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owner: nebula co-owner: liztopher

To read information about the storyline or other things, please revert back to the information thread


This is a zombie survival, wasteland type of role play.

Please follow all the rules listed below to be able to join this role play.

Do not fight with anyone, everyone is the same; no one is better.

Do not godmod or "auto-dodge" things, you're character isn't God.

Do not kill other characters unless you have the owner's permission.

You may play zombies or humans, it's up to you.


Full Name:













Theme Song:


Full Name: Luka

Nickname: L or Red



Luka is dark and demented. She is a bit on the crazy side. Her thoughts are twisted and psychotic.

Music, night time, fire, blood, blades, pain

Sun light, being alone, too many people, candy

heights, drowning, and spiders

A long sword and a AK-74M

A backpack with... Water, canned fruit, canned meat, ammo, first aid, lots of matches and a lighter

quick on her feet, and has worked with a sword for years.

water... when she is near open water she freaks out, and her own mind she is "Insane"

Luka was put in a hospital at 5 yeas old and broke out at 12. She lived in a friends home until the virus. Every thing happened so quickly. She grabbed the things she could and left. She has kept herself onto of a small home waiting for an escape.

Theme Song:
Raised By Wolves by Falling In Reverse

Around her neck hangs a necklace that has a straight razor blade that hangs from it.

Luka-View attachment 10288(W/O glasses)

blade on her necklace-View attachment 10289
Full Name: Harlin Dutch

Nickname: Harlin

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Personality: Harlin is very quiet. She keeps to herself and likes to think on her own. She works OK with others, but isn't the best. She is a pretty good fighter, but she is more afraid of other survivors than she is the Infected.

Likes: Thinking alone, Music, Her axe, Warm, home cooked meals (Extremely hard to obtain now)

Dislikes: Stubborn people, Sharing, staying in one place for long, herself

Fears: Other humans. Getting bitten is a fear of anyone, but people are harder to escape, and can do even worse damage than a shuffling corpse.

Weapon: Axe:

Inventory: 2 batteries, band-aids and peroxide, crackers and water, Axe, flashlight, backpack, lighter

Skills: One on One combat w/ corpses, strategy, Melee weapons, hiding

Weaknesses: Other people, Combat with Multiple enemies, Sharing, Aim

Biography: Harlin lived with a single mother. She was an only child. Her mother divorced her father because of his drug addiction. She has had no contact with her father since she was 10. When the Virus broke out she had been at school. Everyone was locked in the school. Infected started breaking in, and students ran off. She witnessed her best friend and boyfriend be attacked. As she arrived home her mother was not home. She collected a few supplies and left, figuring her mother had died. She has been moving from place to place ever since. Bullying has really messed her emotions up.

Theme Song:

(Iridescent by Linkin Park)
Full Name: Beccalyn Grey

Nickname: Becca

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Personality: Becca is a dependable person. She is loyal to those she cares about and is generally nice to everyone. She can be a bit suspicious of people at first, but she warms up to others very quickly. She's very intelligent but she lacks social grace, often giving away too much information or not understanding social queues. Becca loves to read; in fact, she spends more time with her books than she spends with people. Becca is trustworthy and is a terrible liar, not that it matters: she never lies. Becca is totally honest with everyone and only expects the same. She can be annoying at times due to her constant need to know every detail of what she's going to do before she does it. She never rushes into situations, preferring to think them over thoroughly beforehand. She dislikes conflict, believing everything can be solved in a civilized manner. She abhors violence which doesn't make her a prime candidate for survival in this new world.

Likes: Reading, singing, planning things out, nature, animals

Dislikes: Violence, arguing, stubbornness

Fears: Death, darkness, flying

Weapon: A kitchen knife

Inventory: Two water bottles, three bags of trail mix, a quarter loaf of bread, matches, a few books

Skills: Becca is adept at strategy since she is able to see a situation's possible outcomes. Becca can also go undetected rather well, preferring to keep hidden from the infected rather than battle them.

Weaknesses: Becca doesn't want to have to kill any of the infected, still believing that there are vestiges of the person they once were. She isn't physically strong, either.

Biography: Beccalyn was born to two loving parents. She and her twin sister, Abigail, were as close as anyone could be. Most people assumed it was due to the fact that they were twins but Abigail and Becca just got along really well. They considered the other to be their best friend. Becca's parents were both high school teachers. Becca worked from a young age, trying to help support their family. She eventually saved enough money to be able to afford college, moving to a nearby city. She majored in Political Science and had just graduated when the infection broke out. She and her sister shared a small apartment. Her sister worked, not interested in going to college. When the infection got really bad in the city, people started panicking and leaving. Becca never saw her sister and she isn't sure what happened to her, though she is convinced she is still alive. Becca also doesn't know what happened to her parents as they live hours away.

Theme Song: La Cienega Just Smiled by Ryan Adams

Other: here

Full Name: Walter Creeks

Nickname: Walt

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Personality: Walt is obnoxious, to say the least. He's loud, loves to cause trouble, and doesn't play well with others. He loves to prove that he's right, or at least argue with the other person until they give up. It's rare that he isn't enjoying himself, even in this hell that they've been thrown into. Walt, before the outbreak, was the guy at the bar, yelling at the football game and getting way too intoxicated. Whatever he's thinking, you'll know. He isn't shy in any way and he could care less what people think about him. Most people would consider that a good trait, but Walt abuses it and tends to make a fool of himself. He's rude and generally ungrateful. He's quite used to getting his way.

Likes: Excitement, adventure, scuba diving, arguing

Dislikes: Quiet people, cats, running

Fears: Heights, needles, death by fire

Weapon: Baseball bat

Inventory: Apples, water, sunglasses, pistol ammo

Skills: Walt is very strong. His greatest asset is his brute force. He also doesn't fear the infected as much as he should. He also has a detailed knowledge of human physiology.

Weaknesses: He's hot-headed and quick to make decisions. He also overestimates his own strength.

Biography: Walt was raised in a wealthy family. His mother and father were doctors and he was an only child. He was given absolutely anything he wanted: car, toys, vacations, money. As a result, he was rather popular in school. He was lazy in high school but his parents paid for his college education. He continued to party and goof off in college, but he managed to eventually graduate with a masters in Biology. He never got an actual job, just living off the money that his parents had given him. He couldn't believe what was happening when the infection broke out. He would have been in one of those bunkers had his parents not cut him off weeks earlier. He knows that they're safe but he's quite angry that they would just leave him there to die.

Theme Song: Helplessness Blues by Fleet Foxes

Other: here

Full Name: Amelia Rosette Adlevice

Nickname: (no nickname)

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Personality: Graceful in a sense of the word when she scalps a zombie without showing all of the emotions she is feeling. She can be selfish, especially when it comes to your life or hers. She has trouble bonding or making strong human connections. She doesn’t scare easily, instead she tries to react quickly. She's tends to be blunt, snappy and short-tempered with others.

Feeling capable or empowered.

Dislikes: Ignorance, cowardice, responsibility.

Fears: Her hallucinations; being attacked in her sleep.

Weapon: : .50 Antimaterial sniper rifle with a strap; a pocket knife.

Inventory: Ammunition including a box of 70 “223 rounds” and 12 hollow point 223 rounds in a phany pack. A single travel bottle of water and a smaller bottle containing gas. She has 1 power bar left and a small can of tuna shoved in her phany pack along with a small notepad and pen and a tampon.

Skills: Very fast runner, flexible/agile, clever.

Weaknesses: Distrustful and unreliable in dangerous situations/ easily slips into a temper/ suffers from delusions of her dead family.

Biography: “I killed my entire family..” “What is the point of surviving in this world?” She's definitely not suicidal but she's pretty apathetic towards other humans. She begs the question for the sinner that she considers herself. She had a family of five including herself; a younger brother, older sister, mother & father. Her father turned first, attacked the mom but didn't manage to kill her. It was Amelia who shoved a knife in her father's skull, saving her mother but causing the whole family to alienate her. With her mother infected, and older sister tending to her, it wasn't long before the infection spread just within their family. The sister caught it by having an open wound near the mother, and eventually they both turned. Amelia locked herself in her parent's room with her little brother only to realize while she was squeezing him close that his hair came off in chunks into her hands. With her mother and sister clawing at the door and her brother turning in her arms, she didn't have much of a choice. She went to the closet and felt around on the top shelf until she felt something cold, heavy and hard in the corner. "Close your eyes Jason. Plug you ears, everything's gonna be okay." She shot him twice, then she shot wholes in the door until the clawing stopped. She got asniper rifle from her dad's garage along with other supplies and fled over backyard fences until she escaped civilization.

Theme Songs:


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Full Name: Simon Abel Ghoseinger

Nickname: Sye

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Personality: He’s the kind of guy who used to run scenarios through his head and what if situations. He tends to be relaxed but he likes camping it out in one place rather than being on the run all of the time.

Likes: Company, chilling, and raiding abandoned places, Italian food.

Dislikes: Being in a rush, too much spontaneity, loud obnoxious people.

Fears: Being alone for too long, loosing hope.

Weapon: Crossbow

Inventory: Arrows, 1 roll of medical bandage, 1 t-shirt, 1 can-opener, a pack of cigarettes, two large cans of baked beans and one can of pineapples. Carries around a jug of water as well. He’s has parts remaining of his camping bag, including the tarp, lighter set, and a map of hiking trails. He tied up his tarp and uses it as a bag.

Skill: Tactic when he actually applies it. Knows how to drive most vehicles & jack most cars. Great crossbow aim. He’s a pretty decent cook as well.

Weakness: Women, he feels socially awkward around them and they bring back bad memories; he’s easily persuaded by them as well.

Bio: Lived by himself around the start of the virus and worked for a local car workshop. He was actually cheated on right before the outbreak so he was on his own around the time. He hitch-hiked it up the mountain when things started getting crazy. He knew the location of a small vacation cabin that his boss used to own and managed for a while there. His food supply ran out fast though and he wasn’t able to get food from the town he was in before because it had been all but wiped clean. That’s when he hit the road, kept off the beaten path and jacked a car here and there. He has no clue if his parents survived, his phone died on his way to the cabin and he left the charger when he abandoned his apartment.

Theme Song:

Full Name: Lane Keith Twiss

Nickname: Lane, Keith

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Personality: Lane is open, friendly, inclusive and highly (even unrealistically) optimistic. In common with most young men, he is a risk taker and believes himself to be indestructible, when in this case, he is not. He is also easily distracted, often breaking into rants about things that have nothing to do with the current situation, far-fetched stories about his brother and indulging in a flight of fantasy about several things in the future: all at the most inconvenient of times. Being born in the city of Savannah, he presents himself as a goofy, beer-loving country guy with an artless and naive world view. But Lane's irrepressible optimism leads to some mixed relationships with other people, who usually cannot figure out if Lane is genuinely oblivious to the world around him or if he has a highly resilient, tough-minded personality who chooses to mask or defend it behind a light-hearted surface persona. Although his seeming obliviousness to the severity of the situation implies that he is rather naive or even unintelligent, this view is gravely mistaken: he is not stupid, as he proves many times over tough situations. Whatever is supposed to be the truth, Lane shows the view that life is a thrill-laden adventure whilst his open and friendly nature allows him to form affectionate bonds with people (if they let him) effortlessly. He is one who is quick to claim everyone as his friends.

Likes: Music, cars, beer, guns, talking, cats, stories, sleep, family, friends

Dislikes: Silence, sadness, spicy foods, snow, being interrupted

Fears: Loneliness, death, loud noises

Weapon: Firefighter axe

Inventory: Dried food, three bottles of water, matches, flashlight, batteries, sweatshirt, bandaids

Skills: Lane isn't entirely the brightest but he knows everything about common survival. He knows what to eat, what not to eat, mechanics and has a great amount of strength that he often puts to use. He is also very good at comforting people and making them laugh.

Weaknesses: As stated before, he isn't the brightest crayon in the box and his mouth tends to run away sometimes. He loves to tell stories, and often tells them at the worst of times.

Biography: Lane, the carefree man he is today, didn't get into cars until around the age of twelve, only because he was helping his mother and brother, Dave with what they had. They ran a mechanics shop and antique shop, a family-owned business and something he was going to inherit once his parents passed away. It was the only focus they had other than eachother, and from day in and day out it was living together and working together. Nothing bad happened, no one get mad or got into fights, it was pure bliss and harmony. It was like this from the day he grew up, until the day the infection broke. Lane was sleeping on the couch in the garage one morning and the screams of his mother woke up him up. Boy, the first thing he saw when he walked into his childhood home kitchen was not something anyone would see. His father was eating the neck off his mother, with his brother nowhere to be seen. Turning right around, the man locked himself up in the garage without a word. It's a wonder how he manages to keep his happy / goofy composition with what has happened to him.

Theme Song:

Other: Born and raised in Savannah, Georgia, because of this, he is your typical country hick. Has a very thick southern accent and often mispronounces words.

Full Name: Ophelia Jezebel Rose

Nickname: Ophe

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Personality: It doesn't take more than a single glance to figure out this one’s not completely there. Scathingly vertically challenged at five foot four and weighing only one hundred and twenty pounds, Ophelia appears very harmless and young to the majority that set eyes upon her, which couldn't be further from the truth. She's a whopping firecracker ready to slam her effectual fists across your jaw if you sass her the wrong way and she probably trumps unless your something of the unique interest. She is the darkest horse receding at the edge of the herd, barely noticeable but still snorting at every remark she doesn't agree with. Her defense mechanisms are exhausting. Her rough exterior leaves little to be desired. While she may occasionally offer a helping hand, Ophelia doesn't stray too far from her comfort zone. Her unwillingness to let people walk through her front door often shuts down any initial thoughts of companionship or acquainted friendship. Best described as a predator, she moves as one, holding a dangerous potential in her movements and attitudes. These are traits that many have tried weaning her away from, to no avail. She's a shot of whiskey doused in cheek-puckering rye. Strong and goes down stinging, burning down your throat. You swear you won't have another. You won't speak with her. But, you do. And she hates you for it. Ophelia is not the type of person you would notice right away, not unless you were really looking for her. The less people that notice you, the more you tend to be able to get away with it. That isn't to say that she can't stand out or draw attention to herself if she wants to, her preference simply lies in remaining under the radar. She's not without her imperfections. Beneath that veil is something different, a blossom yet to bloom. The harsh environment surrounding her made her like this, so she is only a diamond in the rough.

Likes: Silence, snow, cats, music, nature, animals, books, reading, writing

Dislikes: Loud noises, annoying people, stuck-up people, dogs, sickness

Fears: Pain, sorrow, loneliness, unacceptance

Weapon: Bow

Inventory: Bag of chips, biscuits, bottle of water, sweaters, journal, pencils

Skills: She knows some medical knowledge, outdoor knowledge, and can cook well with any ingredients.

Weaknesses: She is very broken and emotional and often cannot handle things if they send her over edge. If something or someone hurts her, she likes to be alone.

Biography: Ophelia's childhood was everything normal for a young girl. She would wake up everyday with a smile on her face, and fall asleep with one each night. Her parents treated her like royalty, considering she is an only child in her little, humble family. She was given things she did not need and excused from things she truly needed to figure out and learn independently. From the day she was brought onto the Earth, to the when she turned thirteen she had lived in France. Roaming the streets and saying hello to the people on the market was a usual thing, and was often called "Sweet Ophelia" for her gentle composition by the locals. All was normal until she was ripped from the grasps of her mother and father due to a harsh, and deadly car accident leading to both of them leaving, forever. Sweet Ophelia, was no more. She was thrown into the arms of her mother's sister and forced to move to America for a fresh start, which only lead to her forgetting and leaving everything dear to her behind. She never left the house unless it was for school or important matters. Day in and day out would she sit in her room and stare out the window with her empty eyes, hoping, wishing that her old life would come back to her. Although, in the back of her mind she knew it wouldn't. Once the infection broke out, it never phased her, she did what she wanted. Ophelia climbed into the tornado shelter by herself behind the house and locked the door, leaving her aunt and uncle outside to die just like the rest of the people. She was one of the lucky ones.

Theme Song:

Other: She knows French.

View attachment 11066FullName: Eclipsis Harper

Nickname: Clips (prefers Eclipsis)

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Personality: Very outgoing, focused, strong and usually likes to lead a high ranking role in life

Likes: Staying in groups, acrobatics, helpful and assisting partners

Dislikes: Complaining people, lazy people, splitting up, being alone

Fears: Becoming a zombie

Weapon: View attachment 11068View attachment 11067

Inventory: Grapplinghook, 20 9mm magazines, first-aid kit, compass

Skills: Highly acrobatic, good with a pistol

Weaknesses: Partners dying

Biography:Eclipsis Gene Harper was born October 7, 1989 on the small island of Ironwood, but moved to Chicago when she was 3. She grew up with a guynamed Kyle Turner who had also moved to Chicago from Ironwood, and they had been friends ever since. When she was 18, she and Kyle had both joined up for National Security and slowly became the highest ranking leader in her district.When she was 20, her and Kyle had been involved in a disaster that led the island of Ironwood in ruins and flames, Kyle was accused and taken away to some top secret facility in Asia, but it was unknown to Eclipsis. She spent 4 years (and still does) searching for this facility but can never find it. Her goal today is to find Kyle and get somewhere safe.

Theme Song:


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