Vampire/Werewolf role play


One Thousand Club
i prefer to do 1x1 role plays.

im not use to groups.

but i have a few vampire/werewolf or werewolf/human ideas id like to throw around.

so pm if interested.
here are my ideas. i havent sorry if there alittle rough.

my character and the setting:

1. Alexander. Short black hair. 5’7’’. average muscular build. Cocky. Werewolf.

Ever since the war between vampires and werewolves broke, life has been harder to survive. I thought when we moved away our family was safe but somehow the vampires found us. I turned out to be one of the “lucky” and was capture only to held in your basement as some kind of pet. Your family didn’t tell you about this though. You just so happened to stumble upon me while I’m in my wolf form.

2. Alexander. Short black hair. 5’7’’. Thin. Skittish. Werewolf.

Your friends decided to take you out tonight. You don’t know where you’re going but you’re hoping it’s fun. You guys role up to a freak show. You enter and as the performance goes on you realize that this is all horrible and you hate it. I, the werewolf, seem like the fiercest of all the freaks. Yet I only act like that because of how badly im treated. After the show instead of leaving with your friends you decide to sneak to the back to find out what’s truly going on.

3. Alexander. Short black hair. 5’7’’. average build. Shy. Werewolf.

I’m the new kid in school, while you’re the popular kid. This would be my friend time that ill be around humans for a long time so I try my best to keep my secret hidden. We have a few classes together and forced to be on a project together in one. I haven’t made a lot of friends yet but you’re not that mean and we gain a friendship. The only thing is you want to hide for fear of your reputation. I understand but am disappointed. One day you see your friends picking on me

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