View from the Tops-Sea Journeys on the Halcyon by Yngwie [Halcyon 2nd Ed]


Ten Thousand Club
Endcap to the Island

The remainder of the week went quite quickly, all things considered.  After setting a watch for any recurrence of the Man with the Red Hairâ€â€as I have begun to call our former CircleMateâ€â€we spent the remainder of the day re-interring the Dawn-That-Was.  

His skeleton was nigh-pulverized by the actions of Balota, and Stone Soul used some sort of powder to keep the skull intactâ€â€apparently, Sevatuan ran his daiklave (which I have learned has the name of Plagamare) through the “faceâ€
The Good Ship Halcyon, Part 8 & 9

The Good Ship Halcyon

I hastily pulled on my overjacket, late for the archery training that the Commander had asked me to oversee.  Normally, I would be relieved, as I had tried my best to be gracious as I decided what to do about my reservations.  Unfortunately, due to the Crane and the Owl, my talents were far more useful at nightâ€â€and Sevatuan had this habit of calling practice during the oddest hours.  Today was at the second bell.

“Don’t forget thisâ€

Jade Island--First Impressions

It was actually pretty easy, all things considered.  We arrived at Jade Island, and waited outside the narrow channel until we received clearance to dock.  I shared the tops’l with Thornâ€â€tired, but not going to miss this, my first ocean port on an ocean going vessel.  

Below us, the crew frantically got the Halcyon ready.  Thorn, seeing my interest, provided commentary.

“Welcome to Jade Island:  a place which--if you hadn’t guessed alreadyâ€â€has a great quantity of jade strewn about, ripe for the picking.â€
Part one of the Interlude--it's been forever coming

A lazy day at the Dock...

Three bells after that, the ship was deserted.  My watch had ended, and I walked back to the girl’s cabins.  The Halcyon felt…odd…with so few people on it.  Conversations were sparse, and those that were speaking spoke loudly, as if to fill the cavernous space.

I passed the hidey-hole for the mysterious item, and there was no one guarding it.  It was too good to pass up, and so I called upon one of the gifts that I had hidden from all my companions so farâ€â€who knew what type of stigma might be associated if it became common knowledge that I could enter any locked door as easily as breathing?

I looked both ways along the short corridor, breathed a sigh that my Sensei could not see me, and stepped inside…

..To a sight that I was not expecting:  The Captain, sitting on a stool next to a barrel, playing solitaire.  Without looking up, he motioned me to sit.

“45 Days, 9 hours and 10 minutes.  That’s quite some resolve, Inspector.â€
wonderfully well done -

and yes Quaven has an idea of what would happen if he stood between a hunt and Balota.  but sealed or not, a pact has been made and will be upheld as long as Quaven has shard enough to keep it going.  He has no doubt Balota would do the same
Almost caught up, version II

Delivery of Powder

Two bells into the First Watch saw the six of usâ€â€the Sorcerer in his Islander blousy pants; the Scholar in the robes found in his Mark; Thorne in his Jade armor, matted black as to blend with the darkness; Balota in the borrowed coat that had been hemmed to fit himâ€â€it was still too big for him in places, but it finally did fit; the Commander as the picture of Imperial splendor in his red silks; and myself in the disguise of the Harbor mistress (I decided against bare feetâ€â€I took the liberty of borrowing Toshi’s clogs).  

As the Lunar rounded up a cart for the ease of transportation, I took the liberty of padding away, over the side of the ship in order to scope who might be watching the ship.  A normal night on a busy dockâ€â€there were three guards in armor at the end of the jetty, supposedly on watch but more intent on the dice game below them.  I was confident that we could easily get around them, and headed back to the ship.

And that is when I noticed the Journeyman Harbor Master on watch.  He was slumped in his chair.  This perplexed me, as sleeping on the job could cost the man his jobâ€â€revenue was important, and his eyes were the first line of defense against “deliveriesâ€

I rested upon the Tops’l, thinking about the little that I knew of Donava and his manor.  There were guards and riches aplentyâ€â€heck, even one played with Mesito!  One doesn’t do that if you are a captive, or if you are expecting trouble.  I did see the fourth floor from the outside, but I saw no damage.  

I realized I was obsessing, trying to spot guilt or anything out of place, and there was none.  Without further evidence, it was the perfect crimeâ€â€and so I climbed down and into the cabins.  Siara and Toshi were in town:  we remaining three congregated in Taree’s cabin for a nightcap.  Through the gossipâ€â€worn stories, but I had fresh earsâ€â€I understood that Siara horrible gambler, and usually spent, won and lost jade like water, while Falling Rain piped up that Toshi was so enamored by shopping that she could usually spend her entire wages in a single night, and most likely “earnedâ€
Shopping, Part II

Dressed To Kill

Mid afternoon, when we had all finished taking our initial measurements, Sevatuan and Balota decided to blow some steam and go hunting.  I wished to go jewelry shopping, but was strangely denied by Balota, who just felt…uncomfortable…about this city.  I relented, as most of the time spent shopping was for meâ€â€and my companions needed time for their own endeavors.  Realizing that we had almost an entire afternoon to kill, the Scholar and I decided to pool our resources and decide to go hunting ourselves.  Our quarry?  Information.

I'm finally caught up! How the hell did I beat szalman?

Party Interlude

I watch, as Falling Rain spins with controlled precision.  Quaven really is skilled at dancing I reflect probably taught THAT at an early age too.  If I wasn’t concentrating so completely on Rain’s movements, I would have thought the situation comicalâ€â€7 people in a half-empty hold.  

We were down here to prep for the Galaâ€â€at my insistence, I wanted dance and etiquette lessons.  As I explained to my companions, I wouldn’t be able to learn such in the short amount of time we hadâ€â€Cre’e did not work like thatâ€â€but I could get enough to ape movements and watch for mannerisms to avoid.  Since the Halcyon was staying in her berth, and not picking up cargo as of yet, it had gotten rather dull aboard ship; such lessons were a nice diversion.  

Trooping after Quaven, we settled into the barrel room to get some work done:  Rain, having some experience at dancing in the Imperial Style, was my model;  Quaven was lead, giving a running commentary on her progress and what I should be expected to do at the dance; Sévatuan standing at my right, giving a commentary of his own, eyes missing nothing; Thorne, lazily draped over a butt of smallbeer, playing a piece so that I and the dancers could get a rhythm; andâ€â€on top of two more barrels, Balota and Taree, who just wanted to watch the fun.

I nod towards Thorne, pitching my voice so that only Sévatuan can hear.  “He’s pretty good, isn’t he?â€
A bit of running--very long

Running and Gunning

And while I hated that Meretrix Jasnia, this is the man who I have been waiting for.  The First Mate of the Icy Jade. Although this was not Frei, this was an allusion that we were producing.  With practiced eyes, I took in my mark -- he seemed to be a bundle of nerves.  And yet he waited.  What was he waiting for?  It made no sense.

Unless he was looking for someone.  Frei perhaps?

Studying the man, I discovered that he was actually waiting for waiters.  In the interval, he would drink slowly a glass of wine;10 minutes later like clockwork, a waiter -- nearly always the same one! -- would come and give him a new one.  Relaying this to my commander, Sévatuan led me on intercept.

I had expected to go directly to the First Mate, however Sévatuan had other plans.  "This is not the interrogation room, Yngwieâ€
The meeting, and resolution

The First Council of War

I added a few things out of sequence, so that Balota’s To Yngwie post still made sense in the flow of the story…


I wish we didn’t have these.  I’m bored already, and we haven’t even started yet.  I glance around the table at the six men seated with me in Seaborne’s cabin.  The last few hours had been rough, with our perilous escape and the grim aftermath.  Each of my companions faces were haggard, and showed some inner turmoil, save two.  Only Flynn did more: gentle tears running down his face, wept for the man who once occupied this very cabinâ€â€whose body I assisted Balota in performing Lunar last rites.

Feeling eyes upon me, I looked up.  Balota sat across from me, still as death save for his eyesâ€â€his eyes watched my every move.  He looked different then before our sojourn to the partyâ€â€I must get with him to see what it was.  I smiled; he looked both more relaxed and more alert at the same time.  Although, I had to admit, it is a little intimidating.  Is he trying to say something to me?  Make me aware of something?  Sweet Ivrienen!  Did I accidentally get blood on my face?  Thinking that I had made some sort of faux paux, I scratched at my right cheek.  No blood.  Then what?.  Balota silently smiled.  

Supposedly, this was a meeting to get to knowâ€â€and approve ofâ€â€our newest member.   Yolan Zahl-Sixth Son of the Chieftan of the Ghost Tribe  I mulled that name over my tongue.  Always a mouthful.  I suppose that it gets so hot in the South that they try and do as much with their mouths as we do with our arms/  That led me to thinking of that meretrix, that Jasnia.  I couldn’t but have a small sense of satisfaction, ill-wishing that her house was destroyed in the fire.  I settled into pleasant dydreams until the meeting got underway; visions of Jasnia going from riches to rags, visions of Jasnia as a pig farmer, visions of Jasnia as a fishwife…

“â€â€and he makes fire!â€
Tiptoeing through the Gravstones

SkullStone Island.

Skullstone.  Island of the dead.  

It approached on the northern horizon like the Kraken, swallowing the horizonâ€â€the only place I could see that was under thick, heavy rain clouds.   For the weeks that we had fled Jade Island, the Pilot had kept the wind at our backs, and the weather was actually becoming pleasant.  Cooler, better.  

The only one who the weather seemed to affect adversely was our new compatriot, Yolan; and, as a gesture of good will, I let him borrow my WhiteHall City Watch cloakâ€â€other crew outfitted him with a set of warmer breeches and a shirt.  

That was not to say that the trip was idyllic, but the weather went a long way to improving my mood.  After making my displeasure known to the command staff, I kept my mouth shut about my objectionsâ€â€even to the girls.  Reluctantly, I had to agree with Quavenâ€â€our Circle needed to appear united.  To this end, I was exceedingly civil to the new Captain at mess, but I was busy more often than not.  

Busy was rightâ€â€the Commander wanted everyone onboard to be at least passable with a bow, for he surmised that the death of Seaborne would bring challenges aplenty.  Thorne and I took it upon ourselves to sift through the crew and train them on the rudiments of the bow.  It became a fairly common daylight sight to see me, Danaerys and Yolan on the deck or in the Tops, assisting half a dozen crew in target practice.  And since the nights were quietâ€â€after all, what pirate would prey upon ships going to a Shadowland? I spent most of my watch crafting arrows for the crew.  

Almost like a vacation.  I should have known better.

Rain began to pelt the ship half a day from the island:  big, heavy drops that fell with the laziness of a constant barrage, without hope of cessation.  As we docked, we passed a line of ships with black and red sails using a few berths.  I had thought that they were from a particular Merchant Houseâ€â€perhaps representatives of the Guild---but I was proven wrong by my Commander’s question.  

Thorne responded, "these are the ships of the dead.  They carry the dead and dying to the halls of the Silver Knight -- wherein they will be judged.  And perhaps changed into a skeleton, zombie, or a ghost.  They are also part of the protection of this archipelago -- not very fast, but the crew does not need to sleep or eat.  They will fall you relentlessly; everyone who visits knows this and therefore crime is down."  

Cocking an eyebrow, he looked at me.  "And while they have a police force, it is unlike what we are used to.  There is crime, however, if you are judged to the afterlife on how you affected this archipelago -- and how loyal you are to the Silver Knight -- the desire to steal--and therefore jeopardize your afterlife--is down.  For serious threats to society he has his Death Knights."

Great.  I thought, looking at Sevatuan a place where the dead are the good guys.  Where have you taken us, my Captain?  I resolved to stay on the ship -- the less I looked at the Shoreline, the better.

The docking procedures were easy.  Quaven took lead, which was surprising to me .  I suppose he need to be in charge of something and have some diplomatic say in the way the ship should be run. I mused, making sure that a smile did not play upon my face. Rhydon is not going to be pleased.  Then again, he doesn't like the undead either. I must confess that I did not see the exchange of money, nor the faux reason that we were there -- there was zombie by our berth!  I itched to call SunDrop from the elsewhere to shoot it -- Sévatuan must have seen where I was looking and shook his head.   He is right, I thought sadly that would draw attention to us.  And the Death Lord's attention is a very bad thing. I tapped Cre'e.  To remind me not to use any essence, while in port.

Sévatuan gave us our assignments: the Balota, Quaven and Yolan went into town to find items for hold.  Flynn and the new Captain work interview crew -- all that I asked of my Commander was that they be alive.  I spent the morning doing anything but be on deck.  Instead, I went around the hold to find any of the hidey holes that Seaborne might have left; it had been done many times before, and by many crewmen.  However, it gave me something to do.  I found very little that was not claimed by other crewmen, however I did find a small bolt hole that was out of the way--I planned on asking my Commander, if I could have for my costumes -- I had already acquired a good dozen, and needed someplace besides my foot locker to place them.  

Yolan arrived first, to report his findings.  Although the Southerner was not as thickly accented as Stone Soul, his pattern of speech was difficult to decipher: his speech patterns.  Reminded me of a burning tribes and their "words of wisdom."  From one understood, he discovered a whole treasure trove of first age relics in the market -- when pressed, the Twilight admitted that they had a few design flaws and that they were no longer working.

In the need for human companionship -- alive companionship -- I oohed and ahhed over his... junk... and tried to curb the questions that bubbled over my tongue. .  These are just pieces of what could be First Age goods -- I sure hope that Sévatuan did not spend any of the ships money on this drivel..  However, if it was First Age material, and Yolan was the king of all bargain hunters.  I asked him if he would be able to buy me some clothing to commoners would wear in this island.  Happily, he agreed; however I would need some money to pay for it.

As my Circle-Mate was now our Captain, I went in search of paycheck.  He Thorne and Flynn were still in the process of interviewing.  However, Balota and Quaven had come back with mixed results.  Interestingly enough, Quaven found me first -- he would not explain what he kept discovering.  It mentioned that there was a meeting of the senior officers in an hour.  He left, giving me a peace offering: black ash arrows.  Coupled with some sort of black bird -- a rook may be?  -- these arrows are finely wrought, and I had visions of the possibilities of nightwork.  They were meant to be used in shadow.

An hour later, gave me the reason for these arrows.  Below 10 Quaven had come across a mission that would not only fill our hold full of this black ash, but also turn a tidy profit in other areas.  Due to the extreme denseness of this wood, special equipment was needed to cut it; therefore, finished goods would be far more valuable than uncut lumber.  

They met a man called Jacon Wrigthon, who -- as far as Quaven was concerned -- was the sole supplier of black ash upon the island.  And they fell for that story?  I could feel the boom being lowered .  Anyone who is the sole provider of the commodity that makes the island “famousâ€
I'll return the favor . . . in Skullstone Island . . .

goof should probably be good in

The only one who the weather seemed to affect adversely was our new compatriot, Yolan; and, as a gesture of goof will, I let him borrow my WhiteHall City Watch cloakâ€â€other crew outfitted him with a set of warmer breeches and a shirt.  
holes should probably be singular . . .

However, it gave me something to do.  I found very little that was not claimed by other crewmen, however I did find a small holes out of the way.  I would ask my Commander, if I could have for my costumes -- I had already acquired a good dozen, and needed someplace besides my foot locker to place them.  
I'll delete this after a while

and for the record, I never said Jacon was the only supplier just the one that was recommended to me from the weaponsmith with the best stuff . . .

I appreciate it.  I wrote it with the new program, and it did a fairlygood job.  However, I will say that it took a long time learning the names of all the characters.  It still oesn't know my name, but then, how often do I type my own name?


I think I got all the typos and stream of story errors.  See any more?
Bloated and Quaven were very near the cabin doors.  In the attempt to lift my spirits, Quaven said.  " It was a basically normal town, just with some dead walking about on their way to or from a mission.  You will hardly notice a thing.â€
Quote Balota:

       Quote Yngwie:

             Bloated and Quaven were very near the cabin doors.  In the

             attempt to lift my spirits, Quaven said.  " It was a

             basically normal town, just with some dead walking about    

             on their way to or from a mission.  You will hardly notice a



While I enjoy this program for its ease, as well as allowing me to do other things while I do fanfic (like doing laundry, dishes, and work on my Japanese Fulbright stuff), it still has problems. Bloated.  That makes me laugh my socks off -- it should've recognized Balota.  It does now.  But that's been after a hundred repetitions, at least; Sévatuan and Quaven seem to have fairly "normal" names in comparison.  Yolan does as well.  The only one which seems that problem is my own – Yngwie.  It keeps wanting to add invent, inveigh or infect -- all of which not acceptable.

However, I'm just personally excited when I actually achieved the second page of this journal.  Take care boys!
maybe you can put in a word you would never use normally and then use the find feature later to replace that word with Yngwie . . . so in that case inveigh would work as a place holder

Gotta ask, which program are you using? And other than Yngwie and the Bloated issue, it's doing well?


I'm using Dragon Naturally Speaking, version 9.  It's not bad, it is only exasperated by the fact that I am currently listening to my iPod and I have my fan on high.  As of right now I am currently talking normally -- like I did with the Dictaphone.  But with less stopping for vocabulary issues.

The only problem is that it has a fairly simple sentence structure, and is unforgiving.  When it comes to tripping over words -- due to my condition,  I do that a lot.  That's why I consider this a very cheap form of therapy, for I have to think about as well as talk slower.  See?  I forgot to say the word "words" right after the word about.  However, that is a very unique solution to my Yngwie problem.  What you are suggesting is a type of "SafeWord" for my dictation program.

I suppose the only hard part to your solution would be to find a word I do not use that often.
Peaches, your safe word is peaches

Oh WAIT damn, wrong setting

how about artichoke?  Should be clear and pronounceable and I can’t imagine you’d be using it a whole lot
Yngwie pelted the Commander with Artichokes at his suggestion she leave the safety of the Halcyon for the comparative danger of the undead-riddled Skullstone Island.

After he'd spent time procuring such obviously finely constructed arrows as a peac offering, I didn't have the heart to choke Quaven into lifelessness.

The more I learn about my dear Caro, the more I realize that Lunars are like Artichokes: they have sharp pointy layers.

Thorne is such an excellent archer that he can fell an Artichoke with a Signal Bulb at one-thousand paces.

C'mon! I can think of dozens of ways for Yng to use 'Artichoke' ...

I know there are uses for them but I didn't have the heart to bring those up.  It was just a suggestion you could take or leaf, but I see you speared right through it with your punny humour, lol.

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