Vampires and Their Humans -Anime-


She's alone

Vampire Students

Yuki Sakamaki ~ 1st year

Ryuu Makumi ~ 3rd year

Toushi Saito ~ 3rd year

Rosinda Toshiragi ~ 2nd year

Akira Mizushima ~ 1st year

Wakana Kaga ~ 3rd year

Human Students

Alice Ikeda ~ 3rd year

Mochi Tachibana ~ 2nd year

Maaya "Neko" Koisumi ~ 1st year

Kazaki Okane ~ 3rd year

Michael Masters ~ 1st year

Aoi Hayashi ~ 2nd year

**Note: You can create whatever type of CS that you want! The limit is your imagination. Once you post your CS the name and year will be put on here.**
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"Hello Princess... Do you want to play?"



Yuki Sakamaki


(in human years)


First year



"Well, well, well, looks like someone was poking around~"



Yuki has a rather prince like attitude when you first meet him. He treats women with respect and isn't rude towards men. However the more you get to know him you'll realize that he has a darker side and can be cruel at time. Despite his slightly sadistic ways he's a very fun person to be around. His gentle and teasing words are the weakness of many women and he likes to have fun before he makes them his own. The dark circles under his eyes are due to studying, reading, or making music so he loves sleep very very much. Yuki is quite picky about human women and won't settle for someone boring or like all the rest. He enjoys beautiful women, but he prefers a different personality than most. Yuki's childish side comes out when he's eating sweets or sleeping. Even though he is only 15 Yuki can act quite mature and will surprise everyone with his smarts and other abilities. He isn't liked by many of the students as they know the true him and how he can be dangerous if painful memories of the past are discovered. What are these horrible memories you may ask? Well it wouldn't be any fun if you were told now would it? However I can say that Yuki is quite infatuated with music, making his own and becoming popular in the human world for his music. When he is doing something that he enjoys he smiles a bit more and becomes even more fun and might listen to your requests if you're lucky. Whenever Yuki gets mad he usually just laughs a bit before he mutters something in French and proceeds to 'punish' you with whatever he sees fit. Yuki may have his sadistic moments, but he hates to cause harm to people close to him, that's why with his human he makes sure that when he drinks her blood it's as painless as possible. Such a gentleman Yuki is. Prince Yuki is feared, desired, respected, and despised. The perfect amount of enemies and friends now isn't it?

"Don't betray your master or I'll punish you"



+ Sweets

+ Mizu (His teddy bear)

+ Reading

+ Sleeping

+ Sweet blood

+ Libraries

+ Music

+ Instruments

+ Singing

+ French

+ Secrets


- Spiders

- Not enough sleep

- Bitter/sour things

- Betrayal

- Being alone

- Losing

- Memories

- Butter cookies

- Volcanoes

- Peanuts

"Why do you know all about me? Are you that curious?"



Yuki hasn't decided on his 'Princess' yet.


All vampires have royalty somewhere in their family history, but Yuki is actually a prince. His family is a famous royal and powerful vampire family that even humans know about. This is probably why he gets away with many things and calls his human a princess. Now him being apart of royalty is why he is usually excluded from the others since he is a rather dangerous person in general.


+ Singing/Music

+ Reading

+ Sleeping

+ Gaming

+ Eating

"This world is cruel and will smash whatever happiness you gain. Isn't that unfair?"


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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/image.jpg.c8ef9846982f3334803babafd8d2759b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="45460" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/image.jpg.c8ef9846982f3334803babafd8d2759b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

|| Name||

Ryuu Makumi


17 (human years)




Third year


Ryuu is usually quiet, though this isn't due to bashfulness.

He sustains a more sophisticated atmosphere, always showing manners, but can be very rude, and sometimes cruel, to others while also being kind. While he has the capability to openly speak to others, he won't unless spoken to first, or if something happens to make him feel like it. Ryuu can spend days reading, and his love for books goes a long way. You will always see him at his most peaceful reading, even though he can be pretty aggressive if someone interrupts him without a reason. He can get defensive when it comes to these little holders of knowledge and adventures, and can become hostile if someone were to mistreat them will in his sights. A lover of mind games, Ryuu enjoys a good, practical conversation, and enjoys tricking others for his benefit. Even so, he contradicts himself with his distaste for bullies and unneeded violence, and can actually be pretty gentle towards others if he feels like it.

Nevertheless, Ryuu has a high curiosity, and will sometimes break his passive-aggressive, sadistic shell when he delves into learning more about something. What lies beneath may not be what you think.






Peaceful/quiet areas



Dark Chocolate



Music- plays piano



Most sweets

Being late for anything

Loud people

Bright lights


Unneeded violence

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/image.jpg.9b6ddb96c22e0255aefd059ff809c5fb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="45464" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/image.jpg.9b6ddb96c22e0255aefd059ff809c5fb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




Ryuu is heir to the head of his family, a royal band of aristocrats.



Playing piano

Listening to music



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/image.jpg.8162d6775ce15d98607db4d4f4dd8ac4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="45467" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/image.jpg.8162d6775ce15d98607db4d4f4dd8ac4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​



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"Don't bite there! You're so annoying"



Alice Ikeda




Third year



"Fine I understand. I'll help you"



Alice is a very gentle girl at heart and can easily be hurt, but she always puts on a brave and determined face. Sometimes she is carefree and will just relax while other times she'll stay up late trying to finish an essay for her contractor. Though she has a fear of blood and getting cut she allows her vampire to use her without complaint. Of course this is when he bites her neck or wrist, but if he tries to mess with her and bite her somewhere else she'll get worked up and hit him with a pillow or book. Alice often says things like 'I'll finish this while you catch up on sleep' or 'Don't worry I'm already ahead'. Though she says these things they are usually lies as she'll spend most of her time making sure that her contractor has good grades and isn't falling behind even if she is herself. Alice does little things like this to show affection even though she'll brush it off as the right thing to do. She usually ends up falling asleep when she's doing her own homework and will be extremely tired for the rest of the day and won't say much till she gets a nap. Alice is very dependable and seems to respond better to people when they depend on her because she can depend on them as well. Alice is actually quite vulnerable and hates to be alone, which causes her to lash out in a fight. Due to her fear of deep water she can't sleep with sheets or thin blankets as it makes her feel like she's drowning. If you are able to get past the tough and dependable Alice you'll be able to meet the shy, embarrassed and cute Alice that rarely comes out. When her true feelings and thoughts have finally been shown and voiced, Alice will become distant for quite some time till she's used to being herself around her vampire. Trust is something that Alice doesn't do very much which is why she's so weary around people who know her true colors.

"Listen to me... I don't want to be left alone, not by you"



+ Meat

+ Food

+ Movies

+ Sleeping

+ Warmth

+ Reading

+ Rabbits


- Being used

- Cocky men

- Perverts

- Getting bit on her leg

- Spiders

- Large scissors

- Being alone

- Drowning

- Dark/deep water

- Blood

"D-don't touch me! I'm not a doll!"



Toushi Saito



+ Painting

+ Cooking/Baking

+ Reading

+ Studying

+ Listening to music

"Everything that comes out of your mouth is a twisted lie. However I suppose it makes this an interesting contract..."


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"Nah, I'd rather just paint on it."


|| Name ||

Mochi Tachibana

|| Age ||


|| Gender ||



"Don't just come at me with your fangs bared, I got feelings ya know."

|| Year ||


|| Personality ||

Mochi is a very eccentric girl, choosing to dye her hair crazy colors and dress herself in mismatch clothing. She tends to be very wild and unpredictable, she hates even the idea of being controlled by anyone. Mochi is the kind of girl that will give up a fight for something that she believes in with a fierce loyalty with her friends and the things she cares about. This is her true self but on the surface she pretends to be carefree and aloof with a smile on her face but behind that smile she keeps in her true feelings, holding back everything that she really wants to say to keep up the facade. She isn't really the type to wear her heart on her sleeve and instead is particularly good and hiding her emotions, bottling them up so that she doesn't feel the pain of loss or anger. When Mochi was young she used to have a huge anger management problem so when she figured that enough was enough she straightened out and copes with the anger by hiding behind a smile.


"You're not as scaring looking as you think you are ."

|| Likes ||

? dogs

? coffee

? rainy days

? goggles

? spray paint

|| Dislikes ||

? rules

? books

? cats

? tea

? swimming


"Don't even think about trying to tell me what to do."

|| Vampire ||


|| Background ||


|| Hobbies ||

? Spray painting

? Baking

? Listening to music

? Dying her hair

? Parkour

"Ooh, I love the whole spooky feel you guys got going on."


|| Theme ||



"Hello......Your Name?"


Name: Maaya "Neko" Koizumi

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Birthdate: August 1

Year: First Year

"I'm a bit too curious as they say"


Background: Human

"No......Not yet"



Maaya is generally quiet, and only speaks a few words to express her thoughts. She barely smiles most of the time. She has the ability to know what mood a person is in from reading their emotions. Maaya has feeble anti sociableness but it tends to happen when she is with new people. She has a liking for chocolate because of a past experience with it. Maaya hair has intakes that look like cat ears that she tends to play with a lot which earned her the nickname for Neko. Maaya has a quiet bubble so, when she is alone (or when she has enough confidence) she will be a bit more outgoing and say more words. Her shell covers the fact that she is too trusting, fragile, and too headstrong. Maaya also covers this up with not talking to her content.





•Playing Instruments

•Feeding Stray Animals







•Night time



-No Attention


-Being Betrayed



-Loud Noises

-Being Compared


"P-Please treat me nicely"


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"Know your place, human."


Toushi Saito








"You don't know what you're up against. Before you regret it, run."


3rd year


-to be decided-



"I don't care. It has nothing to do with me."


Toushi is laid back and dismissive, which is why people find it hard to approach him. Even though he may seem like he is listening, he may actually not be, as he always has a constant string of classical music playing through his earphones, which are always 'on' at all times. Most of the time, he appears like he doesn't care, but behind the scenes, he is an efficient worker and more than responsible.

His casual demeanor makes Toushi seem like a gentle and careful character, but in actuality, he is sadistic and cruel. He could care less for the people around him, and he despises most humans for being so annoying (in his opinion). As someone who doesn't like to beat around the bush, Toushi is bluntly straight-forward, which often makes him sound arrogant and uncaring.

As a general top student, he does well academically and athletically, which makes him well-known around the school. However, his ultimate flaw is his unmatched laziness, which is the reason why he is often scolded by his teachers. Toushi also has a sense of duty and responsibility towards those younger or weaker than him, so he often shoulders the burden and blame, even if he wasn't involved at all. (His cool personality allows him to appear like he is knowledgeable about the situation when he actually has no clue as to what is going on, which is how he gets away with this.)

Toushi is not particularly rude to people who try and converse with him, but he himself finds it hard to get along with people, as he finds most of them annoying to him. He is almost always seen with a book at hand, or in his bag, which he uses to excuse himself from the world around him, and it acts like a barrier between him and reality. Toushi often ignores people when he is reading, even though he does hear them. Since he has his music on a very low volume, he can still hear what is going on around him.

When he resents someone, it is instantly noticeable since the air around him may as well literally rot, and his glares can burn someone to hell, or that's how people describe it most of the time. Toushi makes it unbelievably obvious to those he hates as well, but since he doesn't have a particular enemy, most are safe from this side of him.

When angered, Toushi has a very cold and dark aura about him, but doesn't act any different than normal unless he is alone with the person he is angry with. When that situation comes, he pelts them with hurtful words, and then leaves so they can reflect on it. Sometimes, he does feel bad about saying such hard words, but he can never bring himself to be that humble and apologize. (Toushi can apologize, but it is very rare, and no one has ever heard him say 'sorry.' The only time he would apologize is when he did something completely wrong and out of hand, or when he hurt someone he cares about.)

Along with this, Toushi is surprisingly compassionate when it comes to the people he cares about (none at the moment). He is uncharacteristically soft, gentle and thoughtful. Though he does not realize it himself, Toushi is rather selfless even when he is with someone who he is not familiar with, though this is only during a life and death situation. Otherwise, he wouldn't bother with them even if they were homeless.

When it comes to emotions, Toushi is one of the least experienced. He can usually predict people's actions due to their character and his constant observation of people. He wears a mask as well, which his his dismissive and harsh character. His true character is a lot more like a 'normal' person, but Toushi can be delicate to the point he might not even be considered himself. He is also very careful with his powers (which is basically enhanced attributes of humans) so he does not end up hurting anyone.

When he is with his human (whoever it may be), he is still his hard, disagreeable self, but he treats his human like someone he should protect, even if it costs his life. Though whether or not he has romantic feelings can be hard to find out, as Toushi never reveals his emotions, whether it may be verbally or physically (includes facial expressions), he shows his care through simple actions, such as offering his coat, or giving his time in order to keep his human company. Toushi also pays attention to the smallest of details so that he could keep his partner content, and truly appreciates the effort they put in when they try to help him.


"Is this a game to you? If you lose, it's not my fault. I'm not responsible for your life."


Toushi grew up in a secluded area where he basically lived alone in a dark, large house. His parents were always away, most likely doing illegal things while using their public status as a shield for their scandals. His room was basically his entire world, as they kept him locked in there almost all the time. That was the place where he ate, bathed (his room included a bathroom, bedroom, etc.) and did everything. It did not have a window, so he could not enjoy the changing of the season either.

Of course, his parents were caught and were sentenced to death, leaving Toushi with no relatives that he knew of, so he had to live alone. This was around when Toushi had become 15, so living on his own wasn't much of a problem to him, as he used his alone time to study and learn about daily things. With his lack of interactions with people in general, Toushi often avoided people when he could, but was able to deal with them when he had to. However, he often found humans to be stupid, annoying, helpless, whining brats who don't know how to work through the world themselves. He began to resent them and thus, he looked down on them greatly.

Toushi always hid this thought so that he wouldn't make himself look too bad, as he would eventually have to get a job, and all that. He was practically emotionless from when he was born, and the only emotion he knew of was that of the negatives, and never felt anything positive before. He doesn't wish to seek happiness, as he literally does understand its concept, and never cared much for what most people personally thought of him. Most of the time, he could hear the back-stabbing comments of his classmates and other adults due to his enhanced hearing, but he pretended not to care, even if they did hurt without him actually knowing. Eventually, he became numb to such things, and continued to grow bitter.


"Stop trying to sympathize with me. It's pathetic."


NOTE: The ones in bold and underlined are the ones that are near-obsession

Classical music, playing the violin/piano, taking naps, coffee, the night, silence, cats, reading


"There's a fine line between vampire and human. If you cross it, you'll go insane."


Rock music (or anything similar, though pop music he is okay with), strong-tasting foods, celery, waking up


-His birthday is on February 18th

-His favorite sleeping place is either in a tree, or on the window ledge

-When he is embarrassed, he blinks once, then looks away, even if he is not blushing

-He can tolerate any kind character, though he has little patience when they start to annoy him

-He will most likely favor someone who makes/buys coffee for him


"W-What do you want? I'm busy..."

More Pictures:







macaron said:


"Know your place, human."


Toushi Saito








"You don't know what you're up against. Before you regret it, run."


3rd year


-to be decided-



"I don't care. It has nothing to do with me."


Toushi is laid back and dismissive, which is why people find it hard to approach him. Even though he may seem like he is listening, he may actually not be, as he always has a constant string of classical music playing through his earphones, which are always 'on' at all times. Most of the time, he appears like he doesn't care, but behind the scenes, he is an efficient worker and more than responsible.

His casual demeanor makes Toushi seem like a gentle and careful character, but in actuality, he is sadistic and cruel. He could care less for the people around him, and he despises most humans for being so annoying (in his opinion). As someone who doesn't like to beat around the bush, Toushi is bluntly straight-forward, which often makes him sound arrogant and uncaring.

As a general top student, he does well academically and athletically, which makes him well-known around the school. However, his ultimate flaw is his unmatched laziness, which is the reason why he is often scolded by his teachers. Toushi also has a sense of duty and responsibility towards those younger or weaker than him, so he often shoulders the burden and blame, even if he wasn't involved at all. (His cool personality allows him to appear like he is knowledgeable about the situation when he actually has no clue as to what is going on, which is how he gets away with this.)

Toushi is not particularly rude to people who try and converse with him, but he himself finds it hard to get along with people, as he finds most of them annoying to him. He is almost always seen with a book at hand, or in his bag, which he uses to excuse himself from the world around him, and it acts like a barrier between him and reality. Toushi often ignores people when he is reading, even though he does hear them. Since he has his music on a very low volume, he can still hear what is going on around him.

When he resents someone, it is instantly noticeable since the air around him may as well literally rot, and his glares can burn someone to hell, or that's how people describe it most of the time. Toushi makes it unbelievably obvious to those he hates as well, but since he doesn't have a particular enemy, most are safe from this side of him.

When angered, Toushi has a very cold and dark aura about him, but doesn't act any different than normal unless he is alone with the person he is angry with. When that situation comes, he pelts them with hurtful words, and then leaves so they can reflect on it. Sometimes, he does feel bad about saying such hard words, but he can never bring himself to be that humble and apologize. (Toushi can apologize, but it is very rare, and no one has ever heard him say 'sorry.' The only time he would apologize is when he did something completely wrong and out of hand, or when he hurt someone he cares about.)

Along with this, Toushi is surprisingly compassionate when it comes to the people he cares about (none at the moment). He is uncharacteristically soft, gentle and thoughtful. Though he does not realize it himself, Toushi is rather selfless even when he is with someone who he is not familiar with, though this is only during a life and death situation. Otherwise, he wouldn't bother with them even if they were homeless.

When it comes to emotions, Toushi is one of the least experienced. He can usually predict people's actions due to their character and his constant observation of people. He wears a mask as well, which his his dismissive and harsh character. His true character is a lot more like a 'normal' person, but Toushi can be delicate to the point he might not even be considered himself. He is also very careful with his powers (which is basically enhanced attributes of humans) so he does not end up hurting anyone.

When he is with his human (whoever it may be), he is still his hard, disagreeable self, but he treats his human like someone he should protect, even if it costs his life. Though whether or not he has romantic feelings can be hard to find out, as Toushi never reveals his emotions, whether it may be verbally or physically (includes facial expressions), he shows his care through simple actions, such as offering his coat, or giving his time in order to keep his human company. Toushi also pays attention to the smallest of details so that he could keep his partner content, and truly appreciates the effort they put in when they try to help him.


"Is this a game to you? If you lose, it's not my fault. I'm not responsible for your life."


Toushi grew up in a secluded area where he basically lived alone in a dark, large house. His parents were always away, most likely doing illegal things while using their public status as a shield for their scandals. His room was basically his entire world, as they kept him locked in there almost all the time. That was the place where he ate, bathed (his room included a bathroom, bedroom, etc.) and did everything. It did not have a window, so he could not enjoy the changing of the season either.

Of course, his parents were caught and were sentenced to death, leaving Toushi with no relatives that he knew of, so he had to live alone. This was around when Toushi had become 15, so living on his own wasn't much of a problem to him, as he used his alone time to study and learn about daily things. With his lack of interactions with people in general, Toushi often avoided people when he could, but was able to deal with them when he had to. However, he often found humans to be stupid, annoying, helpless, whining brats who don't know how to work through the world themselves. He began to resent them and thus, he looked down on them greatly.

Toushi always hid this thought so that he wouldn't make himself look too bad, as he would eventually have to get a job, and all that. He was practically emotionless from when he was born, and the only emotion he knew of was that of the negatives, and never felt anything positive before. He doesn't wish to seek happiness, as he literally does understand its concept, and never cared much for what most people personally thought of him. Most of the time, he could hear the back-stabbing comments of his classmates and other adults due to his enhanced hearing, but he pretended not to care, even if they did hurt without him actually knowing. Eventually, he became numb to such things, and continued to grow bitter.


"Stop trying to sympathize with me. It's pathetic."


NOTE: The ones in bold and underlined are the ones that are near-obsession

Classical music, playing the violin/piano, taking naps, coffee, the night, silence, cats, reading


"There's a fine line between vampire and human. If you cross it, you'll go insane."


Rock music (or anything similar, though pop music he is okay with), strong-tasting foods, celery, waking up


-His birthday is on February 18th

-His favorite sleeping place is either in a tree, or on the window ledge

-When he is embarrassed, he blinks once, then looks away, even if he is not blushing

-He can tolerate any kind character, though he has little patience when they start to annoy him

-He will most likely favor someone who makes/buys coffee for him


"W-What do you want? I'm busy..."

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Oh. My. Flagging. Gosh. SO BEAUTIFUL
Name: Rosinda Toshiragi

Age: 17 (Human years)

Year: Second Year

Gender: Female

Personality: She's a closed-up, anti-social girl who hates loud, talkative people. She has a distaste towards her parents and the rest of her family. She has a bad habit of running away from things that get to complicated, boring, or if she just hates it. This being said, she ran away from her home and is now living on her own. She pushes people away as if their viruses but will always look out for those who are in need or are in some kind of trouble. She also doesn't show her emotions to often but will give small little ticks of her body with the change of her mood. Deep down she's a sweet girl who's scared to get close to anyone for fear of getting hurt as she hides behind her wall. She is able to absorb anything she sees, learns, reads, or sees; which she finds a nuisance because there are some things she wishes to forget. She calls her Human 'blood bag' or 'food source'.

Likes: Blood, silence, being alone, music, the people who she feels she can trust, books, writing

Hates: Loud people, crowds, noise, being bothered, violence, happy families, her perfect memory

Human: Doesn't have one

Royalty/normal: She's from a noble family but she was disowned when she ran from her home and her inheritance

Hobbies: Reading, napping, singing, writing, hiding

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Name: Michael Masters

Age: 16 (Human Years)

Year: First Year

Gender: Male

Personality: He's a shy boy who loves going on adventures. He's very open to those he gets to know and he's very innocent. He believes everyone is good at heart, even if their mean to him. He's a constant victim of bullying but he's always smiling, never showing his true feelings. He does, however, crack when he's put under two much pressure. He tries his hardest not to hurt anyone or make them mad, though even he has his limits. He makes sure that no one feels put down, even if it means that he is beat or abused in the process. He also is abused, physically and mentally, by his parents.

Likes: Seeing everyone smile, sweets, his friends, gaming, acting

Hates: Seeing someone sad or depressed, bitter things, his parents, those who pick on others

Background: Human

Hobbies: Making people smile, gaming on his computer, baking sweets, hiding from his parents

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"How can I make your aquaintance?"

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Aoi Hayashi


17 (Human Years)


Second Year



"There's so many things I could say to sweep you off your feet, but I fear you're too smart to fall for them."


Aoi is, in many ways, a complex individual. While holding an air of charimsa, he is also highly cunning and devious, always seeking out ways to be playful. There is little about him that he works to keep secret. Without any fears holding him back, he dives head first into all risks and challenges life sends him. What's the fun in remaining distraught over worrisome topics beyond his control? He'd rather live the life he has, with a carefree and optomistic mindset, so he can look back and think of all the wondrous things he managed to do because he wasn't tied down.

It's difficult to get under his skin. He isn't illtempered or impulsive, preferring to relish in his own delight above fretting over a petty issue. However, attempting to wreck the happiness of his loved ones or him ultimately ends in his aggression taking over. It's simply one thing he can't stand. Just because some people are agitated doesn't mean they have to ruin everyone else's day, right?

Understanding him is kind of like reading a foreign language. You think you understand what he's thinking, and than it seems you're talking to a stranger. You are, honestly. His indecisiveness only creates confusion frequently and his obliviousness to his own emotions leads many to speculate if he's not actually hiding something behind his carefree demeanor.

While he views his lighthearted attitude as one of his greatest traits, it is also his weakness. This trait has molded him into a man that is always out of reach. Close relationships with people hardly exist to him because of his inability to really hold onto people. He is a fleeting soul, existing to engrave whatever imprint he may leave on you and vanish before you're given the chance to protest. He doesn't even know why himself. Is he scared of being hurt by someone he's actually put trust into? Of being vulerable when he's a creature of high social standing and elegance that captures the attention of many?

What if the boy who claims to have no fear is really the most afraid of them all?

"Honestly, I'm interested in the thrill of life. Won't you join me in my quest? After all, what do you have to lose?"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/image.jpg.ac2a702aec03b2c8275755ac728c5be6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="46173" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/image.jpg.ac2a702aec03b2c8275755ac728c5be6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



+Exploring exciting locations







+Watching action/comedy movies

+Relaxing with video games




-People who attempt to stir up drama and start fights


-Anything science related

-Anything math related

-Homework in general, really




-Being ignored

-Love stories


-Hurting loved ones

"I should write a book about myself."




A normal human boy with three siblings. One older. Two younger.


+Frequent snacking

+Walks that morphs into adventures





+Treasure Hunting

+Watching TV

"Love stories are nonsense. Why read about someone getting their happy ending when you're not guranteed your own?"

"This is a strange place. I'm excited."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/image.jpg.fda4d533a3d0e7a39331139e28fbc276.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="46170" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/image.jpg.fda4d533a3d0e7a39331139e28fbc276.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Akira Mizushima


16 (in human years)


First Year



"I'm not certain I'm ready for this step in my life, so I might as well jump."


Akira is a calm, yet friendly individual. She carries an air of seriousness whereever she goes, though she faces constant struggles when it comes to trusting people too quickly. She's social, but she hates being around or a part of large crowds. They make her feel uncomfortable.

Indepedent and reliable, she doesn't like to seek help from others when she's trying to fix something. It makes her feel like a burden. What would people think of her if she bothered them with her troublesome requests? She'd be shunned! Shunned and ridiculed! At least, that's how she sees it.

Though she tries to be graceful and elegant, she's unable to dance well despite years of lessons. She works to hide her emotions, only portraying a kind, polite attitude, instead of demonstrating any negativity. This usually does more harm then good. She's somewhat rebellious, seeking change from the noble lifestyle she's lived all these years.

She's stubborn, and kinda routine-oriented. Things have to be just right or they're completely wrong. Perfection is key in her mind, serving as a constant reminder for her to continue to strive to work harder, study longer, and do better. Anything less will only infuriate her, to which ice cream is the only means of getting her to calm down. Her obsession to do so well sometimes disturbs her, as she wishes she could dedicate a bit more time to simply enjoying herself.

She appreciates anyone who comes into her life, even if they're only there momentarily. Having met them, even if it was shortlived, is enough to sate her desire to interact with strangers.

She is slowly taking her journey through life while learning not only about others, but herself as well.

"I'm an enigma, but aren't we all?"


+The Cold




+Ice Cream









-Tests ((They stress her out.))




-Forgetting Something


-Hateful People


-Using knives while cooking

-Strawberry Flavors

-Heavy Metal Music

-Sad Movies/Books/Videos/Etc.

"Aren't we....friends? Isn't that what people who care for each other are? Is my dictionary wrong?"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/image.jpg.4141bb9c84292816086f4e67ffe1d4a5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="46171" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/image.jpg.4141bb9c84292816086f4e67ffe1d4a5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




A member of a vampiric noble family. Is the second oldest, with her elder sibling holding the position of heir. Doesn't mind this, preferring not to have loads of responsibility dumped on her.




+Surfing the Internet

+Horse Riding


+Video Gaming



"Isn't it beautiful....How the birds still sing even though they go unadored for their talent? Without an audience, they still chrip along in their own carefree, content state of mind. How wonderful it must be to be to go on, obliviously cheerful, without the adoration of others?"



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"Look forward, not up. Then, you'll never see what's in front of you."


Kazaki Okane








"As they say, no one is perfect."




-not decided yet-


Kazaki is a tall blond boy with matching eyes, though his hair color turns a little lighter when under sunlight. It may even stay at that lighter hue if his hair is exposed to sunlight for a lengthened amount of time. His hair always remains semi-messy, as if he climbed out of bed, and just ran his hair through it before heading to school. His clothes range from occasion to occasion, so it is hard to say he has a specific style. As someone who remains athletic, he is rather muscular, though he doesn't necessarily lift weights, so he doesn't appear to be that strong.


"I might not be able to help you, but this is the best I can do right now."


Kazaki is a cheerful male who might as well get along with everyone, though there are people who find his enthusiasm annoying. He is almost always in a good mood and eye-catching due to the way he presents himself with confidence, though he isn't particularly loud or obnoxious. Most of the time, he's there to cheer someone up when they're in a bag mood, or play around with them to get their mind off of troubling things.

It appears that Kazaki has no worries, and that everything always goes well for him, though that is not the case. He simple doesn't want others to waste their time on his troubles, and wants to give them the time to focus on themselves, especially to those who worry about others more often than themselves. He also likes to crack jokes and cheesy lines in order to break the ice and lighten the atmosphere.

As a stubborn male, Kazaki doesn't usually change his mind about things, and it almost always straight-on with his opinions. He isn't afraid to let the world know of what he thinks, and doesn't get discouraged too often if people criticize him about his feelings. Of course, Kazaki can be affected by ridicule and such, but he always does his best in trying to ignore them and move on.

As a naturally flashy boy, he can draw quite a lot of attention to himself, especially when people witness this near full-grown male act like a child with his friends. To people he recently met, he's just an average, cheerful guy who likes to make people smile. With his friends, Kazaki can be childishly clingy and whiny, especially when they hit him for being so annoying.

Though he is confident in himself, Kazaki knows his place, and respects the people around him, his friends in particular. He knows that each and every one of them hold something that makes them special, and he loves to point them out any time he could. He almost never speaks pessimistically, and enjoys talking about his friends with others who seem curious. Anyone who is friends with Kazaki can expect a world-load of compliments streaming from him [about them in particular] about his friends in any place he goes.

Kazaki does fairly when in school, but he is a powerhouse when it comes to athletics. His favorite sport is basketball, but he excels in others as well. He often plays for fun, though he joins teams to compete for the titles all over the nation, though recently, he settled down to just playing for fun on the court. He is never lazy when it comes to sports, and can alarmingly change personalities.

During practice drills, Kazaki seems lighthearted, yet determined. However, during a game, a serious aura sets onto him, enough to intimidate his opponents. In this state, he can analyze the situation in a split second, predict his opponents' movements and react quickly to unexpected events. Though, as soon as he steps off the court, he is that bubbly teenager that gets hit (again) for being such a flirt.

Kazaki is not a player, even though he can be due to the fact that he ends up flirting with almost every girl that approaches him. He doesn't intend to flirt, and claims that he's just being friendly and that the might get beat up by the girl's friend if he doesn't be nice (check history for more details). Still, Kazaki is caring and often keeps an open mind for anything that he might need to know.

Kazaki is aware that his power is limited compared to the vampire race, but does his best in helping his partner anyway. He is considerate, and is very much protective, even if his vampire is more capable of protecting him, rather than vice versa. Since he is good at small things, such as cooking lunch and taking care of the sick, he does his part in looking after his partner.


"Everyone is unique. Even if you can't see that special piece yet, it's bound to show when they meet the perfect person."


Kazaki was born in the city, where is was densely populated with little wilderness that would allow him to sit alone in peace. His parents were working, so he often had to return to an empty house, though this boredom was what brought him closer to his sports-loving future.

His interest in basketball started when he was asked to play in an elementary school game, since they were short on one member, and Kazaki was still athletic at that time, even though he hadn't picked up a real sport he wanted to play. When they had won their game, Kazaki realized that his passion in basketball was something that could keep his life from deteriorating into boredom, and so, he started as an official member.

Kazaki's basketball streak was cut short when his parents divorced in the second year of his middle school years, and so, Kazaki had to move, fill out papers, decide who to live with and such, which knocked his life off balance for about a year. In his last year of middle school, Kazaki was able to pick up basketball again with Sakura Mikami, who had picked him up from the dumps with her cheerful attitude.

Kazaki became friends with Sakura quickly, and they often spent time with each other, talking about their favorite sport, which was basketball. When her friend confessed to him during, and he rejected her, Sakura 'beat' him up for making her friend cry. He also got hit on the head when he would act childish, or ramble on about an ice cream shot that he found out about. (this is how he learned not to underestimate girls and their power)

But Kazaki moved when he entered high school, leaving his old life behind, but still pursuing his love for sports. His father ordered him to enroll in a school, and Kazaki didn't mind, as long as he would be allowed his share of free time. He transferred to the school his father insisted when he graduated from his second year of high school, making in a new third-year student at the vampire and human co-ed school.


"What's impressive isn't that you never fall. It's how you get up every single time you do."


Sports, windy days, curling up with someone, leaving his hair wet, reassurance


"Life offers a variety of choices. It's your choice whether to accept them or not."


Boredom, staying indoors [for a certain amount of time], getting sick, the cold, drying his hair [after a shower]


-His birthday is on January 15th

-Animals seem to be attracted to him, and often follow him around

-When displaying affection, he likes to pick up the person/animal while he hugs them

-In sunny weather, his mood seems to be brighter than usual

-He is actually addicted to sweets, but tries to keep himself from eating them


"Are you embarrassed to have me with you?"

More Pictures:













"You'll never understand, so I'll never explain."


Yua Mizuno








"You've experienced that darkness. you want to go back?"




-to be decided-


Yua has platinum blonde hair, though it is almost considered white. However, it almost always appear as a pale shade of pink for an unknown reason. Her eyes are unsettling, since they have no stable color that alters from a sparkling crystal blue to a dark sky navy. Her hair consists of two loose braids that rest in front of her shoulders while the rest cascades down her back. Yua's height is average for her age, and her clothes always are somehow compatible with the activity at hand.


"I'm afraid because I already know."


Yua is seemingly slow and dense, but her eyes are constantly monitoring her surroundings, and especially the people around her. She does not display a hostile aura, but people find themselves feeling uneasy when they speak to her since they get the feeling that they're being analyzed when she stares at them. Yua sticks to simple, quick replies that are assumed to hold no intelligent meaning, and is usually seen at the back of every group she may be a part of.

People state that it's hard to define Yua due to her indecisive nature and the fact that she has no opinion on many of the topics presented. She would usually answer with a 'Sure' or 'Anything is fine' when she is questioned, or replies with other neutral answers that betray nothing of her real thoughts. Strangely, it is hard to get her to do any favor or requests, as she often declines them despite the fact that she is seen as an easy push-over.

Yua is neither bubbly nor serious, but she does have a dark side to her character. In battle, she is a literal killing-machine without any hesitation with accurate calculated attacks and precision. Though she is capable of fighting without this 'Dark Mode' on, she usually prefers not to fight. Most of the time, she could be seen reading or sleeping.

Yua is hard to keep up with since she goes at her own pace which quickly jumps from one style to another. Sometimes, she is like a dog, following orders obediently and devoting herself to the person she is supposedly working under. Other times, she is like a cat, walking off on her own, away from the crowd and refusing most offers aside from edible delights. Luckily, her academics grades keep her from the worst of the comments, and her athletic skills are only due to the fact that she has enhanced attributes, as she is not particularly good at a specific sport.

Though Yua is not experiences in many things, she is capable of noting the worth and value of certain things, and knows how to cherish them to a near-normal degree. She is always taking others into consideration so that she doesn't end up making a big problem out of something, and likes to learn new things, especially from people who know more than her. Though it may not seem like it, but she is easily inspired. Anyone who holds some kind of superiority to her instantly earns her respect, but even this fact is undetectable (though she might end up following them from time to time).


"Lonely? I'm never alone. Here, in the darkness around me, are the things you can't see."


Yua was born into a broken family, where her father immediately left after her birth, and her mother remained in deep depression until she was finally hospitalized. Her grandfather treated her coldly, as he hated her father for leaving his daughter [Yua's mother] in such a state of despair. The grandmother was bitter towards many things in general, so it wasn't a surprise that she was bitter towards Yua as well.

Anything Yua said would be shot down by her family, who resented the child that was created from a horrible man, according to Yua's mother's side of the family. Therefor, she was never welcomed at home, and often had to fend for herself. She came to dislike her family, though she did not realize it herself since she had grown to shut off her own opinions and thoughts since she was afraid of being shot down again.

School was okay for her, and it easily became a better experience than she had at home. Yua always looked forward to school where the people would treat her kindly, and where she could satisfy her need to learn. She hated returning home, and often wandered around her neighborhood until dark when she finally returned home for the day. Her mother was still in the hospital, and never really talked to Yua even if she visited her [her mother]. She grew distant with her mother to the point Yua didn't acknowledge the fact that she had a mother.

Near the end of her elementary school year, she was injured in a car accident, where she, along with Kai Miura, were hit. Yua was mildly injured compared to him, whereas he had lost so much blood that he was on the brink of death. Yua, seeing all the blood, felt thirsty, and felt a monstrous feeling inside her. She was able to hold down her vampire instincts, and rejected the need for blood. She was horrified with herself, and remained locked in her room while she reflected on what exactly that she felt. Later, she found that she was a vampire, which was revealed to her by her father when she met him on the street, in which he gave her a speech that expressed his hatred for his daughter.

She eventually enrolled to the same middle school as Kai, and they became friend through the experience they went through together. When Yua nearly collapsed while spending time with Kai (due to the fact she'd been rejected herself of feeding regularly as a vampire), he found out about her secret, and offered his blood to her, which she rejected again and again until she was hospitalized for it. She finally accepted his offer, and almost immediately recovered. Yua felt terrible, but with Kai constantly reassuring her, she came to be less hard on herself.

However, this barely lasted two months since Kai had begun to have unstable eating habits due to his stress from family life. Though Yua detected that Kai was different than usual, he always allowed her to have his blood despite his condition, which eventually made him collapse. Afraid that he would die, Yua pushed herself into a no-feeding session for the next 4 months, even after Kai recovered and began to eat regularly. They still remained friends, but grew distant during those 4 months, since she was afraid that she would attack him out of her hunger. She returned to his side after that time, but still refused to take blood from him anymore.

Yua eventually moved and enrolled to the high school that allowed humans and vampires to coexist, hoping that she could learn to control herself more properly instead of just masking her vampire side. She is genuinely impressed by the vampires around her, and usually trails behind one of them in order to learn more about vampires, and herself.



"Some things are better left alone."


Breezy days, napping, reading, singing, drawing, feeling supported


"Stars shine the brightest in the darkest of nights."


Violence, trickery/deceiving, loud noises


-Her birthday is on August 22nd

-She is skilled in producing baked goods and food in general, though cooking is not something she takes up as a hobby

-When she wants to nap, and there is a book nearby, she will open it and set it on her face like a blindfold (if she could); this includes textbooks

-She does not know how to style her hair besides small braids and an utterly messy ponytail

-She often ends up dozing off at the most inconvenient times


"You're irreplaceable. That's why I'll treat you like the treasure you are."

More Pictures:







macaron said:


"Look forward, not up. Then, you'll never see what's in front of you."


Kazaki Okane








"As they say, no one is perfect."




-not decided yet-


Kazaki is a tall blond boy with matching eyes, though his hair color turns a little lighter when under sunlight. It may even stay at that lighter hue if his hair is exposed to sunlight for a lengthened amount of time. His hair always remains semi-messy, as if he climbed out of bed, and just ran his hair through it before heading to school. His clothes range from occasion to occasion, so it is hard to say he has a specific style. As someone who remains athletic, he is rather muscular, though he doesn't necessarily lift weights, so he doesn't appear to be that strong.


"I might not be able to help you, but this is the best I can do right now."


Kazaki is a cheerful male who might as well get along with everyone, though there are people who find his enthusiasm annoying. He is almost always in a good mood and eye-catching due to the way he presents himself with confidence, though he isn't particularly loud or obnoxious. Most of the time, he's there to cheer someone up when they're in a bag mood, or play around with them to get their mind off of troubling things.

It appears that Kazaki has no worries, and that everything always goes well for him, though that is not the case. He simple doesn't want others to waste their time on his troubles, and wants to give them the time to focus on themselves, especially to those who worry about others more often than themselves. He also likes to crack jokes and cheesy lines in order to break the ice and lighten the atmosphere.

As a stubborn male, Kazaki doesn't usually change his mind about things, and it almost always straight-on with his opinions. He isn't afraid to let the world know of what he thinks, and doesn't get discouraged too often if people criticize him about his feelings. Of course, Kazaki can be affected by ridicule and such, but he always does his best in trying to ignore them and move on.

As a naturally flashy boy, he can draw quite a lot of attention to himself, especially when people witness this near full-grown male act like a child with his friends. To people he recently met, he's just an average, cheerful guy who likes to make people smile. With his friends, Kazaki can be childishly clingy and whiny, especially when they hit him for being so annoying.

Though he is confident in himself, Kazaki knows his place, and respects the people around him, his friends in particular. He knows that each and every one of them hold something that makes them special, and he loves to point them out any time he could. He almost never speaks pessimistically, and enjoys talking about his friends with others who seem curious. Anyone who is friends with Kazaki can expect a world-load of compliments streaming from him [about them in particular] about his friends in any place he goes.

Kazaki does fairly when in school, but he is a powerhouse when it comes to athletics. His favorite sport is basketball, but he excels in others as well. He often plays for fun, though he joins teams to compete for the titles all over the nation, though recently, he settled down to just playing for fun on the court. He is never lazy when it comes to sports, and can alarmingly change personalities.

During practice drills, Kazaki seems lighthearted, yet determined. However, during a game, a serious aura sets onto him, enough to intimidate his opponents. In this state, he can analyze the situation in a split second, predict his opponents' movements and react quickly to unexpected events. Though, as soon as he steps off the court, he is that bubbly teenager that gets hit (again) for being such a flirt.

Kazaki is not a player, even though he can be due to the fact that he ends up flirting with almost every girl that approaches him. He doesn't intend to flirt, and claims that he's just being friendly and that the might get beat up by the girl's friend if he doesn't be nice (check history for more details). Still, Kazaki is caring and often keeps an open mind for anything that he might need to know.

Kazaki is aware that his power is limited compared to the vampire race, but does his best in helping his partner anyway. He is considerate, and is very much protective, even if his vampire is more capable of protecting him, rather than vice versa. Since he is good at small things, such as cooking lunch and taking care of the sick, he does his part in looking after his partner.


"Everyone is unique. Even if you can't see that special piece yet, it's bound to show when they meet the perfect person."


Kazaki was born in the city, where is was densely populated with little wilderness that would allow him to sit alone in peace. His parents were working, so he often had to return to an empty house, though this boredom was what brought him closer to his sports-loving future.

His interest in basketball started when he was asked to play in an elementary school game, since they were short on one member, and Kazaki was still athletic at that time, even though he hadn't picked up a real sport he wanted to play. When they had won their game, Kazaki realized that his passion in basketball was something that could keep his life from deteriorating into boredom, and so, he started as an official member.

Kazaki's basketball streak was cut short when his parents divorced in the second year of his middle school years, and so, Kazaki had to move, fill out papers, decide who to live with and such, which knocked his life off balance for about a year. In his last year of middle school, Kazaki was able to pick up basketball again with Sakura Mikami, who had picked him up from the dumps with her cheerful attitude.

Kazaki became friends with Sakura quickly, and they often spent time with each other, talking about their favorite sport, which was basketball. When her friend confessed to him during, and he rejected her, Sakura 'beat' him up for making her friend cry. He also got hit on the head when he would act childish, or ramble on about an ice cream shot that he found out about. (this is how he learned not to underestimate girls and their power)

But Kazaki moved when he entered high school, leaving his old life behind, but still pursuing his love for sports. His father ordered him to enroll in a school, and Kazaki didn't mind, as long as he would be allowed his share of free time. He transferred to the school his father insisted when he graduated from his second year of high school, making in a new third-year student at the vampire and human co-ed school.


"What's impressive isn't that you never fall. It's how you get up every single time you do."


Sports, windy days, curling up with someone, leaving his hair wet, reassurance


"Life offers a variety of choices. It's your choice whether to accept them or not."


Boredom, staying indoors [for a certain amount of time], getting sick, the cold, drying his hair [after a shower]


-His birthday is on January 15th

-Animals seem to be attracted to him, and often follow him around

-When displaying affection, he likes to pick up the person/animal while he hugs them

-In sunny weather, his mood seems to be brighter than usual

-He is actually addicted to sweets, but tries to keep himself from eating them


"Are you embarrassed to have me with you?"

More Pictures:













"You'll never understand, so I'll never explain."


Yua Mizuno








"You've experienced that darkness. you want to go back?"




-to be decided-


Yua has platinum blonde hair, though it is almost considered white. However, it almost always appear as a pale shade of pink for an unknown reason. Her eyes are unsettling, since they have no stable color that alters from a sparkling crystal blue to a dark sky navy. Her hair consists of two loose braids that rest in front of her shoulders while the rest cascades down her back. Yua's height is average for her age, and her clothes always are somehow compatible with the activity at hand.


"I'm afraid because I already know."


Yua is seemingly slow and dense, but her eyes are constantly monitoring her surroundings, and especially the people around her. She does not display a hostile aura, but people find themselves feeling uneasy when they speak to her since they get the feeling that they're being analyzed when she stares at them. Yua sticks to simple, quick replies that are assumed to hold no intelligent meaning, and is usually seen at the back of every group she may be a part of.

People state that it's hard to define Yua due to her indecisive nature and the fact that she has no opinion on many of the topics presented. She would usually answer with a 'Sure' or 'Anything is fine' when she is questioned, or replies with other neutral answers that betray nothing of her real thoughts. Strangely, it is hard to get her to do any favor or requests, as she often declines them despite the fact that she is seen as an easy push-over.

Yua is neither bubbly nor serious, but she does have a dark side to her character. In battle, she is a literal killing-machine without any hesitation with accurate calculated attacks and precision. Though she is capable of fighting without this 'Dark Mode' on, she usually prefers not to fight. Most of the time, she could be seen reading or sleeping.

Yua is hard to keep up with since she goes at her own pace which quickly jumps from one style to another. Sometimes, she is like a dog, following orders obediently and devoting herself to the person she is supposedly working under. Other times, she is like a cat, walking off on her own, away from the crowd and refusing most offers aside from edible delights. Luckily, her academics grades keep her from the worst of the comments, and her athletic skills are only due to the fact that she has enhanced attributes, as she is not particularly good at a specific sport.

Though Yua is not experiences in many things, she is capable of noting the worth and value of certain things, and knows how to cherish them to a near-normal degree. She is always taking others into consideration so that she doesn't end up making a big problem out of something, and likes to learn new things, especially from people who know more than her. Though it may not seem like it, but she is easily inspired. Anyone who holds some kind of superiority to her instantly earns her respect, but even this fact is undetectable (though she might end up following them from time to time).


"Lonely? I'm never alone. Here, in the darkness around me, are the things you can't see."


Yua was born into a broken family, where her father immediately left after her birth, and her mother remained in deep depression until she was finally hospitalized. Her grandfather treated her coldly, as he hated her father for leaving his daughter [Yua's mother] in such a state of despair. The grandmother was bitter towards many things in general, so it wasn't a surprise that she was bitter towards Yua as well.

Anything Yua said would be shot down by her family, who resented the child that was created from a horrible man, according to Yua's mother's side of the family. Therefor, she was never welcomed at home, and often had to fend for herself. She came to dislike her family, though she did not realize it herself since she had grown to shut off her own opinions and thoughts since she was afraid of being shot down again.

School was okay for her, and it easily became a better experience than she had at home. Yua always looked forward to school where the people would treat her kindly, and where she could satisfy her need to learn. She hated returning home, and often wandered around her neighborhood until dark when she finally returned home for the day. Her mother was still in the hospital, and never really talked to Yua even if she visited her [her mother]. She grew distant with her mother to the point Yua didn't acknowledge the fact that she had a mother.

Near the end of her elementary school year, she was injured in a car accident, where she, along with Kai Miura, were hit. Yua was mildly injured compared to him, whereas he had lost so much blood that he was on the brink of death. Yua, seeing all the blood, felt thirsty, and felt a monstrous feeling inside her. She was able to hold down her vampire instincts, and rejected the need for blood. She was horrified with herself, and remained locked in her room while she reflected on what exactly that she felt. Later, she found that she was a vampire, which was revealed to her by her father when she met him on the street, in which he gave her a speech that expressed his hatred for his daughter.

She eventually enrolled to the same middle school as Kai, and they became friend through the experience they went through together. When Yua nearly collapsed while spending time with Kai (due to the fact she'd been rejected herself of feeding regularly as a vampire), he found out about her secret, and offered his blood to her, which she rejected again and again until she was hospitalized for it. She finally accepted his offer, and almost immediately recovered. Yua felt terrible, but with Kai constantly reassuring her, she came to be less hard on herself.

However, this barely lasted two months since Kai had begun to have unstable eating habits due to his stress from family life. Though Yua detected that Kai was different than usual, he always allowed her to have his blood despite his condition, which eventually made him collapse. Afraid that he would die, Yua pushed herself into a no-feeding session for the next 4 months, even after Kai recovered and began to eat regularly. They still remained friends, but grew distant during those 4 months, since she was afraid that she would attack him out of her hunger. She returned to his side after that time, but still refused to take blood from him anymore.

Yua eventually moved and enrolled to the high school that allowed humans and vampires to coexist, hoping that she could learn to control herself more properly instead of just masking her vampire side. She is genuinely impressed by the vampires around her, and usually trails behind one of them in order to learn more about vampires, and herself.



"Some things are better left alone."


Breezy days, napping, reading, singing, drawing, feeling supported


"Stars shine the brightest in the darkest of nights."


Violence, trickery/deceiving, loud noises


-Her birthday is on August 22nd

-She is skilled in producing baked goods and food in general, though cooking is not something she takes up as a hobby

-When she wants to nap, and there is a book nearby, she will open it and set it on her face like a blindfold (if she could); this includes textbooks

-She does not know how to style her hair besides small braids and an utterly messy ponytail

-She often ends up dozing off at the most inconvenient times


"You're irreplaceable. That's why I'll treat you like the treasure you are."

More Pictures:








Kawii: Can I buy Kazaki Okane?

Alice: No you can't! It's not legal.

Kawii: He wouldn't be my slave or anything. You dirty minded girl

Alice: //slaps Kawii

Yua Mizuno is very pretty. Learn from her example Kawii
kawiibunnygirl said:
Kawii: Can I buy Kazaki Okane?
Alice: No you can't! It's not legal.

Kawii: He wouldn't be my slave or anything. You dirty minded girl

Alice: //slaps Kawii

Yua Mizuno is very pretty. Learn from her example Kawii

Now, there's the decision on who belongs to who. ;D



Wakana Kaga






Third year



+ Sweets

+ Cats

+ Music

+ Piano and violin

+ Pretty hair

+ Being protected

+ Helping others

+ Naps

+ Beaches

+ Amusement parks


- Heights

- Falling

- Haunted houses

- Scary movies

- Spiders

- Being alone

- Getting lost

- Bullies

- Perverts



When passing by Wakana she appears to be a soft girl that gets offended by the slightest thing. She isn't too popular at school for her lack of an interesting life, however this makes her one of the people that's friends with everyone. The reason is because people can compare their lives to Wakana and won't feel like their boring at all. She doesn't mind being put down and will forgive those who apologize for their actions. She apologizes when she thinks she's in the wrong and this makes her easy to fool and use. Wakana isn't the brightest when it comes to academics or people so she relies on others more than most. Of course she won't be annoying and be completely helpless, but she likes feeling the support of others. With her 'childish' or 'boring' appearance she isn't in the center of attention when it comes to the guys at her school. Wakana seems kind of scared of the boys at school and doesn't like them to give her too much attention in fear that they might cause WW3 with the girls in Wakana's class. Not being liked or respected doesn't seem to bother this girl at all and in fact it seems that she doesn't even understand those things. She's a total air head and will be seen running into doors at school if she's not paying attention. This is the price that Wakana must pay in order to make it through high school without getting too hurt.

Now that is just Wakana at school, not around the people she loves and trusts. When she's is at home she is a very kind girl, yet has a bit of a violent streak. Growing up in a family of men, Wakana had to learn to defend herself against her brothers in case they every tried to pick on her. This made her have a slight violent side to her when around men, though her brothers find it amusing yet terrifying when she gets like that. Even though Wakana isn't the stupid girl everyone at school thinks her to be, she still continues to be like that when in public. Wakana actually tries very hard not to blow up at the people that call her names for 'flirting' with someone's boyfriend and 'stealing' the friendship of another. She gets angry with all of the laughing students that look at her like she's some sort of circus performer. Actually once she was called that in middle school by a guy and she actually snapped and had him on the ground, literally begging for mercy. Wakana had to move in order to start a new, but her father and brothers didn't mind that at all. Since she's quite sensitive to means she could lash out at you or burst into tears and run away. With Wakana she doesn't understand how to handle emotions as she never had anyone to actually relate and teach her as she lost her mother when she was two years old. This also contributed to her slightly depressed personality and lack of emotion. However she does smile and makes goofy jokes and will bond with her family which is what they love most. Their precious Wakana laughing and being happy. Even though it's a family of vampires they still love her very much.
[note: Wakana's family is quite possessive so if you want to have a relationship be careful around them]

I know, I know, you want to know how Wakana is around the one that she likes. Now that is quite interesting since she hasn't really experienced a real love yet. She's heard stories from her friends and has thought she had fallen in love a couple times, however it wasn't real. Well lucky for you this makes Wakana a very fun person to be around when she feels romantic feelings. Towards most males Wakana is dominant on the inside, but submissive on the outside. This makes her appear to be easy to pick up or flirt with without worrying about her getting angry and getting away. This makes her naturally be wary of all men who get close to her since she doesn't exactly care for flirtatious or perverted men. However once she's discovered that her heart hammers in her chest and her face becomes red when she's around a certain someone she gets very conflicted. Not exactly understanding this emotion Wakana will stay up for nights to try and figure it out or 'get over it'. She gets embarrassed easily around the person she likes which could end up with her looking depressed or scared for the rest of the day. Liking her is quite difficult as she always looks sad or angry when someone she likes does affectionate things to her. Ah! That brings me to another thing... jealousy. Now you remember me talking about how she gets violent when someone pisses her off. Well this basically turns her quite agitated and aggressive when she's jealous. First Wakana will start ignoring the person that she likes and will just follow him everywhere he goes to ensure that he isn't flirting with other girls. She then will deny that she's doing anything that has to do with him. If the boy happens to 'flirt' back with the girl that is causing Wakana's jealousy then he will be met with Wakana's death glare and occasional pissed off comments during class.



Kana or Waka


Ah well there is--- //gets locked in a locker by Kana



[Royalty or Regular]

Regular vampire that has a normal family. This contributes to her 'boring' life.


Well she's interested in--- //gets locked in a coffin and thrown down the river

{PM me~}


[Lucky Colors]

Blue, grey, orange

[Lucky Numbers]

1, 3, 4

[Lucky Flowers]

Yellow Asiatic Lily, Cineraria

[blood Type]





Character made by @kawiibunnygirl

Please don't steal or Kana might lock you in some locker >.<

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"You want my what?"


|| Name ||

Red Soga

|| Age ||


|| Gender ||



"I wanted to be the hero and now I'm just a pack mule."

|| Year ||


|| Personality ||

Mochi is the quiet beauty type, keeping her thought to herself, she doesn't show a lot of emotion mostly because she doesn't feel exaggerated emotions like most people do. She sometimes feels like s robot watching other people giving off huge displays of emotions and all she can do is watch. That isn't to say that she doesn't smile and enjoy the wonders of life in her own way, it's just that she does it at her own pace.

She happens to read a lot of comic books and is fascinated by the heroes that reside in them, this could be the reason why she has such high standards for significant others. She had always dreamed of one day becoming the hero of the story but never thought that she would be the damsel in distress to a deceptive vampire.


"Let me just snap a photo of that."

|| Likes ||

? dogs

? coffee

? rainy days

? goggles

? photography

|| Dislikes ||

? rules

? books

? cats

? tea

? swimming


"So are you like a Twilight kind of vampire or are you more of a Dracula kinda guy?"

|| Vampire ||


|| Background ||


|| Hobbies ||

? Photography

? Comic books

? Listening to music

? Video games

? Parkour

"I'm not going to let you put your fangs anywhere near me."


|| Theme ||


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Name || Fay Cartel

"Go ahead! Drink. Are you expecting a protest? Why delay the inevitable?"


Gender || Female

Age || 16

Birthday || February 23rd

Sexuality || Demisexual/Panromantic


"I doubt your expecting anything else out of this 'contract' so if I may go..."

Blood Type || O

Background || Human

Vampire || Not Yet

Year || 1st

"I'm not stupid. Don't patronize me. I see through your words."


Personality || Fay is often quiet and keeps to herself. She prefers activities that allow seclusion. When it comes down to it, she is very antisocial. She is stubborn and will usually fight strongly for something she believes in. It can be hard to get on her good side. Her views are almost all analytical and logical, often lacking sympathy and compassion.

Likes || - Reading | - Writing | - Warm soups and teas | - Rabbits and Bunnies | - Classical and Jazz music

Dislikes || - Arrogance | - Unfairness | - Coconut | - Chocolate | - Dogs | - Cooking

"It's so much easier to be alone. I know I can trust myself at least."


Skills || - Plays the Piano, Flute, and Cello | - Excellent Writer

What She's Bad At || - Cooking | - Drawing

Fears || - Enclosed Spaces | - Swimming/Drowning | - Clowns

"Sometimes nothing is more comforting than the soft sounds of music..."


Name || Brice Rose

"You think your blood is good enough for me? Laughable!"


Gender || Male

Age || 17 (In human years)

Sexuality || Bisexual/Demiromantic

Year || 1st

"I get it, you don't want your blood sucked. Well, life sucks sometimes!"


Human || Not Yet

Preferred Blood Types || O, AB

Personality || Brice can come off as rather rude and arrogant. He doesn't take many things seriously and can actually have a playful attitude when things get bad. He doesn't have what most consider a "filter" and will say whatever he feels like. His manners are almost virtually nonexistent. He can be really moody as well, and it takes a lot to make him happy. Some could even call him unstable. He doesn't exactly have boundaries either. Though, on first glance he could appear however he likes because he is rather good at manipulating people.

"Hi, pleasant to meet you. My name is Brice. I'm sure we'll get along smoothly."


Likes || - The cold | - Sweet snacks | - Games | - Compliments | - Fighting

Dislikes || - Being bored | - Leaks | - Bugs/Insects | - Being told what to do | - Other arrogant people

"You should feel lucky. I don't cook for many people, but since such wonderful sweets should be shared..."


Skills || - Fighting/Hand to Hand/With Bow staff | - Cooking (Hides it)

What he's bad at || - Giving compliments | - Drawing | - Remembering things

Fears || - Getting close to someone | - Losing that someone | - Bugs/Insects

"Not too close! Who do you think you are? You're just a meal!"


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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Diabolik-Lovers-diabolik-lovers-35717080-1280-720.jpg.070b73df124703ca1146045dfbb9045d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52521" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Diabolik-Lovers-diabolik-lovers-35717080-1280-720.jpg.070b73df124703ca1146045dfbb9045d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Name:

Semito Yuhira (Semi)


16 (Human Years)



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/tumblr_mt8i1xsFNI1r012yho1_500.gif.ee6fba8d92e196ccad492100a3c0dca8.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52553" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/tumblr_mt8i1xsFNI1r012yho1_500.gif.ee6fba8d92e196ccad492100a3c0dca8.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Semito is a sweet, understanding, innocent girl. She always tries to find the good in everyone and makes everyone happy somehow. She is easily scare able, but the only thing that will make her cry is sadness, loss, and loneliness.



Blood Type:


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/96ff069ceb2c577c8b2be20533172061.jpg.e754ff0026e203564e45b5258a354518.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52522" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/96ff069ceb2c577c8b2be20533172061.jpg.e754ff0026e203564e45b5258a354518.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


+ Sweets

+ Baby Animals

+ Pink/Purple

+ Having Fun With Her Friends

- Sour Things

- Death

- Pain

- Upsetting People


Semi lost her parents at the age of three. They were attacked by raged and blood thirsty vampires. Her parents were dead and she was about to become the next meal, till a beautiful blonde man rescued her. The man was a vampire also but had more control of himself. The man accepted Semi as his adopted daughter and brought her home. She grew up with a vampire dad, a vampire mom, and an older vampire brother. When she was eight, she accidentally cut herself and her older brother lost control. Their parents ran down to sounds of screaming. They found their son drinking from Semi's neck. Semi also died if it wasn't for her adoptive parents. After that her older brother swore to protect her always.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/2247891_1324036602422.73res_377_400.jpg.4c0b6672f9003b959d8d78bee5fe0aee.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52517" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/2247891_1324036602422.73res_377_400.jpg.4c0b6672f9003b959d8d78bee5fe0aee.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Renika Yuhira (Ren)






Ren can be a very caring guy and if you get on his good side he will be very protective. But he is super hot headed. When it comes to his little adoptive sister he will do anything. If you make her cry, prepare for a beating. If you touch her, make sure you have enough money for a hospital bill. If you harm her, he'll kill you.



Preferred Blood Type:


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/8a1838c454e60e52b86d0607e8b94c6a.jpg.5d51b241f128f2019730e7a67823b998.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52523" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/8a1838c454e60e52b86d0607e8b94c6a.jpg.5d51b241f128f2019730e7a67823b998.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


+ Showing Off His Abilities

+ Spicy Food

+ Playing The Piano

+ Hanging Out With Semi

- Vampires Around Semi

- Loud, Annoying People

- Show Offs

- Bright Things


Five years after Semi joined his family, they were making dinner for her. But when she was chopping carrots, she accidentally cut her finger. He didn't know what came over him, but he had to have some of her blood. When he started he just couldn't stop. But thankfully his father pulled him off just in time. Ren watched in horror as his mom tried to save Semi's life. After they found out Semi would be fine, Ren swore to his parents and to Semi that he would protect her forever.



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kawiibunnygirl said:

"Hello Princess... Do you want to play?"



Yuki Sakamaki


(in human years)


First year



"Well, well, well, looks like someone was poking around~"



Yuki has a rather prince like attitude when you first meet him. He treats women with respect and isn't rude towards men. However the more you get to know him you'll realize that he has a darker side and can be cruel at time. Despite his slightly sadistic ways he's a very fun person to be around. His gentle and teasing words are the weakness of many women and he likes to have fun before he makes them his own. The dark circles under his eyes are due to studying, reading, or making music so he loves sleep very very much. Yuki is quite picky about human women and won't settle for someone boring or like all the rest. He enjoys beautiful women, but he prefers a different personality than most. Yuki's childish side comes out when he's eating sweets or sleeping. Even though he is only 15 Yuki can act quite mature and will surprise everyone with his smarts and other abilities. He isn't liked by many of the students as they know the true him and how he can be dangerous if painful memories of the past are discovered. What are these horrible memories you may ask? Well it wouldn't be any fun if you were told now would it? However I can say that Yuki is quite infatuated with music, making his own and becoming popular in the human world for his music. When he is doing something that he enjoys he smiles a bit more and becomes even more fun and might listen to your requests if you're lucky. Whenever Yuki gets mad he usually just laughs a bit before he mutters something in French and proceeds to 'punish' you with whatever he sees fit. Yuki may have his sadistic moments, but he hates to cause harm to people close to him, that's why with his human he makes sure that when he drinks her blood it's as painless as possible. Such a gentleman Yuki is. Prince Yuki is feared, desired, respected, and despised. The perfect amount of enemies and friends now isn't it?

"Don't betray your master or I'll punish you"



+ Sweets

+ Mizu (His teddy bear)

+ Reading

+ Sleeping

+ Sweet blood

+ Libraries

+ Music

+ Instruments

+ Singing

+ French

+ Secrets


- Spiders

- Not enough sleep

- Bitter/sour things

- Betrayal

- Being alone

- Losing

- Memories

- Butter cookies

- Volcanoes

- Peanuts

"Why do you know all about me? Are you that curious?"



Yuki hasn't decided on his 'Princess' yet.


All vampires have royalty somewhere in their family history, but Yuki is actually a prince. His family is a famous royal and powerful vampire family that even humans know about. This is probably why he gets away with many things and calls his human a princess. Now him being apart of royalty is why he is usually excluded from the others since he is a rather dangerous person in general.


+ Singing/Music

+ Reading

+ Sleeping

+ Gaming

+ Eating

"This world is cruel and will smash whatever happiness you gain. Isn't that unfair?"




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