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Fantasy Vampire Knight : A New Beginning

Will you be role-playing as a Vamipire or Human ?

  • Vampire

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  • Human

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Clair O'Reilly

Clair brushed by Kyo as she exited the dorm and as she did so she realized the error of her ways. You see normally there would be quite a lot of screaming and wooing as she and her classmates made there way out of the dorm but this time there was absolute silence and all eyes were on Clair and Kyu. This undoubtedly prompted Clair to blush quite deeply and also managed to stop her in her tracks. Why , why hadn't she foreseen this happening ? That danm Kyo did he plan for this to happen from the very start ? If he did there would be hell to pay , Clair couldn't have the entire day class thinking he and she were a thing or worse a fling ! Yet she couldn't speak to protect herself nor move to simply... you know pretend it didn't happen or something.

@Love You to Death
Kyo let the door go, not bothering to hold it for the rest of them. He paused at the silence and realised the problem. Smirking slightly at Clair's panic, he walked up next to her. "Ugh, this is such a pain." He sighed dramatically, "I can't believe I lost that bet! It was totally unfair by the way, and now I'm stuck as your servant all day." He compained loudly, hoping this would clear up any rumors about his actions. It funny how the humans had reacted though. It would have been interesting to see how it would have played out. His fangirls would have been disappointed, but the drama would have been fun.

@Mr Swiftshots
@Mr Swiftshots[/URL]
Clair O'Reilly

The crowd burst into a loud amalgamation of whispers and murmurs after Kyo began complaining , it seemed that the focus was still on the two but for a completely different reason now , which truly was a relief for Clair. Clair still found it hard to move from her position though it was as if her feet where stuck in mud and her legs were made entirely of jelly. Knowing now that this was not the plan of Kyo Clair couldn't blame him for this but with his announcement what she could do was this " S.stop your complaining , you knew what you were getting yourself into ! N.n.now carry me to class peasant !".

@Love You to Death
Kyo sputtered indignantly, but obliged. He was tempted to carry her bridal style, but that would only add fuel to the fire. Rather he stooped down to allow her onto his back. "Man, this is such a pain." He muttered and to make it worse she called him peasant. If only she knew. He smirked darkly, greatful that she couldn't see his face. This was seriously messing with his game though, how was he supposed to flirt with the day class girls like this. What if they lost interest?!?! Then his whole image would be ruined, you can't be known as a flirt without girl to flirt with. He still had Clair, but that was like playing with fire. He never knew when he was going to get burned. Like this morning, he shuddered inwardly, he didn't want to deal with that again any time soon.

@Mr Swiftshots
Clair O'Reilly

Clair quickly made her way upon his back , not wanting this to last much longer than it already had she insisted quietly that he "move quickly , please". This had to be the worst , here she was being carried around by a man who had no idea how to stop flirting with those of the opposite gender. And to make things worse she had scolded him just minutes before hand ! This was terrible truly , yet somehow she didn't feel that way. It was rather odd actually you see her attention was drawn to his back and all she wanted to do was rest her head upon it , of course she didn't don't be absurd !

This guy had probably flirted with thousands of girls over the years and Clair dreaded to think of what else he had done to said girls. Anyway that was why she refused to lay her head upon his back instead she simply clung to him tightly.

@Love You to Death
Kyo began walking, a little slower to account for the extra weight. Not that it bothered him, with his enhanced strength it was as if she was as light as a feather. But he had to make it look realistic for the day class students. Who annoyingly hadn't gone back to normal. As they passed through the gates the girls errupted in even more whispers. He almost would have prefered the screaming, at least then he knew it was about how hot they looked or how great the night class was.

As he walked, Kyo was unusualy quiet. Normally he would have stopped and flirted, but he figured Clair would have no patience for that. Rather he settled for a few winks before moving on. Really it was kind of refreshing not having to pretend with the girls. Not that he'd ever admit it. Afterall, tommorow he'd be back to his old tricks and could pretend like none of this had ever happened. Soon they arrived at the school building and he knelt down to let her off of his back.

@Mr Swiftshots
@Mr Swiftshots[/URL]
Clair O'Reilly

Clair was quick to disembark from Kyo blushing ever so slightly as she did so. It wasn't often she felt the urge to thank someone but that urge was strong within her at this very moment. And so ,before the others could arrive to see her do so, Clair bowed her head to kyo and both thanked him and apologized to him all at once "Sorry for putting you through that and I'm really sorry about , you know , calling you a peasant in front of everyone. It was the first thing that came to my mind and I blurted it out without a second thought. I'd also like to thank you for what you have done for me and you can rest assured that it will not easily be forgotten"

@Love You to Death
Kyo blinked, shocking that the mighty Clair was thanking him. Really he'd thought what he did was normal, anyone else would have done it. Instead of voiceing his thoughts however he allowed a small smile to grace his face. "It's no big deal, but you're welcome." He paused, "I'll always help a pretty lady in need." He said with a grin, he wasn't one to take a compliment or thanks. Naturally he figured he'd divert the converation, and get things back to normal.

@Mr Swiftshots
@Mr Swiftshots[/URL]
Clair O'Reilly

Clair listened to what Kyo had to say before raising her head and allowing her gaze to meet his once again , only to seconds later avert her gaze to the school building. With a soft sigh Clair decided she had to change the subject in order to stay sane at this moment in time and so that she did "About those pills , why are you taking so many ? Surly you must be feeling sick , even I top out a four and my hunger never subsides. Are you essentially binge eating or attempting to ?"

@Love You to Death
Kyo frowned, he supposed he would have to be honest. Maybe not the full truth, but at least a partial one. "I- I don't want to hurt anyone." He admitted, running a hand through his hair. "I keep getting hungrier and one of these days I could snap. Then I'd get kicked out and where would I be then." He sighed and was silent for a moment. "I figure, me getting sick is better than that." He looked over at the sinking sun. What he'd told her was true, but he couldn't help but feel guilty. He was keeping something huge from all of them. It was for good reason, but wrong all the same. If they knew who he was things would be different.

@Mr Swiftshots
Clair O'Reilly

A small frown grew on Clair's face as she listened to what Kyo had to say , was he really that scared of hurting someone ? The thought wouldn't of crossed Clair's mind had it not of been brought up just now , honestly what was she supposed to do in this kind of situation ? If she let this continue Kyo would end up killing himself and if put a halt to it he may very well attack someone. Ah yes that's it there was a way to both satisfied his hunger and ensure he remained healthy , a very simple way oh yes "Take my blood , it should satisfy you far more than anything else"

@Love You to Death


Mira strode through the crowds of fan girls & boys which about trampled her, which made her upset. If one person steps out of order there will be a fight! She thought to herself as a gust of wind blew past her she had didn't realize it was Clair & Kyo of the night class for her focus was on the fans. She watched everyone in order before heading over to an oak tree of which she layed against. Watching everybody with a sharp eye.

Kyo's eyebrows rose in shock. Did she really just offer him her blood? He ran a hand through his hair, unsure of what to say. Her blood was precious, the fact that she'd even consider sharing was unbelievable. "Thank you but I- I can't. The others wouldn't be ok with this. Besides, it's only a few weeks until break. I can make it until then." He took a deep breath. To accept her blood would give him more power and certainly pacify his hunger. But at the same time, he felt that accepting it would be betraying her trust. Things would be different if Clair knew.

@Mr Swiftshots
Clair extended her hand out in front of herself after having heard what he had to say. With a smile she spoke to him in a somewhat caring tone however inside she was utterly confused , honestly kyo was more confusing than she had made him out to be ! "Alright , alright I won't pester you with the topic anymore , just hand over your blood tablets and we can be on or way.". Honestly Clair had done all she possibly could to try and help Kyo at this point , trying to do so anymore would just be a waste of time.

@Love You to Death
Kyo sighed and reached for his pocket. Of course, she would do this. He was fuming, but knew better than to show it. How was he supposed to stay in control if she took the tablets! Maybe he should have taken her up on her offer. He growled inwardly as his fingers closed around the tin. Ever so slowly he pulled them out and handed them to the other pureblood. He wanted nothing more than to turn and leave, but he waited. Showing any sort of disrespect at this point would be borderline suicidal. No, he'd have to play nice for now. At least until he got his tablets back.

@Mr Swiftshots

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