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Fantasy Venus 14

June Green
June watched as the group dispersed, throwing a glance over to her brother, who seemed a bit preoccupied with Eli to come and talk to her. She gave him a wave, signaling she was fine, before turning away.

And coming face to face with Salome. The girl had taken her hand and had begun to rub it, trying to calm June. June's cheeks heated and her ears turned red. She swallowed hard and shuffled her feet, almost missing Salome's question. "Yeah. Yeah, it is." She said all too quickly, staring at her hand in Salome's. "The view is really... uh," June stumbled over her words, and despite the vastness of space behind her, all she could look at was Salome. "It's uh... I really like um..." She could barely formulate a sentence as she focused on Salome's thumb running her hand, overwhelmed at that small contact.

God, she was hopeless. Salome took her hand away and stared at the view, but June just lost herself in the sparkle in Salome's eyes, not even bothering to finish her sentence anymore.

Aio Aio
Keegan Green
Keegan tried to suppress his sick feeling, and the green in his face slowly disappeared. "That flight was..." He closed his mouth and swallowed the bile that had risen in his throat. "Easy." He croaked, slumping back into his chair. He glanced over at his sister again, now in the presence of Salome. "You know, if she kept her mouth open any longer, she might actually start drooling." Keegan said so quietly only Eli could hear.

HolyMacaroons HolyMacaroons
Eli glanced over his shoulder at the pair, his eyes lighting up a little, "Wouldn't that just be a sight?" He laughed, leaning close to Keegan so no one else could hear what they were talking about, "Have you convinced June to confess to her yet?" He asked, his eyebrow raised as he gazed at the two, and watched as June looked at Salome. He kinda wished he could feel that for someone. But he had a mission to do and those feelings would only get in the way.

GardenParty GardenParty
Keegan Green
"I think if June did confess," Keegan started, looking away from his sister and towards Eli, "Salome wouldn't even realize." He shook his head, chuckling at the two. "Do you have someone who makes you all gooey eyed like that?" He asked, jerking his chin towards the pair.

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Eli scrunched his nose and shook his head, "No. Still got this rock just chilling in my chest." He sighed in exasperation, "Though it would be nice, I don't think with the mission at hand I should divert my focus too much.. You?" He murmured, leaning his face into his hand. He did want to have fun on this new planet, but if he would be able to convince himself that that would be okay is a completely other story.

GardenParty GardenParty
Keegan Green
Keegan nodded, understanding where Eli was coming from. It was hard to love girls that he had been with for so long, had seen and witnessed all their flaws. He was friends with them, but never anything more. "The only person who has my heart is June." Keegan said casually. He paused, taking in what he just said. He opened and closed his mouth, trying to formulate a way to make Eli believe he didn't mean for that to be weird. "I swear to god I didn't mean it like that." He said, eyes wide with horror.

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Eli choked for a second before laughing so hard his stomach hurt, "Oh my god." He breathed, hiding his face in his hands, "For your sake..." He had to gasp for air, "I'm going to pretend you didn't say that." He let out another laugh and patted Keegan's shoulder, "You're fucked up, man." He chuckled, "But I am too so hey." He smiled, nudging his friend before looking out at the stars moving past their faces, "We're going to be stuck in here for a day." He groaned, letting his head tip back against his seat.

GardenParty GardenParty
Moon Bae Jin

A yawn escaped her as she focused on Tae once again, "Of course Cupid is allowed to sleep, what else am I supposed to do all day. There's no way Cupid has enough energy to shoot a bow all day without taking an extended nap." Bae's head lurched forward with the ship leaving her with an uncomfortable feeling in her neck. She finally realized the importance of their seatbelts as she slowly removed her own and glanced at the window. It was only a matter of seconds before her whole face was pressed against the window as she gazed at the stars in complete wonder. Her focus was broken for a second as she started to answer Tae, "The view is amazing but maybe it wasn't worth the neck cramp I just went through."

Robin Bryer
Robin's smile faded just slightly. He blinked as she explained the situation. He always seemed to forget that Delilah was always that little bit more attentive. Everyone else would absently accept his excuse. It didn't happen often anyway. It was his fault for letting it slip.
Delilah had caught him a few other times, and of course, he brushed it off and kept changing the subject every time.
But right now, he wasn't so sure. She never outright told him to be honest about it, and he wasn't one for lying.

Robin stared at Delilah for at least a solid five more seconds, it clear he was thinking something over. The rest of his smile faded, and glanced around the room before sighing. He made a point of looking back up at her as he began speaking.
"Truthfully... no. But, I'd rather not talk about it. At the very least not now."
Yeah... not now. He looked at Delilah hesitantly, and somewhat uncomfortably. He prayed that she would respect his wish.
FireMaiden FireMaiden
Salome Aoi Ochoa

Salome tilted her head as she attempted to listen to June, which proved to be difficult. She couldn't understand what was causing her to stumble over her words, perhaps it was the view of space or she had to much going on in her head. Salome really did try to understand June but her poor captain seemed to be unable to finish a sentence. Perhaps June was overly stressed. At least this is the conclusion Salome came up with after June stopped speaking, not even attempting to finish her sentence.

"I'm sorry I seemed to have missed the end of or sentece. What do you like?" Salome didn't wish to embarrass her Captain but she also wished to know what she was attempting to say. For a split second she caught both Eli and Keegan staring at her and June. Narrowing her eyes at the two nosey men before she turned back to look at June. Hoping for at least one coherent sentence to escape her lips.

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Delilah Jackson
She smiled, "Alright. If you want to talk, you can talk to me okay?" She said. Of course she'd respect the fact he didn't want to talk about it, she was just glad he told the truth. It wasn't healthy to do that, something she picked up from therapy. And since he didn't want to, she desided to change the subject. "Isn't it beautiful out here?" She asked, "I use to look up at the night sky with my brothers. They all wanted to be astronauts, so would make me take them on the roof to watch the stars," Delilah giggled. HuntedFox HuntedFox
Hector Price

The sound of everybody releasing their harnesses and wandering about told Hector that they had indeed arrived in space. He wasn't sure he wanted to get up though.

He listened to the new environment, picking up any new sounds aside from the group talking amongst each other. The faint rumble coming from the rocket was prominent enough so that one who didn't have super hearing could notice it if they focused on it. However, there was one thing that tempted Hector to stay seated even more than having nothing to look out at; the sound outside the ship.

Back in the facility, he began to discover that he could hear through the concrete, and even thick steel that made up most of the walls. Normally he could have heard some of the lab workers going by and discussing the mission, other times he might have heard some of his colleagues daydreaming about this moment with one another, but up here...

When Hector focused his senses on the vast emptiness on the other side of the well built hull, he heard humming. On and off humming so faint that even he had difficulty hearing it. It was as though the universe itself were breathing. The thought of it alone made him want to sink slowly back into his seat and shrivel into nothing. He suddenly felt immensely insignificant when compared to the wide, never-ending, darkness that was; Space.

After a moment of deep breathing, Hector calmed himself down, and carefully unbuckled himself. He had half expected to begin drifting into the air, but the gravity generator kept him still. Thanks to the other teens talking, he was practically able to see a clear outline of the ships interior, and had no problem finding his way to a window. Hector supposed that even if he could see, the only difference right now would be a fair amount of white specks, plus the Earth of course.
Robin Bryer
Robin let out a small breath he hadn't known he was holding, then gave a small nod of thanks to the girl. If he wanted to talk... of course not. He wasn't sure anyone in his position would want to talk. He was sure he wasn't the only person on the ship that didn't want to be here.
He blinked, getting pulled back from his momentary zone out by Delilah's voice once again. Robin let out a small chuckle at her small tale. "Honestly, I haven't been able to bring myself to look out a window yet." He wasn't sure if he even cute. He was afraid... that maybe he wouldn't see it's beauty. That he would direct his hate of the facility to the universe, solely because they were the ones who put him there. He was afraid that they were already shaping the way he viewed things.
FireMaiden FireMaiden
Delilah Jackson
"It's absolutely stunning," She said. And it was, to her at least. They had been stuck on earth their entire lives, and the past few months, trapped by horrible people. And now, their first time out in ages, and they were in space. Something millions people dream of, but so few had a chance to experience. They were lucky in some way, getting a once in a lifetime opportunity, a chance to not only help themselves but everyone else stuck on Earth right now. What they discover, what they do out here could either push humanity forward, or stall them. Among the beauty of the stars, Delilah also saw this. She knew that they could fail, or never make it back home, it that their sacrifices could mean absolutely nothing. "Stunning," She muttered, "But terrifying." HuntedFox HuntedFox
June Green
"You! I mean, space. Yeah. Space is pretty cool. It's almost as beautiful as... the thought of us working together! As a team!" June swung her arm in an odd motion, wiping drops of sweat from her brow. June smiled awkwardly at Salome, hoping that her nervous mood wasn't too obvious. The sweating palms, wide eyes, and all too nervous smile said otherwise. "I'm excited to be with you! I mean work with you. Be with you? Why would I ever be with you that's a crazy thought almost as crazy as the mood I'm in right now talking to you," June stopped herself and took a deep breath, shaking out her hands and focusing back on Salome. Her heart was still racing as she gathered all of her courage. "Salome, before the likely chance of death on this mission happens, I have to tell you... something." June said, wringing her fingers and glancing over at Keegan. He gave her a nod, as if he somehow knew what she was about to say.

Aio Aio

Keegan Green
"We sure are." Keegan said, dipping his head backend letting out a groan. "This whole ship is a hopeless lovefest. Honestly, let's just all fuck and get it over with. Then everyone will know how we all feel. The big reveal." Keegan wiggled his fingers and looked over at Eli, letting out one of his big grins.

HolyMacaroons HolyMacaroons
Eli laughed and winked, "If you're offering." He teased, "Sounds like a pretty fun time to me." He chuckled. He didn't know why Keegan didn't smile more often, it was almost a sad thought. One he brushed off as sighed dramatically, "But alas, the one and only Keegan will never look at me the way I look at chips and queso." He smiled, glancing back at Keegan. "This ship sure needs it though." He smirked.

GardenParty GardenParty
Keegan Green
Keegan chuckled. "I don't think TXSA expects anything less. A bunch of angsty, trapped teens without porn. What could go wrong?" Keegan shook his head, his shoulders bouncing up and down as he held in the majority of his laughter. "And buddy, I think no one will look at you the same way you look at chips and queso. The longing in your eyes is a feeling not even Shakesphere could replicate." Keegan pressed his hand to his lips and blew a mocking kiss, taunting Eli.

HolyMacaroons HolyMacaroons
Eli pouted, sinking into his seat, "Don't tease me, you bafoon. I may just reach over and kiss ya." He threatened before he sent a playful wink his way, stretching his legs out. He liked bantering with Keegan, especially when the guy was laughing. It felt nice to make someone who basically never even grinned, shake with chuckles. His eyes glittered with the humor, his body still humming from the electricity. He wanted to do something. Something that the scientists would never allow. But, he didn't know what.

GardenParty GardenParty
Robin Bryer
Robin settled with a small smile on his face. Stunning... Delilah was willing to put aside the circumstances and just look at the things the way they are. He closed his eyes, trying to imagine it. He tried so hard... but all that came up was nothingness. Robin opened his eyes. Perhaps later. His vision found Delilah's eyes again. "Definitely terrifying." He agreed with a small nod. "Speaking of terrifying... how are you feeling about being Co-captain?" Robin changed the subject just slightly again, then gestured to the seats next to them, offering for them to sit if Delilah wanted too while they spoke.
FireMaiden FireMaiden

Delilah Jackson
With the subject change, ran a hand through her hair. "Not as terrifying as space...but still up there," She said with a nervous chuckle. When he motioned for them to sit, she nodded, and sat down. "I know that nothing bad should happen, and June has most of the responsibility anyway, I'm just the back up. In the simulations I did good, I always passed. But a simulation and the real thing are totally different," Delilah said with a sigh. "But there's nothing I can do about it now, and I do kinda like the chair....it comfortable." She looked at Robin, and wondered how he would handle the situation. Probably a lot better than she was, literally every on aside from maybe Oliver has a better personality for it. "Anyway, what's done is done. Maybe I'll like being Co-Captian." HuntedFox HuntedFox
Robin Bryer
Robin sat down after Delilah, to the right of her. "That is understandable..." He agreed with raised eyebrows and a nodding head when she compared it with the fearful space. Robin ended up with a grin on his face by the time Delilah finished. "There ya go!" The boy sobered a bit, looking up at Del. "Trust me, you got some of the best qualities for Co-captain. And hey, you've already started looking it for your crew-members!" He gestured to himself somewhat sillily, and then added something in a quieter voice, like it was some sort of secret. "Plus, you do look pretty badass in the chair. ...even more so provided you're not half-sick." And of course, he was back to his silly little grin.
FireMaiden FireMaiden

Delilah Jackson
She smiled a little at him, and was giggling by the time he had finishes what he was saying. Not to mention her cherished gone a little pink, though be it from the laughing or compliment, it was a little hard to tell. "Well, thank you Robin, I really mean it. Also, I feel pretty badass sitting up there, it's actually really cool. Plus, I have a pretty sweet view," she added with another giggle, before running her hands through her hair again. "You know, I'm glad you're here. You'll make things around here more fun." HuntedFox HuntedFox
Salome Aoi Ochoa

"Yes that is a very beautiful thought." Salome smiled, nodding in agreement. She could tell something was eating at her Captain. Perhaps it was stress. Salome thought, deciding that was the most logical answer. She was showing all he signs of stress, perhaps this mission was finally getting to her. Listening to June ramble on Salome attempted to keep a smile although it dropped slightly as what June was saying really made no sense to her.

Then it clicked. Salome knew exactly what was happening and couldn't be happier. "June. June. I understand your under a lot of stress, but you don't need to say anymore." She tried to calm her down as she knew what June was attempting to say. "Now I get to tell you something.... I am so so happy that you wish to be friends! I was hoping that we could be but I was afraid since you are our captain that would never happen, but I'm happy that we are able to jump over that hurdle." She smiled widely as she was estatic that they were able to become closer in a way. "I just have to go tell Eli! This is what he ment when he said you like me! So happy we could have this talk. See you June!" With this Salome turned around and made her way over to Eli with a huge smile. "You know you should be more specific when you say someone likes me. June wished to be friends! Isn't that great!" Salome spoke in an excited tone as she looked between Eli and Keegan.

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Eli stared at her for a second and threw his hands up, "Yep that's it, that's what I meant this entire time." He clapped, "You finally got it Salome, took you long enough." He smirked, though he was very tempted to grab her hand and drag her back over to June and order her not to move, "You sure you couldn't just listen to what the Captain had to say?" He laughed, looking over at Keegan in exasperation.

GardenParty GardenParty Aio Aio
Robin Bryer
Robin nodded, accepting Delilah's thanks and harboring a little feeling of pride that he had managed to lift her spirits. Just a moment later, he let out another chuckle as Delilah confessed she did feel badass in the Co-Captain's chair.
He leaned back in his seat a bit, taking a casual glance around the room to see how everyone was faring.
Robin's attention switched back to Delilah once again as she spoke. He tilted his head to the side slightly, wondering if she knew how bitter that comment to be, no matter how it was meant.
He took it as a compliment nonetheless and smiled. "High praise!" He chuckled. "Thank you Delilah." He added in a slightly more sober tone.
FireMaiden FireMaiden
June Green
June nodded really fast, hoping that Salome would piece it together so she wouldn't have to say it. She said she could never be happier! Did that mean she returned the feeling?

Friends. The word struck her, and she might have even stepped back a bit had it been a physical blow. She felt her heart shatter, and she stared at Salome. Before she could even respond, Salome was off and talking to Eli, leaving June with a pained smile frozen on her face.

Keegan Green
Keegan grinned. "A kiss? From his majesty? Why, I'd be honored." He said mockingly, puckering his lips really big. Before they could do anything, however, Salome had raced over to the pair. It seemed June's confrontation didn't work as she had hoped, as Salome was talking about how they would be friends. "I mean," Keegan started, glancing at Eli, "I would assume you guys were already friends."

HolyMacaroons HolyMacaroons Aio Aio

((When ur mobile messes up the colors))

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