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Fantasy Vampire and Werewolf Dark rp

"Did you pay for it?" She'd ask, watching the cars. Her eyes would scan the seats of the cop car, and she'd notice with much hate the person driving the lead car. Joseph Smith had finally found her, and now she'd be wolf chow. "What the hell is wrong with you?" She'd snap, turning to the wolf. "Have you any idea who's coming?"
"Yes, I payed for it." She said then at the second question. "And no, I dont know, but I won't let them hurt you, your clearly not right in the head"
She'd frown, "I haven't been right in the head since I was killed. Now lets go meet the terror I call a father." She'd grab her hand, dragging her to the police car. A large man stepped from the car, a sadistic smile streched across his face.
Bellatrix let out a whimper, her bravado gone "please, she's going to kill me, she's insane" she said shaking slightly and pleading with the man silently to help her. She was scared, shared it woldt work, scared the vampire wold but with her and she actually wold starve to death.
The man looked at the wolf, eyebrow raised. "My daughter? No she wouldn't kill you, she'd be the one to get killed." He'd grab Minerva's wrist, pulling her close. "That's why I had her turned, not only so she'd be my pet, but so she'd die, one way or the other."
Minerva glanced at her, golden eyes pleading her to stop. "Minerva, have you tried to hurt this mutt?" Joseph ask, reaching for his gun. She stayed silent, only to recive a slap to the face.
"I fell and hit my head when she grabbed me, it was an obvious concussion. And I passed out that night, its...I was lucky to wake up. And she wasnt to eat me"
"Your making this worse." She'd snap. Joseph snorted, throwing her to the ground. "Worse? My dear, your friend is giving me a very good excuse for killing you."
"Right in the head?" Joseph would look at her, smiling. "She was telling you the truth. To be honest, she's the most sane person here. Still, she knew what would happen if she came back, and she's come back." He pointed the gun at Minerva, finger on the trigger.
Bellatrix froze then jumped forward knocking the gun away so it clattered across the pavement then she ran and jumped in the car spamming the door scared out of her mind.
Joseph growled, turning to stare at her. This allowed Minerva a split second to grab the gun and shoot him in the back. The shot rang through the parking lot and Minerva blinked, shocked. "I- wait no! How could I do this?"
She stepped over the dead body of her father, shakily opening the door. "Are you alright?" She'd ask, looking inside.
She'd crawl inside, sitting next to the wolf. She'd gently grasp her hand, sighing.
Bellatrix tried to yank away but she was uncoordinated. The them fumbled for the door trying to get away, people where surging towards the car realizing she was disoriented and wanted to get out and to freedom.

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