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Realistic or Modern Villian's unite.(One slot open if you hurry!)


Two Thousand Club
Bare bones plot if you don't want to read.

"This is just a check to see if anybody else wants to do a rp based on a groups of young teens who are trained to hate another group of super powered teens who escaped the facility they were all kept in. Once they get out will things change or will they stay the course?"

Long plot.

People with powers are special abilities as you would call it in the common world were saved for people in comics or movies, it wasn't something viewed as real life by anymeans in till the government started a underground facility to find and train these people. They kidnapped and captured six children, brainwashed them to forget everything they knew and attempted to make them into soldiers. This didn't work as one by one they awoke from their trances and escaped. The government now has a problem as six special powered people are running around on the loose, so they tried another time with six new teens. These teens were lead to believe that the first six had kidnapped them and it was all their fault for them being locked away. So they trained wanting to hunt them down and bring them back.

Okie dokie I'll be making short brief bios of the first six so you can pair yourself with one. Do expect to rp as them form time to time, I'll make the Bios short and vague so you can have room to make them your own.





Rival(Person in other group)

Reason you hate them

Other(Anything else you'd like to add

Members already


Fallen From Heaven

kira blackthorn


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(Starting it up)

Tor grinned as she walked towards the training arena. She pulled back her hair and tied it in a pony tail as she walked.

"It's almost time to go hunting!" She couldn't hold her joy. "I've been waiting so long to get my hands on that ... That bitch!" Tor talked to herself often when she got like this. She often toed the line of insanity. She entered the arena and walked over to her training ground.

"She'll be my cute little maid!"

j a c k s o n -

Having previously awoke early, Jack stumbled down to the gym to fit some training in. He was a bit surprised to see Tor there already; pummeling the life out of whatever he could find.
"Hey Tor!" The teenager called out, leaning against the frame of the doorway. "Lovely day, isn't it?" While the exact meaning of his words possibly held a hidden depth, it was impossible to say Jackson was mocking his fellow teammate in a way.
Tor turned just her head and cocked it to the side grinning.

"Isn't it though!"she gave a giggle. It was childlike which was almost more unsettling then a evil laugh.

"If you treat me really well I can give you Jess!" she rolled her eyes.

"I'm sure she'll see it coming, which is good, I want them all to know!"

j a c k s o n -

He sniggered at her actions, before walking into the room. Jack made sure to lay down a distance between him and Tor, just in case. After all, she seemed to be quite unpredictable. Unlike her, Jack didn't hate his rival just a passion. He hated his rival..well.. because he was told to hate his rival. Some of the others, they seemed to have a personal vendetta against their opposer but him? Nah. It was quite unsettling, come to think about it. It was as if the boy was following the orders like a dog. Oh well.
"In my opinion, it's Jess we take out first." Jack then said, meeting Tor's eyes.
Afternoon was unsurprised to find passive-agressive conversations already occurring in the training arena. What a shame. And to think, she'd gotten up to get some extra practice in without their irritating voices piercing her eardrums.

"Tor, there's a thin line between revenge and insanity and you're dancing on it." she said, quietly, "I suggest you rein yourself in before you drive yourself to craziness and I am forced to end your idiocy by slaughtering you." She edged her way around Jackson and crossed the room, walking as far away from the other two as she could. She knelt down and bowed her head, closing her eyes. She always did this, to try and focus her mind before training.
Tor grinned at Afternoon

"You can try." she shook her head. "But you are right I need to think clearly, we need to knock Jess out cold right before we attack, she is the only one of them that I actually respect when it comes to powers, she could ruin us before we start."
" Maybe." Mika nodded catching onto the conversation as he walked into the training room. Tori was going to go mad if she continued this way. Well... Madder. Then again that could help them. Yawning Mika walked toward the wall that displayed the weapons and got his usual bow and arrows off it. Slipping the sheath onto his back he secured it as he walked over to the targets. Then he began training though felt it was pointless. In fact this whole thing felt pointless. Unlike the others he didn't have a rival as he saw no reason to. They did nothing to him personally besides what they were told. Even then why should he believe what was said. Everyone lies what makes the people here any better.

j a c k s o n -

The teenager shrugged, as he watch the two of them converse. He felt the urge to back out of the conversation now, even though it was centered on his opposer. It was a tad annoying though, I mean, he had a plan when it came to Jess, just as they should have a plan when it came to their rivals. If everyone began to mix with each other, who's to say Tor's contingency plan for Max might accidentally be played out on Jess. That would certainly be an issue.

Tor sighed as she sat down on a nearby bench, her demeanor changed as she stopped thinking about them.

"It'll be nice to be outside to see nature." There could be a hope for Tor and her sanity, she seemed to be okay when Max wasn't talked about at all, almost like she was a normal girl.

j a c k s o n -

"That would be nice," Jackson mused from where he stood. "I can't remember the last time I was actually outside for more than a couple of minutes." Sighing, the teenager than turned his attention back to the obstruction in front of him; a punching bag. Sure, the red object wasn't the most effective way to train, given the state-or-the-arc equipment he could be using. But, he liked it, for the punching bag lived up to it's name. With use of it, Jack could relieve himself of any anger spots, and clear up a distracted mind. He also wouldn't admit this to the others, but it reminded him of home, vaguely. He wasn't even sure why. Why are you thinking that? Jack corrected himself angrily, This is your home. You've never lived anywhere else.
Tor looked up at Jack and smiled softly, not a evil smile, nor a insane smile,a genuine smile.

"It was winter and it snowed."
"I don't want to see the outside world. I fear it may be even more horrific then a life of confinement in this place." Afternoon said, opening her eyes. She stretched her arms and back before standing up. She thought the others here were idiots for thinking so much about life outside of here. She took several deep breaths before beginning a slow jog around the room. She didn't understand why the others were so set on being strong either. She just cared about her mental abilities and her stamina.
"But it's pretty." Tor said softly as if it was a defense. Tor went off into her thoughts now shutting off from them, thinking of the snowy wonderland she saw for a few moments.

j a c k s o n -

The teenager sighed, before returning to his previous task.
"These walls aren't meant to keep us safe, they're meant to keep us locked in." He stated quietly, whilst wrapping his hand with the required bandages to protect them.
"Not to protect us... to protect them from us."Tor said softly.

"Sometimes I wonder... what It would be like to not be here." she got up and walked to Jakcosn.

"I'm to insane for them to care what I think anyway."
"We are prisoners." Mika muttered joining the conversation as he collected the arrows and began hanging the bow back up. "Only we aren't looking to escape. We have fantasies about it but are to afraid to do anything about it. I don't know what's worse. Being an unwilling prisoner or a willing one."
Tor looked to him and smiled.

"They all wanted you to be like me... to driven and insane to care." Tor had been the first of the group to be in the facility, another clue to why she was so unstable.
"Like that will ever happen." Mika scoffed sitting in a random spot on the floor. Leaning back against the wall he watched everyone boredly sucking on a lolipop. "The secret is don't believe anything that comes from another's mouth. Even those you trust lie. Its human nature. Then again maybe I am insane in another way. Who knows though I sure don't."
"Maybe not all the time. " Mika admitted. "But you can't tell me that none of you have not ever lied. Even if it was a little white lie. "
"Thats a lie right there." Mika deadpanned shooting her a dry look. "Even if you don't mean to or know about it you lie. Your not human otherwise."
"Hmm.Let me think about that for a moment." Mika said looking at the ceiling for a moment. "Oh I know." He smiled clapping. "We are experiments feared by our creaters and made to wipe out others of our kind. We are the things born to destroy whole worlds and follow any command given like good little soldiers. Your right we are not human we are monsters born to instill fear in all who meet us. "

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