Vampire Academy ~

Yes we can start now :) or whenever whatever you all wanna do. I have no life and nothing to do. xD
Name: Mirabella "Mira" Valerie Woods

Age: 17

Looks (anime please):


but of course not that outfit like wot



the girl outfits. or a guy. she might crossdress for something.

and then the guy outfits come in handy. yeah.

Pets (if any):
A female american eskimo (its a dog breed. o-o) named Aiko

Gift: The gifts of a normal Moroi (fullblood vampire); compulsion, enhanced senses, speed, intelligence, charisma, memory, supernatural beauty (aka slim bodies, tall), regenerative healing factor; plus the gifts of a spirit user; dream-walking, aura-sensing, healing, creating illusions, telekinesis and mind-reading. Because she's a spirit user, she's especially powerful with compulsion.

Personality: Rebellious, sweet, kind, outgoing, fun, loyal

Partner: None

Year in school: Junior

Other: Mira's that girl, that one that everyone loves, the one that's at every party, the one that's seemingly perfect. Coming from an elite and rich family, Mira's half-french, half-english, so she has an english accent as she has lived there most of her life. With straight As, Mira couldn't ask for a better life. But in reality, she finds it hard to have proper, good friends, who aren't sticking around because she's popular or pretty or rich. Unlike most spirit-users, Mira is able to control the depression without any use of drugs (but the occasional cigarette, of course), but sometimes it takes over, and that's when Aiko comes in. Aiko acts as her safety line, pulling her back if she gets too far out. They have a irreplaceable bond, as Mira saved Aiko when they were younger.
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Name; Zen Malachite

Age; 23

Looks (anime please);<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/Marcelinefull1154085-1.jpg.07cdd29b38522f435c2572209e1a5363.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="35539" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/Marcelinefull1154085-1.jpg.07cdd29b38522f435c2572209e1a5363.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Gift; Pyrokenesis

Personality; Foul of mouth with a delightfully mean smile, Zen slings insults with each sentence. She teaches with a methodical approach and enjoys making her students work harder through anger.

Partner; none

Subject; Levitation

Other; doesn't hate anything particularly but loves cinnamon candy, can often be permeating from her breath.



  • Marcelinefull1154085-1.jpg
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Is mine too OP ;; oh crap I can't really change it shet shet shet

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Mind if I make a professor? :D

Name; Vlad Tepes

Age; 72 looks 20

Looks; <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.7342df7ed4d1b702617e15d502def960.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="35897" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.7342df7ed4d1b702617e15d502def960.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Gift; Insane regeneration almost instantaneous, slight telekinesis, control of dark energy, enhanced speed and strength and senses.

Personality; He is a hard worker and may or may not flirt with his students. He criticizes all of his students very harshly and usually likes to show off his skills at fighting.

Subject; Fighting.

Other; Nope! Hope he's ok and I'm not too late!



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Name: Sabryna Wynter

Age: 546 ~ looks 20

Looks (anime please):


Pets (if any): Sabryna has two pets. One is a snake - Grey-banded King Snake - named Anastasia. The other is a Pitbull mutt named Axle.

Gift: The same as any full-blooded vampire, but she has a slight affinity for telepathy. She has always been pulled to the control and uses of water.

Personality: Sabryna is a quiet girl that is very shy when she first meets anyone or goes anywhere new. When life changes, she has a hard time adapting to the change. She is very book-smart and naive when it comes to common sense things. She loves to read and learn about things that interest her, like medicine. She wants to prove that her kind are not always a dangerous kind. She is a self-conscious individual with the preference for sign language, rather than speaking. She is not mute, but just prefers to sign because it hides her stutter.

Partner: (Open)

Year in school: 10th

Other: She has always been a quiet individual, but she wants to learn how to be confident. She is always afraid of the judgement that she will receive from someone when they realize that she is smaller than most, but just as smart and strong. She is only 5 ft 1 in, but she is mentally strong from years of forced practice of her skills, affinities, and powers.

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