• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Multiple Settings ʚ𝐯𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐫ɞ




    supersonic - little winters

    virtual angel maker
    Welcome to the virtual angel maker! This is the main character thread for the rp virtual angel for a general idea for the rp please refer to the interest check as of right now. A more detailed thread about the setting and lore will come out at a later time but for now, I will be answering any questions you may have about the rp for your characters within the temporary ooc.

    Below are a few reminders before making your characters.

    ♡ The current age range for characters will be from 18-30. Players will also expected to be at least 18.

    ♡ All characters are to be attributed to a virtue.

    While it can be used as a basis, characters do not necessarily have to reflect on the chosen virtue. For example, the angel of love could be obsessed with love or vice versa they may have an aversion or feel nothing it's just up to you.

    Plot-wise, Ai chooses the virtues for the characters but as of now there is no apparent correlation, and is thought to be random.

    Please choose one of the individual virtues listed here. As of now the virtues of faith, hope, and love are not available.

    ♡ Currently, the rp will be accepting 8 angels. However, more positions and different roles may open in the future.

    ♡ At the moment there is no deadline for sheets until I finish up other relevant information needed.

    ♡ art by @aaanarratorrr
云 / YUNN
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angel of kindness
representative color: blue
ability: water manipulation
Full name: Amelia Shan Wing-Fung ("Helena" and "Lydia" are among her common aliases)

age: 25, May 13
gender: Female

place of birth: Hong Kong, current residence in the Central & Western district

occupation: Independent escort for wealthy clients, has taken her work into the Shin Sekai more and more lately

height: ~178cm
eye color: Red, apparently natural
hair color: Red, clearly dyed

A well-built woman with a sculpted figure, on the tall side. She clearly takes good care of herself and can look rather striking when she wants to.


Amelia is by all impressions a confident but measured individual, someone who rarely speaks first or necessarily last, but almost always takes charge in the middle. Well spoken and considerate, her presence is amorphous, becoming comforting, icy, or alluring as someone needs her to be.

However, in the Shin Sekai she leans towards the passive side, even becoming awkward when out of her depth.

Positive traits:
  • Adaptable to those around her
  • If not exactly a leader, still falls into the role of a guide easily
  • Forgiving, a bad first or second impression rarely damages one's standing with her

Negative traits:
  • Short-sighted, has trouble planning for the long term
  • Becomes envious easily, rarely for material things but towards the relationships and confidence of others
  • Isolated, somewhat asocial outside the two forms of her work and has trouble forming lasting relationships. Can have a flaky impression as a result.
what are their goals, dreams, and aspirations: Amelia's main goal is to ride the train to the end of the line in a metaphorical sense, living her cushy, self-absorbed life as long as possible. Even so, something inside her wants to look for a more solid purpose, something she can sustain herself on once the train stops.

Amelia came from a straightforward privileged background, rarely wanting for anything. Her parents are still around, retired from the law firm they own, but they never talk to Amelia any more. She doesn't go to the big family gatherings.

Her older sister Judith is a dermatologist who similarly owns her own clinic. Amelia attended the same university as her, pursuing an accounting degree, but dropped out in her last year. Judith talks to her on occassion and keeps her updated on the family.

Other relevant characters:

StarBlazer (known to her as Reisa), an acquaintance Amelia met online playing video games during her downtime and has a somewhat flirtatious relationship with. Was the one who got Amelia into exploring the Shin Sekai.

Angel of Perspicacity, the virtue symbolizing deep insight and understanding

Representative color: Red and white

Height: ~178cm
Eye color: Red, sparkly
Hair color: Red, radiant

What is the difference between their usual and transformed appearance?: In terms of physical features, there is little difference between both of Amelia's forms. However, her eyes and hair gain a distinct sparkle and gleam, as if they are made of crystal and have numerous tiny shining particles in them.

Magical outfit:
When transformed, Amelia's outfit changes to a cute, tantalizing red and white frilled bodice with laces on the front and back, as well as a short puffy skirt with bloomers. The kind of thing that would qualify as cute sleepwear if she wasn't jumping around and fighting monsters with it.

Magical girl stick:
The signature weapon of the Angel of Perspicacity is an ornate ebony arbalest with silver adornments that automatically loads and fires bolts that either remain solid or rapidly transmute to beams of blazing light. The outer edges of the bow part are keenly sharp, allowing the arbalest to be wielded like an axe or scythe.

The Angel of Perspicacity currently possesses the ability to generate constructs of glass that are either clear or reflective. They generally take the form of jagged, tree-like shapes or simple floating mirrors that can reflect the beams fired by her weapon.

Origin story:
Amelia continued to lead her life as usual, entertaining well-heeled travelers and expat businesspeople who were looking for arm candy to accompany them to upscale establishments, lavish social gatherings and the casinos of Macau, as well as provide them the expected entertainments when night fell.

But off the job, she has become increasingly isolated, spending more time alone in the Shin Sekai. When she met Ai in an expanse of vacant sea and sky, she accepted her offer out of sheer curiosity, and continues to fulfill her missions for amusememt and a vague notion that they may lead her to a new path in her life.

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