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Fandom Very lazy Stranger Things Search ✨


sleepy fawn on a hunter’s lawn
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hello hello! It’s been quite a while since I’ve been on here, and quite a while since Stranger Things was popular, but I’ve been binging s4 again so we’re bringing both back today lads!~

○ 28
○ I do my best to reply at least every other day, but once weekly at minimum!
○ Lazy-lit. Shorter replies work best for me right now, 2-5 paragraphs average
○ m/f preferred, but will happily do m// or f// if you’d like to double!
○ PM or discord preferred for both rp and ooc pls c:
○ Ditch friendly, but messages prior are more than appreciated!!

Searching for;
○ Someone 20+ for comfort reasons
○ Weekly replies, at least, but I’m patient! ^^
○ Communication! While I love being friends with my partners, it’s not a requirement lol. However, please at least talk to me about important things!! Like if you’re going to be gone, need a break, want to quit/do something else etc.
○ Contribution! Please don’t make me do all of the work at any point, or else I’ll think you're not interested and will loose it myself in turn..

The good stuff;
Right now I’m really, really wanting to play Miss Chrissy Cunningham! ♡~
Ideally I’d like to pair her with Eddie or maybe Robin, but I might be open to others?
I’m totally down for plots closer to canon, but I have a ton of AUs in varying degrees that I would love to use too!!

If you want to double, we could do either another cc x cc pair of your choice, or cc x oc!
If we both do cc x oc I’d like you to play for me;
Henry/001, Eddie, Robin

Characters I can comfortably play are;
↳ Chrissy, Steve, Eddie, Robin, and Nancy
If there’s someone else you really want, just ask! The worst thing I can do is say no, right? c:

That’s about all I’ve got for now! Please PM me if you’re interested! Thank you so much for reading and have a wonderful day!~
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