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Fandom 『Vampire Knight 』❤


drugstore perfume


OC Characters:

@Sunkissed -

@animegirl20 -

@drummerboi -

Characters from the show:

@Mena - Yuki Kuran

CS for humans:


Age [15-18]:

Appearance [Anime only]:

Personality [1 large paragraph+]:

Background [1 large paragraph+]:




Blood type:

Relationships with other characters:

CS for vampires:


Age [What they appear to be]:

Real age:

Appearance [Anime only]:

Personality [1 large paragraph+]:

Background [1 large paragraph+]:




Favourite blood type:

Least favourite blood type:

Relationships with other characters:

What type of vampire are they? [Pureblood ect]:

Please ask me if you have any questions in the OOC tab! ^-^

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Yuki Kuran



Real age:



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/fanart__yuki_kuran_by_remchan2289.jpg.bce7c42a72dc9f6e89fa74cc75bc681b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="83106" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/fanart__yuki_kuran_by_remchan2289.jpg.bce7c42a72dc9f6e89fa74cc75bc681b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


She hates when people disrespect her, she disregards everyone's feelings when it comes down to it. She would rather die in a ditch than be with a class full of blood lusting vampires. And then she has to teach them to co-exist with humans....a girl has her limits you know. She can be somewhat blunt and naive when people talk about the obvious in front of her. Most people tend to avoid her all together because, well...they just don't want to be near a rude loud mouth. Just because she is a pureblood princess, doesn't mean that you are more special than everyone.

She wasn't always like this, she actually used to be apart of the She was once a gentle soul but when she awakened her vampire self, she became more mature and less silly. She is very protective of what little friends she does have, she wont have any trouble killing anyone if they try killing her friends. Due to her new awakening, her personality can switch from not caring at you one bit to trying to kill you in a instant. The reason as to why her "new" body wont adapt to the change quickly is a mystery, some people think it might be her blood type; others think that she is slowly going crazy.

Background :



Her Family



Killing People



Favorite blood type:

Blood AB+

Least favorite blood type:

Blood O-

Relationships with other characters:


What type of vampire are they? [Pureblood ect]:




  • fanart__yuki_kuran_by_remchan2289.jpg
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Name: Kona Hanazawa

Age [15-18]: 17

Appearance [Anime only]:

Personality [1 large paragraph+]: Kona is a protecter meaning he protect people not only his frainds but other people as well. He is not very lenient to people who try to harm or harass other people. He is also not very talkative to people never letting them in his own walls always having them up. He also dislikes people who take advantage of other's for there own means. He will disrupt this if he is able to, He also has a aptitude for being some what polite to others. He is a gentlmen towards female's and a loyal fraind if you manage to gain his respect and loyalty. His negatives however are very severe, if you make fun of him in any way he isn't afraid to use violence and he isn't much of a happy person, always has a monotone expression on his face. He is also not very confiding he has a wall around him that he doesn't even let down to his closest friends. Also he is one of those people that think the needs of the many out weigh the needs of the few if yur fraind has done something wrong to many people he doesn't care about your opinion he's going to report him in no matter what you say.

Background [1 large paragraph+]: Kona is a Vampire Slayer born in England when his parent's immigrated he was brought up in a hunter's family and raised as such. Trained for nearly entire days, unless of course he doesn't have school. His parent's were hard on him telling hi that if he fail's he fails the entire family line, when he was old enough to weld a weapon his Mother begun to train him how to use it. String forged with a metal to hunt and kill Vampires. This metal is sharp enough to cause a peace o wood to be cut in one fail swoop. But of course threw out the training he harmed himself int he process, having multiple scars on his arm's back even leg's. he nearly cut his leg off if he swung his weapon to the left a little, thankfully he didn't. When he was 13 his parent's told him they were being transferd to Japan so they packed there things and moved and transferd Kona to Cross Acadamy in a few years tie. Little did thay know there going to send him to a school full of Vampire. As his school years went by he notcied odd things going on and begun to ask himself questions. Wh do the Night class come out at night? Why are all the girl's at the school strangly attracted to them. He doesn't know but soon he might be. Who know's he might be going to a school where there's Vampires.


Vampire Hunting

Reading Shakespeare

Listining to Opera (Especaly Der Frushuts)




Nosy people


People trying to open his heart


Crush: None

Blood type: AB+

Relationships with other characters:

Yuki= Keeping a eye on for strange activity

Zero= Heard story's about his family respect him as one hunter respects another

Night Class= Suspicious about them. Especaly Kaname Kuran
Name: R?u Ignatius Kiry?in; "The Scholar"

Age [15-18]: 17

Appearance [Anime only]:


Personality [1 large paragraph+]: Brash and loud, Ryu never hesitates to speak his mind. He always makes a point to let everyone know where they stand with him, bluntly and concisely. He is very serious most of the time, and insists on honoring formalities. He believes that formalities are of the utmost importance and without them "We are little more than beasts". When things get serious, Ryu is all business. While he is engaged in combat, nothing matters except him and his target. He becomes hyper-focused and can start to exhibit sadistic tendencies, enjoying the wounds inflicted on his foe. Once he has selected someone as his latest opponent, he will stop at nothing to see them taken down. He is extremely loyal to his friends, and just as cold towards his enemies. He hates immortals, despises them. He views them as oppressors and exploiters of humanity, seeing their supernatural abilities as unfair advantages. To this end, he strives to push himself to become superhuman as well, and to become a Vanguard for humanity. He posses an ironclad will and sense of justice.

Background [1 large paragraph+]: Raised in the Shibuya district of Tokyo, Ryu was pushed to be a fighter since birth. Part of the most recent generation in a family of vampire hunters, he was enrolled in martial arts classes almost right after he learned to walk. Unlike most of his peers in the class, Ryu loved the training, he relished getting stronger. Around the age of 12, when he had learned all he could of vampires, he started studying other types of immortals as well. He was shocked with what he found, and came to believe that the other immortals were just as bad as vampires. It was then that he changed his mission to include the eradication of all immortals, and not just vampires as his family wanted.


  • Fighting
  • Hunting Immortals (vampires included)
  • Studying (Mathematics Specifically)
  • Training
  • Working on his machines


  • Immortals (All of them. There are no exceptions)
  • Simpletons
  • People who take advantage of others.

Crush: N/A

Blood type: AB+

Relationships with other characters:

None as of yet
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Yui Konishi



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/render_anime_04_by_gatodet-d48ixx4.png.e2415cadd3caaa88f2fe5e451bb82588.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="83303" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/render_anime_04_by_gatodet-d48ixx4.png.e2415cadd3caaa88f2fe5e451bb82588.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


She is very beautiful and cheerful, and is very popular among her peers, especially with boys. However, she is very naive when it comes to romance. She is also very gluttonous and can eat more food than one normally can eat. This always scares away her crushes. She is clumsy, dense, overly trusting, and lacks common sense. However, she has a determined spirit and deep care and concern for others, whether they are friends or foes. She has countless friends.


Yui lives with her grandmother and father. Her mother is always away on business and her older brother doesn't live at home. Yui has no idea that vampires exist. She just knows that the night class students are super popular and everyone loves them. Though she could really care less. So right now she is just living as normal girl question is will she ever find out what's really going on with this school.










(working on it)



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?Nina C Cohen?


Nina C Cohen



Real age

One Thousand Five Hundred



Personality [1 large paragraph+]

Nina is a type of person that is always Happy all the time, but sometimes she can be very Mean is sometimes Shy in some ways and she is also a Party girl, when it comes to partying. She is also a very Talented person and is very. She can also very Flirty when guys come her way. She loves to drink, she would drink everyday, as she has became a huge Drinker. She is a huge Hot- Head; that she got from her abusive father. Nina can be a huge Trouble maker in school. . She has a small Food Problem, and she eats lots of food. She is so Dramatic too, when she gets mad she yells at random people. She Hates a lot sometimes.

Background [1 large paragraph+]

Nina was born as a vampire which means she is indeed a Pure blood of the Cohen family. Nina was raised in a lovely home with her her older brother and a mother and father. Later then when Nina was 6 years old her brother and parents has been killed or murdered. After her parents death Nina has been living with her Uncle and Aunt ever since. All her life she was one of those kids that everyone was scared of her. Nina always wanted to have some friends in her alone life but sadly everyone was to scared of her that she can't even talk to anyone. Until the day she went to go to Cross Academy her whole life began to change.




-Having Fun

-Her Self

-Her Friends



-Respectful People


-Her Parents Death


-Annoying People



To be Determined..

blood type


Least Favorite blood type


Relationships with other characters


What type of vampire are they




Estelle Naima Knight

Age [What they appear to be]:


Real age:

Two hundred and eighty seven years old

Appearance [Anime only]:


Personality [1 large paragraph+]:

Estelle is quiet, but for obvious reasons. She chooses to stay to herself as she is a sot of recluse. But, around friends and those she love, she's sneaky and adventurous. She can also be described as sassy and flirty as well once she's warmed up to people. She was sheltered almost all her life, so her people skills are weak and she often finds it hard to make new friends. Since she grew up seeing humans as food, she never really got used to the blood tablets, and sometimes just outright refuses to take them, leaving her hungry and a bit violent. She often cheats and sneaks out to steal blood from the stray day class students; but makes sure their memories are wiped after.

Background [1 large paragraph+]:

Estelle is a half blood. Her father is a vampire and her mother is human. When she was born, her father died under mysterious circumstances. Nobody knows what happened go him, but they know he was killed. She never knew her father and was aised by her human mother. She grew up as a 'human', her mother filling her head with lies. Whenever she did want blood, she'd be ridiculed and forced to eat human food. She was around ten when she started to actually want and crave blood, but her mother didn't allow it. She refused to acknowledge the fact that her daughger was a 'monster'. Ever since her father had died, her mother loathed vampires. She believed the vampires killed him and were after her and Estelle. When she was twelve, her mother was killed by a herd of vampires; right before her eyes. She ad already been a quiet, reserved child but after that she completely shut herself out. She went to live with relatives until arriving at Cross academy. She was enrolled in the day class originally, seeming a bit happier, but one day the thirst came back, and she nearly killed her roommate. Her memory was erased and Estelle was moved to the night class. She doesn't went to get close to anyone because she's scared they'll be killed or they'll treat her badly and loathes vampires because they caused her childhood to be a not so great one. They caused her grief and she doesn't know if she can ever forgive them. But slowly, her heart has been warming...


Flowers, blood, coffee, drawing.




Takuma Ichijo

Favourite blood type:


Least favourite blood type:


Relationships with other characters:

She's pretty okay with them.

What type of vampire are they? [Pureblood ect]:


Name: Kukira Ryko

Age: 17

* I keep trying to put this pic, but it won't work!!!!

Blue eyes, long brown hair, she is wearing headphones and a jacket with stitches and cat ears with the hood up. *


She is shy, yet sarcastic. She doesn't talk much and she hates standing out. She usually uses music to escape from the real world, and she hardly ever eats. She doesn't really talk to anyone unless they approach her first. She is bisexual.


Kurika is he youngest out of her three siblings. Her mother is a famous doctor, while her father runs a large clothing business. Kurika has been to many schools before coming to Cross Academy. She is new, and she is very smart, but she never really talks, so no one knows. Ever since she was younger she never really stood out, and her parents would call her out on it. Eventually she got tired of this and so now she always listens to music to tune it out.


  • Muse, Black Veil Brides, Green Day
  • Books such as, To Kill a Mockingbird and The Fault in Our Stars.
  • Vampire lore
  • Drawing
  • Writing music
  • Ghost Adventures


  • Bugs
  • Pink
  • Frills
  • Popular people
  • Werewolves
  • Annoying people
  • Loud and crowded places


No one really, at least not yet.

Blood Type:


Relationships With Other Characters:

None yet, she is new.
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Name: Ruby Renold

Age [15-18]: 17

Appearance [Anime only]:


Personality: tbr


Ruby grew up with her father and two older brothers because her mother died after giving birth to her. Having to reckless brothers around cause ruby to become reckless as well. Her brothers, father, and her moved after her father became a retired vampire hunter when she was 11. When she turned 15 she came of homeschool and she still is socially awkward.





Color red

Horror stories

Taking good pictures



Annoying people




None yet

Blood type:


Relationship with other characters:

She can tolerate all of them.

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