Vampires and Their Humans -Anime-

[QUOTE="Andrea Logan]I think she is.

Thank you!

Name: Mathias Kohler

"You can tell me to do something, but that doesn't mean I will."


Age: 16

Species: Human

Vampire: Undetermined

Sexuality: Bisexual

Year: 2nd

"I can handle a bite to the neck. But if you start kissing, I'm out."


Personality: Mathias is strong willed. He can first come across and cynical and a bit mean. He tells things as he sees them, no matter how much it can hurt. He acts on emotions, yet he knows how to hide them extremely well. This can often get him into a lot of trouble, because he usually never thinks out the consequences. This also means he isn't loyal. Piss him off, and he will be out for vengeance. However, befriend him or get on his good side,and he's very sympathetic and kind. He enjoys seeing other people smile.

Bio: Born a human. He has a mother and a father, who are both extremely busy at work to make ends meet. He has an older brother who went t join the military, leaving him alone. Struck by sadness and fear of his brother, he started to act out in school. Because of this, he started getting bullied at his old school. So his parents decided to transfer him to this school, without quite realizing what is actually was

"Wanna ditch class and go for some ice cream instead?"



Music, The outdoors, Family, drawing, long walks in the woods


Loudness, liars, obnoxious people, spicy or sour foods
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First Character:


"Don't touch me."

Name: Chiyo Hakura

Age: 17

Year: 2

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Blood Type: O

Sexuality: Bisexual


"Just try to get close enough."


Chiyo is completely untrusting of people, so she tends to stay quiet. She is a bit jumpy and when she sees blood she becomes ill. However, she spends most of her time with vampires. When frightened or disturbed, instead of running away, her instinct is to fight. Whether that means physically or with sarcasm.


Old Books


Black Clothing

Tattoos and Piercings



Pastel Colors

Most People

Being Disturbed While Reading

Confrontational and Aggressive People




"You don't know what I'm capable of."


Chiyo was introduced to the world of Vampires by her first boyfriend at the age of 15. He was much older and not just because he was immortal. In an act of typical teenage poor decision making she ran away with him. While at first he had been romantic and exciting, he quickly became a monster when he had her completely in his control. He fed off of her everyday. She was raped, beated, drained within an inch of her life, and chained up. When her lover/master was sick of her and had gotten another human, he let a friend of his take her.This vampire treated her poorly as well and as soon as she had an opportunity, she killed him and ran away. With all that she has seen and experienced in the last two years she quickly found that she no longer fit in in the human world. Homeless and helpless Chiyo spent most of her time prostituting herself out in seedy vampire clubs. It was there that she met Hiroshi. In a huge leap of faith, she put her trust in him. Every day since has been a little better. He even talked her into returning to school and getting an education. He himself had never recieved one, so he joined her at school. Now, with the new policy in place, she is regretting letting him talk her into this.


"I don't belong to anyone."

Second Character:


"Don't worry. I'll keep you safe."

Name: Hiroshi Takahashi

Age: 18 (physically) + 42

Year: 2

Gender: Male

Species: Vampire

Favorite Blood Type: Animal Only for 3 Years

Sexuality: Bisexual


"I'm not really interested in...uh...nevermind...let's go somewhere quiet."


He despises his vampire side and the need to feed on blood drives him crazy. He appreciates life and protects it at all costs. Mostly, he feeds on animals and never kills. However, he has a temper and can be easily pushed to the edge of his humanity.





Alcohol and Drugs


Tattoos and Piercings



Aggressive People

Cruel Vampires


Dark or Cramped Places


"I'm getting restless...let's skip class."


Hiroshi was 18 when he became a vampire, in a very violent and traumatic way. He was kept as his sire's apprentice for over a decade, doing horrible things under his command. Hiroshi managed to go off on his own and has been alone since. While cruising for a willing meal in a club he met the desperate young Chiyo and took her under his wing. He quit school to work for his family in a coal mine when he was very young and is excited to finally get to go back, fifty years later. However, all of the interaction with people can be stressful.


"You belong to me. I won't let them touch you."

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Name:Dylan Douglas

year: first




Personality: stubborn as an Ass, blunt about things, Good nature, willing to learn, friendly, paranoid, and

Appearance: he is about 5'10", has pale skin, Hazel Eyes, short black hair, he wears glasses, green T-shirt, forest Camouflaged cargo pants and a pair of good old combat boots.

Likes: loneliness, freedom, history, Math, science, Darkness, games, machine

Dislikes: talking to people, being a personal bloodbag, being misunderstood, people falling in "love". humans and vampires

Hobbies: building machines, walking alone, reading, writing, and cooking

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