Vampires and Humans [Inactive]

Aiden walked down the hallway of Wesland aimlessly looking around at all the students both Vampire and human alike. He had been coming here for so long, and yet he felt like the new kid all over again. Aiden sighed as he thought of his upcoming classes and his absolute disdain for some of them, mathematics in particular. Why should he be subject to its cruelty?

He shrugged off his thoughts and made his way through the crowd, putting on a smile and nodding at everyone he saw with little blurbs of 'hey' and 'hi' here and there.
Iris held her drawing book to her chest as she walked through the busy crowds, after a while she found the office and got her timetable and her locked number and code, she set out to look for her locker and once she found it, she placed most of her books inside apart from the the ones she needed, she then closed her locked and began observing the students here, she sighed ' this would be a long year' she thought, leaning against her locker.
"James! James james james jammie!" The voice of his sister ringed in his ear as he stood by his locker, trying to get out the books he would need for the first lesson.

Why did she have to be so energic? Had she already seen some handsome prince on a white horse? He doubted that though. "We're finaly at a school! With others like us! We are not just at home" the grin on her face was hard to conceal, and he smacked a book into her face.

She was a vampiress for the sake of blood! Acting like a teenage human was not of what she should.

Playing on the pride of a vampiress, he leaned against the locker beside his, hers actually, though all her books was in his locker, and grinned.

"I've heard there's going to be someone from the kuran family-line here" he grinned, a little fang resting against his lower lip.

The expression on her face was priceless. "K...Kuran?!" Of course she had heard of them, but not once had she imagined to meet one.

The shocked expression was quickly changed to one of a teenager in love. "I will meet him, even if it means giving up finding a bloodbag here"
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Summer walked down the corridor feeling more than a little lost. Her aunt had just kicked her out of the car at the school gate and left her to work out what the heck she was supposed to do from there. As she walked however, she was noticing things, things that it seemed her aunt had forgotten to mention; namely the fact that there were /vampires/ here. How did that work?! Summer shook her head as she tried to work out where she was going again without being knocked over by any of the other students
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