Video Game University


a sad lil bean
There may only be an equal amount of genders {If these fill up fast, I may open more spots.} One character per person please.

Girls: {None open.}

1. Taken by Yours Truly.

2. Taken by @Raviael

3. Taken by @Demesne

4. Taken by @The forbidden one

5. Taken by @Obnoxious

Boys: {None open.}

1. Taken by @Purcible261

2. Taken by @Michael Dineen

3. Taken by

4. Taken by @kazikay burrito

5. Taken by @Thomas K

Team Roles:

FPS Team Player {3}: Taken by @Obnoxious and @kazikay burrito and @Thomas K

MOBA Player {2}: Taken by @Purcible261 and @Raviael

Chaos Player{1}: Taken by Yours Truly.

Fighter {3}: Taken by @The forbidden one and @Michael Dineen and Reserved possibly for @Jon_14

Creator {1}: Taken by @Demesne

Headmaster/Teacher: @Demesne



Gamer Tag:


Age: {19-22}

Team Role:


Details: {Pictures aren't always perfect. - Tattoos, piercings, changes in the pic, etc.}

Theme Song:




My character:


Leda April Winters

Gamer Tag:

Sylvannus {A banshee character from WoW.}





Team Role:

Chaos Player {Also good at FPS.}




-Small tattoo on her left shoulder blade of the Horde symbol from WoW.

-Small stud piercing on the side of her nose

-Small belly-button piercing.

Theme Song:


Leda is easygoing and fun-loving. She's easy to get along with, but chose the solitary gamer life. She became shy and socially awkward during highschool, but VGU has really brought out the best in her. She's sarcastic and witty, funny and flirty, and has a passion for Chaos Among Us, and just gaming in general.


Leda starting gaming when she was in fifth grade. Her two older brothers taught her the basics of FPS games and Chaos Among Us, and after years of practice, she's ranked number 3 in the world for MMORPG, and number 2 at VGU for gaming in general. She's been at VGU for a year now.


FC is Nina Dobrev.

Read more about this role play...
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Name: Adelaide Clarice Genevieve Maeva-Coll

Gamer Tag: Phoenixx (AKA Nixx)

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Team Role: Creator


Details: Yes her hair is dyed rainbow, and she LOVES it.

Theme Song: Let It Go! <3

Personality: Adelaide is an optimist, always finding the bright side and looking for the silver lining. She has learned to largely ignore any outside voices, and to follow her own desires whether people support her or not. However, this has also shut her off from potential support as well, as her presumptions that she will be told to get back in the kitchen are often false.

History: Adelaide grew up being told that she couldn't. She couldn't enter the Bakugan tournament, that was for boys, she couldn't have an Xbox, that was for boys, she couldn't learn how to code, that's for boys, that's for boys, everything was for boys. Her mother was a strict Catholic and her father was a southern Christian, meaning she was expected to worry about the placement of her false eyelashes, not the loop command in her walking script. However, her grandmother told her to do whatever she damn well pleased, and that Adelaide did, winning first in state for Information Technology her freshman year of high school. Her sophomore year she placed again, and placed 7th in the country. By her junior year she was 5th nationwide, and her senior year she was 2nd, but the first place entrant was disallowed from the competition for using speed. She also competed in Video Game Design through the same club, and placed 3rd during her junior year and 4th during her senior year. Having found her great passion, she applied to a battery of schools, with her highest hope being MIT. However, when the golden envelope came, she jumped at the chance to attend.

Other: She took Tae Kwon Do, so if you do have the idiocy to tell her to report to the kitchen, she will probably jump you. Also has an extreme dislike for profanity.

Name: Headmistress Eliza Rossignol (Roz to her friends, which none of you are)

Gamer Tag: Roz

Gender: Female

Age: mid 60's, no one really knows fur sure.

Team Role: Headmistress


Details: Nope, that's about it.

Theme Song: Hollaback Girl (She ain't no hollaback girl!!)

Personality: Roz is an old soul, but can be quite entertaining if you break through her shell. Like any old biddy, she comes across as harsh at first, but can give you quite a kicking tale about the good old days if you bother to ask.

History: I suppose you'd better ask! :3

Other: She wears a hat. Everywhere. Everyday. All the time.

Also because I used my other slots and just remembered Game is Lyfe!
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(reserve me a girl MOBA I swear I'll fill this out. I'm just busy with finishing this project for school. )
Check out the two new updates, the latest one as suggested by @Jon_14

Get your skellies filled out ASAP por favor.
(Could I reserve a female FPS position? I just need to finish an Essay and I'll get working on the character right away.)

Name: Gabrielle "Gabs" Denvark

Gamer Tag: Augalicious (an Aug is a gun .-.)

Gender: Female

Age: 20

Team Role: FPS Player


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/upload_2014-4-1_17-8-17.jpeg.aabd5b06aef07cb30e99d025bc26f348.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15505" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/upload_2014-4-1_17-8-17.jpeg.aabd5b06aef07cb30e99d025bc26f348.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


? She has a nose hoop on the left nostril

? She has a tattoo of
Waldo behind her left ear

?There's a earring hoop on the top of her right ear

?She has a pistol tattoo pointing towards the fingernail of her middle finger on... her middle finger. As she puts it, "a majestic-al way of flipping a douche off."

?Lastly, she has
that, but on the small of her back.

Theme Song:

.... Or any Disturbed at all, really.
Personality: Gabs is, well, pretty badass. She loves rock, metal, and punk. She has a sense of humor, though, and is pretty sarcastic. She can get worked up really easily about things she's passionate about- like FPS, for example. Gabs likes to rock out while killing egoistic guys on Ground of Battle, and likes to get them all worked up at her before turning on her headset and them finding out she's female. With that said, she hates how a lot of guys thinks she's male based on her gaming skills. It's another thing she gets worked up about easily.

History: Gabs grew up in a normal family, with a normal life. She has all brothers, and is the middle child- of five. Yeah, growing up as the middle with four brothers really meant that Gabs had to learn how to survive. She grew a tough manner, and it actually was how she got introduced into FPS. She loved it. She was always driven to beat her brothers, and that made her more competitive. This competitive drive made her become an awesome FPSer, and she grew to really love it. When she was in high school, she decided to make her own MyTube channel, and she actually became pretty famous. After she graduated, she spent a year and a half traveling on a tours to meet fans, and making money off of what Ground of Battle gave her for promoting the game by making the videos. It was actually on tour that she found out about VGU, and she signed up as soon as possible.

Other: Game is Lyfe




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Name: Hannah Coriander

Gamer Tag: Obnoxious

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Team Role: FPS


Details: Bright long orange hair accompanied by an intense blue gaze. She is rather tall and has one barely notible scar on her arm

Theme Song: The Offspring- You're Gonna Go Far,

Personality: Hannah has very few friends. She is a rather bleak figure. She seems to have an emotionless demeanor to her, accompanied by a dark sense of humor. She almost never speaks with others but has no issues with addressing situations as a leader. Hannah is a withdrawn person, very quiet, and perhaps that is for her own good. A very intellectual girl she is, knowledgeable on almost every subject, but perhaps her knowledge is too vast for her age. She knows things that she shouldn't, and due to her odd understanding she has a really hard time making friends. She's convinced herself that being alone is best for her, and because of her odd demeanor she is often made fun of, but she doesn't take it to heart. She is very avoidant of people, and upon meeting an unfamiliar face she tends to become rather uptight. She has a soft side, which is revealed when she warms up to someone, but rarely does that happen.

History: Born into a big city, Hannah always had issues fitting in. She had a weird personality that caused those around her to be pushed away. Try as she might she was never good enough in the eyes of the other children, and she often found herself alone on the playground swing set, drawing what she saw. Fast forward a few years and she's moved on from elementary. Now in high school she's deprived of the comfort of her swing set and takes another shot at making friends. It was most likely her dark humor or her bad puns, but nobody stuck around long enough, and after a while her personality grew jaded. Having no say into the world she was born in, Hannah spent her life hiding herself from others. She hid into the confinements of her room, spending hours upon hours gaming.

Other: VGU Forever, Game is Lyfe.
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Name, Samantha Noridor

Gamer Tag, Kingkiller

Age: 22

Team role: fighter


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.46e91612ee28c68f880dc5480ef55c01.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15517" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.46e91612ee28c68f880dc5480ef55c01.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Details, on her right angel she has a tattoo of Subzero and on her left she has a tattoo of Scorpion. There's a long scar on her chest

Theme song, Running to the sea, a seven lions remix

Personality, Samantha is a very shy person when she's not behind a controller, but when she is she's your worst nightmare. When she plays she not only rages when she's beat she also uses a wide selection of words. Other wise when out in public she barley says a word, she dose have one friend though. His names hip hop, he's Samantha's stuffed bunny. She doesn't accept anyone's friend request on consoles ether, mostly because every one wants to yell at her or challenge her because of her skills in fighting games like mortal kombat and street fighter. To prove her skill once she took on a player with him having a health and a attack boost while she had half health and weak attacks, it took her exactly 1 minute to beat him and he was suppose to be the king of kombat. That's were kingkiller came from. When ever she's called names or was told she would get beat up or something like that she stops playing games and sits on her bed to cry, and if someone hears and tries to calm her down, she'll freak out and do the following, she'll hit, bite, scream rape, throw things, hide or if it's a guy she'll kick him in the manhood


Samantha grew up in the small town of New Hampton, she lived in a nice looking house but her parents weren't as nice. When she was four her father took up a habit of drinking to much, he'd come home drunk, his first few nights doing this were fine but one night something just ticked him off. He went though the house screaming for her mother, (her name was Nicole,) and once found he'd ask her 20 questions, all of them didn't even have answers. But for each incorrect answer Jason ( the father) would hit Nicole, it wasn't just a hit like a slap or anything, he would take a random object and hit her in the head. Every time Nicole would black out from pain, and Samantha would watch in horror each time, she was caught once by her dad, that's how she got her scar , the monster had took a knife to her. He didn't do any mortal damage but it was enough to make the skin scared forever. When she was ten, she came home early from school only to find her mom on the couch taking all kinds of drugs, coke crack ect ect. Her mom slapped her and told her she would die if she told anyone. It wasn't hard not to tell for she had no friends expect for hip hop, a stuffed rabbet she got at the age of two. At the age of 16 she had made enough money to buy a 360 and a copy of mortal kombat, she was addicted to it, playing the game let her anger out, and she had a lot of it. But on September 29 her father came home with a gun, her mom had been high. Her father got mad at her for doing drugs. All Samantha herd was the click of the gun and then the two shots that followed, she laid in her bed crying. The police had come in the minutes that followed, she was put in a foster home, she was luckily able to bring her stuffed rabbit and 360. at the age of 18 she had started working at Casey's and then at 22 after saving all of her money she moved out and got an apartment and more fighting games.

Other Game is lyfe



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(Ugh sorry, not like I typically reserve stuff. I just had a lot on my plate at the time when I saw this happens.)

Name: Jenna McAlister

Gamer Tag: Abyssia

Gender: Female

Age: 21

Team Role: MOBA Player



Details: lip ring and she doesn't have all that hospital gear on ._.

Theme Song: Online Game Addicts (vocaloid)

Personality: Jenna is intelligent, though she doesn't like heavy expectations and that can lead to her downfall on her potential. However, she knows she's intelligent which can be both a good and bad thing considering the fact she thinks she knows everything and she likes to know everything and will share with you her knowledge even if you don't care for her too. She can come off cold and as...well pretty much a complete ass but that's just because of her huge know-it all ego that she possesses. She's also a strategist and tends to think logically and thoroughly before taking action on something.

History: Jenna is an intelligent and bold young woman who had a bright future ahead of her. Her parents knew this too and expected much out of her. A bit too much for Jenna's liking. The peer pressure really got to her during her late years of middle school - early years of high school and she went through her rebellious stage. She hung out with the wrong crowd, dyed her hair, got a lip piercing (these rebellious stages have become so stereotypical nowa'days...) did anything to try to get her parents to go easy on her. But Jenna's a smart girl and soon during her stage of starving herself had she realized this was doing nothing but hurting her for her future and she wasn't even happy this way...this was all just an immature cry for help. After speaking with a friend one day, he recommended her to escape her real life temporarily by playing a MMO. He started her off with one and soon Jenna discovered her new addiction. Being the intelligent girl she was she became a strategist and worked her way up. She spent countless dollars for items in the game and soon became a pro...but more than a pro. Her character was OP and she beat just about everyone that she PvP'd. She loved feeling superior to everyone wasn't so challenging anymore. But she still loved the game so. She made many online friend who supported her virtual self, she was a pro to both be admired and feared...but soon an escape became an addiction that craved for something bigger...thus she sighed up for Video Game University.

Other: Game is Lyfe, VGU Forever (just in case)
We only need one more male role reservation/skelly. {Must be FPS.}

Besides that, no more reservations.

Only create a skelly if you have reserved.
Name: Mark Williams

Gamer Tag: Nightwalker

Gender: Male

Age: 21

Team Role: Fighter

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/5aeeaaea2526935f796acd1680a57e19_bp.jpg.c1b25869fcfb6d8002d9e6b8efdcf0fc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15577" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/5aeeaaea2526935f796acd1680a57e19_bp.jpg.c1b25869fcfb6d8002d9e6b8efdcf0fc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Details: No eye-patch first off. Wears usually a blue t-shirt, with some dark blue jeans, and black and blue tennis shoes.

Theme Song: Reach

Personality: Mark is eager, very fanboyish, and totally a

geek. Though that shouldn't be a surprise considering what he's into, but when he's not being his geeky self Mark is pretty normal. He's never one to insult others because of their play-style or preference of what they play. His major pet-peeve can be competitive people who can be major jerks to anyone

History: Mark was an average kid growing up, but when his ninth birthday rolled around. What he got was a Gamecube with two games. Metroid Prime and Super Smash Bros Melee. Though Metroid Prime was a game he loved, nothing could compare his love for Melee. Spending literally hours upon hours on that game.

That's what sparked his main interest in fighting games. Over the years he'd get more consoles, which meant more fighting games for him to play. Mark is one to study everything about a game. So he'd research move-sets, game-play videos of pros, and other people he'd play against.

During high school he'd head to conventions in his free time. There he put his skills to the test against others who could be just as skilled, or more skilled than him. It was actually at one convention when he found out about VGU. Once getting introduced to that he did everything he could to get into VGU, and was accepted.

Other: Though a fan of fighting games, he also has a love for JRPGs. Also his main fighting games are Super Smash Bros Melee, Marvel Vs Capcom 2, Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3, Persona 4 Arena, and Injustice. Also Game is Lyfe.

(Gonna add appearance and theme soon. On phone so I wanted to get this out first.)



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Name: Mark O'Maley

Gamertag: CelticHero

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Team Role: Fighter

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8befb6585e_Photoon1-6-14at8.25PM.jpg.f9b809834ed101bdb90758c7c2dc32e6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15537" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8befb6585e_Photoon1-6-14at8.25PM.jpg.f9b809834ed101bdb90758c7c2dc32e6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>Details: I'm not the best at making pictures, so I found this as an old picture of mine. He would look a little younger and would be wearing a black robe with golden lettering along the edges when he's in the game. Otherwise, he wears a fedora and a leather jacket with jeans.

Theme Song: Fight to Survive by Stan Bush.

Personality: Reserved, friendly, respectful. Yet he likes to engage in intellectual conversation. He's serious about his fighting and doesn't like bullies. He is a complete geek, interested in sci-fi and fantasy stuff, but he doesn't like to show it.

History: He grew up, being adopted by an Asian-American family. His father held the traditions of the Samurai and passed them on to Mark. Though Mark rebelled because he didn't have much in common with his family, he found himself stuck in jail and regretting his decisions. Thus, when he was given a spot on the fighting team, he jumped at the chance to prove himself worthy of his family again.

Other: He likes realistic fighting games and finds Mortal Kombat rather degrading. He is working to become a good, respectful person. He may lash out at times though.



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Name:Mike Livingston

Gamer Tag:Quick_Shot_Killa


Age: 19

Team Role: FPS


Theme Song: Final Countdown by Europe

Personality:Tends to isolate himself.Rude and has a superiority complex.Lazy and spoiled but a prodigy in the gaming world and not a good team player so tends to go lone wolf.

History:Born August 18th his parents divorced at age 6 for infidelity reasons so he was raised by a single mother.He was a single child so he strived to impress his mom because he perceived her as his only ally in life.Throughout his teenage years he isolated himself and devoted himself to games and would spend days in a row in his room , he would skip so many school days he actually got sent to court for not showing up to school.He published his first indie game in the 8th grade which it received lots of buzz on the marketplace and was the thirteenth most downloaded game that year.With the money he earned from the indie game he bought more game designing software and worked harder to get an apprenticeship at Microsoft.In his ninth grade year his mom died in a car accident and he was sent to live with his dad and his new mother in law.Soon after he lost his inspiration to become a game designer and found himself picking up paddle and with his game designing background he rose through the ranks by picking the perfect spots to snipe targets out.

Other:likes sushi and star gazing

Name: Alexander Kane

Gamer Tag: Impure_breed (Ninja Gaiden 2 - 3's Archfiend Blade)

Gender: Male

Age: 21

Team Role: MOBA Player

Details: He has a short, trimmed beard, long enough to not be considered stubble, but short enough to where it doesn't curl over. This beard is complete with a trimmed mustache. He also has to spider bites located on both ends of his lower lip, each with an Onyx spiked tip.

Theme Song:

Personality: More of a recluse, Alex was always technically a loner rather preferring to stay locked in his room all day and play video games; as opposed to going outside and playing with the other kids that were his age. He loves the feeling of being able to play an MMORPG, mainly because he loves having the power to make his own character. If there's one thing he enjoys, it's being unique. He only finds himself to be amongst true friends when he's online either doing missions with other players or playing video games with the little amount of friends he does have. His intellect is considered to be large, which was needed to keep his parents off of his ass whenever he wanted to play video games. He's single minded which allows him to see anything and everything through to the end before moving to the next mission or quest. This too helped from letting his parent rag on him for not doing work before playing. It also works adversely as he loses sight of the bigger picture and refuses to embrace efficiency. If the assignment isn't done, then he's not done. He is determined and diligent. He loves to work in teams, as he find it allows him the chance to meet new people and possibly improve his skills entirely.

History: As a young lad, Alex started playing games as soon as he was able to hold a hand held or controller. The person who introduced him to such a magical way of life, was none other then his dad. He's played various genres of games from arcade games to shooting games and every game between. As he grew up, he started to show favoritism to genres until reaching his teen years, where he started to play more MMOs and Hack and Slash games. Among his favorite games are games like Devil May Cry, Ninja Gaiden, Deadbreed, World of Warcraft, Everquest, The Elderscrolls, and Rift. As years progressed and technology advanced, showing new consoles and games, he advanced with it; constantly playing and level grinding, in some games he would rank with the highest score world wide, while in others he ranked pretty damn close. He didn't consider himself to be the best, knowing that there were others who were out there that could either match him or best him several times over. Over the years he continued to play his games and advance in school and further on in life. He had his mind sett on working with video games for the rest of his life, planning on going into game designing to maybe make his own MMO one day which would eventually grow into a smash hit.

It wasn't until he had heard of VGU, that he had decided his life goal after high school, and that was to join this university. When he graduated, he did nothing but play video games, work daytime hours at his job in Brusters, and apply for VGU. It wasn't until he had read that he was accepted, the he finally rejoiced. The recluse of a man had become overjoyed, he'd play from right after he got home to late at night or in the darkness of morning rather. He tested his skill from then on, trying to earn a name for himself before he left for VGU. He learned how to strategize and work off of his weaknesses as a player to increase his strengths. Once he had attained a name, he was able to happily set a path towards this new university. He only had one things on his mind at the time, and that was to have fun.

Other: Game is Lyfe
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Okay everyone, I'm no longer accepting reservations. If you're in the first post, you're in, if not, I'm sorry.

Make your skellies ASAP. We'll start tomorrow afternoon.

Okay everyone, I'm no longer accepting reservations. If you're in the first post, you're in, if not, I'm sorry.

Make your skellies ASAP. We'll start tomorrow afternoon.

jewlia said:
Okay everyone, I'm no longer accepting reservations. If you're in the first post, you're in, if not, I'm sorry.
Make your skellies ASAP. We'll start tomorrow afternoon.

Okay everyone, I'm no longer accepting reservations. If you're in the first post, you're in, if not, I'm sorry.

Make your skellies ASAP. We'll start tomorrow afternoon.

what is a skelli 

[QUOTE="kazikay burrito]what is a skelli

how do u make a character sheet? 
oh okay i already made mine thx
Name: Caelen

Gamer Tag: necroverlord

Gender: male

Age: 19

Team Role: fps player

Appearance:sorry could not find a good picture

Details: black shoulder length hair. green eyes. 5,11 . thinner than normal.wears jeans and black combat boots. wears a large purple hoodie that obscures the top half of his face. carries a normal school bag around with him.

Theme Song: mars the bringer of war by Gustav holst

Personality: Quiet and moody at first glance but surprisingly cheerful to those who know him.

History: Caelen was left at the orphanage at birth. he did not have many friends and shut himself off playing video games. when he was 18 he left and with money saved over the bought a small apartment and got a part time job. he kept playing games and was eventually noticed and offered a place at video game university.

Other: addicted to tea

VGU forever
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