Video Games Video Game Must Haves?


Unlucky Member
My friend and I argue about it all the time, bless her heart, as she prefers games that look good with a good mechanic and I prefer games that look however with a good story. I just like hearing people's preferences and why. Thank you.
Gameplay and story are mainly what I look for. Everything else is secondary.
Gameplay is the most important thing- if it isn't fun then none of the other things matter
Is it tasty? Because I don't play a narrow enough range to give a list. I can't say I look for anything within a "gameplay" set because I play games like Kentucky Route Zero, Pentiment, and Night In The Woods which while all being brilliant games are scant in what is considered by-and-large "gameplay". All their weight is in the visual aesthetic and the story telling. There isn't even a Fail-Safe (well less so with Night In The Woods which has an in-built Roguelike game within its own universe which has a fail state and is very much a game with gameplay, also it's bass-only Guitar Hero Mini-Game; but it's hilarious to recommend the game on the merit of those two).

On the other hand I play TF2 and Deep Rock Galactic known for their lax story, all gameplay. Or also Civ 6 and Total War.

So honestly at the end of the day I just say you shouldn't stay in a niche you should cultivate a wide range

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