Viritus - Sign up

Lol it's still a thinking process but he becomes a werewolf *gasperz*

But I might just make something different. I've really never played a werewolf ( I think ) before, Im not that fond but I might
:3 Just do which one you will be comfortable playing. The more types of people there are the more interesting this becomes. 
Im limited on time since im using the Wi-Fi of a place that closes at 9:30 or 10 pm my time. Meaning soon ill be off. So, since I know there are people who are applying I will post the thread. If one more person posts before I leave then we can start, if not you all can go ahead and start and Ill join in tomorrow.
UnholyRedemption said:
:3 Just do which one you will be comfortable playing. The more types of people there are the more interesting this becomes. 
Im limited on time since im using the Wi-Fi of a place that closes at 9:30 or 10 pm my time. Meaning soon ill be off. So, since I know there are people who are applying I will post the thread. If one more person posts before I leave then we can start, if not you all can go ahead and start and Ill join in tomorrow.
What time is it for you? Tell us if you leave
I will. Im making a post though so I would have done something. However it is her killing a npc. >_< 
I've posted. I might be on for half an hour or so...maybe, just ignore its length please.
Name: Kain Highron

Age: 20



Reason: "Humans are a dying pathetic race that don't deserve to live let alone thrive in this world." -Kain- He is blunt about how he feels. If he doesn't like you you'll know and the same if he likes you. He does hate all of humanity just most of it. His physical strength, speed and agility have been advanced far beyond that of even the best athletes in the world.

How long: He has been cursed for 2 years, since the death of his family.

Personality: He is very blunt and straight forward. He doesn't hide anything about himself.

History: It was only his sister and himself living in a house and one night a deformed person attacked his sister. It tore her open letting her guts spill on the floor and then just left her. Still alive. Like that. Since that day he has had no remorse for other people's suffering.

Other: favorite color is black. Uses a sword and duel-wield pistols.


I thought I'd apply for this with a new character, hope she isn't suckish or anything. c: BTW, like I say in the other section of the form, she may seem like she'll become a Sympathetic Sue, but she won't. ^-^

Name: Gwendolyn 'Gwen' Fare

Age: 17

Appearance :


(But Gwen's eyes are all the light brown color. c:)

Reason: After the murder of her brother and aunt, Gwen's normally kind heart was filled with dark thoughts : thoughts of revenge. She got powers because she thinks they might aid her in finding out what happened. Gwen's main powers are powers that put someone into a trance-like state, a state which she can tell any lies they make and wipe their memories afterward. She uses this to interrogate the subjects the police let off, or just anyone whom possibly could have a hand in the murder of her brother and aunt.

How long : For three months and two days.

Personality: Gwen is now filled with hatred towards, and consumed with a want to kill who murdered her brother and her aunt. Despite this, she still has her kind nature from before the murders, and is quite kind, although she has trust issues. She also has a strong sense of justice, even over small things, and because of this she will speak up for what she believes in, and doesn't hesitate to argue if she feels someone is wrong about something. She also is very blunt, and will sometimes say things or ask questions other people would shy away from asking.

History: When she was little, Gwen had everything - both her parents, a caring older brother, intelligence, many friends, a nice house.

But when she was six, her father ran away with someone almost half his age, which is the root of Gwen's trust issues. After that, her mother was never quite the same, burdened with raising two young children by herself, she never quite got over the rejection of her now-ex husband, and for a while she fell into depression. With her mother not able to function properly, Gwen's brother, Cyrus, took over, even though he was only nine, he became a father figure to Gwen, someone Gwen could rely on. Gwen's mother seemed to recover after a couple of weeks, and began acting like a mother again, but when Gwen was nine her mother killed herself after being rejected by her newest romantic conquest.

Gwen then went to live with her Aunt Margaret, her mother's sister, who treated Gwen and Cyrus lovingly, like they were her own children. For a handful of years, the dark shadow of bad luck seemingly following the two children seemed to give up. Gwen and Cyrus came out of their shells, blossoming into normal teenagers - Cyrus even had a girlfriend - until the fall right before Gwen was to turn 16.

It was October 21st, midnight, she had been out with friends, and returned at 11:58, just in time to meet her weekend curfew of midnight, she ran inside, happy to see her Aunt hadn't waited up for her, like she normally did, as Gwen always felt guilty, like she forced her Aunt to stay up that late.

Her happiness didn't last long though, as soon she found the bodies of her brother and aunt.

The police ruled it as murder, they did an investigation, but it had been 14 months since their deaths when Gwen heard about this whole power thing, and the case had gone cold, the leads had led to nothing, there were a few suspects, all were interviewed, and let off the hook.

Gwen has been harboring hatred in her heart since, the hatred for this person who murdered her brother and aunt, and so when she heard about the powers she knew she needed to do it - if the roles were reversed, Gwen had been murdered and Cyrus didn't know who did it, she was sure he would do anything in his power to find it out.

Plus, Gwen wanted to punish the person.

Other: Gwen might sound like a Sympathetic Sue, but she tries not to let the bad luck she's been through rule her life, other than the focusing on finding the killer, and the hatred she feels for the killer, she tries to live normally, and not throw pity parties - besides, she really doesn't trust people enough to tell them of her history.
Name: Dr. Keiji Kadou

Age: 21

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/image.jpg.8ee89f727a8abf378acb5051723e4809.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5467" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/image.jpg.8ee89f727a8abf378acb5051723e4809.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Reason/How long: Not a Devetal

Personality: A scatterbrained young man, with a serious devotion to his job. Although he has lapses in memory, he is a quick thinking individual and is very intelligent. He generally remains kind and compassionate regardless of the situation he is in. He is generous and often donates out of his own pocket towards curing the cursed. He believes that everyone deserves a chance to get their humanity back.

History: A spokesperson for pro-cure activists, Keiji has worked for many years on a cure for Viritus, after the cold-blooded murder of his younger twin sister. He has succeeded in creating a serum that slows the deterioration of the cursed, mentally and physically. Unfortunately that serum is very expensive and only privileged to the rich. He is working to lower the cost of the medication. He is never without his trusty sidekick, Teach, a dog that Keiji had saved from a research facility when he was a pup. Teach is very protective and has saved Keiji's life many times. That isn't to say Keiji himself is defenseless. He often outsmarts his opponents rather than get physical, although he has taken several martial arts courses and always carries a small sidearm, just in case reasoning is out of the question, and his life is endangered. He currently stands as the mediator between pro-cure and anti-cure groups, keeping the public updated on the status of the cure, and any price changes on the medication Viritrex. Word is that he may be close to cracking the code to a cure...


Species: Engineered Wolf/Dog with DNA alterations

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/image.jpg.dfb421b9340a8115dc416a674d3d2d03.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5468" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/image.jpg.dfb421b9340a8115dc416a674d3d2d03.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Tough, protective and cautious, Teach does not trust anyone aside from Keiji himself. He is especially wary of the cursed.

Bio: He was experimented on as a pup, having his DNA altered until Keiji rescued him and took him in. He now is willing to put himself in danger in order to keep Keiji safe.



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Name: "Iron Fist" Masaomi Cross

Age: 20


Reason/How long: Not a Devetal, he is human however has a genetic mutation in his DNA, meaning his strength is not limited, like a normal humans'. However he does have his limits at 100% human body strength, rather than surpassing it like some rare cases.

Personality: Like any professional bodyguard, Masaomi is calm and collected for the most part. He doesn't have a variety of mood swings but if you get him angry, watch out. He has a serious temper, especially if his client is threatened. He becomes very violent and destructive if his client is in danger, though shows little concern over his own safety, such as his multitude of history in gunshot wounds, stabs, and of course blunt impact. He seems to ignore pain and continue fighting. He is listed as one of the most dangerous humans in the world, and has killed many Devetals and is very experienced in dealing with their abilities. He isn't easily impressed or surprised. He also is a man of few words.

History: Masaomi grew up in a rural town outside of a major city, with his mother and younger brother. The spill out of Devetals from the city forced the young Cross to learn how to fight at a very young age, where it was discovered that his brain cannot limit his strength to the normal 12-20% of a normal human. He can access all 100% of his muscles' strength and speed capacity, however it caused him severe damage in his bones, muscles, and nerve tissue. He has broken nearly every bone in his body several times over, and to this day still injures himself often. He picked up a habit of smoking as a means of relaxing and dealing with the constant pain he felt growing up. After years of suffering, his pain tolerance levels drastically increased, and today he can brush off things like broken bones like they're nothing. He tried hard to fit into normal society, but his abnormal strength scared people away, until he became a bodyguard, where scaring people away was part of the job. He has guarded many of the worlds' top political leaders, bank owners, and now scientists. He is called "Iron Fist" Masaomi for a reason, and is very good at his current job of guarding Dr. Keiji Kadou.
[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]I definitely join if I could understand this better. Since you're on, I request your assistance, @paipai900

And how do you know that I am on? Maybe I'm off? But, okay.
[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]I am the oracle, I am all knowing. I don't really understand the whole power thing.

Okay, can I have a specific question? But, the whole power thing is kind of like this; You trade in your life for powers, the powers use up your life source causing a shortened life span and then you rot and die a painful death. The end.
Name: Vezik Orculim

Age: 18

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/image.jpg.963ec1ab51a3b3cc961cac86b46bef6b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5515" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/image.jpg.963ec1ab51a3b3cc961cac86b46bef6b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Replace mask with bandages.)

Reason: To put it simply, Vezik wanted revenge. He wanted to see the people who took the most previous thing in his life brutally murdered. For this to happen, he needed power. He didn't care what it was, as long as he had it. Even though he has the ability to use his powers, he still has no idea what they actually are. Sometimes it's some form of energy and other times he takes on some strange characteristic. Regardless of what his powers actually are, if they can kill, everything is fine.

How long : Was it a month or was it three? Time really flies when you're on a mission.

Personality: Unlike many others with his 'curse', Vezik is perfectly sane. He has no desire to harm an innocent or even get involved with them. This must mean he's the good guy, right? He's a hero that puts a stop to the bad guys? Hell no.

Vezik is a killer and he will remain that way until his desire is met. He shows no mercy and can kill without issue. If you are an obstacle or stop his progress, you will be eliminated. Although, if you don't try to kill him and he has no reason to kill you, everything is fine. Quite an easy set of rules, yes?

He's always serious and focused on his mission. Humor, love, friendships, happiness, it's all worthless. The only thing that matters is killing the bastards who made him what he is today.

This doesn't necessarily make him heartless, he's just set in his ways. At times, his conscience will get the best of him and he'll help people against his better judgement. However, it will not come without a price. Information, connections, a lead, if you have something, he expects it in return.

Overall, he doesn't care about his life. In fact, he welcomes death with open arms. When his mission is done, he'll embrace it. He hates what he's become and would like nothing more than to have someone like him disappear. Hover, until he gets his revenge... He. Will. Not. Die.

History: After his mother passed away from illness, Vezik was left alone with his baby sister. Times were hard enough as it is, but now they were by themselves. The future looked bleak, but Vezik was determined to do his best.

Awhile after he began raising his sister on his own, the world fell into chaos. People were dying and being cursed to fulfill desires. He was completely disgusted with what people had become and what the world now was. However, he didn't lose hope and was determined to never change.

Years passed and the world fell harder. His sister was having a rough time of it, but he assured her that things would get better. To this day, he thinks about how that was a damn lie.

Things continued to get worse, but he held onto his convictions and now he even had his sister believing so. He was a bastard for giving her false hope, but he couldn't bear to see her cry anymore. It was during this time that their spirits were brightest, but it was also the time where everything changed.

Have you ever had that feeling? The feeling of watching your flesh and blood covered in crimson right before your eyes? The feeling of having a blade penetrate your body as you call out to a corpse, praying that they'll somehow stand up like nothing ever happened? The feeling of being able to do nothing as the killer gets away with a smile, but you see yourself as the monster? Vezik had that feeling and it was more painful than anything in the world.

After that day, Vezik lost hope. In what you ask? Everything. He lost faith in humanity and the world itself. With the only thing he cared about taken from this world, it was trash. Trash that deserved to burn.

He didn't care about anything but revenge. It was all he could think about. That's when he too became 'cursed'. He became the very thing he hated and he hated himself even more for becoming it. However, he would not define it as a 'curse'. The people that took advantage of this, they were the curse.

With his newfound abilities, Vezik roams with only one purpose. Kill the bastards that took everything from him and then kill the biggest monster of all. Himself.

Other: Vezik is an extremely skilled combatant and carries multiple weapons on his person. His primary weapons consist of a revolver and a sword connected to a chain.

In case you haven't realized it yet, it'll be stated clearly. Once he gets his revenge, he's going to die. Best decision he's made in his whole damn life as far as he's concerned.



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