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Fantasy Vampire Romance *Pairs preferred*

Alicja FAlkowska

Alicja Falkowska
In the year 2020 vampires, werewolves and other creatures of the night are common knowledge. However, now that they are in the open they have enslaved humanity to do their bidding.

You can be one of the following:

Human 1 - who is trying to escape the situation and free others

Human 2 - who is more then willing to be in the situation and you're trying to stop anyone thinking otherwise

Creature 1 - who doesn't agree with the situation and wish for humanity to be free

Creature 2 - who is more then happy with the situation and you're trying to stop anyone thinking otherwise

* Pairing should be Human 1 to Creature 2, or Human 2 to Creature 1 *

If you could please specify some details about who you are going to be, by filling out the form below that would be much appreciated but is not a necessity unless it's important to you. The information is as follows:

Name, age, description (or picture), power (1 if vampire), personality (3 traits max) and who you are paired with.


- You can RP with as many people as you like, but you have to remember who you are paired with and remember to RP with them regularly.

- You have to RP on a regular basis and if you are unable to RP let me and your partner know.


Other then the two rules above there are no other rules, you can do anything you want but you have to follow the site rules (obviously).

Please remember that I am going to publish this piece if the participants allow so and if you wish to be included or excluded please let me know. If you with to RP with me, please don't be afraid to ask and I will get back to you as soon as I can.
Angelica walked through the empty house, there were no employees other then her but I guess you couldn't call her that. Berith brought her at an auction last week, since she needed the money for her family's debts. Angelica didn't want to be a part of his household, but until she could buy herself back, which she hoped to do overtime of her employment, there was nothing she could do without giving any issues for her family who would have to return the money.

She cooked a meal and walked upstairs to wake Berith up after a good nights sleep, hoping that he wouldn't be mad today like he usually was. I guess it was because of his lack of memories, which made her want to help him and I guess it was the only thing that kept her from running away with her family. She knocked on his door and after getting no response opened it slightly before saying "Berith, breakfast is ready." She decided to stay by the door just in case, so that she could walk out of the room is need be.
It took somebody of great guts to wake a demon before noon, but the human he'd bought was surely the most witless of the whole bunch that day. He grabbed an empty bottle of scotch and threw it straight at the closed door. His shape was that of a meager boy, but he had the strength of several times that still. The bottle caused quite the sound when it reached it's target. After lurching himself up from bed, he grabbed a bathrobe clearly made for a larger figure than his and opened the door telepathically.

"Get me bourbon! I feel like starting slow today!"

Slowly, he stumbled himself out of his room, he managed to push every single shard of glass out of the way and into a dirty bucket filled with the days before. Back in the day, he could've probably pieced it all together a second later, but those days were long gone. The pain of losing everything still killed him. Humans didn't understand, memories are the soul of a demon. But how could a seeing man understand the pain of the blind.
Angelica was not moved anymore by his angry outburst, the first time he had his 'anger fit', as she called them, were a daily occurrence around the house. I guess that was another reason why he didn't employ anyone but her. She nodded, slightly unwillingly since she didn't like it when he drank before breakfast.

She walked downstairs, avoiding the glass, so she wouldn't cut her foot. She walked downstairs and poured a small glass of bourbon for him, to leave her conscious in peace she decided to add some water to the glass. She took the meal upstairs to his room and left it on his bedside table, then as went downstairs to avoid any upfront confrontation with him until he comes down.
Things as breathing and eating weren't things Berith saw the same way mortals did. For them, they were needs, as much a part of their nature as their mere existence. Every breath being a step on their relentless flight from death. Breathing was a reminder for him, a reminder of where he was. Every breath more of a gesture than a reflex, somewhere in-between a sob, a sigh and tiredness. Feeding off of food was a decent way to keep his body's upkeep without requiring more energy off of him. It was time for him to find someone to feed off. Someone with needs, as far as he could see, this world was full of them. His powers were limited and he needed someone lowly enough. As idiotic as the girl under him was, she was of the stupid sorts that sacrificed for her family who had used the opportunity readily. A grin appeared on his face. Using her might be impossible for him at this state, but them on the other hand... That's another story all-together.

At this point he noticed the bourbon on his night-stand. He starred at it a moment long, drank it empty and began dressing himself. A white shirt and trousers made him look like a cruise staff member. There was a certain dark humour in that idea, his kind of humour. Afterwards he went down to the kitchen. To find the girl doing some truly unimportant stuff. She didn't look like the working type. As a matter of fact she didn't looked like much of an anything-doer kind of type. Still, there was a lot of fun one could have with the plain. Beggars shouldn't be picky after all.

"Girl, I need you to call us a cab."

I had already deviced an evil plan to regain some strength.

"We are going to your family's abode. I might find a way to set you free immediately if you so wish. I promise you will have only to gain from the prospect."
Angelica wasn't expecting for him to allow her to leave, but she was willing to do anything for him to do that. She nodded at him, eager to leave the house and go back to his home, and called the cab. It was about 15 minutes away so she walked back into the kitchen and said "The cab will be here in 15 minutes." She wasn't sure if he knew she wanted to leave, but chose not to answer his question as a precaution. The last thing she wanted was to make him angry and end up in the hospital.

She smiled to herself as she walked to the main hall and put on a pair of shoes which she knew would match the rest of her outfit.
As we sat there in the cab, they looked like a rather strange family. His appearance made her look like a single mother on the way back home. She seemed relieved at the prospect of being relieved and he loved how easily one could manipulate humans in general. Why destroy humankind when you could kill humanity itself. As they got closer, he went on to say.

"So tell me, Angelica was it? Why did your family let you take this occupation? How did they end up in such a precarious situation?"

Suddenly his face looked kind almost sweet as a child.
Angelica was staring out the window, thinking about all the things she would do if she was finally free, like travel the world. She barely heard him, his voice seemed to her like nothing more then a whisper, but she came back to just enough to realise what he was asking her. She looked at him, his face looked so kind and innocent she started feeling guilty about her earlier perceptions of him.

"My family needed the money to pay off some debts." she said with a smile, hoping to turn her guilt into something positive by being nice to him. The longer she would be nice to him, the less guilty she felt. "They needed the money for rent and such." she explained, hoping that giving him more information would show that she trusts him more.

It was surprising because she was always told that people like him saw humans for nothing more then food or pets, but he was different, or at least seemed different. 'Maybe this isn't so bad.' she thought to herself, realising just how lucky she was to get a friendly, nice and kind guy like him.
The stupidity was strong on this one. He thought. How can anyone be so gullible. It was admirable gullibility, but gullibility nonetheless. Looking through the dirty city streets from his window, he couldn't help but hide a melancholic grin. The taste of the first betrayal was a rare and beautiful seed for wrath and later sloth. An all-round package he called it. "Tell me,..."he continued.

"haven't you ever wondered where all those bills came from out of nowhere?"

He didn't really expect an answer. scratching his left arm to the point it was almost bleeding in several spots. The redness in his eyes turned darker and for a second. He was lost in a glimpse from the past.

A table with no chairs, around it were his brothers. Those who had chosen to defy the law. In it's glorious midst, a pillar of light covered in beauty.
"No, I have no idea. My parents never told me anything, I guess they wanted to protect me for as long as I they could. Ironic, right?" she said happily, not bothering to hide the fact that she couldn't be more excited about going back home. Her family sold her, yes, but they had no other choice and she knew that if the situation was different they would have never sold her, not in a million years.

She was happy he was letting her go, but cautious at the same time. He really did spend a lot of money on her at the auction and she was worried he was doing to change his mind.
In sadness I rose, into the fires we fell. Those words, a greeting only those worthy know and understand. It was a rainy morning in another urban nuthole like any other. Even during the day the tall building created bleak shadows capable of erasing even the most innocent smile of a face. It was more than simple grey, it was the smell of sulfuric piss and the moist warmth of early autumn. It's funny, he couldn't see trees anywhere and yet the streets were full of leaves past their swan song. The taxi driver stopped at an old neighborhood of the city. Most buildings around here were from the time before adam's children got politically disemboweled. Children were outside unclean and rotten as the streets they clearly called home. So many children had lost their parents to the hunger of those above them. It reminded B of the age of stone, back then man was nothing more than a wool-less sheep for others to shepherd. How far have the mighty once more fallen. It's funny how it works, they forgot to believe in a higher power and the higher order stopped believing in them too. What a rather amusing course of events. If this was all man truly had to offer after so many years, maybe it was better for them to simply die out.

After hopping out of the cab, dimwit, he decided to go for that name, crossed the street and enter an apartment complex that only looked half as bad as you expected her. The windows on the first and base floors were barred so they had clearly something worth protecting. Finally we got to a small apartment on the third floor. With every floor, the quality of the ground got better, this place looked almost as nice as my own one. On it's step stood a woman on her forties and a man on her fifties both wearing the sweatsuits.

"Honey, what in the world are you doing here?" Then she turned at me.

"Is this your...?"
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Angelica smiled, relieved to see her family well. "Mum, dad, he said he will free me." She said with a smile and run over to them and hugged them. For so long she waited for this, hoping to see them once again as happy as they use to be. Angelica knew that her parents were better off after her sale and she loved the fact that now she could be free and they wouldn't be worse off.

Angelica turned to Berith with a smile, waiting for him to finally say the words she so longed to hear...

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Leon knocks on the door of Jasmine's house, mortally injured from a fight with corrupt vampires. "I... need..... help." he said as his breath grew shorter.

A woman sat in her chair near a fireplace, the flames dancing and mingling with the embers. The wood crackled here and there, but other then that, the room was quiet. A cup of hot chocolate was next to the woman on a glass table, the hot steam rising up slowly. She grabbed the warm cup, and took a long sip of the burning liquid, before returning to the page in her book. The words were not human, but some sort of other language. Closing the book and rising to her feet, the woman began walking towards the kitchen, but stopped dead when she heard a voice behind the door.

With eyes wide, the woman rushed towards the voice, and swung the wooden door open to the sight of Leon. His face was pale, weak. She could hear his raspy breaths as he struggled to breathe.

"W-what happened to you?!" Valentina exclaimed, leading him into the house with an arm around his waist for support.​

Valentina blinked rapidly at him, watching him sit down in the chair by the fire. She nodded, before rushing to the kitchen. Stopping at the wine rack, she pulled out a bottle from the bottom. The liquid in it was crimson colored and thick, and swayed gently within the thick glass. Padding back into the living room, she outstretched the bottle to him.

"Here. It's not completely fresh, but it'll do for now." She murmured, crossing her arms over her chest and leaning against the wall.
"thanks." he said as he chugged the whole bottle, the wounds disappearing quickly and his strength returns. he cracks his neck as the light of the sun shines on him, and he does not burn.

Valentina watched quietly, taking a seat on the couch and leaning forward. She sighed, staring at the plush carpet for a moment or two before looking up at Leon.

"Better?" She asked, looking hopeful as his wounds began to disappear.​
"Much better." he said with a bright smile. "you safed myy butt... i appreciate it." he held out his hand for a handshake. "leon. You are?" he asked.

The blonde beauty smiled at him, outstretching her hand to his and shaking it gently.

"I'm Valentina. Nice to meet you."

She grinned, releasing her hand from is and leaning back on the couch. From his looks, Valentina could tell he was a vampire. She wondered if he recognized what she was by now. She knew vampires weren't too fond of Lycans or Werewolves.
"I am a Dhampir.... half human, half vampire." he said. "i happen to be an ally to the lycans, and i love them for how ferocious they are." he said with a sly grin.

@Lost_In_Paradise Leon then chuckles, but he feels warm around valentina. "how long have you lived in this house?" he asked.

Valentina looked down at her feet and laughed quietly, shaking her head at the half vampire. He was definitely interesting. She had never met a Dhampir before.

"Just a few years or so." She replied, grinning.

"Do you live around here?"
"nope... i am a roamer, since it is much safer that way." he said as he licked his lips of the blood he drank. "i am pretty much the last of my kind, and i am being hunted like a boar on Open Season." he said with a chuckle. "damn humans and vampires working together."

Valentina blinked rapidly, listening to his words. An idea popped into her head, and she felt weary about saying it. Continuing to smirk, she glanced over to him.

"If you want... You could stay here. But it's up to you."
"hell, i would love to stay here. but... if you wanna go get some dinner sometime?" he asked, feeling hunger creeping up inside him. "that blood did not fill me well."

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