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The Colour Red
(The role play link)

The Viritus Curse

Humans, creatures who desire and lust for power were always destined to be punished by their own selfish desires. They never believed so until people began to vanish and corpses were found days later, until people randomly fell to the ground in screams as their bodies collapsed.

First it is just simple coughing, then its blood dripping from the corner of their lips, next they will slowly wither as their organs begin to fail and they begin to scream in pain. They will fall to the ground and scream as their bones break and their organs give out, leaving them a mass of rotten flesh and broken bones.

Why has this began to happen? No one knows and probably never will. Scientists continue to try and search for the vague answer that'll give them false hope about saving their race. Its far to late to stop it.

These cursed people are named Devetals.

Devetals loose themselves in the reason they desire this power and slowly they loose their lives, their minds and their future. The more they will this power, the faster this decaying process will take its toll on them. The longer it takes, the more likely they have lost their humanity to power.

The police cannot stop them, the leaders have given up trying to cease them and now they are left to roam the streets in the shadows, waiting.

Some of these people have desired power to gain revenge, or simply to massacre the innocent. Some traded their normal lives to have the power to help another. Two types of people wander these streets, ones who will kill you in the darkest ways possible, others who have yet to become that way, still retaining their faint humanity.

Which one are you?


Stage 0: Most Devetals are in either Stage 0 or 1, in Stage 0, their body has yet to rot and does not give off any deathly smell. Wounds still do heal at a slightly slower pace and may or may not leave a scar in its place. During Stage 0, your body is at its maximum power.

Stage 1: Most Devetals are in either Stage 0 or 1, in Stage 1, their body is slowly beginning to rot and gives of a slight scent of a corpse. Anything below a moderate wound will heal very slowly, but extremes will stay. You may find bugs in your body, but that's because they sense that you are dying. Your skin is a faint green/blue depending on the person. You may or may not have acute to moderate body aches.

Stage 2: This is when you can really tell that you are rotting. Only the simplest wounds will heal, like a little paper cut, but ever so slowly, may take a month or so. Your body gives off an obvious scent of a freshly dead person and your skin is somewhat cold to touch. Moderate to extreme body aches will occur, and there is nothing you can do except wait it off.

Stage 3: You're almost at the point of dying. All wounds inflicted on you will not heal, you may be forced to stitch yourself back up again. Your body is an obvious green/blue and is extremely cold to touch. Pain is very numb considering your nerves have almost completely stopped working. You'll smell like a rotten corpse and people may mistake you as a zombie and run off screaming.

Stage 4: The last stage of Viritus. Depending on how much power you use during this stage, you might die right then and there. In fact, you probably won't have enough strength to even move because of how much it hurts as you body is quickly deteriorating, very extreme body pains occurs and some even kill themselves to end it already. Your rotten, flesh is squishy and cold to touch. Puking out blood and guts, diarrhea, organ failures, etc. are all symptoms of Stage 4 of Viritus.

I hope it was worth it.


You do not have to play a cursed person, you can play any type of person. It could be one that is hunting this rogue people, or someone who is sympathetic to them and is trying to assist them. If you do not play a character that is cursed then you don't have to fill in the reason or how long they were cursed part of the skelly. Just note on the character information that he/she is not cursed.


Character Skeleton


Age: between 12 and 21

Appearance : Use an image

Reason: This is why your character wanted the power he/she has now received and what power he/she got. (If you are not playing a cursed character just ignore this)

How long : This is how long your character has been cursed for so far

(Just ignore this but put 'Not a Devetal' Somewhere here)

Personality: What is he/she like? The mental state of your character.

History: Before he/she was cursed and current time.

Other: This can be fears, facts or just general knowledge about him or her.

(Put anything significant we should know here, even put information on his/her power here if you want.)



Alexis Faith



Appearance :



Alexis hates people. To her everyone is after one another, searching for a reason to crush each other. So why not crush them all before she can be crushed? So she got the ability of poison generation. Due to her body generating poison and releasing it in multiple forms, her process of decay will speed up.

(This will give you more information on Poison generation.)

How long :

She has been cursed for about year by now.


She has a very sweet personality yet it is completely false, a mask pulled over her hatred and reason to appear normal in the eyes of others. One moment she is smiling and laughing away, the next she will snap, her sanity leaving her as she will attempt to kill brutally. She once before was a sweet girl with little worries or paranoia about the people around her. Once her uncaused paranoia set in she became distanced, often tuning out when someone is talking. She can be extremely rude and disrespectful to anyone for no apparent reason, but more than often she would have observed the person to see what they are like. She can be overly dramatic a lot and never serious. Its either sweet or sadistic. Never both.


Despite the sight of her in one of her 'tantrums' as she calls it, she was once the polar opposite of her twisted self now. She would often play outside with the other kids, go to school happily and make friends and spend nights out with her parents. Never seeing the bad side of life she was optimistic about everything, there was never a cup that was half empty.

It was at the age of fifteen that she had the first signs of her 'change' or at least the reason for her change. Her mother would come home depressed from work, fearing that her co-workers were out for her position. Her father came back drinking which left her alone. Still, they went out together as a family. It was at these nights out, often with business associates that she began to see the hatred in the gaze of her mothers and fathers 'friends' and began to question why. Fear, she began to fear what those people would do to get what they want, to get their wish. She was paranoid.

At Sixteen she began to twist, often threatening her parents 'friends' when they came over, scaring them off with anything she could even if they were innocent. Using their dirty little secrets or even physical attack to get these people away from her. She loved the sick thrill of their fear stricken faces and so wanted to see them even more, she wanted to see the different lights in peoples eyes at the very moment, how their lips would curl in fear and how they would plead. So she killed them.

She got away with it too.

Seventeen was when she became 'cursed'. A Devetal. She began to cough erratically, often hospitalized by her parents in fear she had contracted a disease or an illness, they were praying that she had not fallen to the power hungry curse that spread its lethal reach upon her. She did. Both parents became depressed, their only child was soon to be dead and so they stopped coming to see her. She didn't care on bit.

Eventually, bored of this isolated white prison she escaped and wandered the streets and bars, taverns and clubs to find a way to use this power, this ability to fulfil her wish to the best of its worthless ability. She ignored the blood she spat out and the often blind moments she received, engraving those faces into her mind.


- She is completely paranoid

- Her 'mask' of a sweet teen is hard to see through, but those who are cursed are more likely to see through it.

-She hates the colour orange and will avoid it all together.

-While she feels excited at the spilled blood of others she has the same feeling from seeing her own.

-She often has food and sharp weaponry on her somewhere on her person.

- She wants to die in a fight, not from the curse.

-She uses throwing knives as a weapon and if they are not available then she will use anything she can get her hands on.


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-Reserving a Spot-

Character Skeleton

Name: Razul "Hades" Darwin

Age: 15

Appearance :

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/image.jpg.e4f30577f188c285e0db6c168989cfe2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5327" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/image.jpg.e4f30577f188c285e0db6c168989cfe2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Reason: He wanted to take things away from people. For people to fear and be unsure when he is around. He wanted to be stronger than all and make sure he could never get things taken away from him. He wanted to use the unusable. Something that will always terrify and exist in humanity. Darkness. (Shadows etc.)

How long : 8 months, and he's gone on a bit of a rampage

Personality: Razul is a quiet and cold person. He isn't interested and has no time for anyone else mostly unless he is killing them or they have something of value, or by some miracle he takes interest in you. He thinks pretty highly of himself and likes his nickname "Hades" since he believes he is like a god. He likes to read and perfect his power. He believes the curse isn't a problem but a solution. He can be pretty sarcastic with people he actually likes and he enjoys torturing his victims slowly.


Razul used to be a shy and quiet child. Always bottling his emotions, he had always been underestimated and bullied as a child. His parents didn't show much time for him because of work so he had to always raise himself. He didn't mind having privacy but it only encouraged his paranoid and anti social personality. When he first entered high-school he started out strong only to end up being humiliated by his own friends when he was horribly beaten. He hated them, the only reason they did this was because of his odd personality, his geeky nature and his odd name. They called him tons of things as if they had nothing better to do. At the end of his freshmen year things started to change. He had contracted a disease known as the curse. People didn't notice at first, but on the last day of school the kids planned to beat Razul.

Razul was late to his house and the sun was setting when the kids appeared. The kids appeared, ready to beat Razul. Razul was angry and he started coughing. Blood coming from his mouth, at first the kids were scared. Unsure and worried but it made Razul smile, it's what he wanted. The shadows did the rest as the kids died. Razul ended up burrying him as he arrived home his parents had moved out. Knowing their son was cursed. Razul didn't care, he had a new goal. He had power.

Other: He can see in the dark but ironically he needs at least a tiny bit of light so he can control the surrounding darkness. As long as there is a minimal amount of light he can use it. But in pitch black darkness his chances of using it properly would end up in the darkness consuming him and others. So Shadows maybe? He can basically beat you up with his fists or weapons in the dark but not his powers in pure dark, oh and he can't use it much in an excessive amount of light either. So. YA.

Flash Bang Light, or SUPER MEGA LIGHT= Can't use

Plain Sun= Can use

Lantern Light= Can use

Pitch Black= Can't



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*Reserving a spot*

Name:Nix Evatelle

Age: 17 years

Appearance : Use an image

Reason: This is why your character wanted the power he/she has now received.

How long : 8 years ago

Personality: Nix initially comes off as absent minded, often acting like she has no interest in what is going on at the moment. Despite this, she actually sadistic in nature. She enjoys fighting and loves to mock others, but gives praise if she feels it is deserved.

History: Nix's parents abandoned her at age 12, but out of anger, she killed them. Want to know, ask her.

Other: Her favorite color is red.

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It's just the cool number. If you flip it sideways it's infinity. If you split it in half it's 2 zeros if you add a 7

OH GAWD 007 :o
Character Skeleton

Name: Rowena Ivory

Age: 20

Appearance: Rowena's already going through the rotting process, she gives off the scent of a corpse and her body's cell regeneration has stopped working, meaning all wounds that she gets will NOT heal. This is stage 3 of Viritus.

  • Faint Blue Skin: A symptom of Viritus, a sign where your body has stopped working properly. Rowena's skin is also very cold to touch.
  • Large Chuck of Missing Flesh: An obvious wound on her left forearm.
  • Missing Left Eye: After having her eye torn out, Rowena now has a bright glowing orb in the eye's place. It's rather creepy.
  • Deathly Scent: She smells like a rotten corpse, it's rather...disgusting. One time Rowena tried to cover the scent up by pouring buckets of perfume all over her, the perfume stung all her multiple wounds and she never tried to attempt masking her smell again.


Reason: Rowena had traded her life in for many reasons, it was a whole bunch of things that piled up and caused the woman to sign the contract with Death. Reason One was that Rowena was already dying, she wanted to go out with a bang. Inflicted with Stage 2 of terminal bone cancer, Rowena knew that she would just die like another person, first mourned over but then everyone would forget her over time. Reason Two was what pushed the young woman to trade her life off, and it was for revenge. She vowed that she would find her father's murderer and completely obliterate him or her.

Rowena's power is super strength, her muscles have hardened from the curse allowing her to lift heavier things, break through walls, etc. A
long with super strength, that also adds to speed, even though it's only for short distances. Because of how strong her leg muscles have become, Rowena is able to sprint quite fast and only for a short distance. She's kind of like those stereotypical superheroes who actually kill people, then again she can't fly, but she can jump high.

How long: She's been cursed for three years now, Rowena has used up a lot of her life energy, resulting in her current physical - and mental - state.

Personality: This....intriguing young woman is quite the cougar, she will hunt people down and torture them so badly, most will even take their own lives to escape the pain and terror this officer inflicts on them. Despite her violent nature, Rowena is, like a cougar, very motherly and protective of the people who are close to her, she'll do anything to keep them safe. Rather blunt, Rowena doesn't sugar coat things and will tell things to people straight out, not really caring about their feelings. She wants to be remembered after she dies, Rowena doesn't just want to fade, she wants to leave her mark on the world, even if it takes her life to do so.

History: As a child, Rowena would always play the game "Cops and Robbers", she had quite the sense of justice and vowed that she would put all criminals in line, making the world a better place. Rowena was born without a mother, for she died giving birth to her. She knew how hard to was for her father to work and raise her at the same time, although, she did find it funny how he tried to teach her about puberty. At the age fifteen, Rowena was diagnosed with terminal bone cancer and the doctors had said that she only had about ten years left to live. One day, when she was seventeen, Rowena's father was murdered by a mass murderer during his killing spree of random people. That was what tipped the young woman over. Struck with grief, Rowena vowed to herself that she would track that criminal down and destroy everything that s/he loved and then cut all three of his/er heartstrings, leaving him/er to die a slow and painful death. It was then when Rowena signed the curse contract with Death, trading her life in for vengeance.

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GoodNight Cressy~ 
Pai-chan joined :D All Accepted. Oh, Cressy I can't see your image >_< Also! Tell me when you lot think I should make a thread for the role play.
Fixed! And better and pai are still editing applications, we should wait for at least 1 to finish or until one more person posts 4-5 would be an okay amount
Yeah xD I might make another character...One that isn't mentally unstable that is.. Oh and I love using the superpower wikia :D
:D I use it as well, helps a lot like with Alexis. Poison generation~ :3

I will be creating another one soon also, mostly so there are the people that got cursed for a reason that isn't -I want to mass murder everyone-
Wait so can we make non cursed or just cursed? If not I may make a cursed weirdo who had been addicted to werewolfs all his life. He would watch like old movies and look up myths and maybe even search for them. Perty cray.

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