Vampire Romance *Pairs preferred)

Alicja FAlkowska

Alicja Falkowska
You can be one of the following:

Human 1 - who is trying to escape the situation and free others

Human 2 - who is more then willing to be in the situation and you're trying to stop anyone thinking otherwise

Creature 1 - who doesn't agree with the situation and wish for humanity to be free

Creature 2 - who is more then happy with the situation and you're trying to stop anyone thinking otherwise

* Pairing should be Human 1 to Creature 2, or Human 2 to Creature 1 *

If you could please specify some details about who you are going to be, by filling out the form below that would be much appreciated but is not a necessity unless it's important to you. The information is as follows:

Name, age, description (or picture), power (1 if vampire), personality (3 traits max) and who you are paired with.


- You can RP with as many people as you like, but you have to remember who you are paired with and remember to RP with them regularly.

- You have to RP on a regular basis and if you are unable to RP let me and your partner know.


Other then the two rules above there are no other rules, you can do anything you want but you have to follow the site rules (obviously).

Please remember that I am going to publish this piece if the participants allow so and if you wish to be included or excluded please let me know. If you with to RP with me, please don't be afraid to ask and I will get back to you as soon as I can.
Name: Angelica Smith

Age: 20 years old

Type: Human 1

Personality: kind, caring but short tempered

Pairing: Berith

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Name: Berith

Age: Unknown

Description: At the moment, he would be a heavily malnourished boy of pale skin and dark hair. His eyes are bright amber and his entire body is full of scars and open wounds.

Type: Creature 2 - Demon of passion (fallen angel)

Power: He feeds on other being's feelings and weak will, but he can be defeated by those who manage to manipulate his emotions or by those of iron will and no wants.

Pairing: Angela Smith


Berith is a fallen angel and ally of the bright one. Ever since the fall, he's upheld him as the righteous one in this war. Due to his past, he's returned to the state and psyche of a little boy at the beginning of the story. Most of his memories have vanished, but he still cherishes the name of his fallen lord whilst hating the names of his other old comrades. His memories of them are however almost non-existent at the moment and his powers are abysmal. Berith is kind and very much the a paragon of all emotions. He despises weak-willed beings like humans and all else.
Name: Leon “Tank” Dempsey

Age: 60 (looks 20)

Description: Leon is a dhampir, half human and half vampire, he has a muscular body, while still maintaining an attractive look, he has red eyes(with a scar running down his left eye).

type:Creature 1

Power: Super strength, speed, reflexes, and senses, along with vampiric healing.

Pairing: Jasmine stevens

Personality: he can be cold and cruel when he comes across an enemy, but towards a woman that is friendly, he is caring, loving, and protective.
Yeah anyone you want, but you have to chose out of creature 1 or 2 or human 1 or 2 apart from that chose what you want. There is a demon and a vampire so far. I know it says vampire romance but any creature is fine

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I'm getting hold of the guy who wants to be Leon, maybe he can RP with you. You can still make the character though

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Okay, he agreed to RP with you. Once you made the character I hope you reply to his message which is already on the RP.

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Valentina LaBelle



Valentina LaBelle


Unknown, but looks 23


Lycan, creature 2


-Highly aggressive when threatened

-A very caring but headstrong girl

-Intelligent and a bit witty at times

Paired with:



Alrighty! Sweet :D I'll post right away.
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Okay that's fine. Reply to his post and let him know via message he gets a lot of RP notifications

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