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Realistic or Modern Viking Clan (Still accepting)


Country Girl
Vikings. The people who loved blood shed and loved satisfing their many needs.

Blood. Killing. Sex. Love.

Will you be one that goes into battle and wins for the gods to come back and have a family or will you be one to serve and die for the gods in battle?
She hid in the brush of the dark, shadowed forest, the sharp smell of pine and musty earth filling her senses as she sat on her haunches while knocking back an arrow. Her breathing slowed till it was nonexistent as the deer came into her line of sight. A majestic buck, with proud antlers. If she could kill this, then think of the praise back at the village. She breathed out and let go of the arrow, watching it fly into the bucks temple with a small shower of crimson splattering the behind trees. It reared a moment in blinding pain before falling limp with a few last twitches and snorts.
Einer roared at the inanimate wooden statue,as he began to savagely chop at it once more with his dulled-down iron blade, most would call it a poor form of training, but Einer found it helped him with both his battle stamina, and his aggressiveness, not to mention he needed to keep his abilities sharp, he was one of the few fighters who would not use a shield, he didn't need a big wooden circle of wood when he could have both speed and power. What good was protection against unstoppable assault? That's how he fought, like a berserker.

It didn't help that not many people in the clan would willingly spar with him, Einer's tendency to be overly rough in sparring was no secret, nor was his nigh-unstoppable offensive ability. A combination of the two made even other great fighters reluctant, even in a pure fist fight, Einer's nickname portrays more than his savage battle tactic, but also his strength. Since Adaline became the leader, he's had to crack more than a few bones of those who'd oppose her. In his opinion, disloyal dogs like those should be thrown out of the village.
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She grabbed the bucks antlers in an attempt to drag it "By...Odins...Beard" she panted, managing to drag it only a few inches. She sighed, trying again "Move...You...Big...Bastard" she said, before falling over with a small yelp. Her hood dropping over her head into her eyes. She sat up and glared at the dead animal, before trying to drag it once more, ever persistent in her failing quest. She kicked it and scowled "You didn't look THIS heavy" she complained once more, trying to push its rump. "Thor curse you!" She hissed, panting as the deer shifted one more inch.

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After a solid nine minutes of relentlessly bashing the poor wooden training post, Einer was promptly exhausted. Six seconds faster than before... A good improvement. "Tyr's strength... I need a bloody mead after that..." He panted, still gasping for breath, only when a sufficient amount of air re-entered his lungs did he dare move again. Dropping the training sword abruptly to the ground, Einer began trudging his way back to the main village, walking along the outskirts of the forest.
"MOVE YOU GOOD FOR NOTHING CORPSE!" she shouted, and kicked it again. Before collapsing by its side with a bored look. Resting her head on her knees, before lying backnon the great beast. Its fur soft and ebbing warmth comforting. The forest sang in sweet tunes as she simply lay there. Hopefully someone would pass, and help move the damn deer. Maybe she'd use its fur for a new arrow sheathe? Or a pair of gloves?

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Astrid worked at her forge like she usually did that time of day, forging some replacement weapons for some of the warriors in the village. The work was basic, the same sort of swords and axes she made a hundred times before and her father did before hand. She would admit she hoped of something more exciting to forge but their was solace in the work, kept her mind of things for the day. Besides the weapons were tried and true, nothing was better for raiding the western lands. Nearby Erik was play fighting with some of the other kids, he was strong kid like his father, if a little unbalanced, and was getting stronger each day.
Einer stopped as his walk was interrupted by a rather angry sounding scream, sounding from deeper within the forest.Feeling obliged to at least investigate,he began stalking through the forest,not caring for stealth. It was as beautiful as ever, the bird song sounded throughout the trees,as the daily breeze flew between the cracks and crevices of wood and bark.

Then he stumbled upon a most impressive sight, a great buck, with an arrow protruding accurately through its temple, a finer display of marksmanship than the man would ever be able to do. "Impressive kill," He said gruffly, now walking towards the girl who appeared o have given upon moving the animal. "That your voice I heard thundering through the forest?" Einer asked, raising an eyebrow inquisitively,surprised that such a small girl could be so loud.
She went a bright red. She wasn't expecting someone to actually hear her. "Yeah..." she played with a strand of hair. "Sorry" she then added in a mumble, her green eyes flickering up at him then around. She knew him of course, eveyone in the village did. Staunch protector of the clans leader and named the 'Rampant Bear' for good reason. "I...Can't move it" she shrugged. She was not one whom was very comfortable around people she didn't know well, nor with the social side of things. She was usually absent from the village, frolicking around in the forest, or staying in her withdrawn shell.
Einer shrugged, recognizing that the girl - the Shieldmaiden - was probably the least known person in the village, due to the time she spent hugging trees, as evidenced by her current location now. But he'd be damned to Hel if he didn't admit she was perhaps one of the finest bow users in the clan, "You can't move it?" He asked, smirking slightly and placing his arms upon his waist, as if surprised by the statement. "Why not?" Einer jested, now his voice taking on a forced tone of surprise, and the edge of his lips threatening to shoot up into a complete grin of amusement.
She collapsed back on the deer with an unladylike groan. "I can move it a lil' bit" she retorted, pointing to the deep grooves in the ground where her feet had been, she crossed her arms childishly wrinkling her freckled nose. "Just not enough to carry it back in anyway." She sighed "Could you 'please' help me carry it back?" She asked again, pouting slightly like a toddler would to its parent, in attempt of attention or some such.
Einer's lips curved up, as he couldn't hold his amusement in anymore. He didn't expect an eighteen year old girl to be able to carry a buck, but as far as he was aware, she was the only girl who'd attempted to. His eyes gazed down at the sight more intently, studying the supposed movement, biting his lip now, and stretching his back, he resisted the urge to ask 'where?' Instead, Einer sighed, and at her defeated pouting decided to actually help her. Bending down, Einer burrowed his arms under the buck, before using all his might to heave the beast over his shoulders, staggering slightly at the weight. "By the Gods...this thing...Is heavy..." He mumbled, before slowly pacing towards the village.
She jumped with obvious joy and a large almost pixie like grin spread over her features. "Thankyou!" She exclaimed, her eyes lighting up, as she walked alongside the battle hardened warrior. She didn't seem so affected by showing her gratitude and joyous mood. Mainly because the supposedly scary 'Bear' turned out to be quite a decent man. Then again, she wouldn't dare to face him in battle, or see him in a rage. That would be just 'asking' for trouble, and all she wanted was to take the buck back.

Katla had a certain spring in her step as she walked along the forest path heading toward the village. Her pine green eyes as ever sharp and curious as they flickered over the surroundings, almost in search of something, every now and then stopping for him to catch up.
"No... Problem..." Einer managed to choke out, with the immense weight of the buck pressing down on his shoulders, he could barely breathe effectively, let alone walk.

Alright Einer, you're strong, you're fine. This, is easy! Just... One foot in front of the other... Most of the journey was a cycle of these thoughts. Yet every once in a while, he'd look up to see Katla bouncing around happily, each time he'd feel a little more envious, it must have been nice to be so happy all the time, Einer was hardly ever happy, unless he was drinking, fighting or on very rare occasions like this.
Finally after a short, yet... weighed down trek, the village appeared in the distance. Katla pointed at the tops of the thatched roof's and smoke rising with a smile "Nearly there" she concluded, aiming now a slightly worried look. Einer was a strong man yes, but he 'was' carrying a fully grown male deer on only his shoulders. With the sight now on the ever approaching distance she let her worry ebb away a little. He would be able to make it. She was sure of the fact.
Einer groaned as she reminded him they were almost there, his shoulders aching with great pain. "Curses, this... Deer...Weighs more than... Mjolnr..." He gasped out in frantic breaths, still pushing himself to continuously place one foot in front of the other. After this was done he was absolutely laying claim to the biggest portion of the deer for tonights meal, it'd be good to eat some proper meat, rather than basic vegetables and smaller farm animals.
It was a few more minutes walk, before they finally reached the Village boundaries. Most busy with menial tasks or day to day jobs. The blacksmiths hammering away at molten iron, farmers guiding animals, and warriors sparring. The village was more than capable of protecting itself, everyone had a bit of blood on there hands. Even the young 'uns who snapped the necks of chickens and such. Death was a cycle after all, and each warrior would be led by Valkaries to Valhalla, and feast at Odins table till the end of days. She doubted that she would go to Valhalla, but oh well. The gods had looked favourably on their clan for many a year, who knows what her fate held.

She looked at Einer and smiled "You can put him down now" she nodded, and unsheathed her smaller skinning knife, with a blade sharp enough to slice your fingetips at a mere brush.
Einer attempted to drop the buck, but due to the state of exhaustion he was in, the man promptly collapsed with it, and just let out a large sigh, as if the prospect of merely letting go had been a blessing. "Next time...You definitely carry it," He joked, half covered in sweat,with shaky legs and heavy feet. Einer was quite happy to remain in the centre of the village and sleep on the spot, the idea of moving just seemed... Incredibly hard. But he was certainly glad to he among familiar faces once more, unlike Katla, he hated being alone more than anything else.
She laughed "Sure, next time right?" she said, rolling her eyes playfully. As she kneeled down at the deers side, burying her knife in its gut, before slicing down letting the red waterfall of blood gush down. She'd clear it up later of course, not in the mood to anger anyone. With that she stood up, grabbing a wooden bucket to empty the unneeded bodily parts into. For this she unclipped her cloak and rolled up her sleeves, before sticking her hands in the bucks stomach rummaging around, and grabbing its intestines in a tight fist, using her skinning knife to gut the poor thing. She may have been quite a shy, meek girl. But to underestimate her, would be anyones downfall.
Adaline had been all around the village making sure all was in order. She carried her sword with her everywhere making sure if needed she would be able to stop a fight. Unlike as leaders she would go around asking how everyone was and making sure there wasn't anything she could do for them. She was a caring leader and great with the children. They always felt safe coming up to her. As she finished her afternoon rounds she headed back to her tent. It was larger then the rest with a long fire place in the middle and a throne area covered in fur. Through an opening in the back was where she would sleep. As she walked in the tent she went over to her throne. It was time for people to come and ask or plead being guilty or not.
She glanced up as the leader of the clan walked past, and watched till she vanished within her tent. The woman was certainly an able spirit, that could be known, also a very fearless one. She was what people wanted to strive towards i suppose you could say. She looked away once more as she started stripping away the intestines, and stomach. Unused when the animal was roasted, or stored. With that she finished and started to flay the bucks skin and antlers, once finished with the animal she got help in moving it over to the designated cooks of the clan, and set about clearing her mess up. Throwing sand over the blood to soak the crimson liquid up.
Asbjörn was training using a training dummy made out of hay to train with. Asbjörn really wasn't the most social of people so he spent most of his time either training or simply being alone, he really has no reason to be antisocial but then he really has no reason to be social either. Still they was one other reason he was training the fact that his fighting style was rather hard since he only used a long sword his main style of fighting was kind of a hit and run style attacking a foe then moving position and attacking again. His only defense is his quick movements and his flesh known to be rather strong, still not strong enough to stop a blade but heck it stopped a blade from hitting his bone or anything vital which is why he became known as Ironflesh.
Katla yawned, and once more retreated to the outskirts of the village, she sat alone against a tree with her bow in her lap, playing with the taught string. Her fur lined hood was for once pulled down revealing her delicate feminine features and pale, lightly freckled face. Her red hair tumbling over her shoulders, as she sat carving patterns into the wooden handle of the bow. She usually sat here alone, her home away from home. Katla hummed to herself softly, an old nordic tune, as she sat in the comforting silence of the forest. The clashing of swords in the background of sparring warriors, and the smell of bread on the wind completed it. It was quiet, yet the undertones of the village and civilisation kept her drifting away from reality.
Adaline always hated punishing people over the little things but it had to be done. For the village to live they had to learn the rules and follow them. No killing. No stealing. They all mattered. Break one major and your head would be cut off. It was just how it was. She stood up as the people bowed to her and walked out of the tented. She then followed walking to the war tent. It was where she and her warriors would meet to talking about training and battles. One blow from a horn and the Warriors knew where to come. As she walked in the tent she told a servant to blow the horn and he did and now it was only time to wait.

As Bjorn was walking through the woods just spinning is ax around he heard the call of the horn. He placed the ax back into its holder and place his hand on the end as he headed back into town. We had many great warriors do to great training and well we just had many men amung the village. It's something that helped us live well. He reached town and headed straight to the war tent doing a small head how to Adaline then going and standing by the table as we waited for the other warriors.
She heard the horn, and jumped getting up. A warriors meeting?! What was it about?! Since she wasn't a warrior, it didn't apply to her. Yet she had a burning curiosity to know what it was about. She sheathed her bow and started bounding down the hillside like a deer. Her dark green cloak flying out behind. She landed scraping her knees, with a stinging sensation but kept going.

Reaching the village she ducked around the meeting tent, crawling over to the back and peering in through a hole in the stitching, waiting for the meeting to start.

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