Viritus - Actual Role play.


The Colour Red
Here is the link to the sign up sheet which has all the information about the role play on. 
Darkness was intoxicating, it was something that any human like her would indulge in unnecessarily, that was if she could be considered remotely human after what she did. Cursed. People would scream that vile word at her, they would hate her and avoid her in pure, beautiful fear before they ran. They always ran. She couldn't help but chuckle at that, couldn't help but grin at their fright, couldn't help grin at their future. Death. Oh, if only she would be graced that bloody future. She would, and it wouldn't be pretty.

What was this psycho up to right now? Well, she was lounging in a wooden chair, her legs propped up on a wooden table as she grinned, green eyes staring ahead. At what? A couple. Why was there a couple? For her fun. Slowly, she stood up, dragging her steps so they created a noise, watching the delicate reaction that they two had. A flinch, two pairs of fearful eyes and the quiet sob. "You know its your end right!~" She purred, first reaching the woman. "You are pretty you know...I bet your parents loved you..." She whispered, pressing her hand upon the woman cheek, ignoring the cold feel of the gag. "Shame...that the police wont stop me, the army wont stop me and the government wont..." She reached into her pockets, dragging out the thin throwing knife as she pressed it against the centre between her two chocolate brown eyes. "Then you would live..~" She cooed before pressing forwards, watching the glossy red beads swell from her knifes cut, slowly pulling itself down her face. She could only grin in delight. "Lets have some fun...okay?~"

It was night, it was always night when she did what she did. Killed, the scent of blood was lovely if you didn't know. Reaching down, the woman was cast upon the floor like trash, easily thrown from her seat as she grinned, sitting on the floor next to her. "You see your husband! He is next, maybe you should live just to see that?" She paused, leaning closer. "Would you scream? Beg? Plead?" She asked before she scowled. "No...everyone is out to get each are out to get him too.." Her eyes went wide in fear, her skin a deathly pale. "NO!" She screamed, looking back at the bloodied woman with anger. "DIE!" Was all she could say before she set her hands around her throat, hearing the choked sob leave her chapped lips. It must have hurt... However, to Alexis she wasn't dying quick enough. She let out a growl, one growl that should never leave a humans lips, not even an animal had this sound. It was...monstrous. She brought her left hand to the woman's lips, setting it over her mouth before she used her power. Her lovely power.

The poison left her skin, it was like she was bleeding from no wound, the dark liquid passing from around her fingers and down her throat. What type of poison was it? One that was taken from a male Platypus. What did it do? It didn't kill, but it made the pain they felt even worse. She grinned, she could only grin at those fearful orbs. Why were they always so beautiful that she wanted to dig them out to keep them forever. She had before, but it wasn't as good without the expression on the persons face. "Does it hurt? Will you cry out to your husband?" With that she seemed to loose it, pushing her knife into the woman's chest without little regret or restraint. "You can' you know why? He wont save you? He is against you? Can you see that now?!" She asked loudly, staring as she leaned over till she was staring right in the near lifeless brown orbs. "Do you?~" She whispered before sitting up, her green tank top stained with a crimson red. "Oh...I'm dirty..." She mumbled, staring at he tank top lazily.

The woman no longer screamed. It wasn't fun now. It was dead. She stood up, her eyes gleaming in the abandoned apartments dim candle light as she reached out to brush the red locks from her face. She laughed! She began to laugh hysterically, her arms clutching at her slim stomach as she leaned forwards in glee. She was dead! She got a bloody death! Was her mom proud? No, the woman would hate her, she already left her to die with this curse. Nice woman. Her father was the same. She hated them both.

Blood, her own blood spilled through her vision as the effects of stage 0 of the curse appeared, causing her to cough violently. She was a Devetal, this was common and she was far to used to care about this petty cough. "Bloody hell..." The red head whispered as she stomped her foot onto the ground. Her mood, the lovely, sadistic and painful mood was gone! She was irritated beyond belief. So, turning to glance at the sobbing and probably traumatised but not for long male with a frown. "I really...Really...want to make it so no one can turn on me...if they do, they should die right..." It was a question, no, She wouldn't care for his answer anyway. "You...can wait till I see him...then ill end your miserable life..." After all, that man would soon come here.
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-Hades, Park Bench behind apartment complex-

Hades, or as people used to call him Razul sat in the cold wooden bench. Staring around the small children's park for some entertainment. The lamp post next to set down an orange light across the park. Making the swing sets and ramps cast eerie shadow across the soft sand. He hears a faint scream and laughs and he looks back at the apartment complex. He smirks slightly, he sees a couple of men sitting by the lamp post, taking pot shots and laughing as they looked at Razul. Razul smirked back at them as a shadowy tendril lifted itself. He first made it stab through the largest ones neck, pinning him against the lamp post while the other two ran. He swung his head back, grinning. He starts walking towards them as shadows block their paths. They scream and plead, he looks at them "I see...So you were judging me before but now you're at the brink of kissing my feet. Is that all you can do at the face of death..?" Razul lifted his arm, a sharp shadow tendril mimicking his actions. He slashes his arm and their bloods splatter. He lifts another shadow so he doesn't get much blood on himself.

His shoes were painted crimson red and the bottom of his jeans felt wet. He scowled at the dead bodies and pins them to a fence. He walks off.

((Got to go ill be on mobile))
(hope this post isn't too suckish, my first posts in a thread always are. c:)

Gwen looked around, frowning slightly as she wondered what to do next.

She honestly hadn't expected it to take this long to interview all these suspects, and had thought she would have at least some leads by now, but she still knew just as little as she had three months ago, before she got these powers.

She looked behind her for a moment, this whole ordeal had made her heavily paranoid, then sat down on a bench in the park, setting her head in her hands and sighing as she watched the sun set, pondering what to do.

The park looked eerie, she noticed, the absence of children in the playground, where there should be children, always contributed to the eeriness of a place - the eeriness of the swings moving in the wind, swings that should be propelled by children's legs, and she remembered when she herself had swung on those swings years ago.

Before long, she got lost in her memories.

She wasn't sure how long she'd been sitting there when she got up, but it had gotten quite a bit darker, so it must have been a while.

She looked around again for a minute, before blinking a couple of times, hoping her eyes adjusted to the dark quickly as she walked back to her apartment building, hands in the pockets of her green overcoat, her light brown hair whipping around her face in the wind.
Kain watched a woman torture a couple from a window nearby. He was impressed by this womans darkness. She embraced the fact that she was evil. Most of humanity hid the fact that they are scum and deserve everything they get from this world. He need a closer look. So he moved into the building even daring to move into the same room. She was insane and he loved it. She treated these people the same way he would. With no emotion but care for how they feel. If they are in anguish and misery then he would have done his job correctly.

He decided to let his presence be known. He moved closer to the torturer.

"You're too kind to them my dear."

He said standing behind her. He said she was being to kind, and she was. She let the woman die to quickly. You don't get to savor all the little details if you end it that quickly. Plus she only did one of the five basic torture tactics.

'Perhaps she needs to be taught.'

He thought to himself as he smiled with a devilish grin. She wouldn't trust him, but that would be expected and he would be insulted if she trusted him immediately. He didn't trust his teacher when they first met and that's kept him alive.

Anyway he wanted to teach the girl. She had the heart for it, the mind for it, and the patients? He would need to help her work on that, but she had the other two as he did when he was younger. He knew she would grow into a monster just like him. If not worse. This fact alone excited him no end. He would teach this girl all he had to offer. Then she may try to do what he did to his mentor. Use the skills that were learned to destroy him, and he was fine with that. Or they would travel together and terrorise anyone and everyone they met.

He watched her wondering what her reaction would be. Attack him? Watch him? Run from him? All three? Didn't matter. He would do what he came to do. Teach her. To make her perfect. To make her art flawless. To destroy humanity. One soul at a time. 
(I hope you guys like it...longest RP post for a character I've ever had.)
((And here comes Rowena))

Rowena Ivory, Community Park

Screams of terror and fear filled the air as a young woman strolled calmly through the park, happily enjoying the afternoon sun's warmth. The heat would relax her muscles and somewhat reduce the pain she was having, Rowena knew that she would only have about a year left to live, three if she didn't use her powers. Her body was already in Stage 3 of Viritus, giving off the scent of a rotting corpse. It was a horrifying sight, yes, but you can never judge a book by its cover.

Trailing her pale blue hand over her empty socket, the young woman stuck a slender finger in and plucked out a few maggots that had found their way into her body. Yes, it was gross having maggots and other flesh eating creatures in your body, munching away at you organs and what not. But, Stage 3 of Viritus would numb your body and you really wouldn't feel it as much.

Running a hand through her silky blonde locks, Rowena cracked a simple smile as she tangled her bloodied hand in her hair, loving the feel of it. After making the contract with Death, Rowena knew what was going to happen to her in the end, she would rot and die as her life energy ran out. But, her hair was the only thing that made her feel human again, it was so....luscious and...voluminous. The officer could recall how beautiful she was before she began to rot.

Chuckling softly, Rowena easily ignored the fear filled stares as she directed her gaze up to the blue skies and basked in the warmth of the sun, she could already feel her body degenerating as the seconds ran past her. Today was one of the more relaxing days, Rowena had gotten a large jump on her "special case" and was taking a day or two off to just calm down and enjoy the life she had left.

"Maybe I need to release some stress...." Rowena thought to herself as she kneel down to pet a little rabbit and accidentally ripped its head off. "Oops." the officer stated blandly as she could feel the horrified looks the normal people gave her. It hurt to be stared at that way, but, Rowena told herself that she would take this day off to calm down and enjoy life.

"But, it's so fun to kill." The voice in her head sounded off with a very sadistic point of view as Rowena suddenly appeared behind a group of middle aged adults who were whispering about his. A malicious glint appeared in Rowena's one golden eye as the other empty eye socket flashed a glowing ball of light.

And in a few seconds, the spring green of the park's grass was stained red with blood. Wiping her pale blue hands on a few of the bodies, Rowena sighed in relief, feeling relaxed already. "Today is a good day." The officer hummed a rather creepy happy tune as she skipped down the paved path of the park, an inhumane smile on her face.
Alexis hummed, such a childish tune from her lips as she suddenly stopped and laughed! Children were helpless little being that relied upon their parents, trusting them and flourishing upon their parents guidance. It was disgusting, however she did not know why this thought took over her mind. Shrugging it off she walked over towards the male, leaning forwards so she could study his eyes. She loved eyes, they were always so expressive. Fear, hatred, anger and depression all fit in to these tiny orbs.

She loved it.

"Do you hate me?" She asked, looking at him blankly as she giggled. "Do you want to kill me, take revenge?" She asked once more, this time reaching over to grab his hair, pulling it back when the man refused to look at her. "Or is it you want to die too?" Her voice but a whisper as she said this, she actually looked sympathetic to him. Only for a moment. Then, it seemed someone would interrupt.

Green eyes moved to look at the male who entered, her features dropping still she stood expressionless as she stared. Who was he, was he against her? Did he come here by accident? What did his screams sound like? All questions she wanted to know. She ceased in her tracks, releasing the mans hair as she stopped, facing him. "To kind?" She whispered, enjoying the shadows that were cast upon the new male. Shadows made everyone beautiful, she didn't understand why everyone didn't give into this mind numbingly beautiful power.

"I simply lost my mood..." Trailing off she studied him before tilting her head. She had no trust, and so she was cautious as she held one knife in her hand ready. She could release her poison just as easily but she waited. "Who are you?" Her voice began to get higher in panic, her eyes growing wide in thought. "You...Do you wish to kill me?" She asked before stomping her foot. "Why is it everyone is against me!" She shouted.
The corner of his lip curved upward into a wicked. Then he laughed very darkly.

"I am Kain and no my dear. I'm not against you. On the very contrary. I want to help you, because when I look at you my dear. I see myself when I was younger. The fascination with the eyes. How they hold all the emotions. Fear, hatred, bitterness, revenge. But how to get everything out of the experience? I can help you with that. I want to teach you how to make humanity suffer. Here."

Kain motioned for her to move closer to him.

"I know you don't trust me, but even my old master referred to me as...unique set of meanings. That means my eyes...come look. Some people call them unnatural but they are."

He said with a smile knowing that her fascination with eyes would outweigh her paranoia. He should know. He was just like her.
Alexis stared at him carefully, her hands settled upon her waist as she observed him. He was not covered in blood, he would definitely look better in blood. Blood was fascinating wasn't it? She was starting to wonder who she was talking to when her mind ran off like this. Probably herself, but on that note she enjoyed talking to herself. He spoke, making her stare at him blankly before her scowl vanished. "Not?...Against me?" She repeated those foreign words quietly.

He was lying! Right?

Green orbs stared at him with irritation. He was like her?...Oh, A Devetal. Such amusing people the Devetal group seem to hold. She had met a small girl cursed by this painful death. She was so....Pure. A choked sound passed her lips as another round of coughing occurred, instantly her hands shot up to press against her throat, the other against her chest. It hurt. It was lovely though. It showed she was still alive. She hated being alive sometimes.

He offered to help her. That was odd, a new question that she didn't know how to answer. So she thought. Her head tilted, the two red tails of hair tilted with the motion of her head as she then pursed her lips. "A-alright..." Of course, she had to check his eyes. Eyes were books, waiting to be looked over after all. She stepped forwards, ignoring the scent of the coppery liquid upon her clothes and skin, ignoring the blood dripping from her lips as she stared at him, glancing up.

Eyes were always truthful, they couldn't lie just like lips could. So for minutes she waited watching his eyes as she tilted her head. They didn't lie. He wasn't against her? Was that possible? She...didn't know how to react. Shocked beyond belief the Devetal just nodded dumbly, still staring. She did not know what to say. "I believe you then."
"I'm going to step out the shadows so that you may see my eyes color now. And my dear I don't just mean being a Devetal. When I was younger I also didn't take as much time as I should have in the destruction of human life."

He looked down at her shirt and smiled darkly again.

"That color makes you look beautiful my dear."

He said referring to the blood on her shirt. He loved that color. Blood always made everyone more beautiful just like the shadows.

"Anyway. Would you like to start your training here and now? Any volunteers?"

He said and he looked over at the tied up man.

"Thank you good sir for volunteering. No no no don't get up sir. We'll come to you."

He said his smile widening and then he looked at her again.
Alexis just raised a thin brow to him as she set her head to lean to the left, watching him carefully. She had to be careful right? If she didn't? Would she end up like that woman? That wasn't a bad thing. She shook her head softly as she watched him. Dangerous. She actually thought someone was dangerous? That was wrong considering her current status. How fun.

Beautiful? That was definitely new. She didn't see how a monster was beautiful? Was it? She question in her mind before a grin came to her lips, her hand settled on her waist. This man said that he was like her, that means he was a monster too. Feeling a blush take over her cheeks, the warmth making her laugh. That feeling, it was something she liked. She only had this feeling when she cut her victims up before. Now as well she guessed.

She nodded, motioning for him to go to the male. She was bored of his sobs after all, they were common, nothing special. She still wore that grin, and she still found this whole thing amusing. "Go ahead then sir!~" She spoke with a mock bow, giggling slightly. So much fun this should be, it actually made her excited. What would happen? She didn't even know!
He stepped out of the shadows and revealed his bright purple eyes. He grinned at her blush and moved closer to her.

"No my dear you go towards him and kneel down next to him and Then I will come over and show you what to do."

He said as he moved within a foot from her. He leaned in and took a long deep breath of her scent. He found it intoxicating. The mixture of her natural scent and the blood gave her a just that much better scent. He looked straight into her eyes as he said what he said.
How...odd. Purple eyes? They were strange, new and still odd her books. Why were they purple? She didn't know nor would she question. It can't be that bad. It's not like she'd meet someone with gold or glowing eyes right? (@paipai900 hehe x3) She nodded her head before she turned upon her heels, walking over to the male with a grin. She was curious to what sounds he made when his breath was stripped form his and his death so blindingly close.

She sat herself on the floor next to the bound mad, her head settled on her hands as she studied him. Tears stained his dusty cheeks with thin trails. Brown orbs stared at her with disgust and sadness. Did he pity her? Was it because she was a Devetal? Pity was a human emotion and she wasn't human. "Fine. I'm listening." She whispered under her breath, glancing back over to the man with a look of curiosity.

(Get Rowena and Gwen to meet, or meet the God-complex hades or Kuja-san when he posts.)
He moved towards them a knelt down right behind her.

"For now he is all yours my dear. Show me your sharp torturing technique. Then we will move on, but I say this and I mean it. No matter how tempting it may be. Don't kill him...yet. I will tell you when it is time."

He said as he was ever so close to her. He needed this angle. To see her skill from her POV (point of view)

"And I know your ask my dear. I will answer any question you ask me truthful. You have my word."

He whispered in her ear.
She didn't move, flinch or even look worried. Just curious. With a small hum she had pulled out another of her knives, the small glint of the steel bringing a thin light as it reflected the light of the nights moon. Pretty. She swiftly cut the mans gag, her hand reaching up so her fingers could pry open his lips. He saw what happened to his wife, he knew what'd happen. The man bit down, bringing a feral light to the girls eyes before her blood seeped down his throat. Poison. All of her was poison. The same type that effected his wife, made every sensation he felt worse began to work its way through his system.

Alexis stared as the man began to shiver violently, her fingers still pressed against his mouth before it dropped to her lap. "Why are you not against me?" She asked, bringing her hand up, and so the knife in the process till it faced the mans torso, pressing against the gap in his ribs. Fun. "Why are you a monster too?" She asked, her knife pushing past the skin, breaking it as more blood began to pool upon his lap. She dragged it, pulling it till it made a wide cut, deep too. She dropped the knife to the floor, her fingers pressing into the wound, pulling at the flesh. The cut grew. "Why.." She hissed angrily, already a corrosive substance leaving her pale skin. Coughs. She was using to much power, to much strength and it began to take a toll. She didn't care. "Scream..."
((Ill post once I get my comp))


Hades walked around the park looking for something to do. He eventually sat down at one of the swings. It creaked slightly as he swayed. He looked at his shadow and made it sway slightly. He started walking towards his old home, passing through the park. He wondered if there were any Cursed around.

((Sorry if it looks short. Mobile is gay ill probably post like this for a while)
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Kain put his hand on top of hers and pulled her hand away.

"Alright that's enough of that kind my dear."

He said and then stood up and moved towards a wall. He broke a leg of a drawer and come back.

"Now my dear we are going to learn a lesson. So you have one of the five basic torture tactics down. You have sharp down but I'm going to work with you on blunt, hot, cold, and loud...can you guys which one is my favorite?"

He said looking at her.
The girl just stared at the mans brown eyes, her own forever lifeless one's studying the teary ones the sobbing male had. Pretty. She snapped out of her trance as she felt the man remove her hands. Why? A small whine escaped her lips as she looked at her blood soaked fingers. A grin grew on her lips as the man was screaming. She loved poison. There was blood that was her own and his. They melded.

When he spoke Alexis stood, taking a few steps back as she ran a hand through her hair, giving the red hair a dark red look. Rubbing her green eyes. In the end her face was literally covered in blood. It felt cool though. "Blunt?" She asked, setting her hands upon her hips as she watched. "Ill guess blunt." She murmured, looking at the broken leg.
"No my'll be able to tell which is my favorite when we get to it."

He walked up to her and handed her the wooden object and point at the man on the floor.

"Hit leg is already screwed up so attack it. Attacking an already weak point on the body is ideal for blunt. Breaking the volunteers bones is what is wanted out of this kind of torture. This breaks him down even more making the flesh more sensitive to what comes next."

He said smiling wickedly.
She idly licked at the blood upon her fingers, watching him carefully. He seemed way to similar to her, just more experienced. Gently pried the wooden seat leg from his hands as she held it curiously, listening although she was currently dealing with her interest in the seat leg. Hit the man's damaged leg huh? With a grin she did so.

After a few minutes, she huffed slightly, cheeks flushed as she pulled the hair from her face. Her grin was feral, happy and ecstatic but she wanted him dead. "I w-want him dead..."She whispered angrily, fearing that if the man lived longer he would escape. He would tell, he would run around spreading her name and her powers. She'd be hunted. Tears threatened to spill into her eyes as she reached out for the mans throat.
Kain smiled and reached out and stopped her from choking him.

"He won't escape relax. I'm here I won't let him do anything to hurt you my dear. Now my dear hit him the spot where you cut him open. There will be blood if you hit him there. I promise."

He said smiling at her. He then took her hand with the blood and liked a little bit off and slowly tasted it. He looked her straight into her eyes to let her know that he would take care of her.
Alexis shuddered, pure paranoia making her lip quiver and her eyes stare in fear. Dead. Why...Her eyes snapped over to him before she calmed down. She was pouting. "I want to see him die though..." She whispered before nodding. She took the leg once again, her blood soaked fingers staining the polished wood as she shifted. He would bleed...right? She spun the leg in her grip before she pushed it down against her cut at his ribs, watching as the blood was forced from his veins.

She refused to stop, watching the blood as the skin gave away from the pressure and the wooden leg began to force the wound open. Yanking it out. She forgot, this was hitting. The feral grin replaced itself before she switched her grin, hitting at the wound as this time the blood was sprayed. However, the man was near death. It wasn't surprising that he was considering all the blood he had lost. Stained with blood she tossed the leg to the side, reaching up to check his pulse. Dead.
Kain sighed when she check his pulse and the man was dead. He watched her and smiled and pulled out a needle with some kind of liquid inside.

"I always carry this with me...just in case."

He smiled as he injected the man with the liquid. The man awoke screaming in pain. Kain looked at her and smiled?

"It's an advanced stage of adrenaline that can wake someone back up even from the closest stages of death. He will be awake for hours."

He smiled and pulled out a small blowtorch.

"Now come my favorite my dear. Hot. I need you to burn were he is bleeding most so that way he will stay alive long enough for the lesson to end."

He said smiling wickedly handing her the blowtorch.
Alexis was wondering if death was painful. It was right? Reaching over she plucked the blow torch from his hands, letting the fire burn before her lifeless green eyes turned upon her wound. It was beautiful, bleeding and red. She brought the torch to the very wound she was admiring as she watched the flames flicker at the skin, her eyes lighting up with delight. Beautiful. After a while she stopped, letting the flames vanish as she tossed it to the side, leaning over to inspect the raw and badly burnt wound. That...was disgusting. However, the sight just brought a grin to the sadists lips as she laughed.

She fell onto her side, the fit of hysteria leaving her lips as she held her sides, her fingers dried with blood as she clawed at her stomach. It hurt, The fact this was fun hurt! A few minutes later she lay there, a grin on her lips joined by an occasional giggle. "I wonder if it hurts..." She asked, propping her arms under her head as she stared at the ceiling. "Let the man die...I'm bored of him now." She yawned, watching the shadows cast upon the ceiling tiredly. "Plus...I think another Devetal...or a few are here...or near..."

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