (Teacher or student, if teacher put what teacher): Student


Crush: None

Other: Velt likes to carry around the tennis ball sized planet he made with him. It floats around beside Velt the whole day and Velt likes to examine it and see what has happened on it.
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Name:Arvin Tomes

Gender:Male (Or is he?)


Likes: His Spellbooks, sweets

Dislikes:Snakes and bugs

Appearance(picture or discription is fine):


Race:Human and a bit of Weredragon

Know any magic?:Plenty

Okay, can you control that magic?: Only when holding one of his Spellbooks

Do you have any other skills?: Does annoying the hell out of anyone count?

You are? (Teacher or student, if teacher put what teacher):Student

Crush:None so far

Other:Do not worry if the surroundings suddenly change, that's him changing the area to access more magic. Fox Smox Jox...Jocks...Meh

(Are you still accepting?)



"What's it to you?"

Bram Foley


"Take a flying guess, sweetheart."



"Depends, who's asking?"

He's about 23 in human years


"Well this is a rather broad question."

He enjoys music, explosions, and flirting. And he enjoys helping others.

"You know you love me."


"These questions honestly."

Being questioned, being reprimanded, people who can't take a joke.


"Whatever you'd like me to be, babe."

He's an fallen angel.

Know any magic?:

"Define what you consider magic."

He can create blue fire. (aka Hell's fire)

Okay, can you control that magic?:



Do you have any other skills?:

Bram is capable of growing wings from his back and manipulating light.

"Not to mention that I'm smoking hot."

You are?:

Guidance Counselor

"Always open to talk!"


Currently single, though not for long knowing his flirting tendencies.

"Love ya, CK."

Go away, brat.

"It could be worse, I could flirt with students."

And thankfully you don't.


Nothing for the moment.


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Name:Aika Miyuki



Likes:Animals, music, food, and witch craft

Dislikes:Bullies and prissy girls


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.aac19e1eb7e359b02404101e3bc65811.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18934" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.aac19e1eb7e359b02404101e3bc65811.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Race:Deer/human. Acts more as a deer though

Know any magic?:Aika knows how to spawn demons and how to spawn wrath, making her want to hurt almost everybody.

Okay, can you control that magic?:Most the time, just try not to make her mad.

Do you have any other skills?:Aika is very good at combat and other things, she is very flexible and can climb

You are?:Student


Other:She normally has her hair cover her eyes, she is also very anti-social. Oh! And fox!



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Application Form


"Gaila Falk. No nicknames, please, my name is short enough already!"

Gaila Akilina Falk, although she prefers her middle name not being discussed.


"Female, if I must subscribe to confusing human binary genders."

She identifies as a woman.


"You really should not ask a lady that..."

She's around 15.


"I like snow, talking, money, fancy hats (I do not have an obsession!), talking, perfectly organized things, and did I mention talking?"

She likes socializing, the cold, organization, and hats. She does have an obsession.


"Fire bothers me to no end, along with messy places and hats that are simply not fancy enough. Don't judge me."

She hates fire, messes, and hats that she deems not fancy. Again, yes, she has an obsession.

Appearance(picture or discription is fine):

"Well, I have blonde hair, blue eyes, I am almost always wearing a hat, and I tend to like dresses that Mother says have too many sparkles. She's biased, being a black mage and all. "

Gaila has light blonde hair, dark blue eyes, and usually wears a stereotypical witch hat that is white and has sparkles on it. She also likes sparkly dresses, but will have to refrain from wearing them at the school. As long as she has her hat, though, she's fine.


"I am a witch, although I prefer mage. No, I am not green."


Know any magic?:

"I know a bit of magic. I have quite a talent for magic, although I sometimes accidentally turn things into hats. Again, I do not have an obsession."

She knows some magic that her parents and older siblings taught her but has had no formal magic education yet.

Okay, can you control that magic?:

"...does the fact that I was kicked out of my old school (which was for normal humans, seeing as Mother decided it was a good idea to 'blend into the human populace') for making a stack of test papers turn into a friendly tyrannosaurus say anything about my control of my magic? I surely hope not."

Not really. She can control her magic when she's actively thinking about it, but sometimes it gets out of control when she isn't paying attention to her magic or she lets her emotions get in the way of reason her magic can do unexpected things, such as what Gaila said about the tyrannosaurus.

Do you have any other skills?:

"I can sew and am quite proficient in deception, not that I have any practice in such thing."

She sews and is a surprisingly good liar.

You are? (Teacher or student, if teacher put what teacher):

"I am a student."



"I do not 'crush' on people."

She doesn't have her eye on anyone at the moment.


"...hm, was I supposed to say something here about animals? I may have been supposed to say something about foxes... oh, yes, right, fox!"

She's a bit forgetful at times.


Application Form


"Call me Farrell."

Farrell Ferdinand Falk.



He identifies as a man.





"Snow. Not having to deal with Gaila. Birds."

The above along with classical music and Mean Girls.

"I didn't say you could say that."

It's true.



Alliteration, fire, being forced to spend time with his younger sister, and guns.

Appearance(picture or description is fine):

"Dirty blond hair. Blue eyes. I usually wear casual clothes."

See above.




Know any magic?:


He's primarily a summoner but can use limited healing magic.

Okay, can you control that magic?:


He actually can control his magic better than most without formal education, but that's only because he's been teaching himself magic for a long time. Farrel might accidentally conjure a random bird or set something on fire when he's angered but that doesn't happen much.

Do you have any other skills?:


He can draw better than most and can do a mean Gangnam Style.


You are? (Teacher or student, if teacher put what teacher):





He doesn't have a crush.



He's a man of few words.


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