- NEW FILE?BASICSANGELEXTRAsupersonic - little winters
virtual angel makerWelcome to the virtual angel maker! This is the main character thread for the rp virtual angel for a general idea for the rp please refer to the interest check as of right now. A more detailed thread about the setting and lore will come out at a later time but for now, I will be answering any questions you may have about the rp for your characters within the temporary ooc.
Below are a few reminders before making your characters.
♡ The current age range for characters will be from 18-30. Players will also expected to be at least 18.
♡ All characters are to be attributed to a virtue.
While it can be used as a basis, characters do not necessarily have to reflect on the chosen virtue. For example, the angel of love could be obsessed with love or vice versa they may have an aversion or feel nothing it's just up to you.
Plot-wise, Ai chooses the virtues for the characters but as of now there is no apparent correlation, and is thought to be random.
Please choose one of the individual virtues listed here. As of now the virtues of faith, hope, and love are not available.
♡ Currently, the rp will be accepting 8 angels. However, more positions and different roles may open in the future.
♡ At the moment there is no deadline for sheets until I finish up other relevant information needed.
♡ art by @aaanarratorrr - NEW FILE?BASICSANGELEXTRAsupersonic - little winters
basic profilefull name
age & d.o.b.
place of birth + current residence
occupation; please list if they're current students as well as any part-time/full-time/freelance jobs
eye color
hair color
a written description of their appearance
1 visual image
a brief summary of their personality
3 positive traits
3 negative traits
what are their goals, dreams, and aspirations?
household background, are both parents present? do they have any siblings?
other relevant characters in their life - NEW FILE?BASICSANGELEXTRAsupersonic - little winters
angel fileangel of ???, what is their representative virtue?
representative color
transformed appearance
eye color
hair color
what is the difference between their usual and transformed appearance?
magical outfit/suit
magical girl stick, can be anything really, could be the usual wand or weapon or just anything that could relate to your character
ability, please stick to one basic ability for now. Nothing too op, they'll gain more as the story progresses
origin story, how did they encounter ai, and what drives them to continue being an angel? could be left empty and worked out in the plot. - NEW FILE?BASICSANGELEXTRAsupersonic - little winters
extraall things listed here are entirely optional, feel free to add any other details to your character.
character theme song/playlist
catch phrase
voice claim
hobbies & interests
image gallery
云 / YUNN
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