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Fantasy Vandeviere's academy for non-human students.

Rad frog father

fight me Helen
Student or teacher:




Appearance (I'd prefer no anime but if it's all you have that's okay):



(If teacher) Subject taught:
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Student or Teacher: Student

Name: Nina Collins

Age: 17

Gender: Female



Personality: Brave, curious, funny, kind, caring, mischievous and adventurous

Bio: Nina has always had it hard since she was a kid, always getting teased because of her ears and tail...how short she is, but then she was invited to this beautiful school
Student or teacher: Teacher

Name: Lesley Barlow

Age: 22

Gender: male

Appearance (I'd prefer no anime but if it's all you have that's okay):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/lesley.jpg.20e0b9382ce5a1520979111d9f163ea0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78603" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/lesley.jpg.20e0b9382ce5a1520979111d9f163ea0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: He is kind-hearted, gentle, and caring. He is the kind of person people go to when they need words of kindness as he seems to be made of them. But he is also incredibly nervous to a point where it gets in the way of his life. He is filled with nervous habits, seemingly coming up with a new one each day, his most common is lightly tapping his pronounced collar bone with three fingers

Bio: Lesley is a spirit bound to a metal bracelet which he has to wear at all times. He was shot in the throat a few days after he turned 22, the wound still shows on his spirit. He knows of spells that allow him to take a tangible form but he prefers not to take that form, as in a tangible form his eyes resemble that of a dead fish, his body smells of blood and gunpowder, and it disturbs people that he stands completely still, no moving of his chest, no twitching, no movement. He's lost most memories from his life before death.

(If teacher) Subject taught: Alchemy and coping mechanisms for recently dead students (open to all undead students, notoriously easy)

Student or teacher: Student

Name: Tara Carrington


Gender: female

Appearance (I'd prefer no anime but if it's all you have that's okay):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/389394bc57f7cb607b0af8b69e9a9e88.jpg.a3931e45bf35cdc3f4255aad29c55643.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78609" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/389394bc57f7cb607b0af8b69e9a9e88.jpg.a3931e45bf35cdc3f4255aad29c55643.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: She is sarcastic and brash but also very shy. She hardly ever speaks to anyone first but when she opens up to someone they become very important to her. She loves to joke and have a good time.

Bio: Tara is a Naiad, a water nymph. She spent most of her life in water, which is where she feels most comfortable. She is a powerful swimmer and, therefor is on the school's swim team. as it is a supernatural school, the swim team never has any opponents but she still loves being on the team. Out of school she can always be found in or near water.



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpg.8b315ab810b1f7453ec33bf1b197f6a2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78614" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpg.8b315ab810b1f7453ec33bf1b197f6a2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Nickname: Perri

Age: 4



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpg.844af9af5a7d2ddbe43d619d700dd0cb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78625" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpg.844af9af5a7d2ddbe43d619d700dd0cb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Bio: As the headmistress' only child, she was her daughter and since the headmistress is super powerful, she is very powerful herself but she doesn't know it yet. She is secretly a fairy, who can control weather and natural disasters. Since, she's so young she doesn't know about her powers, she doesn't even know she has wings. She wanders around the school, because she gets homeschooled after her moms job so she doesn't attend her own school, instead she just wanders around the school. She's the youngest she loves meeting the students, she can't wait for the school to start.



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@Wild Born and @CelestialBunny in

I was planning on using the headmistress as an occasionally character, I just want to make sure you're okay with that.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/cAmilla.jpg.c7c525cd6c6ae46fa242f6a776096515.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78626" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/cAmilla.jpg.c7c525cd6c6ae46fa242f6a776096515.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

this is her



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I see only two similarities in Periwinkle and the headmistress, their chins and their eye color
Name: Chelsy Dixon




Personality: Shy,Quiet,Funny,curious

Bio: Chelsy Had A Very Special Power She Was Gifted With The Power To Teleport Any Where She Wants. This Came Very Good For Her Because She Grew Up With 3 Brothers And Druggy Parents. She Came To The School To Get Away From Her Parents And Her Brothers.
Student or teacher: Student

Name: Kyairo Erikson

He's unsure of his exact age, but appears to be the equivalent of late teenager to early adult, closer to college-age than high school.

Gender: Male.

Powers: Kyairo has the power to shapeshift, create inter-dimensional portals, as well as a limited ability to condense and freeze moisture in the air, turning it into ice. Shapeshifting and being a living ice maker are not well-practiced (currently he only knows how to shapeshift between a human, wolf, and falcon form [the falcon is currently unusable], and the ice thing is dependent on atmospheric conditions), and he has yet to learn how to control the destination of portals he builds. As of now, those are the only powers he's aware of.

Appearance (I'd prefer no anime but if it's all you have that's okay):

Human Form

[no picture of human form, as I don't feel right about using other people's photos or art, and I can't draw humans for crap XDD]

Height: 6'8"

Hair Color: White.

Eye Color: Pale blue, with tinges of green and gray.

General Appearance: Despite his towering height, it would be difficult for one to consider Kyairo intimidating, as he seems almost comically thin. His build is extremely narrow, with bones to match. The fact that he is underweight further gives him an imbalanced-looking appearance. Around his shoulderblades, he has a deformity that as a human is mild but noticeable, and gives his back a very slight hunch. His skin is quite pale, and very prone to sunburn. He generally keeps his face clean-shaven, or with minimal stubble. His straight hair is usually kept well-combed, parted in the center, and just reaches his ears.

Clothing Style: In public, he prefers to wear button-down shirts (usually in white because he feels it's what he looks best in, but occasionally may don a light gray, blue, or purple shirt) with gray jeans or dress pants. When alone, he's more likely to switch for a t-shirt. Due to his height, his feet are quite large, and thus he often cannot find comfortable shoes. He goes barefoot when possible, and when not, he settles for plain white or gray sandals. There's a large fake-gold watch that hangs on his left wrist, with an ivory-hued clock face. The cover of the clock face is heavily cracked, and the watch does not seem to work at all, as the hands are partly loose and just sort of dangle from the center and flop around when he moves. He also has a well-worn white canvas messenger bag that he usually carries with him, and a pair of silver-framed mirror-lensed aviators that he often wears.

Wolf Form


Description: An abnormally tall and impossibly thin male covered in very long, thick, dove-gray fur that seems to hang on his body like a bedsheet on a coat rack. The skin beneath his fur is extremely pale, and the pigment of his nose, lips, pawpads, claws, and eye rims are more of a graphite-gray as opposed to the more common obsidian-black of his peers. His lithe build is best adapted for running, climbing, and walking over deep snow and thin ice without sinking or falling through. Lifting heavy objects and hard shoving are not his strongpoints. His eyes are a pale crystalline shade of blue. Near his shoulderblades, a slight deformity in his spine is noticeable, causing it to appear slightly hunched. His paws are extremely wide for his narrow frame and long, lanky legs, with double-jointed toes and claws that curl downward more than most. His tail is long and extremely fluffy, appearing nearly as wide as the rest of his body. He is adorned with the scars of his travels. His voice is slightly high-medium tenor, somewhat pitchy, yet melodic, and quite dynamic overall. When speaking, he has a natural tendency to over-pronounce vowel sounds and under-pronounce 'R' sounds. His tone of voice is often affected by his emotional state, and he may tend to compensate by speaking low and monotone, but getting him the least bit excited will often crack that cover. His singing voice has a fairly decent level of range, a soothing lilt that, much like his speaking voice, lifts with emotion. Currently, the most comparable hypothetical 'voice actor' I've found for him would be Michael Barnes (of the band Red).

Personality: Upon introduction to strangers, he tends to be very polite and cordial, though a bit aloof. He's often quiet and contemplative, especially in new surroundings, but is approachable enough and will gladly accept conversation from anyone. He tends to be a bit of an 'abstract logical' thinker, and is prone to going off on passionate tangents about seemingly random concepts. These rants are never without some form of logic, however. He loves to help others, whether it's listening to their issues, healing their wounds, or simply being an honest, genuine soul for them to call a friend, helping and being involved with those he meets on his travels is sort of his outlet, focusing on someone else's issues rather than his own. He's quite passive, and will generally only be dominating when it comes to giving orders centered around healthcare. Kyairo can tend to be very moody at times, but being that he's very visually oriented, he tries to avoid letting it show in his expression/posture. Changes in his voice are usually what give him away. He can be extremely impulsive and, despite his generally analytical and careful thinking, is prone to making sudden, sometimes rash decisions.

Likes: Tranquility, snow and cold weather, heights, plants and flowers, herbalism, birds (specifically owls), feathers, circles and circular or spherical objects, patterns involving circles, intelligent conversations, abstract ideas, innocence, peace, children of any species, sleep, dreaming (especially lucid dreaming), open-mindedness, has an affinity for felines.

Favorite foods: Peanut butter, salmon, cucumbers.

Favorite colors: Soft shades of purple, blue, white, and green.

Favorite songs: "Moonlight Sonata (First Movement)" -- Beethoven, "Beautiful Girl", "Colorful Mind" and "The Ripple" -- Broken Iris, "Sky Full of Stars" and "Paradise" -- Coldplay, "Nothing Left to Say" -- Imagine Dragons.

Dislikes: Unnecessary violence, senseless or superficial judgement, brutish behavior, seeing others in pain or agony, close-mindedness, hot weather, loud or cluttered noise, darkness, his neck or shoulders being touched, ignorance, being alone for long periods of time, cars, technology, small spaces (mildly claustrophobic), lewdness, triangles.

Least favorite foods: Most cheeses, anything particularly spicy, meat/organs from any sort of feline.

Least favorite colors: Red, orange, black.

Least favorite music: Anything he considers too loud or obnoxious in sound, such as metal, hard rock, rap, ect. Also, anything with demeaning lyrics.

Bio: Born a wolf, but with the ability to shift into a human. He's used to being treated as a doormat, at least to a degree. Much of his life has been quite hectic and eventful, and he appreciates any sort of solace that he can find. After many attempts at trying to find some way to deal with all of his experiences, the safest and one of the most effective escapes he has found is lucid dreaming, although he has not quite mastered it. Because of this, he has grown to value sleep, and can be rather bitter if awoken from a dream that he was in control of. He's picked up a few miscellaneous skills in his travels, one of his most important being herbalism. He's knowledgeable and practiced in herbal remedies, and attends school in the hopes of furthering this knowledge more than anything else.
Thank you, I might make a second later on if it's in dire need of teachers. When do we start?

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpg.2d680713583c21f8f5462b6adcd10434.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78673" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpg.2d680713583c21f8f5462b6adcd10434.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Age: 15 3/4

Gender: Female


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpg.066987b6c443feab780f500e914dd302.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78661" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpg.066987b6c443feab780f500e914dd302.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: She's super naive, she's really shy, easily scared and very jumpy. (More to be revealed)

Bio: Luna is the daughter of the Darkness Queen and the Dragon King, she secretly has dragon wings that only reveal themselves when she's angry, or annoyed. She's a powerful spell-caster, but she's never been allowed to leave her castle, at least until she was accepted into the school.​



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There is still that rule about having to having to have two different kinds of characters if you want more than one but whatever I guess that doesn't matter. Start whenever.
NewStudent or teacher: Student.

Name: Bae Julius Lake

Age: Physically 17

Gender: Male

Appearance (I'd prefer no anime but if it's all you have that's okay):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpg.d7d4031a0887c21900a938af0b220038.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="79140" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpg.d7d4031a0887c21900a938af0b220038.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


In a word, Volatile. The emotion that sustains Bael is anger and an intense drive to protect; these two things rarely don't manifest in him. He is aggressive and inclined to attack first and ask questions after you're dead.

Actually, he's actually not inclined to ask questions. He's more likely to kill you then never think about you again. He is very easily angered and in fact is rarely not angry. Bael has a tendency to be extraordinarily sarcastic and bitingly snarky, and rarely will he ever say something heartfelt if he ever does.

He has a strong inclination to be extremely protective in an almost Rottweilerish way, but doesn't generally get a chance to show that toward a whole lot of anything except the Lighthouse due to the fact that he tends to kill anyone who gets too close.

Bael has the capacity to be a much more complex individual than he appears to be on the surface. Whether this manifests or not is based solely on his circumstances and situations. He is terribly unadjusted as a person, having been left alone for some hundred years to stew upon his history in the mind of a seventeen year old. In short, he could easily become an emotional trainwreck of epic proportions if he is pressed into it one way or another.

Bio: A poltergeist, Bael is the product of death. He was born and raised in a lighthouse off Lake Superior in the early 1900's, and later died there as well. He had lost his father, mother and sister before he was killed by the man responsible for his father and sister's death and never left the light. Eventually his tormenting keepers caused the lighthouse to be abandoned altogether and the powers responsible for handling beings like him moved him here.

Student or teacher: Teacher

Name: Halla

Age: appears fairly young, 16 at most but as a faun he is undoubtably far older.

Gender: Male

Appearance (I'd prefer no anime but if it's all you have that's okay): I will draw him shortly and hope to post that in the next couple hours, but in the mean time —

Halla is slight of frame with curly white hair, orange eyes, and pale grey fur and ears. He wears a shawl over his shoulders enchanted by his herd and his ears have dark rims.

Personality: Halla is soft-spoken and relaxed, sensitive and at times very shy. He is intuitive and empathetic bordering on empathic at times, often able to feel how others are feeling without being told. He is, however, more at home in the forest and around animals than he is in the school building or with sentient beings. Naturally, Halla plays the pan flute. He can be very pretentious at times bordering on racist toward satyrs, who he considers filthy, flea-ridden drunkards.

Bio: Halla was born in a herd in the far northern mountains in one of the last remaining traditional faun herds. He soon found he had a talent for healing magic — a magic generally only used by females. After he grew more skilled he eventually struck out to explore the world for some years as a nomad. Along the way, he befriended a young dragon who he can now call to his location. He found the school quite by accident but decided a decade of two of teaching others what he has learned on his travels would be very interesting.

Subject taught: Healing, herbology, study of mythical beasts



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Thinking about making a teacher character, is there a list of subjects that the school teaches? Or any that we'd be in need of?

Also @Sleipnir Kyairo would probably have wanted to sign up for Halla's class just saying. c:
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Dragon Familiar spirit


Human form:


Familiar spirit forms (2 of them):

1. \/\/\/\/





loyal, dependent, calm, friendly, daring


A Long time ago, Azilernyo use to be the familiar spirit of a powerful wizard. As the years went by, the wizard got older until it was close for the wizard to fad from this world. He casted a powerful spell to trap his familiar into a gemstone before adding "Whoever touches this gemstone the words 'Toss the gemstone into water' will activate and my familiar will be bound to them. He can leave his new master by taking the gemstone back from his new master and he will no longer be bound....Be well my Familiar, and live for a long time" and with that said the wizard past away. The gemstone was soon went missing until this very day.


~Has A Gemstone(ish) that if given to someone else they will be able to summon him as one of his Familiar forms by tossing it into water

~When badly hurt he will change to one of his familiar forms

~if some one throws the Gemstone(ish) at him it will make him change into one of his familiar forms

~Finally, if the Gemstone(ish) was thrown at him he is stuck in that form until close to death, which then makes him go into the gemstone, can be brought back by being thrown into water

~Gemstone Appearance~

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