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Fantasy Venus 14

Eli glanced around Salome, his eyes landing on June and he let out a soft sigh. Sometimes his friend could be ditzy. And it sucked when it hurt people. He stretched before standing up, "I'll be right back." He winked at the pair, "Don't miss me too much." Then he walked over to June and dipped his head, "Take a walk with me, yea?" He murmured. He needed to get her away from the crew. At least far enough where they couldn't see her face in that state. He didn't need the entire ship trying to get in on someone's business. Especially when this someone was going to help them land this polished junk.

GardenParty GardenParty Aio Aio
Salome Aoi Ochoa

Salome sighed as Eli spoke, shaking her head before she spok. "She kept stumbling over her words... I really think this mission is getting to her." She attempted to explain her reasoning but she was only getting disappointed looks from Eli and Keegan. Shrugging at Keegan's response to her words. Now she was unsure if she was correct but then again what else could it be?

She watched as Eli left, rolling her eyes at his comment. When he left she's turned and looked at Keegan's. " I don't know. What else could it be?"

GardenParty GardenParty HolyMacaroons HolyMacaroons
June Green
June stared at Eli and took his arm, opening a shaky portal and stepping out of the control room. It led them to one of the many sleeping quarters in the ship, closest to the room they just came out of. She look at Eli, lip wobbling. "I'm so dramatic." She said, tears streaming down her face.

HolyMacaroons HolyMacaroons
Keegan Green
Keegan shrugged. "You should've just let her finish. I can't speak for her." Keegan didn't really have the patience for people, much less those who hurt his sister.
Aio Aio

((writers block is great :^ ) ))
Eli brushed her hair out of her face and murmured, "Shhh.. It's okay." He smiled softly, "You know how dense Salome can be. You just have to be very... forward... with her. Maybe kiss her next time?" He chuckled, wiping the tears off her face, "Your brother is not gonna be happy if he walks in and sees you crying." He murmured, "So brighten up, okay? It would suck for one of my friends to kill the other." Then he pulled her into a hug. He definitely didn't have romantic feelings for June, seeing as not only was she his best friend's brother, but about a straight as a cooked noodle, but he did think she definitely needed a hug, and he prided himself on his hug giving abilities.

GardenParty GardenParty

(feels tho)
Hector Price

Hector stood at the window for what felt like an eternity, staring, but without seeing. A small voice inside his head asked him if he would ever be able to regain even a shred of his sight again. His eyes, they must be clouded instead of their usual olive green. The thought hadn't even occurred to him until just now.

After a moment lost in thought, his mind decided it would be fun to eavesdrop on a nearby conversation. It wasn't like him to eavesdrop, but since he received his power, he almost couldn't help it sometimes.

June's voice was staggering over her words. It was obvious what she was trying to put forth, but she just couldn't get the full thing out. Who was she speaking to? Hector's echolocation allowed him to tell the difference between something solid, and something that wasn't there, but it was impossible for him to fully picture a person from the sound waves bouncing off of them. However, his answer was given to him when the person's voice rang out cheerfully.

The person June was talking to was Salome. That figured. The two of them were pretty close, always talking to one another, and it was obvious that they enjoyed each other's company. Perhaps June especially.

Salome "finished" June's sentence for her and waltzed off to talk to a couple of the others. June's silence made Hector cringe. He didn't need to see to know how she must have looked. Hector took a moment, considering whether or not it would be a good idea to get involved, but his decision was made for him when someone, who turned out to be Eli, approached her and they left the area.

Hector could tell that June had used one of her portals. Sound didn't reflect off the wormholes as it did everything else. It was as though a bundle of noise was drawn into that area, and once the portal went away, the sound waves returned to normal.
GardenParty GardenParty HolyMacaroons HolyMacaroons Aio Aio
Tae smiled as his friend admired the view. 'Ah a neck crap? Anything I can do to help relieve the pain?' He suggested kindly. He didn't want his friend to be uncomfortable on their trip. Tae looked out the window, his eyes getting lost in the scenery. He wanted to ask Baejin a questions, however it would ruin what little comfort the group had. He had to trust the organization, or he might not make it out alive.

Tae turned to his friend, standing up. 'You be a better fairy than a cupid. ' he sent to her, festering to the flower he had put in her hair earlier. 'Your love for nature says so.' He sent, a small smile on his face. He watched as her face pressed against the window. 'Enjoying the view there?' He gave a small verbal chuckle.
Shadow Alpha Shadow Alpha
Salome Aoi Ochoa

Salome bit her lip as she listened to Keegan. Obviously he was not happy with her but Salome was confused to as why. What else could June have said? She only made the most logical choice. Salome only looked st Keegan as she went through every scenario in her head. Opening her mouth several times as if to speak but nothing came out. Sighing she ran both of her hands through her hair. Shaking her head as she walked back to her seat. Looking over at where June and Eli were before they disappeared.

Confused to why everyone seemed a little agitated with her. Her eyes wandered around the room before landing on Hector, pursing her lips as she shook her head. Salome spoke to many times before but that was about it. Looking down at the controls as she tried to take her mind off of things, which proved to be difficult.

GardenParty GardenParty HolyMacaroons HolyMacaroons Wick Wick
Bae turned her body to fully face Tae and shook her head, "Don't worry about it, it was just a little uncomfortable but I guess it's fading away. I really enjoy this view, it's nice to watch stars go by and it's pretty relaxing." As she looked at Tae, she noticed that he seemed to be lost deep in thought. Bae started to wonder what he could possibly be thinking about that would cause him to zone out like that.

'A fairy?' As soon as she heard the word, her concerned thoughts stopped in their tracks. It kind of brought back fond memories of her father since he use to call her a fairy because she was always smiling and sharing joy with whoever she met. A warm smile graced her features, "A fairy would be okay too, maybe even better than cupid. Enough about me though, are you okay Tae? You looked like you had a lot onyour mind."

C r y s t a l s C r y s t a l s
Tae smiled. 'it's a great view that's for sure. one of the few god things out of this project. ' He sent, not looking at her, but at the black sky before them. 'your right. It's relaxing, allows one to think clearer. ' Nodding, he wondered if his brother was looking up at the stars, drawing constellations in the sky, just like they always did. thinking of his family made things harder to hide in his expression. If you looked hard enough into his eyes, behind the worry and calculating gaze, you could see the pain and sorrow.

He raised his hand , index finger out pretending to draw in the sky. 'You be a good fairy. ' he sent before she continued with her sentence. 'That noticeable huh? ' her sighed loudly. 'I'm just thinking about the organization. It's nothing to worry your mind on.' He quickly sent, looking away from her face again, dropping his hand. Shadow Alpha Shadow Alpha
Bae listened to Tae's explanation as he assured her that nothing was wrong but something still felt off to her. She decided to drop it for now since he didn't seem like he was ready to talk about it just yet and scanned the others in the room. From the lack of June being in the room and the weird solemn expression that Salome had on her face, she could only imagine that June actually had the courage to confess. Bae clapped mentally for her but knew there was a strong chance that Salome had no clue that June was actually confessing.

She took Tae's hand in her own for a moment and grinned up at him, "It's time for the mighty Cupid to go to work." Bae abandoned her window and made her way over towards Salome who looked pretty down while she tried to find something to distract herself. "Salome, calm down and tell me what happened with June. Maybe I can help you work through it and figure it out", Bae offered Salome a friendly smile that caused her eyes to turn into a nice crescent shape.

C r y s t a l s C r y s t a l s
Aio Aio
((I'm not gonna do the fancy stuff anymore. I'm really lazy lmao))

June took his hug and squeezed Eli tight. It hadn't even been an hour into the mission and she was already crying over some silly thing. Her silent tears soaked his shoulder, and June pulled away before she could do too much damage. She listened to the rumble of the ship all around her, trying to formulate the words to assess the situation. June cleared her throat and stared at Eli through watery eyes. "If I walked into that room right now and kissed her on the lips, do you think she'd get it then? Cause it sounds like a pretty solid solution, with a few added bonuses for me." June gave a shaky laugh and pushed her hair back, glancing out the small window in the room.

HolyMacaroons HolyMacaroons
- - - - -
Keegan just stared absently at Salome as she walked off, not bothering to answer the questions in her mind. Keegan would tolerate Salome for June, but if June hadn't been here, Salome would be dead to Keegan, though he would never admit it to his sister. Keegan didn't have the patience for Salome's... whatever you would call it. She was a special one, that was for sure.

Aio Aio
(feels tho)

Eli smirked and playfully nudged her, "You don't know until you try right? And it beats beating around the bush for stuff to just.. fall into place. Or for her to actually pick it up." He tipped her head up and wiped away a stray tear, "Don't let this bring you down. If it doesn't work with her, it doesn't work. There are plenty of souls on this ship who would be lucky to have you." He smiled, giving her a soft kiss on the forehead before stepping away, "Chin up captain." Then he saluted and walked out of the room, leaving the girl to have a moment alone with her thoughts. He walked over to Keegan and plopped down, smirking up at the male, "Miss me?"

GardenParty GardenParty
Hector Price

Hector gave a soft sigh and turned his head back to the window. They were actually in space, the infinite unknown. Several sour thoughts began to swirling the back of his mind. What if something went wrong? The TXSA were known to be unreliable as he had figured out during his time on their island. He would listen to the chatter of the workers and scientists, discussing past failures and what they could do to try and improve their cause. He seldom heard anyone speak of a victory.

Would they even make it to their destination? Or would the rocket shut down and drift aimlessly in space, holding their frail corpses for all of eternity? Another idea arose. What if the reason nobody ever survived these trips was because the TXSA made up the accidents. Then, wouldn't they converse about it in the facility? No, surely they kept tabs on when he was listening in. They could have chosen the right time to talk about it.

All the scenarios and conspiracies buzzed around in Hector's head, and caused it to hurt a bit. He might have an anxiety attack if he didn't calm down now.

If the TXSA truly did want them all dead, they could have just fried their brains using the microchips that were planted in the nape of their necks.

Was there an area to sleep on the ship? Hector had woken rather uncomfortably due to the weight of the mission on his mind. It would be nice to sleep some of the tension off. And perhaps by the time he came to, they would be exponentially closer to their goal.

He turned and walked over to the automatic door through which Eli had re-emerged, and upon it's opening, almost ran into June. She wasn't even too close to the doorway. Heat rushed into his face. He must not have been paying attention to where he was going.

"Sorry." He said briefly before passing her to scout the ship for somewhere to rest.

(Ready for the time skip whenever ;3)

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