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Realistic or Modern Vanatas Project: Current Events Thread


New Member

Greetings! Welcome to the Vanatas Cooperative Worldbuilding Project Current Events Thread.

Vanatas is a universe with realistic and modern tech where users may create and control an individual nation with its own unique history, culture, and peoples. If this tickles your fancy, we are all always open to new folks and you can message one of our members for a link to the discord.

This is an in-character thread meant for members to showcase the current events ongoing within their country. News type articles might be the standard for this type of role-play, but every member is encouraged to think outside the box-don't limit yourself to just newspapers. Users are encouraged to upload images to imgur prior to inserting them into posts.

This thread is strictly meant for in-character, realistic, canon posts. Out of character discussions should take place in the appropriate backchannels.

This thread is also strictly meant for having fun. If you are not having fun you are doing it wrong.

Attached is a news article template for your convivence.

[SIZE=7][B]Beetroot Shortage in Tiraspol Threatens Peace[/B][/SIZE]
[I]Agricultural shortage two weeks before beet festival threatens to reignite tensions between ethnic groups[/I][/CENTER]


[B][SIZE=4]30/04/2018 11:00 pm | Tiraspol, Transnistria
Vadim Nume for the Tirasol Times[/SIZE][/B]

[border=5px dashed CornflowerBlue ]Following devastating rains all through last Winter, the nation's five and a half acres of arable land were flooded for a period of nine days, leading to the loss of an estimated twelve pounds of beetroot.

Government officials have remained silent so far, but the question on everyone's minds remains: who will we import beets from in the aftermath of this event? Some support Moldovan beets, while others support acquiring Ukrainian, or even Russian, produce. But these positions are highly politicized, leading some to believe the festival may be in danger for the first time in seventeen millenia of continuous Transnistrian identity.

Armed revolutionary groups in the unrecognized [I]Moldovo-Romanian Republic of Northern Transnistria[/I] have claimed full responsibility for the rains, supposedly caused by bribing meteorologists. The validity of these claims is currently under investigation by the proper authorities[/border]

[B]Comments (1):[/B]
[border=1px solid CornflowerBlue]
[COLOR=#0080C0]Natasha[/COLOR] · [COLOR=gray]01/05/2018 10:31 am[/COLOR]
This is terrible news, so sad rn.
[COLOR=gray]Score: 21REPLY · UPVOTE · DOWNVOTE[/COLOR][/border]
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January 26, 2022

Fiscal Watchmen seize UEP funds in Sabaray
Ander Zubizarreta Etxeberria
January 26, 2022


An officer guards a Bank of Vedra branch after the Fiscal Watchmen seized it on Monday.
Photo by Dickelbers/Commons

Vedra — Late Tuesday, the Fiscal Watchmen Corps raided a branch of the Bank of Vedra in the Baldo barrio of the Sabaray municipality. Officials seized the bank and shut it down for auditors to review the bank’s records. Authorities were seen removing what appeared to be dozens of money bags Tuesday evening. A source close to the investigation said several bank officials were being questioned and may face charges of collusion and other crimes.

Colonel Iván Bolosello Gacer, of the Fiscal Watchmen, held a short press conference on the steps of the bank late Tuesday afternoon. He said the Fiscal Watchmen determined the People’s Emancipation Union (UEP) had funds on deposit at the branch. “So far, we have found and seized 190,079 Ɇ in illicit funds. We think this is the bulk of their operational funds,” Bolosello said. He added auditors were reviewing all of the bank’s records. “It seems likely we will find more illegal moneys as the auditors continue their investigation.”

The UEP is a Noyonist guerilla group, mostly in north-northeastern Ventora. It seeks to end the current regency in Ventora and to end class divides, particularly by eliminating the nobility. The UEP claims 100,000 members but the government estimates it has less than 10,000 active members. The organization uses extortion to fund its activities and terror bombings and kidnappings to advance its agenda.

“Funds derived from extortion and ransoms are not legitimate and will be expropriated from any and all criminal organizations,” Bolosello remarked. When asked if Ema Malfalda Oulla had been captured, Bolosello declined to comment. Malfalda is believed to be responsible for UEP’s fundraising efforts. She was reportedly seen at the bank branch earlier in the day on Tuesday.

Bolosello denied the raid on the bank had anything to do with the diplomatic flare-up over the weekend. Coranelle’s Prime Minister Koupaïa Moigne imposed visa requirements on Ventorans, blaming the on-going terrorist actions of the UEP. “We follow up on all leads and take action when financial laws have been broken,” Bolosello said. “Our timetable is not driven by other countries.”

Odalis Barcegas Camarca, spokesman for Regent Isidro Duarte, remarked that Ventoran law enforcement is continually working to apprehend the criminal element of the UEP. “While we share Coranelle’s concern over the impact of the terrorist actions of the UEP on innocent Ventorans, it remains an internal matter,” Barcegas said. He added the regent appreciated the support of countries like [Renesia and Higher Tar-dinnu in standing by Ventora’s efforts to address its own internal affairs.

It remains unclear how long the Baldo branch of the Bank of Vedra will be closed. Most customers can access their accounts at other branches of the bank. Some accounts have been frozen during the Fiscal Watchmen investigation, however. Those funds will not be available until the investigation concludes.

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SBC News
27 of January 2022​

Deteriorating relationship cause panic!
By Lenz Falk and Carl Weber

The royal Renes hospital
Photo provided by Renesia Chronicles

(SBC) — The sudden announcement of placing new tariffs and visa regulations on Koranel at the end of the month put both the Healthcare sector and Koranelan in Renesia in panic nationwide. This situation stemmed from a minor diplomatic incident between Coranelle and Ventora that is related to the "People's Emancipation Union", also known as 'UEP'. For those who are unaware, the UEP is a Noyonist insurgency located in the north-eastern part of Ventora aiming to demolish the nobility and the class system in Ventora, and since the 1960s they have claimed the lives of more than 900 Ventorans.

The planned tariffs that would be imposed on products from Coranelle caught the Healthcare sector by surprise since they are heavily dependent on Coranellan medicine and were given virtually no time to seek alternative suppliers. As such, prices are expected to rise within the coming days, not only on pharmaceutical products but also general goods because of the Renesian government rash decision.

Meanwhile, Koranelan currently in Renesia feel stranded and uncertain about what the future will hold for them. Most Koranelan that are currently in Renesia are EXPATs working in various parts of the country, as such, a deteriorating Coranellan-Renesian relationship could threaten the loss of their jobs.

Chancellor Osgiliath went to an emergency meeting yesterday at 9 p.m. (RGT+0) with the minister of Commerce and other prominent companies in Renesia which was partially broadcasted by Renesian Chronicles. The Chancellor assured everyone that Renesian relationship with Coranelle would not deteriorate stating that "The most precious resource in the world is the friendships we forge [...] The Koranelan are part of our family, and what kind of family does not look after each other? [...] It is our duty to set them in the right direction!". It is ironic that the Chancellor previously stated that Coranelle should not intervene in other countries politics, since it appears as if the Chancellor is attempting to influence Coranelle's internal politics.

The Chancellor also announced that the Renesian foreign minister is currently talking to his counterpart in Ventora to see if Renesia could provide any direct help, and would later move to Coranelle to discuss Coranelle-Ventora relationship. This appears to be a response to Higher Tar-dinuu's donation to Ventora in order to help fight the UEP while the Renesian government sat idle and put a facade of being peacekeepers. This facade of playing peacekeepers in fact worsen the situation and brought more uncertainty to the international community.

The SBC asked for an interview with the Chancellor for more in-depth comment, he declined the interview and any further questions.
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Haksar Fighter Jets Breach Watanese Sovereign Airspace; Conduct Low Pass Over Major City
Watanese fighter jets were quick on the scene. Photograph courtesy of Watanese Defense Corps.

02/22/2022 11:00 pm | Queluz, Watan
Toninho Gama for the Alutran Post Network Watan

Watanese Air Force (WAF) scrambled to their fighter jets on Tuesday morning to intercept a fleet of three Haksar Waremat-27s which had entered Watanese-controlled airspace off the coast of Viale. Commercial aircraft flying nearby were warned of the jets, as they did not make contact with air traffic control.

The four Watanese Dassault Mirages who were tailing the jets (note: the Haksar fighter jets were not in formation, and their positions staggered) attempted to make radio contact with the Haksar, but these attempts were fruitless. The WAF conducted several air combat maneuvers to show the Haksar jets that they were armed, but this too seemingly did not bother the jets.

The WAF were on even higher alert when the Haksar began descending in the direction of Tradine - the largest city in the Coval Islands. In Tradine, both ground and naval forces were also alerted of the incoming rogue jets. It is reported that, after the jets got within 15 kilometers of the island, the WAF were cleared to do "whatever was necessary" to deflect the planes, as stated by Watanese Defense minister Hipólito Siqueira. Whether these maneuvers were attempted or not remains unknown, but regardless, the Haksar jets got as low as 600 meters over the city as they conducted their unapproved low pass.

"It was truly horrifying to be there that day," APN correspondent Emanuel Pereira said. "I thought we were being invaded and that there were dogfights overhead. People around me were either stopped and confused or jogging back to their houses. I didn't even know what had happened until hours later; I was really expecting a missile to strike at any time."

Following the low pass, the Haksar jets circled back towards Fort Jefrit Military Base, Jefrit. WAF jets were forced to turn back to Viale when the Haksar jets re-entered international airspace.

haksar flightradar.png
Flight tracking software captured one of the jet's path over the island of Viale.

Former Myrish military official, Haksarad expert and ha-Mussafi watcher Mats Groven says “this [incident] is nothing short of a thinly-veiled show of force.” The Regent General has served less than two years of his term and has already proven far more aggressive on the world stage than his predecessors.

Groven suggests that, in addition to being a demonstration of power, Tuesday’s flyover also serves to probe the ways in which Watan and the international community respond to such brazen acts, both militarily and politically. While he says that further such displays will “almost certainly follow,” the nature of these displays, as well as the degree to which they will escalate, if at all, is hard to say. Additionally, Groven warns that other nearby nations that Haksarad might have an interest in should prepare to face the same kinds of encroachments.

Comments (1):

Ramos_Fan6969 · 02/22/2022 10:31 am
Another step in ha-Mussafi's plan to overtake the Abayadi. See you in Riyude suckas
Leaving See Ya GIF by MOODMAN

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Deshirrak Logo Black.png
Rukhul h’Awleyya Makes First Ever Public Appearance Alongside Regent General ha-Mussafi
Rukhul Ajir h’Awleyya of Agarad with Regent General Marad ha-Mussafi in Jaliyah on Monday.

02/21/2022 6:32 pm | Grana, Riyude
Mirama Shalid for Ha Deshirrak Vatupaya

Rukhul Ajir h’Awleyya Ha-Lebari appeared publicly for the first time at an event in Jaliyah this Monday, February the 21st, alongside Regent General Marad ha-Mussafi and his daughter Ranah. The young monarch of Agarad, which has been embroiled in a bloody civil war since 1977, has lived in Haksarad since he succeeded his father in 2015 after the death of his family in an airstrike by Republican Front forces. The Rukhul did not himself speak at the event, although he did stand nearby during the Regent General’s speech and participated in a salute to both Haksarad and Agarad at both the commencement and closing.

The previous Haksar regimes since the outbreak of the civil war officially pursued a policy of rapprochement between the Agar Royalists and the Jarader Forces, though in practice they afforded the JF much more support than the Royalists. Early in his term as Regent General, however, ha-Mussafi withdrew Haksar support from the JF, and expressed a friendly attitude toward the forces loyal to the Rukhul and the Zulqarrakin, a group of religious fighters seeking to finally restore order to their nation. He affirmed this amiability during his speech and also indicated the possibility of an increase in direct Haksar involvement, which under previous regimes was generally limited to financial aid, logistical support and the presence of peacekeeping forces.

In his speech, ha-Mussafi asserted that former Haksar support of the Jarader Forces was a result of “weak leadership, eager to bend to the whims of the World Forum and the international community” and that the JF, despite their name and supposed political moderacy, are in fact, a “fervently secular and dangerously apostate movement,” and a puppet of “internationalist atheism.” Additionally, he condemned previous Haksar neglect of the Agar monarchy and the opposition to the Zulqarrakin fighters, saying it demonstrated a “decline in true Jarader faith and principles and a widespread adoption of the modernist idea that we live in a ‘different time,’ that religious and civil authority is a primitive and backward tradition, and that our religious obligation to oppose wickedness, even by force of arms, is nothing but violent superstition.”

The Regent General also promised that the “new era of strength and prosperity that Haksarad is now beginning to experience” under his administration would be extended to Agarad. He recounted both nations’ historical strengths and victories, particularly their alliance in the late-19th and early-20th centuries, making this the most recent of several times the Regent General has invoked the idea of the Dayashafir—the worldly representative of God—in a speech or address.

Soldiers of the Arwad Tanashirin Tashur in attendance at the Regent General's speech in Jaliyah and wearing the national flag of Haksarad.

Though it was not addressed directly in the speech, soldiers of the Arwad Tanashirin Tashur were in attendance. The Arwad Tanashirin Tashur, or the Order of Saint Tanashir, is a religious military order and one of the largest arwads in Haksarad, though its numbers have dwindled as state support has slowly been revoked since the late 1990s. The invitation of an arwad to a state event such as this may be an indication of a renewed partnership.

Comments (3):

_Average_Rede_ · 02/21/2022 6:43 pm
Who cares. Shoulda been out of Agarad a long time ago. Let em have it.

granaman · 02/21/2022 9:04 pm
this kid is 12 and hasnt lived in agarad for 7 years, theres no reason for him to be in charge

FSPlayer99 · 02/23/2022 12:11 am
First this, then he invades Watanese airspace, this guy has small dick complex.
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Eduran Delegation Calls for World Forum to Take Side in Agarad

Motorcade of the Eduran Delegates to the World Forum being prepared to get underway

02/24/2022 10:00 am| Grana, Ryiude

Karl Johaan

Neddard Stark, the Eduran representative to the World Forum, has called for the institution to begin deliberations to recognize one of the factions of the Agarad civil war and admit that faction to the WF as the legitimate Agarader state.

The Eduran diplomatic policy over that area of the world has been to choose a faction and support it since 2005, when Foreign Minister Vlor Mijes called for the WF to recognize the revolutionary faction of the civil war as the legitimate government. Since then, most Eduran administrations have been officially mum on which faction to support, but both the National Workers Assosciation and the Liberal Federation have included supporting the revolutionary Republican Front as the legitimate government.

Today, Delegate Stark called on the World Forum once again to start the process of choosing an internationally endorsed faction.

Edury has a long history of involvement in civil wars. In Haksarad and other nations, Edury's preferred form of colonialism was unequal treaties in which Edury would endorse a faction of government and supply them with arms and treasure, and the endorsed parties would give Eduran interests monopolies over certain resources. This history has brought something of a pall over Delegate Stark's and his predecessor's calls for international involvement in the Agarad civil war.

"We do not call for all the nations of the world to send troops to Agarad," Delegate Stark said in his speech today, "But to allow a government legitimate access to the international infrastructure, would allow that government to be legitimately supported by diligent members of the world wide community, and would make those delinquent states' interference in Agarad patently illegitimate."

"No Myrish youths aged 18-24 will die in Agarad,"
A spokesperson for the Foreign Ministry said in response to a request for comment, "But the international system must play its part to end this bloody civil war."

Comments (2):

Natasha · 02/24/2022 10:31 am
This is terrible news, so sad rn.

CaesarSmalles · 02/24/2022 10:31 am
They just want that sweet sweet oil and iron.
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grana times.png

Rukhul Ajir h'Awleyya Makes First Public Appearance as Tensions in Agarad Rise​

Rukhul h’Awleyya walking with Regent General ha-Mussafi on Monday. Photograph courtesy of Ha Deshirrak Riyata.

02/25/2022 3:24 pm | Grana, Riyata
Talari Rayala for Grana Times

Earlier this week, Haksar Regent General ha-Mussafi made a public appearance alongside Ajir h’Awleyya ha-Lebari, a direct descendant of Sharazal and the current monarch of Agarad. During the lengthy speech, ha-Mussafi went on an impassioned tirade against “international anti-Jarader sentiment,” labeling the Agar JF as a “puppet of internationalist atheism” and a “dangerously apostate movement.”

The Jarader Forces, known as the Jarader Moderates before 1987, advocate for the reform of Agarad’s government into a democratic regime under Jarader law.

Ha-Mussafi also made comments that Jaraders have a “religious obligation to oppose wickedness, even by force of arms,” and spoke favorably about Zulqarrakin fighters, calling them “true devotees of H’Ejrad.”

The speech is only the latest in a long chain of escalatory statements that the Regent General has made in the last few years. Ha-Mussafi, a Jarader fundamentalist, drastically scaled back Haksar support for the Agar JF when he came to power in December 2020, and officially cut ties last January. Ha-Mussafi has spoken favorably about Zulqarrakin in the past, but experts doubt that he will go so far to openly throw Haksar support behind the internationally-condemned terrorist organization.

Zulqarrakin’s stated mission is to reclaim Agarad from “international secularism” and “save the world from the nations who have chosen to side with Evil.” Since forming in 2010, Zulqarrakin has made extensive use of child soldiers and is responsible for numerous high-profile terrorist acts both internationally and within Agarad.

Ha-Mussafi’s aggressive policies concerning Agarad have also had an impact on Riyatic relations with Haksarad. The two governments had been negotiating a renewal of the 2013 Riyata-Haksarad arms deal, which is set to expire in 2023, but talks stagnated after ha-Mussafi’s rise to power.

Haksarad's increased interest in the situation in Agarad is troubling news for the roughly 8,600 Riyatic troops currently deployed to Agarad. Riyatic forces in the country work in conjunction with international and World Forum peacekeepers, and have not been involved in active combat operations since 2012, except against Zulqarrakin. Increased Haksar involvement in the conflict could lead to a massive escalation, especially in northern and eastern Agarad where Zulqarrakin and the Loyalist forces have the most presence.

Riyatic peacekeeper in Majran. Photograph courtesy of Ståle Rike.

Grana Times reached out to Foreign Minister Ilaru Aqiya for comments. She replied that “Regent General ha-Mussafi’s recent comments have been especially troubling for the government of Riyata. We want to reassert that Riyata doesn’t deal with terrorists, and our counterparts in Haksarad haven’t agreed to the guarantees present in the 2013 deal that would prevent the materiel from falling into the hands of Zulqarrakin or the Republican Front.”

In regards to Edury’s call for a unified World Forum stance in the Agar Civil War, Aqiya said that “Riyata is committed to a swift and lasting end to the conflict, but what Agarad needs right now is less foreign involvement, not more.”

Comments (5):

Farud_Backpacking · 02/25/22 6:09 pm
Riyata’s been supplying JF through the Haksars since at least the 90s. Who knows how many of our weapons Missile Marad has stashed away ready to give to Zulqarrakin. What a shitshow

_Average_Rede_ · 02/25/22 3:33 pm
Everyone knows the arms deal with Haksarad was just a way to get Riyatic guns in the hands of Agar and Ukuti terrorists. War profiteers deserve to hang.

Hakked_2003 · 02/25/22 3:41 pm
Typical self-righteous Riyatic government. They never want the war in Agarad to stop, it's too profitable!

granaman · 02/26/22 9:47 am
lol grana times needs to get rid of all these fake accounts, haksar bots everywhere

Natasha · 02/26/2022 10:31 am
My cousin is a reporter for Alutran Post, he lives in the International Zone. Terrible news, so worried for him rn.
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Deshirrak Sedic Logo.png
Unprecedented Meeting with Zulqarrakin and Agar Loyalists in Lasset

Agur Dakhem.jpg
The Agur Dakhem, residence of the regent general in Lasset, Haksarad.

03/01/2022 8:00 pm | Scrá, Salia
Tsana Shahar for Ha Deshirrak Sedic

Yesterday, Haksar, Trakian and Agar leadership met at the Agur Dakhem in Lasset, Haksarad, one of several executive palaces of the regent general and the closest one to the Agar border. Regent General Marad ha-Mussafi and Trakian Foreign Minister Ketega Narte were in attendance, as were Kheif Sajim Shegar and Alkhet Shayr h'Azwesh, the de facto head of the Loyalist forces in Agarad and the commander of the Zulqarrakin respectively. This marks the first time representatives of the Jarader militant group and the Loyalists have met, as well as the first time a foreign power has met with the Zulqarrakin in such a capacity.

Both Haksarad and Gemurtrak have continued to recognize the Rukhulate as the legitimate government of Agarad since the start of the decades-long civil war in 1977, though Haksarad did also offer support to the Jarader Forces between 1987 and 2020, support which has since ceased. The Zulqarrakin, which first formed in 2010, are the newest faction in the bloody conflict, and are considered by most to be a terrorist organization.

Ha-Mussafi, however, while sometimes critical of certain aspects of their tactics, has made several neutral and even positive remarks about the Zulqarrakin, and when asked about the meeting, he asserted, “The war [in Agarad] has been artificially drawn out by foreign powers eager to profit off of the suffering of a far away people, whose plight they are not made to see personally. I have seen it. The Agar have seen it. The Zulqarrakin have seen it. It is not the place of those who prolong such misery to condemn their victims when they attempt to overcome it by any means necessary.” Foreign Minister Narte similarly, though less intensely, said, “The Zulqarrakin may yet be a necessary component to achieving peace in Agarad.”

From left to right, top to bottom: Regent General ha-Mussafi, Foreign Minister Narte, Kheif Shegar, Alkhet h’Azwesh.

Those present for the meeting are keeping a rather tight lid on what exactly was said and what came of it. However, h’Azwesh seemed quite pleased after the talks’ conclusion, saying, “I am optimistic for the future of Agarad and the end to foreign domination. Arrak shines upon us this day and forever.” When asked for comment, Shegar simply stated that “all those present have reaffirmed their commitment to peace and sovereignty for the Rukhulate of Agarad.” Additionally, the office of the regent general has claimed that, though ha-Mussafi displayed respect and even a degree of admiration for the organization, he also “admonished the Zulqarrakin to practice restraint and not to lose sight of the ultimate goal. This is likely in hopes to keep a tighter leash on the Zulqarrakin than the Haksar government in the early 2000s did on the ha-Darrusa in Ukuta, support for whom ha-Mussafi has largely withdrawn, though he has conveyed a willingness to renew and even strengthen that support if the group is willing to make promises regarding its governance, which has up to now been a stark failure.

In a brief address following the conference, ha-Mussafi, flanked by h’Azwesh and Shegar, with Narte standing nearby, spoke fondly of the nations of Gemurtrak and Agarad. He once again expressed his desire for peace in “a bordering nation, with historical and religious ties that unite us as natural friends.” Once again, the regent general attacked what he called “alien profiteers” and “traders in blood” who have a vested interest in a continuation of the civil war and who he says have “long prevented its end, while simultaneously adopting a position of self-righteousness and feigned decency, maligning and vilifying any who might actually be capable of making a lasting positive impact on the conflict.”

Comments (5):

toastsandwich · 03/01/2022 11:49 pm
real …

Marad sbu · 03/01/2022 9:19 pm
I wish i was Ketega, meeting Marad like that. Jealous

Gweko · 03/02/2022 11:07 am
What are we doing sending people to Agarad still?! it's all a set up guys, Wake up!

xXHakkermanXx · 03/01/2022 8:27 pm
Missile Marad about to live up to his nickname :sumglasses:

ferg_89 · 03/03/2022 4:32 pm
i fucking hate marad and his constant shit eating grin what a pos
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Bombing in Staatsburg
SBC News

17/04/2022 10:00 | Staatsburg, Renesia

Breaking News! There has been an explosion in Staatsburg at the newly built Königliche Rote Küste Theatre after a play by the famous Renesian pianist Ekkehard Alderliesten. Ekkehard Alderliesten and many others were injured, currently under investigation by Fern authorities.

We will be updating the events as they are unfolding:-

17/04/2022 9:30 - Explosion in Königliche Rote Küste Theatre, the civil defence arrived at the scene, rescuing and evacuating the area. Fern authorities are currently investigating the cause of the explosion.

17/04/2022 12:34 - Fern authorities captured the perpetrators, many heard the perpetrators yell "For Independent Sátha Ústi!". Governor-General Klemens Wolff accused the SULF party of orchestrating these events, SULF denied these accusations. A group calling themselves the New Sátha Ústi Indepednat Army claims responsibility.
The New Sátha Ústi Indepednat Army (NSUIA), based on Renesian Chronicles report, are formed from a faction within Sátha Ústi Liberation Front (SULF) party. Fern authorities ordered the arrest of all SULF party members.
RIGID were requested to support in arresting and investigating SULF.

17/04/2022 17:11 - Many SULF party members were arrested, and some were executed without trial for "resisting" and "having incriminating evidence". Sátha Ústi Liberty Party (SULP) spoke against these actions and attempted to summon Governor-General Klemens Wolff to the Commoner's Chamber to answer for his actions. Governor-General Klemens Wolff declares a state of emergency over Fern province and threatened to put SULP members under house arrest.

17/04/2022 19:21 - the actions of the Governor-General created many riots in Fern Province, Governor-General enforced a curfew and deployed Fern troops across rioting cities. Each city delegated to Generalmajor.
  • Sátha Ústi: 2 Airships deployed from fort Beeindruckend to drop tear gas in riot concentrated areas to disperse them. Few injured
  • Rybivsky: Generalmajor Gert allowed to open fire on civilians to disperse riots. Estimated 100 deaths and 6 injured.
  • Podorilsk: Generalmajor Axel deployed water cannons and tear gas. 1 death and several injured.
  • Anavgrad: Generalmajor Ludger caught and executed several riot leaders forcing them to disperse.
  • Other cities faced similar problems, with estimated deaths of 560.
Many reports mention hearing gunshots near several Renesian forts, but there is no official statement from Fern or Renesian authorities.

17/04/2022 23:31 - Renesian Armed forces deployed near Renesian-Velorenkan borders and temporarily closed borders between them. The Renesian military were put on red alert.
An anonymous SULF member said to the SBC that "This is a plot to undermine Sátha Ústi independence and remove SULF! They are betraying the Anavgrad treaty!"

18/04/2022 8:13 - A second series of explosions triggered in multiple cities targeting Fern and Renesian Militaries, casualties unknown. Small fighting broke out in Fern's southern region, Casualties remain unknown, Generalmajor Gert claims that they took out an NSUIA hideout.

18/04/2022 14:41 - RIGID took out several NSUIA bases and captured most of their leaders, the leaders were handed to Fern authorities and are currently held in Beeindruckend fort. IROO offered to establish Anavgrad as a Neutral Zone, but there was no response.

18/04/2022 15:56 - Chancellor announced he will be going to Staatsburg immediately to solve the issue, Governor-General and Overseer were both sacked and Fern is put temporarily under Chancellor's full command.

18/04/2022 18:00 - Chancellor ordered People's Community Affairs Department (PCAD) to find affected families and compensate them. The Chancellor also decreased the alert level, ended state of emergency and removed curfew, reversing all decisions made by Klemens Wolff. Klemens Wolff is currently being investigated for any mental health issues and will be put on trial.
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Vaino condemns Renesian "targeted killings against innocent civilians", calls Wolff "paranoid and unwell" in emergency press conference


| Minister General Maajar Vaino during an emergency press conference earlier today - Photo courtesy of Jukk Aavi

DINCUFF - Gladomyr's Minister General, Maajar Vaino, has taken a firm and clear stance against the aggression towards SULF party members and bystanders following the bombing of Königliche Rote Küste Theatre earlier today.

Following the release of video footage which appeared to show "executions" in the street against any who opposed Renesian civil authority, Vaino declared the emergency press conference.

"... The bombing of Königliche Rote Küste Theatre was a true tragedy, and I can assure that there will be Myrish aid sent to the victims and victims' families of this heinious act … It is, however, that I cannot ignore the brutality and inhumane actions by the Renesian government and the targeted killings of innocent civilians," Vaino spoke.

  • SULF and NSUIA: what do we know?
  • Latest updates

"It is clear to me that the Governor-General Klemens Wolff is paranoid and unwell. Not only has he allowed this massacre which killed 500, he ordered it. In the beautiful city of Rybivsky, more than 100 - I say again - 100 protesters were shot and killed for little more reason than to disperse a crowd … Daughters, sons, mothers and fathers lost their lives due to the paranoia which seems to taint the Renesian civil authority - calling this a massacre is an understatement."

"It has also come to my attention that this Governor General Wolff threatened another, unrelated party with a similar fate to the SULF simply for speaking their mind against the apparent executions conducted."

Vaino's press conference occurred shortly before word was spread that Governor General Wolff and his overseer were forcibly taken out of power. Vaino did not speak of the NSUIA.

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11 arrested in Gladomyr after police foil 'grand scale' terrorist plot

Raids were carried out in cities of Lisaare and Karnes against a group suspected of preparing major attack, federal prosecutor says


| Myrish armed police stand on-guard following a raid on the suspects' apartment

April 21, 2022 | Dincuff, Gladomyr
Brita Looke for Alutran Post Network Sedic

(Dincuff) - Lisaare city officials have released information on a foiled terrorist plot against the Renesian embassy which was halted early friday morning. In all, 11 individuals aged 20-43 have been put into custody by armored Myrish police. Of the 11, 4 were arrested during a raid on the suspects' apartment where the group had been devising the plot, and the remaining 7 were located in a van en route to the embassy, which was subsequently raided while parking.

The plot, as revealed by Lisaare chief of police Jaagup Keskkula, included 7 gunmen weilding smuggled Gožyar weapons, a car bomb, small arms, hand grenades, and more weapons stashed in 3 different locations across Lisaare and surrounding suburbs. The attack was referred to by Keskkula as a 'grand scale' terrorist plot which intended to produce 'many victims'. Heavily armed police first raided the apartment in which the plot had been planned at 8:14, arresting 4. The remaining 7 were tracked down and apprehended whilst en route to the Renesian embassy at 11:01, being stopped 6 kilometers north of Karnes.

Police were tipped off on the potential attack on Tuesday, April 18th officials say. It was 'just in time' that the suspects were arrested when they were.

'It is extremely lucky that we caught them when we did. In a sense it's serious, but this is also very good news,' stated the chief of police.


| A frame from security footage which showed Myrish armored police raiding the suspects' van whilst en route to Dincuff - Photo courtesy Karnes City Police

The motive for the attempted terrorist act has not been confirmed, though it has been implied that the perpetrators intended to attack the Renesian embassy due to the April 17 Staatsburg Massacre, which MG Maajar Vaino likened earlier this week to Gladomyr's own similar dark historical event, the 10 June Conflict which left 36 students dead in 1976.

In light of the Staatsburg Massacre, as well as this most recent foiled terrorist plot, some fear Alutra may be seeing a prelude to a larger time of unrest in the near future, and the Renesian massacre may have been the tipping point. In January, 3 Myrs were wounded following a knife attack which was confirmed to be 'terroristic' in nature. Similarly, a concert which was scheduled to take place in Haparfed on 12 February was canceled following the arrests of 2 Myrish nationals by Lathadun authorities. The 2 were attempting to cross the border into Lathadu bearing smuggled Gožyar weapons, which were reportedly intended to 'bring terror' to the concert.

According to the 2021 Myrish census, approximately 12,430 Renesian expats are living in Gladomyr, which some say may spark riots or other violent acts against Gladomyr similar to the one foiled early Friday morning. 5 of the 11 perpetrators were confirmed to be Renesian nationals, the remaining 6 being Myrish.

'Responses to the killings in Staatsburg have been numerous all across Alutra and the rest of the world, and Gladomyr faces a curious uptick in protests and riots: possibly due to the high number of Renesian immigrants, or possibly due to the Myrish familiarity and vigor against recent events' says Indrek Jogi, an expert in current events and demographics. Reactions across Gladomyr have not faced any amount of shortage. Buckets of red paint thrown onto the front gates of the Renesian embassy, riots, and Staatsburg flags flying. It's all over the place, and I don't see there being a stop any time soon.'

Lisaare city officials have quelled any sense of fear with a statement saying that this event was likely a singularity, and that they have had no other tips or threats which would lead them to believe that another attack was imminent. In any case, many civil authority forces across Gladomyr have been put onto a higher alert. Just within the last month, homes of 3 different far-left extremists were raided in Pärhula and Dincuff, and more can be expected to come in recent light.

Comments (2):

Natasha · April 21, 2022 · 16:45
This is terrible news, so sad rn.

granaman · April 21, 2022 · 14:09
oh no not gladomyr. : (
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De Vorhoed

Lord-Magistrate Enacts Sweeping Sanctions Against Renesia; Calls for Rise in Security Generally

In an hour-long press conference given by Lord-Magistrate Johaan Haarving, it was announced that all steel imports from Renesia will be barred from entry, certain individuals would be sanctioned, and most importantly, agricultural goods and foodstuff exports to Renesia would be suspended until certain conditions are met.

"Today, a high ranking member of the Renesian government ordered the extrajudicial execution of hundreds of people. For this reason these sanctions are enacted" Lord-Magistrate Haarving said, after detailing the extent of the sanctions. They are designed to target the Renesian economy, as metals (particularly steel) are popular imports for the Eduran manufacturing sector, even after the Great Kerfuffle of '71, and foodstuffs are an export that Renesia relies on. The individuals who were sanctioned were those related to the ruling part of Renesia, and those related to Governor-General Kelemens Wolff.

Haarving's new policy is not popular with some sections of the NVA. The Magistrate of the Steelworkers General Union, Kelm Schaatlen, had this to say: "We have supplimented our own tachonite reserves with Renesian steel for 150 years, in order to keep the price down. If we were forced to rely on our own mines, we would have exhausted the supply by now and the price would be sky high. We don't have great factories anymore, but we've spent the last 40 years trying to build back manufacturing in this country, and it won't survive long without cheap steel."

The Lord-Magistrate declared that the sanctions would be lifted when the Renesian government had pulled the majority of its central government troops out of the Fern Province, reaffirm its commitments it has with its Fernish minorities, and deliver Klemens Wolff to the World Forum to be tried for crimes against humanity.

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"When the State has the ability to kill hundreds with impunity, know then that their people are not free," said Lord-Magistrate Haarving, ending his presser.

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Chancellor Viktor Osgiliath Takes Control
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22nd April, 2022 - 11:15
International Renesian Chronicles

Renes - The incident in Staatsburg and Fern province left a sour taste everywhere, especially in Prince Kluas II. Prince Kluas II immediately ordered the removal of the Governor-General and will be put on trial alongside Fern overseer for failing to stop his actions. Meanwhile, Prince Kluas II ordered Chancellor Viktor Osgiliath to temporarily take command of Fern province with full royal authority to bring peace to the region. The Prince also ordered the rest of the government to give their full effort into restoring peace and prosperity back in Fern: the People's Community Affairs Department (PCAD) are assigned to compensate the affected families and cover the expense of any injury or destruction of property that occurred, while the Ministry of Justice is to find and punish criminals from NSUIA and Fern Armed Forces such as the Governor-General Klemens Wolff and Generalmajor Gert. Moreover, the Renesian Information Gathering and Intelligence Department (RIGID) are investigating further into NSUIA members.

Chancellor Viktor Osgiliath released a statement earlier this morning "We are saddened that this tragedy has happened, Gladomyr, Edury, and the rest of the international community's responses are justifiable and the liable people will be punished. Although, the NSUIA have been quickly dealt with the methods used by the Governor-General were clearly wrong, Renesia will make sure such a tragedy will never happen again!". The Chancellor made reversed all of the Governor-General orders, including removing curfews, ending the state of emergency, returning Renesian and Fern troops to their station and started rebuilding the affected areas.

Many Velorens are still rioting demanding justice and for Governor-General Klemens Wolff and Generalmajor Gert to be sent to World Forum for their trial, and with Edury sanction, the Prince announced that both would be sent to WF with Renesian judges to oversee the ruling since Renesia caveats all articles in the Kirriktik Conventions. Although, the NSUIA leaders and majority of Fern armed forces will still be tried in Renes.

The Eduran sanctions worried the rest of the provinces as Edury provides cheap foodstuff considering their geographic location, the Renesian government announced to temporarily subsidies food and seek other alternatives such as Ventora, Riyata or Higher Tar-dinuu until the sanctions is terminated.

The Chancellor promised Fern to hold an election in the coming months and will no longer be administered by a Renesian Governer-General but a local Veloren Governor. The announcement made SULP and their supporters ecstatic, since SULP inception 48 years ago they have been advocating for Regionalism and be treated the same as the rest of Renesian provinces.

Although, these wounds are not expected to heal so fast and need the cooperation of both Velorens and Renesians to work together in the future. Henceforth, the Prince announced to reform the Overseer-ship and create a new special body that is both effective and efficient in dealing with sensitive issues.
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April 22, 2022

Ventora Supports Renesian Efforts in Fern
Ander Zubizarreta Etxeberria
April 22, 2022


Foreign Commissioner Venceslás de Novaserta at a press conference.
Photo by JoselynS/Commons

Plenas — In an afternoon press conference, Foreign Commissioner Venceslás de Novaserta Cronremo reiterated Ventora’s position in agreement with Renesia’s Prince Klaus II to address the crisis in the Fern exclave. “Make no mistake, the despicable actions by [Governor-General Klemmens] Wolf were horrendous and unacceptable”, Novaserta said. “Prince Klaus has rightly removed him from his authorities and charged Chancellor Osgiliath with restoring order and beginning the healing process. Ventora stands with the Renesians and we offer any assistance needed.”

On April 17th, the New Sátha Ústi Independant Army, an extremist group in the Fern province, detonated a bomb in the Königliche Rote Küste Theatre in Staatsburg. Authorities have not released a death toll or casualty list. Governor-General Klemmens responded aggressively by arresting hundreds. He is blamed for numerous summary executions carried out by military forces under his control. The actions caused widespread rioting. Several countries have condemned the actions and Edury has gone so far as to implement economic sanctions against Renesia.

Regarding international reactions, Novaserta said, “Renesia is not the problem and sanctions will not facilitate addressing the issues and improving things in Fern. Steps have already been taken to address the criminal acts of Wolff and his accomplices.” Edury has called for Wolff to be tried before the World Forum, which Prince Klaus has reportedly agreed to.

Novaserta offered humanitarian assistance to Renesia, adding he had been in contact with the Civil Protection Corps, a non-governmental relief organization. “We are also prepared to grant other aid as may be needed,” he said.

Regent Isidro Duarte released a statement denouncing both the bombing and “retaliatory massacre by the rogue Govenor-General Wolff, clearly acting well outside the scope of his authority.” Duarte’s statement also recognized Renesia’s sovereignty and encouraged reconciliation in the matter.

Incidents such as the bombing are somewhat sensitive in Ventora considering the on-going insurgency by the People’s Emancipation Union, primarily in the northeastern Kanakan region. “In the final analysis, we must all stand for the rule of law”, Novaserta concluded

Grana Times Logo.png
Haksarad Drastically Increases Support for Agar Rukhulate

Haksar Volunteers.png
Haksar volunteers in Agarad.

04/23/2022 7:37 am | Grana, Riyude
Hitara Tiquro for Grana Times

The Agar Civil War in its present form has raged since 1987, when the rebel forces fractured just before claiming victory. Foreign involvement in the war has waxed and waned in the decades since, with the current major backers being Riyude and Coranelle for the Jarader Forces and Velorenkya and Ordrey for the Republican Front.

While both Haksarad and Gemurtrak have supported the Rukhulate since the beginning of the civil war in 1977, this has always been rather nominal in practice, and until 2020, Haksarad also supported the Jarader Forces. This, however, seems to be changing. On March 1, 2022, the leaders of the Rukhulate and the Zulqarrakin in Agarad met with representatives from Haksarad and Gemurtrak at a summit in Haksarad. Although it is unknown exactly what was said in this private meeting, it is clear that Regent General Marad ha-Mussafi is pursuing a closer relationship with the Rukhulate and even the Zulqarrakin, and hoping to bring Gemurtrak along as well.

Additionally, ha-Mussafi’s public appearance with the twelve-year-old Rukhul of Agarad on February 21—at which the religious paramilitary organization Arwad Tanashirin Tashur was in attendance—also points to a renewed interest in the neighboring country, as well as to a renewed relationship with the awards, which the government distanced itself from in 2000. This was affirmed two days ago, when the Arwad Divorce Act of 2000 was repealed by the Haksar National Diet, allowing the paramilitaries to once again act essentially as an arm of the government.

In the last three days, over ten thousand Haksar have joined the Janat Takhirin—the Rukhulate’s foreign volunteer army—including several arwads in their entirety. Also notable is the enlistment of several former Haksar military officials, likely operating as advisors to the Rukhulate’s command. In that same time, the Rukhulate forces have launched two major airstrikes and renewed their stagnant ground offensive against the Republican Front. The airstrikes were carried out on RF-controlled areas of Wad and Tageb Provinces, which lie between the Rukhulate’s more stably-held territory in the east and its exclave that lies near the JF-held capital of Aliqah.

Comments (3):

_Average_Rede_ · 04/27/2022 7:42 am
Riyude, Coranelle and the World Forum have all been over there “peacekeeping” for decades. Why not let someone actually fix it?

granaman · 04/27/2022 12:17 pm
10,000 “volunteers” lol… do people really buy this shit?

Haksar military gathers 'intense' amount of troops, equipment near Agar border

'This could be a preliminary sign of an invasion with strength we've never seen.'


| Military equipment gathered in a formerly quiet, civilian airfield in western Haksarad.

April 26, 2022 | Dincuff, Gladomyr
Yama Recoule for Alutran Post Network Global

DINCUFF - New satellite imagery over western Haksarad shows a grim status on Haksarad's recent military focus on their western regions which has been taking place over the previous few weeks. Ever since April 1, intelligence showed that a mass movement of Haksar troops and 'volunteers' from as far east as the border region of Esharat began moving equipment westward. Additionally, footage from recent days also shows multitudes of tanks, armored vehicles, and other cars lined up on trains, which quickly suggested that the country was preparing for a military operation with its westernmost neighbor - Agarad.

Though Haksarad and its troops have been influential and active in Agarad since the dawn of its civil war, a majority of its operations within the country were not of this magnitude. Klas Palo, an expert in the military and former general of the Myrish army, states that the most recent satellite imagery proves that this is 'what [he] had feared'.
"It is, as of yet, unknown what the Haksar goals in Agarad would, or rather will, be. Though I reckon violence towards Riyudic, Coranellan, Ordrish, or Velorenkyan troops is unlikely, the influx of highly modern military equipment would make one think otherwise. This could be a preliminary sign of an invasion with strength we've never seen."

According to military and satellite analysts, approximately 100,000 Haksars are now stationed at or near the Agar border, and a further 78 military outposts, bases, or airfields have been constructed since April 1. Haksar officials have yet to make an official statement on the movement of troops. Because of this, only theories exist as to why Haksarad may want to push into Agarad in this fashion. Palo states his own.
"Haksarad has shown growing impatience about the situation in Agarad, and has shown on several occasions its distaste for the involvement of foreign troops interfering in the civil war, believing that the civil war has not gotten any better since it began 50 years ago. The hypocrisy aside, this could result in the establishment of a Haksar puppet state within Agarad which favors Rukhulate rule of the country. Though it could last in the short term, the Haksar puppet government would likely have to face many attempts to overthrow it by the Republican Front or the Jarader Forces."

Palo also states that this could be the start of a new era of the Agar civil war and the Agar history as a whole. A new Haksar-aligning country could prove to have effects on countries which are directly affected, influenced, or weaker than Haksarad and its cultural strength.

Coranelle, a long-time supporter of the Jarader Forces, has also shown impatience within the last month, with its Prime Minister Koupaia Moigne growing increasingly in-favor of a Coranellan withdrawal from the civil war. Though Coranelle's reasons for its involvement in the war are many in-numbers - ranging from abiding by Riyudic influence to securing the oil reserves in Agarad - it has always been slightly hesitant about its involvement. As of 2022, Coranelle has the least amount of troops within the 'big 4' powers in Agarad. Whether or not Moigne's changing opinions is due to the new Haksar threat is unknown, though Moigne has yet to release a concrete statement on Haksarad and the new buildup of troops. Riyude, Velorenkya, and Ordrey continue to be unwavering in their involvement.

Renesian Delegate Critics World Forum
The World Forum's slow and divided actions are prolonging Agarad's civil war

01/05/2022 1:00 pm | Midledon, Renesia
Ragners News

The Renesian delegate to the World Forum was heard criticizing the varied responses from different nation-states on the Agarad civil war, saying:

"The recent events concerning Agarad civil war shows the inadequacies of the World Forum as a platform to solve problems, every nation is aiming to achieve their 'peaceful' resolution instead of cooperation with each other the nations are clashes among themselves, hindering any progress of peace and prolonging the civil war. Renesia asks their fellow nations that are currently involved in Agarad to pull out completely and decide which faction is legitimate and give them their full support. Lest I remind everyone that the World Forum was created to achieve peace and yet Agarad has been in constant civil war for over 40 years, it should be considered a black stain on the achievements of the World Forum."
Although, the many delegates do not seem too keen on commenting about the Agarad's current situation. The Renesian delegate stated that if the WF will remain with their inactivity on this issue then Renesia will take matters into its own hands.

Hours later, the Renesian Prince Kluas II announced that he would be travelling to Haksarad very soon and stated his support for Haksarad and the Rukhulate. We managed to get a small interview with the Prince, going into further details about why is he supporting Haksarad and the Rukhulate, "Out of all the foreign powers that are involved in Agarad, Haksarad share both cultural and religion, moreover, unlike other powers involved they are not an ocean away".

This news is a shock to both the Chancellor and the Noble's Chamber. Both the Chancellor and Lord-Protector seem to have requested an emergency meeting with the Prince, although we were given no further details.

Comments (3):

NixianFlower · 01/05/2022 2:31 pm
The first thing the Prince does away from the Chancellor's eyes is to align us with Haksarad?! The Chancellor needs to come back from Fern!

Valarianfan9 · 01/05/2022 3:11 pm

BelltonCity · 01/05/2022 3:45 pm
The war in Agarad has gone for too long! It needs to end!
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Stowaway newspaper logo.png

"There are no secret Gemurtrakian death squads in Agarad!" rebuttles Yuza
Rumors spiral as Alutra heats up over the Agarad conflict


Mugara Yuza during today's speech

May 3, 2022 12:00 pm | Ornpyat, Gemurtrak
Garema Taguzena for the Stowaway

Gemurtrak's participation in international affairs has raised concerns and questions recently after reports last week of increased Haksar military presence on their border to Agarad, a clear sign of potential things to come and a possible turn for the events of the civil war that has been rampaging in Agarad for decades. The move has been met with polarizing opinions as clear factions have been verified based on national positions in the conflict.

Gemurtrak had yet to release an official statement on the issue prior to today but many had been aware of the meeting between foreign minister Ketega Narte and regent general Marad back in March about their continued cooperation. Mugara Yuza was bombarded with questions today over this meeting and the potential of an increase of military efforts by Gemurtrak in the foreign conflict. "It is still too early to tell, however we are supportive of our allies in Jimmada and no amount of fear mongering and threats of escalation by those, who should have a bigger focus in their local affairs, are going to make us defect on our previous agreements".

Rumors had also begun to catch on in recent days after a video leak by an anonymous poster in early April claiming to show the infamous Gemurtrakian Special Forces unit Y-SAN active in the Agar conflict. This rumor had reached the press meeting today to the visual disamusement of Minister Yuza when reporters asked his opinion on claimed ' Gemurtrakian death squads' in Agarad. "There are not secret Gemurtrakian death squads in Agarad! It is ridiculous I have to clarify that in the first place". Yuza opposed these claims greatly, stating "We are dedicated to the wellbeing of the Agar people and hope to being peace to the region for their betterment. State authorized killer agents are not a Gemurtrakian tactic and far from the reality that is occuring in the conflict and belongs far better in a spy novel or Vidina rather than a press meeting". Some questioned Yuza's jab towards Vidina, an obvious insult towards the Riyudic supporter in the conflict. Yuza responded lightly on the insult, only say "We are not on talking terms with Riyude at present" before excusing himself and concluding the meeting.

It is expected additional activities relating to this increase of tension to reach King Metenyanu and a potential change of tactics may very well be under way.

Comments (3):

Kago843 · 03/05/2022 2:00 pm
What a joke, that reporter should've been fired on the spot

Jakudega · 03/05/2022 2:43 pm
Guys! there are Riyude bots in the chat! downvote them to the seas!

Riyudenotwrong5324563 · 03/05/2022 2:51 pm
How dare Mugara insults Riyude like that! Riyude is the good guys here!
Score: -2044 · REPLY · UPVOTE · DOWNVOTE
Special Jouni Kovirita Interview
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This is the Transcript version of the interview that happened earlier today.

04/06/2022 9:00 am | Laagburg, Renesia
Laagburg News Network

Gisbert Carmen: "Good morning everybody, welcome back to the LNN, your number one source for anything economics. I am Gisbert Carmen and today we have with us Dr. Jouni Kovirita, he is an economist from Gladomyr."

Jouni Kovirita: "Hello, it's an honour to be here."

Gisbert Carmen: "Well, then let us get on some news! Last month Prince Kluas II announced that he would be more involved in Agarad and will be supporting Haksarad and the Rukhulate, but yesterday he announced that he would be supporting them by financial means and providing them with military equipment. Everybody thought that the Prince would support them more directly, but he never did mention how he would support them last month, what are your thoughts Dr. Jouni Kovirita?"

Jouni Kovirita: "Ah, yes, a surprise to be sure, but the better choice overall. I do not think Renesia has the capabilities to commit a military presence in Agarad without a heavy cost to the average Renesian. But providing military equipment to Haksarad and the Rukhulate will help the stagnant military production sector while Renesia supports Haksarad."

Gisbert Carmen: "Stagnant? I think it's robust."

Jouni Kovirita: "It might look robust on the outside, but the Renesian military production sector has seen little growth in the past 5 years, which means they are not able to successfully expand their production nor have cutting edge R&D department."

Gisbert Carmen: "I see, I see. Let's move on to the next topic; the results of the elections in Fern province has been announced earlier this morning, and the first governor of Fern province and president of the Sátha Ústi republic is Ulli Michi, a Renesian born and raised alongside the Velorens in Staatsburg. This should help Fern improve their economic activity even further right?"

Jouni Kovirita: "Yes, especially after the massacre–"

Gisbert Carmen: "It wasn't a massacre."

Jouni Kovirita: "Right. After the events of the 17th of April Fern has seen a massive hit to the economic activity, but with a self-determinism, they should be able to recover and might potentially see an explosive growth depending on what Ulli Michi policies would be, I think many nations are interested in investing in Fern."

Gisbert Carmen: "That does seem to be the case, and I think Ulli Michi is– Oh, it seems to me that our time is up! Thank you Dr. Jouni Kovirita for coming in today!"

Jouni Kovirita: "And thank you for having me."

Gisbert Carmen: "Now for stocks forecast with Edgars Karlijn."


Nevalainen Wins Minister General

Klemeti Nevalainen is the 18th Minister General of Gladomyr.


Nevalainen in 2021, photo courtesy APN Photography

September 8, 2022 | Dincuff, Gladomyr
Yama Recoule for Alutran Post Network Global

DINCUFF - Klemeti Nevalainen, former Lord Mayor of Merser, was announced the victor of the 2022 Myrish elections this afternoon. In a landslide victory, Nevalainen took the votes of almost exactly 50% of the election's turnout, leaving Vaino with just 18.02% of votes.

Born on 22 June, 1978 in Plenas, Ventora, Nevalainen has had a life-long buildup of political and geographical knowledge, being born to two diplomat parents. His career as a politician started soon after his graduation from the University of East Merser as a political comedian. He later ran and won for Head of the World Forum Organization for Agricultural Development in 2010, and became the Lord Mayor of Merser in 2016. His political status helped Nevalainen climb the ladder of the National Progressive Party, finally landing him as Minister General this afternoon.

However; Nevalainen's victory was no surprise. Lathadun Essa Carrickbane - labor leader, activist, and Secretary-General of the National Federation of Trade Guilds - had called the election in Nevalainen's favor as far back as 9 months before the election day. Maajar Vaino, now the former Minister General, has been widely regarded to have stuttered in his leadership, and hadn't followed through with a majority of his promises. Nevalainen capitalized on this, and it has inevitably came out in his favor.

Nevalainen emphasizes anti-consumerism, syndicalism, and internationalism, among more. He further pledged to resolve the border dispute with Ordrey — a dispute left simmering since 1978.

Several countries' leaders have already made statements regarding Nevalainen's success. Galvian Grand Secretariat, Janus Celmiņš, said "Warm congratulations to newly elected Myrish Minister General, Klemeti Navalainen, our administration looks forward to working together toward strengthening the relation between our countries for the good of our region and people."

Eduran Lord Magistrate Jonaþ Þestelrenþ also made a formal statement, "Congrats to Mr Nevalaien, and we look forward to working with you in the future” — a common sentiment among the many nations who have regarded Nevalainen thus far.

Whether or not Nevalainen carries through on his many promises, one cannot say; however, the landslide victory in his favor clues one into believing that many have high hopes for the new Minister General.
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December 6, 2022

Light-buff parties pick up seats in Congressal elections
Áurea Escamilla Paz
December 6, 2022


Valerio Castillo, Nationalist Party leader, talks about the party’s objectives for the next session of Congress.
Photo by Geraldo Magela/Commons

Plenas — Following Sunday’s voting by the Conclaves of Electors in People’s Assembly elections, light buff parties captured seats in Congress while the positions deep parties eroded. The Nationalist Party saw the largest gains, picking up 19 seats in the Assembly. In the November election, the Nationalists also won an additional seat in the Grand Council. When they are seated in January, the Nationalists will hold about a third of the seats in both chambers.

The Homeland Group saw the second-largest increase in the Assembly at six seats. The Landowners Association added a seat in each chamber. Other gains in the Assembly are the light blue People’s Union at 2 seats and the Agrarian, Workers parties, and center Citizens Together, each expanding by one seat. The biggest losses were by deep blue People’s Freedom and blue Democratic parties, down 5 Assembly seats each. The blue Egalitarian and buff Monarchist parties each lost 4 seats in the chamber.

Nationalist Party leader Valerio Castillo thanked electors in an evening news conference at the party’s headquarters in Plenas. “We will continue to advocate for everyday Ventorans and work for enhancements in their daily lives while strengthening society as a whole,” he said. His remarks followed Tuesday’s election certification by Elections Ventora.

While pundits speculate on the significance of the elections, Faur Menio Tien claims she is not surprised. The University of Ascara political scientist thinks the results are just a manifestation of the continuing urbanization of the population. “The movement of voters toward moderate candidates is a clear rejection of extremist parties, no matter the color,” she said. “The Nationalists are main stream with a bent toward traditions, which I think appeals to people who’ve recently relocated to urban municipalities.” She added, “It may also be a rejection of fringe parties and their tendencies toward extremist views and actions.” She cited the January Toleros firebombing which killed 14 and destroyed a local Populist Union office as an example. “Most people decry such violence,” she said. The perpetrator, who died from injuries sustained during his firebombing, was associated with the outlaw People’s Emancipation Union.

New members of congress officially take their seats on January first. Official results of the elections can be found on Elections Ventora’s website at snps.elecciones.go.ve.

44-Year Myro-Ordrish Border Conflict Resolved; Not Everyone is Happy

A historic settlement was reached on Sunday.


Nevalainen shakes hand with Ordrish Minister of State, photo courtesy APN Photography

December 12, 2022 | Dincuff, Gladomyr
Yama Recoule for Alutran Post Network Global

DINCUFF - A historic settlement between the Unified Kingdoms of Gladomyr and the Collective Commonwealth of Ordrey has officially gone into effect on Sunday. It was in the small border town of Livee that Myrish Minister General Klemeti Nevalainen and Ordrish Minister of State came to a formal agreement on their shared border, a disagreement which has been simmering since 1978. Both Ordrish First Commissar Comla Mievlen and First Representative Samo Oclin could not make the meeting as both were attending a summit in Ecoralia.

The agreement settled upon by both parties was to not alter their shared border, but disband all former claims on each others' sovereign territory. This cements the border as its current straight line, and dissolves all territorial disputes between the two nations. The settlement is a key step towards Gladomyr's inclusion in the Aarnieu Fraternity—a goal which Minister General Nevalainen has promised since his election in September.

As well as being a victory for Myro-Ordrish relations, the agreement has cemented the new Minister General's trustworthiness amongst the Myrish people; however, the historic settlement has not sat well with every Myr. Throughout the meeting, a sizable congregation of protesters gathered outside the gates of the stage the agreement was to take place on.

APN correspondent Teija Määkinen attended the public settlement, and gained the perspective of a protester.
Orvo Kivelä, a resident of Arvidon, drove 1 ½ hours to attend the meeting, but not to congratulate the historic moment. Instead, Kivelä is adamant that the dispute remains.
"Those Noyonists are trying to convert the Myrish people. Nevalainen is a Noyonist, trying to get our nation to join those [expletive] Aarnieu Fraternity [expletive]s. Does he not know what our country was founded on? Has he decided to throw away all that defines the Myrish spirit?" Kivelä said.
"Gladomyr was right to invade Ordrey in 1978, we could have saved the Ordrons from the Noyonists, but then those damn college students and tree-huggers suddenly decided that we should let our neighbors struggle and die under the hands of Noyonism. The Ordrons saved our asses from the Salians in 1954, I would know, I was born in South Gladomyr! So why should we give up on them when they need us the most? We need to reinvade Ordrey and dethrone the Noyonist menace." Kivelä concluded.

Kivelä isn't the only one who shares these thoughts. Within recent years, a Myrish political faction known as Kjemper for den Myriske Ånden (KMÅ), also known as the Fighters for the Myrish Spirit, has gained traction within the nation—particularly amongst the older conservative Myrs scattered throughout the nation. The group believes that the Aarnieu Fraternity will disestablish Gladomyr's foundations and convert the government into a more Noyonist system of government.

Minister General Nevalainen has already commented on the KMÅ in an interview late last month.
"The group known as KMÅ does not care about progress. What we would call progress, those aligning with KMÅ would call retrogression. They focus too much on Gladomyr's buffist past. What they fail to realize, however, is that the true Myrish Spirit has always been about progression and fighting through tough times. They are ignorant about the true Gladomyr and focus on the parts that fit their ideology. They don't want peace, they want the opposite of that." Nevalainen said.

Regardless, Gladomyr is now free from all territorial disputes for the first time in nearly half a century. What comes next for Gladomyr has been made obvious by Nevalainen—the nation will be progressing towards their future Aarnieu Fraternity membership.

Comments (4):

FridgeMagnet · December 12, 2022 · 13:45
I mean is Kivelä wrong tho...

granaman · December 12 · 14:09
why does this website keep putting irrelevant countries on my feed. please fix and/or block me c

destructive_power93845389 · December 12 · 14:26
Literally Gladomyr is progressive for the first time in history and people are unhappy abouyt this? Savour the moment people, Nevalainen is about to spoil us after the worst 4 years in history with Mister Vaino. Lying son of a bitch

Livee_Resident_405 · December 12 · 14:51
I live in Livee right next to the border and the protesters are still here & there's more of them by the hour... ermmmmmm why is no one talking about this? I got a seriously bad feeling about this!! APN please DM me i got a ton of pictures.
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Gladomyr and Ordrey: "A new age of peace!"


12th December 2022 - 16:03
International Renesian Chronicles

Renes - The announcement of Gladomyr and Ordrey cooperation has opened a path of stability and peace. With territorial disputes dismissed, people are able to feel safer knowing that the harmony between the two nations is everlasting and not a timed bomb waiting to explode. Thanks to the efforts of Minister General Klemeti Nevalainen, Gladomyr and potentially all of Alutra will see a new age of prosperity where Alutran leaders will shake hands instead of pointing accusingly at each other.

Chancellor Viktor Osgiliath appeared on national television today after returning from the summit in Ecoralia, saying in response to the news:

"I commend Gladomyr and Ordrey for finally settling this long dispute and burying the hatchet. I expected Gladomyr would never give up on their claims because of their so-called 'Myrish spirit', but I am glad that cooler heads prevailed. This marks a new age of peace! not just for Gladomyr and Ordrey but also for the entirety of East Alutra. Let bygones be bygones and march together towards a progressive society and an Alutran unity. I wish for other nations to follow suit and not let past mistakes be the future's chains! The world has faced enough suffering for one century. As the Myrish are our distanced cousins and close allies, I wish them all the best in their endeavours."

However, some are not happy with this announcement of the news from Renesia and Gladomyr. Some of the noble families made it publicly known in Noble's chamber how dissatisfied they are with this arrangement. Ruedi Maier representing the Maier family, said this in Noble's chamber:

"...And how the great Myrish people have fallen, I have considered them as Renesian cousins and world leaders, yet they bend the knee to a Noyonist regime and throw away everything they have built up until now. It is a great disappointment; this so-called peace will not last long but will reignite old wounds since it is built on fake promises of Ordrey, and I suggest the Noble's chamber members prepare for this eventuality where we will have to stand with the Myrish people against Ordrey."
The Maier family has always been a staunch opponent of Noyonist and Revivalism ideas, and these stances are shared by a few other noble families; however, the majority of the chamber dismiss these claims and side with Chancellor Viktor Osgiliath's perspective.
There have been many private and public reports about major protests sweeping Gladomyr, especially in the south; this could potentially ruin Minister General Klemeti Nevalainen's effort if the people do not accept it and work against it. Parties such as the KMÅ should be banned or imprisoned for public safety.

The Foreign Minister of Kleolaion, Thanasis Demetriou, said in an exclusive interview with IVKTV "How ironic the 'Blood' Chancellor of Renesia preach peace while drenched in blood." commenting on the Chancellor's speech earlier today, "However, I would like to congratulate Gladomyr and Ordrey on this historical achievement, the last vestige of the great wars are finally gone" he stated.

The IRC wishes to see more peaceful relationship between Kleolaion and Renesia, such as Gladomyr and Ordrey have displayed.

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Protests expected following failure of industry security bill

Republic Minister urges paitience as he disciplines party

Scenes similar to those shortly before the Democratic Peoples Party's victory eariler in the year may be an expected sight again

12 December 2022 - 17:12
The Stowaway - Politics

Ornpyat - Concerns over public safety for the following week have been raised after the death of the highly controversial industrial security and reforms bill in the Chamber of States today after a shocking crossing of party lines by multiple members of the Democratic Peoples Party. The bill, garnered as Republic Minister Mugara Yuza's hallmark economic reforms he promised in his reelection campaign, was a massive point of debate within all parties within the Imperial Chambers and has proved to have caused a decisive split within Yuza's own party. The bill called for numerous benefits to lower wage workers including a Ɏ30/h increase to the minimum wage which has remained at Ɏ170/h since it's last rise in 2010, and an expansion of union rights, deregulating the Federal Union Policing Authority and placing more control to state UPA's, and raising the maximum union participation percentage to 25%.

Mugara Yuza seemed confident last week following the bill's success in the Chamber of Ministers on the 8th with a successful 464-319 vote that saw the coalition buck from the decision with only 36 out of the 119 members of the NPP joining alongside the DPP. Party leader of the NPP, Penataka Janu voiced his party's decision.

"I had expected Yuza to know the right direction when it comes to fixing our stagnating economy, giving power to the unions is the opposite of the solution. Yuza is clearly a [Redacted] smeared clown who wants to kiss the rears of the Bluies".

Yuza defended his position arguing that the approach taken isn't a radical transformation of the party but simply a pragmatic approach to a growing issue in the past decade.

The confidence and hopes of Yuza were not realized today when the Chamber of States finally arrived at it's decision with a undeniable 51-76 against the bill, almost all but 4 of the DPP voting against it's passing. The initial public response from the results has been extremely negative with expectations for massive protests and other demonstrations tomorrow. The Ornpyat City Riot Police have already been placed on high alert and have warned civilians against joining into these protests or risk injuring themselves in the event the protests turn violent. The political future for the coalition that carried the DPP and Yuza into their second term is uncertain, many political analyists claiming the only potential way of recover would be to broker a deal with the PJP, the alternative being another election. Yuza has given news outlets little to go off of since the result.

"I ask only for patience from the public while the cabinet and I discuss what will be the best course forward, we will provide greater detail once it has been discussed".

Comments (3):

Mako · 12/12/2022 5:30 pm
As long as I don't need to go back to the election booths, I don't care what happens

Jakudega · 12/12/2022 5:41 pm
HAHAHAHA! BTM Yuza is such an idiot, glad I didn't vote for him unlike most of you dumbasses here!

RiGekeya · 12/12/2022 5:51 pm
My brother is in Ornpyat... I hope he's alright

RealCenturyHero · 12/12/2022 6:00 pm
Replying to RiGekeya

Only reason he should be afraid is he's a Jaku for the Bluies, in which case I hope the OCRP get him good.


Grand Assembly Approves 50% Increase In Tar-dinuuen Military Expenditure

Aridfar, Dulil Ardur-Kidal
Written 15:46, December 13 2022


Tar-dinuuen Karadruu Armored Personnel Carrier in a military base in Ranin. Captured by Larili, DAK Photographer.
Muralilin - Yesterday the Tar-dinuuen Grand Assembly voted 669 to 132, with 119 abstaining, to increase Tar-dinuu’s military expenditure by 50%. This would result in over ꤊ200 million being diverted towards national defense each year beginning in 2023.
This funding will be used to construct or purchase more equipment and military infrastructure in the southern state of Ranin, alongside the modernization of the already existing equipment, and the training of more personnel.
Furthermore, the Grand Assembly has expressed hope that the new funding will open up further opportunities for Tar-dinuu to collaborate with other powers on the world stage. Examples of such collaboration could include the formation of the Kidal Sea Joint-Defense Force, a controversial proposal to create a military body composed of the armed forces of all the member states of the Kidal Sea Cooperative Union, under the collective direction of those powers.
This is a drastic change from the status quo. Since the 1964 ceasefire in southern Tar-dinuu, the kingdom has gradually been decreasing the size of its military, resulting in the armed forces in 2021 employing less than 10,000 active personnel and having a budget of around ꤊ500 million. This was largely due to the nation's entrance into the Kidal Protocol with Riyata after the Third World War, which guaranteed that if Tar-dinuu was ever attacked it could rely on the Vatupic country to defend it. Following the establishment of the Kidal Protocol, Tar-dinuu continued to grow its diplomatic relationships with its neighbors through the founding of the Kidal Sea Cooperative Union, making an armed conflict in the Kidal Sea even more unlikely. The only remaining purpose for the army was the maintenance of the ceasefire along the border of the insurgent-occupied territories and occasionally to supplement the civilian forces in extreme situations, resulting in more than the current budget being deemed unnecessary.
The Prime Minister elaborated on the motivation for the change in a speech following the passage of the law, alongside implying further increases in the future, “While we honor our close allies in Riyata, it is the belief of many Tar-dinuuens that we have grown far too complacent over the course of the past decades. It is time for us to chart our own course as active participants on the global stage. This is the first step on our journey.”
Prime Minister Lurar attempted to calm foreign observers who worried that such a change might signal a new direction for Tar-dinuuen foreign policy, emphasizing that “Tar-dinuu does not seek to disrupt the careful balance of power and rules-based international order that has allowed our nations to flourish”. He also soothed the concerns of citizens who may question such an increase in spending, stating that the taxes of the average Tar-dinuuen would not rise. Instead, the majority of the money is said by the Grand Assembly to have been sourced from the profits of the state-owned industries.

Though a desire for further independence from Riyata and greater global participation was the stated reason for the changes in funding, some analysts have proposed other factors may have influenced the decision.
Eradar, Policy Analyst for DAK, suggests that one reason may have been the recent appointment of Múla Tín Tún as Grand Senator in the Republic of Énqusqó. The politician has made his sympathies towards insurgency in southern Tar-dinuu known, and Eradar believes that this may embolden the terrorists. Some justification for such belief can be found in the October 8th domestic terrorist attack on a prison in Ranin, which is believed to be linked to the southern states' separatist movement. Therefore, Lurar may be attempting to counterbalance this effect through a show of strength.
Another reason proposed by the policy analyst was to build unity in the Grand Assembly. Over the course of the past three years, political divisions between the three informal blocs in government have been growing more severe. Economic, social, and environmental policies have proven to be major faultlines, but nationalism has continued to be a uniting force. The Tar-dinuuen Immigration Reform Law passed in August, despite being criticized for creating significant barriers for migrants originating outside of the Kidal region, was lauded as a major example of interparty cooperation. The recent military expenditure reform carries many of the marks of this previous bill, being developed by politicians from both the governing Tar-dinuuen Ecological Party and the opposition, including from the controversial deep-Buffist League for the Defense of Tar-dinuu.

Some politicians, primarily Representatives of the blue-shade People’s Alliance bloc of parties, criticized the change for ignoring what they believe to be the real issues facing Tar-dinuuen voters in favor of catering Dinuuen nationalists. Maltri, Coordinator of the Kidal Islacentrist Party, lamented that “the working class of Tar-dinuu doesn’t want us to focus our resources on intimidating the rebels in the south or furthering this fruitless rivalry with our neighbors. Especially not in the face of increasing environmental catastrophe and rising cost of life. The only people who want this are the deep buffist fringes.” Maltri further cautioned inclusion of the League for the Defense of Tar-dinuu in policy-making is an “unwise path that has been tread before”, alluding to the pre-World War II collaboration between the Tar-dinuuen Heritage Party and the governing parties in the Grand Assembly which ultimately led to the formation of an ultranationalist dictatorship.
Other criticisms came from the League for the Defense of Tar-dinuu itself. When reached for comment, Representative Radlan, one of the contributors to the bill, stated that “The Dinuuen people need to be strong for the century to come. Past governments have been complacent, allowing us to fall under the influence of global Riyatic and Alutran elites. This has been a dangerous mistake, which must be rectified. I am grateful that the Lurar has finally begun to recognize that his policies and those of his predecessors have left our beautiful country in tatters. However, I am disgusted by his cowardly desire to continue to court the Riyatic globalists. Ultimately, while this reform is an encouraging sign, there is much that still needs to be done.”
Foreign leaders also responded to the policy change. When asked for comment Grand Senator Tún stated “This new bill from [Higher Tar-dinuu] is unsettling. The Kidal has worked hard to demilitarise in the wake of the world wars to promote international order, stability, and prosperity. It is a shame to see this work so swiftly undone.”
Asked to elaborate on the justifications and reassurances of the Grand Assembly he added “This is by no means a humanitarian project - this is the remilitarisation of a state that wishes to impose its will upon its neighbours. I have already had a phone call with the Ja-edmuralit to reassure the RCE’s position as a firm supporter of LTD’s independence and sovereignty. Governments in the RCE will be watching closely to see how this develops.”
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