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Realistic or Modern Vietnam Marauders

Rico clapped his hands at the very smart individual operating the 'boot-leg' radio; he snatched the boot from his hand and started talking into it sarcastically dropping it for effect. He looked cold into Jokers eyes, a small grin passing his face.

" Guess... Guess we gotta fucking run private! Run to somewhere safe while maintaining squad integrity!!! How about someone say, oh I don't know; Incoming! 3 o'clock! 2,000 meters!!! That's when you're usually supposed to drop everything your doing and run into that direction!!! You can fucking re-hash again once you have cleared the kill zone!!! "

Rico told the Pvt's to get up and run for it, seeing Pvt Maclin pick up shitbird; and almost laughing his ass off. Even though it was extremely funny now, he knew it indeed happened out there; and he wanted to make sure there would be absolutely no surprises for these boys.


Carlos stopped doing push-ups and bolted upright. Something smelt like horrid shit, and he hoped nobody shit themselves from that Sim. He quickly ran toward his rucksack and pulled Cara from the ground, it was obvious that she couldn't see right; since she was trying to pour water over her eyes.

" Names Carlos by the way! Good to meet ya! Let's get the fuck out of here now! "

He grabbed her rucksack and threw it to her, the both of them running after the guy carrying the 'wounded' private.
Zachary had been standing by when the Joe's had been forced to do pushups while having quite a bit of dirt being kicked at them while doing so. Sure, it was disrespectful to anyone to be treated that way, but he couldn't just speak up about it and say so, because that would easily lose the respect he had with the higher ups. Even though he was the corporal of the mortar squad, he still wished to be seen of highly and didn't want to squander that earned respect. He didn't add to the rude antics of the higher-ups and NCO's, as he stood guard to the side and made sure that all that they were doing seemed at least a little ethical. Zachary wanted to make sure that no one was going to get hurt by this, as he stood by the NCO's and looked down upon the Joe's below as they suffered under the grit being thrown at them while they forced out rapid pushups.

When they were all yelled at to get up and running, Zachary forced a smile when Rico had found all of this plenty amusing, which was probably why he was making them all suffer. He didn't find it too amusing, but he knew not to act against it or respect would be lost here as well. He forced out an amused smirk as he watched the Privates run out away from them even though they were probably all exhausted from what they had just been through. He had no doubt that some may have gotten dirt in their eyes, their mouths, and was still quite uncomfortable that he had to act like he was a part of this. But, usually being that strong and silent type, he stood back from others anyways unless the atmosphere was light and not military-based.

Magdalena had been subjected to torture immediately upon leaving their transportation bus, forced onto the ground to do rapid pushups. The worst part about it was that thick and dry dirt and dust and occasionally small pebbles were being kicked their way, adding to their torture. She kept her eyes and mouth shut as best she could, trying not to inhale too deeply as well. It would be rather detrimental to inhale, eat, or get the grit caught in one's eyes, so she tried her best to avoid such a fate. Her forearms began to burn, her breathing growing quicker and shallow from the expelling of energy so rapidly and suddenly. She had to push through this, no matter how terrible it was towards her and all the others ranked similar to herself.

She flinched as one of the higher officials then yelled out at them with his loud and authoritative voice to get up and begin in a sprint. Magdalena forced herself upwards onto her feet, stumbling by all the rushing bodies around her, as she had failed in getting up quickly as ask the others had. She had been left as one of the outliers, one of the last ones to leave their original position and location where they had been on the ground and doing pushups. They were all being laughed at and jeered towards, and that didn't help anyone with low self-confidence, such as herself. Dirt covered her face, infiltrating her pores and staining her paper white skin into brown. She felt dirty, already sweating. She instantly regretted not pulling her thick hair back, her long and incredibly curly ringlets all in her face and littered with dirt. It wasn't at all pleasant as Magdalena broke out into a fatigued sprint, not bothering to interact with anyone else.

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

Dwayne spotted Kaine and watched the whole group get yelled at by Rico. He picked up his M60 and walked toward her, "PFC Kaine? I heard you're a real killer with the M60! She's a beautiful piece of machinery ain't she? But if Im gonna let some scrawny, fucked up private think they can carry my baby around in country they're gonna fucking earn the fucking right to carry her around." He set the M60 on her back. The gun itself was only 23 pounds. "Dont let my baby touch the ground Kaine, or Im going to have to fuck you up." He walked away for a moment to two olive drab ammo cases then pulled them back over to Kaine as she continued to do her pushes, he pulled out a belt of 7.62 ammo and laid it across her back, and then another belt of ammo, doing the same thing. Until she had roughly 5 belts of Ammo and the M60 on her back. The machinegun itself was just long enough to have the Bipod rested on her shoulders and the stock and pistol gripped resting on her ass. "Not very comfortable huh Kaine? This can be over, you just tell me you wanna be a bitch and carry a M16 and you can get treated like the rest of these assholes, just a weak little punk, or you can be a fucking Soldier, and carry a machine of fucking death with you in the worst fucking place on Earth. Its up to you Kaine, what'll be?"

Buck hesitated for only a second before suddenly breaking into a full-on sprint for the tent, leaving his boot and rucksack behind on the ground. "Incoming mortar fire! 11 O' clock, olive drab tent, 100 meters!" Buck yells as he darts towards the tent. Upon reaching the tent, he sees several other Pvts already there. "So I see other people had the same idea." He says as he catches his breath. Buck sees the guy from the bus and begins to try and bring some light to a (Kind of) dark situation. "Were you a little too scared of that gook mortar fire?" He asks Ken, joking obviously.

Buck soon realizes that he didn't even need to yell out what was going on, seeing as most of them, if not everyone, were there at the tent even before he called out the situation. Buck glances around the tent and observes all of the people who will be headed into Tiger Land with him; Buck could tell that they all had their own unique stories to them and he sure liked to hear stories, he made a mental note to ask all of them what their stories were before heading back home, if he stays alive for that long.

Cara was fucking exhausted, when Carlos picked her up, she had to carry the M60 after all. Sprinting with that big ass weapon with all the ammo was hard as shit, all that weight added up overtime, and was a huge drag. She wondered why the sgt with the M60 only chose to pick on her, was it because she was supposed to be the gunner for it? She wasn't told anything, she just plopped the M60 on the bed. None of the NCO's entered the tent yet, and she took this as a moment to set her rucksack and all the ammo down. She undid her hair and ruffled the dirt and small rock pieces that were stuck in her scalp, looking around as she did so. She really had no idea what was going on, and got a little angry. " What the fuck was that?! Do they get their rocks off fucking with people of somethin?! Ughhh! "

When all the privates made their way inside the tent, Demi glared at all the NCO's around her. They were standing outside the tent now, looking at the platoon sergeant. She walked up to him and crossed her arms. She still had the female's guitar slung across her back. " Good job giving them a blessed first impression? I'm sure they just love it here now. You better give them ample time to wash up, or I'll see the chief about this... " She wasn't amused, getting dirt kicked in her face by the platoon sergeant really set her off in a way. She couldn't flip out on him during that episode though, it would have shown weakness. She walked inside the tent and dropped the guitar on the girls bed, a small smile crossing her face when she noticed her trying to get the dirt out of her hair. " It's alright... Showers are definitely in order. But await for the platoon sergeant to say so. " Demi winked slightly, then made her way back outside with the NCO's.
Samuel quickly jumped up out of his push-up position and grabbed his rucksack, slinging the bag over his shoulder. Sighing, he ran after the others towards the tent. Entering the tent, Samuel simply stood around, watching the others as they mulled about or complained about the shitty weapon. Sam did nothing, he simply stood silently. It wasn't his idea to join this god damned war, but he sure as hell wasn't about to start bitching about the rough treatment like a prissy little girl. He watched as an NCO brought a guitar over to a younger female.

'A guitar? Really? Whatever, I honestly don't fucking care,' he thought to himself.
Dwayne followed the group into the tent and looked at the recruits, "What? No one wants to call Attention for Lt. Wilde?" He walked toward Cara, "Kaine? Good job out there just now. Im gonna put you up for the other '60 gunner for the platoon alright? Which means you and I will become best friends." He looked toward the Lieutenant for a moment, then back to Cara before leaving the tent. He put the belts of ammo he'd lain across Cara back into the ammo cans. He picked up the M60 and held it over his shoulder by grabbing onto the bipod, then lifted the two ammo cans and started to carry them to the NCO tent.

Dwayne stopped a moment, then looked at Rico and Wolfee, "That was fun and all, but I'll be the good guy NCO from now on. We can't have all of us be bad cops and Wilde be the only good cop. Does us no good. They'll come to me with bitches and complaints and all that shit. I'll pass it up to you two." He nodded without waiting for confirmation and walked the rest of the way to the NCO barracks to put his stuff away.
Rico looked toward the Lt, spitting off toward the side. He didn't like her attitude, and she was definitely a 'poor sport'. Sgt Compton backing her up made it even worse, but he slightly understood his point.

" Calm down mam', I assure you, they will have plenty of time to get cleaned up... They all did fairly well regardless, I only wanted to get a feel for them. "

It was time to act professional now, Rico knew he was slightly pushing his boundaries. He didn't care however, better him overstep himself, then have people get him or his battle buddies killed doing something stupid in Nam. He went and walked inside the tent, noticing everyone trying to get the dirt off their hair, and getting it all over the floor.

" Somebody sweep this fucking floor! Y'all can shower after that. Next formation is at 1700 outside the tent; it's 1500 now, don't be late ladies. "

Rico promptly left the tent putting his right hand into his pocket, which was completely unauthorized, but he didn't care.

" That goes for y'all too... You guys did good, let's get ready for the weekend... "


Carlos sat down on his bunk, which was below Cara's. He rested his face on his hands, thinking about ways to possibly skip out on all this shit, but came up dry. Sure, he may have been eligible for hardship discharge, if his baby momma was broke. Carlos was a good enough man to make sure she had plenty of money to raise his daughter with. He now started taking his boots off, and removing his jacket and shirt. Fuck sweeping, that was going to happen after he washed up. He looked up toward Cara and laughed a little.

" What's up with that one sgt? He seemed pretty cool but... I don't like him. "

Carlos saw the twisted side of many drill sergeants, but had never really experienced one that was 'alright'.
Kenneth scrambled to his feet as the rest the group filed in, and went to attention especially when the Lieutenant made her way in and dropped off the gui... wait, that wasn't hers? It was that other GI's? It was strange, but he guessed it made sense that it would have been picked up in the scuffle. He kept his stance until the LT made her way outside, apparently only addressing one of them at which he point he let his shoulders sag a bit as he placed his hands on his hips to allow for a deep breath as he turned to the closet bunk he could drop his ruff-sack on. He heard a voice speak about the showers which he recognized, only that it was at a lower volume.

"Holy fuck, that was the platoon sergeant!? Damn it, that just has to be my luck."

He had hope that he didn't already earn someone shit list, but he guessed he would find out soon enough. He tried his best to make his way quick enough to get set up so he could showered when he heard Buck's quip which made him stop and stare for a few seconds.

"Yeah gook mortar fire, ya know what, with everything they were pullin' off, I wouldn't have been surprised if they have pre-sighted a fuckin' mortar line for exactly where are bus stopped."

He continued unloading his ruff-sack and seemed to remember something; he marched over to the private he had to CLS on and ripped his rag off of the guy's leg before he had a chance o notice it or change. (He didn't care if it was old, it was his dirty old rag thank you very much.)

He quickly moved back to his chosen bunk and continued talking with Buck.

"Well, at least someone had the where-with-all to actually try and get some help, like we're supposed to. But where the hell did they get that radio? That shit isn't easy to lug around. Did they just drop on your chest?"

Kenneth's continues the conversation as he quickly makes his way to swipe all of the dust out of the tent entryway back outside. Because damn it all if he was going to loose out on a shower half-way only to get hauled out because someone wouldn't take the time. If not him, then who?

Buck was relieved that the simulation was over but he was actually disappointed that he had to clean the tent. "Actually, I used my old boot, the other one is still in my rucksack out there. Let me go get it, I'll be right back." Buck says as he recalls the old leather footwear and his items and rushes out of the tent to retrieve his rucksack. Once he has gotten it, Buck returns back to the tent as quickly as he can, he hopes to not piss off the NCOs but he's probably too late.

Buck stuffs his shoe back in his rucksack once inside the tent again. "
Damnit, I'll have to polish it later on. Y'know, I've never got your name, do you mind telling me?" He asks as he sets his rucksack by his bunk and then proceeds to help out with sweeping out the tent.
Kenneth had to stop one more time when he heard the words 'I used my old boot' as he saw Buck run out and run back in quickly holding a non-standard boot that had its look of wear and tear. He shook his head slightly as he kept moving quickly to get a shower before their assembly.

"Kenneth Maclin is the name; a proud volunteer, or Ken if ya don't want to bother with all that. Or Nariz Torcida if you want to use an insult. Nice to meet ya."

He is glad that someone else was keeping their section of the tent clean; who knew what critters like to hide in the ground around here. He had heard plenty from some older instructors back in Fort Sill about all of the damn snakes this part of Louisiana had, he also heard of scorpions, but he didn't know about that.

"So, how about yourself, you a volunteer, or was your call a mandatory one? Pardon me me sayin' but you seem like a weird character, that how they grow em' in East Texas?"

Kenneth allowed a bit of a grin as he talked to the bespectacled man. He felt that he could click with anyone from Texas. His family always talked about how every Texan were neighbors, because we had the same temperament and toughness, and they knew how to treat someone right. He figured he might get along with this joker.

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