Varanda High

Name: Paxton Davis

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Species: Vampire Fledgling

Role: Student

Appearance (picture preferred):


Personality: The typical guy with no care in the world, Pax could not have foreseen his siring. It has changed him in more ways than one. He is usually loud and blunt. Loves to start fights. Has run away from home to attend school here, in hopes of learning how to earn back his freedom.

Other: Likes popsicles, he is gay, and carries an umbrella on sunny days.

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RedInkKid said:
Name: Paxton Davis
Age: 17

Gender: Male

Species: Vampire Fledgling

Role: Student

Appearance (picture preferred):

Personality: The typical guy with no care in the world, Pax could not have foreseen his siring. It has changed him in more ways than one. He Is usually loud and blunt. Loves to start fights. Has run away from home to attend school here, in hopes of learning how to earn back his freedom.

Other: Likes popsicles, he is gay, and carries an umbrella on sunny days.
i like it! accepted! 

[QUOTE="Mizu Kage]Would it be cool if I only w**** it part of the time?

if you only what?
[QUOTE="Mizu Kage]Can I wear the mask sometimes?

Well, you can wear it when you aren't at school. Are you going to have a glamour for when you arent wearing it?
[QUOTE="Mizu Kage]One question, what's a glamour?

It's like a temporary spell that tricks people around you and makes them think you look different than you really do.
[QUOTE="Mizu Kage]Oh, probably not. For the most part when a dragon is in human form they look normal.

Then why did you need the mask in the first place?
Name: Quila Hemoran

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Species: Beathach-doanna(Beast-human, can be born to most anyone, but happens most often in European style countries.

Role (student/teacher/random adult in the town): Foreign Exchange student.

Appearance (picture preferred): Currently working on my own art. Quila will appear similar to Holo/Horo from Wolf and Spice. The difference is the Quila will have platinum/silver white hair. She has bright pinkish red eyes, and claims albinism and light sensitivity are the cause, allowing her to don hoodies or shemaghs in school with no teacher interruption. Under her hood/shemagh Quila also wears a bandanna as a back up and primarily wears mid shin length skirts to hide her tail. Quila stands at a stunted 4'4" despite being full grown at her age. She is very svelte and has fair skin. Her chest is also virtually flat.

Holo the Wise Wolf as reference:

Personality: Having often been beaten by her former parents due to her 'malformations' before her uncle began taking care of her, Quila has a lingering distrust of physical contact and issues with day to day confrontation(Such as meeting new people, making eye contact, volume of which she speaks.) Quila does enjoy the company of those that earn her trust though, and she longs to make new friends even if she has social anxiety issues. Easy to please, Quila finds contentment much more easily than others her own age in simple tasks. Due to this, Quila often becomes more relaxed listening to trees rustle in the wind, music playing, or rain fall. This is also due to her being not fully human. Longs to find friends that truly care for and about her.

Other: Quila is extremely polite and will go out of her way to try to help anyone she can despite her anxiety. Quila also has a admiration for piercings. Both of her ears bear four ring piercings. She has twin ring piercings on both eyebrows and both sides of her lower lip. She also has her tongue pierced.
Name:Charles McBragden

Age: Looks about 17 (Is around 1034)

Gender: Male

Species: Vampire

Role: Student

Appearance: His eyes, however, are an extremely light blue unless he is in blood-lust. Which they are then red.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Charles.jpg.ce06c069c64aea323031a8df80db274e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18046" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Charles.jpg.ce06c069c64aea323031a8df80db274e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Charles doesn't usually act his age, sometimes seeming ancient, while other times being carefree and aloof. He doesn't really talk much about himself but he does, on occasion, slip up and insert himself back into history. Usually about how some historical figure was an asshole, or talked funny. He tends to pry in on others, maybe because he doesn't exactly -like- that he's been through nearly all the major historical events of the last centuries, or maybe that he's killed A LOT of people over the years.

Other: He runs a major banking business behind the scenes and owes a major amount of property.


Name: Alexander Fredrics

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Role: Student

Appearance: He DOES have the mechanical arm

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Alexander.jpg.c94105e710c5222f58af1b0a9239a683.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18047" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Alexander.jpg.c94105e710c5222f58af1b0a9239a683.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Alexander is a bright young student who rarely attends classes, or school in general. Despite loosing his arm through an injury (explained through RP) he tries to stay fit. Despite this, and his easygoing nature Alex tends to be rejected and ostracized because of his arm, which has given him trust issues. Despite this he makes the best of what he can and tries to do what he can in everything he does.

Other: His mechanical arm is very high-tech, but can sometimes cause severe pain through a feedback error in the nerve reactions.



  • Charles.jpg
    32.3 KB · Views: 75
  • Alexander.jpg
    688.7 KB · Views: 79
Name: Emilia Petrelli

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Species: Clairvoyant (Empathic Mimicry/Ability Replication)

Role: Student


Personality and Bio: Emilia Petrelli is the only daughter of Arthur and Angela Petrelli and , wealthy business owners. But, both died in an unexplained accident when she was 16 monts old. She was later adopted into a not so perfect household. Emilia appeared to her family as a hopeless dreamer, who believed she had a greater place in life than just getting by. She discovered he was an evolved human who had the ability to absorb and use the powers of others. Growing up with this unexplained power was difficult for her. She soon absorbed multiple powers through out her younger years, and inevitably lost her temper one night when her parents were blaming her for their misfortune and killed them. She then ran, and met an representative from Veranda High who took her in and taught her to control her powers.

She has absorbed the ability to:

Precognition - dreams

Rapid cell regeneration (Healing)



Resurrect the dead/communicate with spirits-ghosts

Manipulate the Weather

(Comment if you want me to delete some. But I promise you I won't god mod. I hate god modding, but these powers help with her characterisation, and if I do use them they will only be used on small terms.)

But, in order to use these powers she has absorbed, she has to feel the power, feel and believe in herself - something she doesn't. Ever since her parents death, she has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and multiple personality disorder - side affects of her powers. The more she uses them, the more unsure of herself she is - she more she looses herself. Music helps her control herself, and keep her as sane as possible.

Because of her disorders, she is unpredictable and uncertain of who she is. She is clumsy and irrational, but when she has a certain goal in mind, she will do anything to get to it. People make her awkward... unless they have something about them that reminds her of her.
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Name: Desireé Relion

Pronounced Dehseh-reh, RehLEE-ohn

Age: Looks 12, acts 17, is actually 5 months

Gender: Female

Species: Drone (Accidentally sent into the present)

-not sure if acceptable- Backup will be Futuristic Faerie

Role (student/teacher/random adult in the town): Exchange Student

Appearance (picture preferred):


Personality: Desireé is a calm person when left alone or with someone she can trust. In fact, she can't trust most people due to the fact that she knows a lot of their secrets and future accomplishments. Desireé is also very paranoid and has a very hard time making friends with people because of it. What's even stranger is she's never been able to talk due to a block of her programming not coded in. She has to write out everything she wants to say which is very easy for her since she has a laptop given to her by the school board for communication uses. Like other drones, Desireé is very intelligent and always giving an average of 85 on her assignments making her one of the top students.

Other: Desireé is originally from France and transferred to this school as an exchange student with no English learned as an excuse for the voice bug, in fact, she was created in France in the year 2109 but accidentally transferred to the present under certain laws.



Farra Rei







Role (student/teacher/random adult in the town):


Appearance (picture preferred):



Farra has multiple personality disorder, or MPD. This causes her to have multiple personalities, obviously.

Aspect Zero: Aspect Zero is Farra, the host, or original, personality. She is sarcastic and impulsive. Farra is the main consciousness and is always awake, even when one of the other three is as well. Farra is aware that she has this disorder, but the other three aspects are not. Due to the fact that she is always awake during the 'switches' (when one of the other aspects takes control), she has some power of the decisions that are made and the words that are said. Farra is usually in control of her body.

Aspect One: Aspect Two, or Sable, is a dirty-minded, bi-sexual girl who will flirt with anyone. She is childish sometimes, and can be found on her computer blogging on Tumblr, or outside, flirting with the neighbors. Aspect Two is usually "awakened" when she (Farra, the host personality) is in an awkward situation.

Aspect Two: Aspect Three, Lorelle, is rude and short tempered. She doesn't take shit from anyone and will knock your lights out if you mess with her. Lorelle is "awakened" when Farra is being threatened or is in a potentially dangerous situation; Lorelle doesn't wake very often, but when she does it isn't always for the best. Most of Farra's problems come from when Lorelle takes matters into her own hands.


Has a history of murder and arson.

Once regarded as a genius, Farra has knowledge of things much too advanced for her age. After her crimes, these lessons were discontinued and she was branded a CRIMINAL genius.

(The appearance is her preferred form. When she changes forms, I'll post a small picture of her new form on top of my post. That is, if you accept me.)

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[QUOTE="Veirrianna Valentine]Name: Quila Hemoran
Age: 15

Gender: Female

Species: Beathach-doanna(Beast-human, can be born to most anyone, but happens most often in European style countries.

Role (student/teacher/random adult in the town): Foreign Exchange student.

Appearance (picture preferred): Currently working on my own art. Quila will appear similar to Holo/Horo from Wolf and Spice. The difference is the Quila will have platinum/silver white hair. She has bright pinkish red eyes, and claims albinism and light sensitivity are the cause, allowing her to don hoodies or shemaghs in school with no teacher interruption. Under her hood/shemagh Quila also wears a bandanna as a back up and primarily wears mid shin length skirts to hide her tail. Quila stands at a stunted 4'4" despite being full grown at her age. She is very svelte and has fair skin. Her chest is also virtually flat.

Holo the Wise Wolf as reference:

Personality: Having often been beaten by her former parents due to her 'malformations' before her uncle began taking care of her, Quila has a lingering distrust of physical contact and issues with day to day confrontation(Such as meeting new people, making eye contact, volume of which she speaks.) Quila does enjoy the company of those that earn her trust though, and she longs to make new friends even if she has social anxiety issues. Easy to please, Quila finds contentment much more easily than others her own age in simple tasks. Due to this, Quila often becomes more relaxed listening to trees rustle in the wind, music playing, or rain fall. This is also due to her being not fully human. Longs to find friends that truly care for and about her.

Other: Quila is extremely polite and will go out of her way to try to help anyone she can despite her anxiety. Quila also has a admiration for piercings. Both of her ears bear four ring piercings. She has twin ring piercings on both eyebrows and both sides of her lower lip. She also has her tongue pierced.

cool. accepted. 

Zalban said:
Name:Charles McBragden
Age: Looks about 17 (Is around 1034)

Gender: Male

Species: Vampire

Role: Student

Appearance: His eyes, however, are an extremely light blue unless he is in blood-lust. Which they are then red.

View attachment 51559

Personality: Charles doesn't usually act his age, sometimes seeming ancient, while other times being carefree and aloof. He doesn't really talk much about himself but he does, on occasion, slip up and insert himself back into history. Usually about how some historical figure was an asshole, or talked funny. He tends to pry in on others, maybe because he doesn't exactly -like- that he's been through nearly all the major historical events of the last centuries, or maybe that he's killed A LOT of people over the years.

Other: He runs a major banking business behind the scenes and owes a major amount of property.


Name: Alexander Fredrics

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Role: Student

Appearance: He DOES have the mechanical arm

View attachment 51560

Personality: Alexander is a bright young student who rarely attends classes, or school in general. Despite loosing his arm through an injury (explained through RP) he tries to stay fit. Despite this, and his easygoing nature Alex tends to be rejected and ostracized because of his arm, which has given him trust issues. Despite this he makes the best of what he can and tries to do what he can in everything he does.

Other: His mechanical arm is very high-tech, but can sometimes cause severe pain through a feedback error in the nerve reactions.
i like your characters. you want to play both of them,right? 

[QUOTE="October Falls]Name: Emilia Petrelli
Age: 16

Gender: Female

Species: Clairvoyant (Empathic Mimicry/Ability Replication)

Role: Student


Personality and Bio: Emilia Petrelli is the only daughter of Arthur and Angela Petrelli and , wealthy business owners. But, both died in an unexplained accident when she was 16 monts old. She was later adopted into a not so perfect household. Emilia appeared to her family as a hopeless dreamer, who believed she had a greater place in life than just getting by. She discovered he was an evolved human who had the ability to absorb and use the powers of others. Growing up with this unexplained power was difficult for her. She soon absorbed multiple powers through out her younger years, and inevitably lost her temper one night when her parents were blaming her for their misfortune and killed them. She then ran, and met an representative from Veranda High who took her in and taught her to control her powers.

She has absorbed the ability to:

Precognition - dreams

Rapid cell regeneration (Healing)



Resurrect the dead/communicate with spirits-ghosts

Manipulate the Weather

(Comment if you want me to delete some. But I promise you I won't god mod. I hate god modding, but these powers help with her characterisation, and if I do use them they will only be used on small terms.)

But, in order to use these powers she has absorbed, she has to feel the power, feel and believe in herself - something she doesn't. Ever since her parents death, she has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and multiple personality disorder - side affects of her powers. The more she uses them, the more unsure of herself she is - she more she looses herself. Music helps her control herself, and keep her as sane as possible.

Because of her disorders, she is unpredictable and uncertain of who she is. She is clumsy and irrational, but when she has a certain goal in mind, she will do anything to get to it. People make her awkward... unless they have something about them that reminds her of her.

Am i sensing a bit of a Heros reference here? ;)

i trust that you wont god-mod, so accepted. But be careful. 

[QUOTE="Chase Katchyna]

Name: Desireé Relion

Pronounced Dehseh-reh, RehLEE-ohn

Age: Looks 12, acts 17, is actually 5 months

Gender: Female

Species: Drone (Accidentally sent into the present)

-not sure if acceptable- Backup will be Futuristic Faerie

Role (student/teacher/random adult in the town): Exchange Student

Appearance (picture preferred):


Personality: Desireé is a calm person when left alone or with someone she can trust. In fact, she can't trust most people due to the fact that she knows a lot of their secrets and future accomplishments. Desireé is also very paranoid and has a very hard time making friends with people because of it. What's even stranger is she's never been able to talk due to a block of her programming not coded in. She has to write out everything she wants to say which is very easy for her since she has a laptop given to her by the school board for communication uses. Like other drones, Desireé is very intelligent and always giving an average of 85 on her assignments making her one of the top students.

Other: Desireé is originally from France and transferred to this school as an exchange student with no English learned as an excuse for the voice bug, in fact, she was created in France in the year 2109 but accidentally transferred to the present under certain laws.

Maybe she could learn sign language? or maybe not. either way, she looks pretty good. accepted! 

Kitt said:


Farra Rei







Role (student/teacher/random adult in the town):


Appearance (picture preferred):



Farra has multiple personality disorder, or MPD. This causes her to have multiple personalities, obviously.

Aspect Zero: Aspect Zero is Farra, the host, or original, personality. She is sarcastic and impulsive. Farra is the main consciousness and is always awake, even when one of the other three is as well. Farra is aware that she has this disorder, but the other three aspects are not. Due to the fact that she is always awake during the 'switches' (when one of the other aspects takes control), she has some power of the decisions that are made and the words that are said. Farra is usually in control of her body.

Aspect One: Aspect Two, or Sable, is a dirty-minded, bi-sexual girl who will flirt with anyone. She is childish sometimes, and can be found on her computer blogging on Tumblr, or outside, flirting with the neighbors. Aspect Two is usually "awakened" when she (Farra, the host personality) is in an awkward situation.

Aspect Two: Aspect Three, Lorelle, is rude and short tempered. She doesn't take shit from anyone and will knock your lights out if you mess with her. Lorelle is "awakened" when Farra is being threatened or is in a potentially dangerous situation; Lorelle doesn't wake very often, but when she does it isn't always for the best. Most of Farra's problems come from when Lorelle takes matters into her own hands.


Has a history of murder and arson.

Once regarded as a genius, Farra has knowledge of things much too advanced for her age. After her crimes, these lessons were discontinued and she was branded a CRIMINAL genius.

(The appearance is her preferred form. When she changes forms, I'll post a small picture of her new form on top of my post. That is, if you accept me.)

Do the police know about her history of murder? i feel like if they did, they would have her in jail, or perhaps a mental institution. If the police know about it, my best guesses are that she could be a counselor under strict watch, or she escaped and is in hiding. If the police dont know, well then good for you. I would like you to please specify. thanks! :)

In that case, is anyone interested in forming a relationship with my character? I'd like to start this rp out with a bang :)

If you're interested, PM me. Thanks!

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